Maidenhead Jewish Community, Maidenhead

Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, Berkshire




Press Reports relating to the Maidenhead Jewish Community 1940 - 1941

compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1940, page 17

Letter to editor

I should be glad to hear from any Jewish residents of Maidenhead, where it is proposed shortly to form a Jewish Congregation and Hebrew Classes. A meeting of Jewish residents will be arranged at an early date, and all interested are cordially invited to communicate with me, at the address below. - MR. J. GALAS, 29, Laburnum Road, Maidenhead, Berks.’

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1940, page 13

A Hebrew Congregation has been formed and services are held regularly every Sabbath morning at 10 o’clock at 29, Laburnum Road. Hebrew Classes are also being arranged, conducted by Rabbi J. Galas.’

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1940, page 15

Letter to editor

It is proposed to hold services on the Holy-Days in the district of Maidenhead, and I would be pleased to hear from coreligionists who desire to attend. Sabbath services are held at this address regularly, and arrangements for Hebrew tuition can also be made. - RABBI J. GALAS, 29 Laburnum Road, Maidenhead, Berks.’

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1940, page 28

‘Rabi J. Galas lectured last week on the “Ethics of the Fathers”. Services are held regularly at 29, Laburnum Road, and public services will be held during the high festivals. As the accommodation is limited, those interested are asked to communicate with the honorary secretary, Mr. Kurt Leitner. Hebrew Classes are shortly being opened. And Jewish literary and social gatherings are being arranged for the autumn’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1940, page 3

‘SERVICES on Yom Kippur will be conducted by Rabbi J. Galas and A. L. Klausner of London, at the Tudor Hall, High-street, Maidenhead, on Friday evening at 5.30 and on Saturday morning at 9 o’clock. Entrance free.’

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1940, page 4

‘MR. F. BAKER of 40, Heber Road, Cricklewood, N. W. 2. announces that he is now residing in READING. He is prepared to visit pupils for Hebrew Tuition and General Coaching in Reading, Maidenhead, Windsor, Slough, High Wycombe, and surrounding districts. Inquiries: 10a Conisbro Avenue, Caversham, Reading’.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1940, page 17

‘Services held in the Town Hall on Rosh Hashanah were attended by over 200 worshippers. On the first day, Mr. Jacob Rosenheim addressed the congregation. On the second day Mr. H. A. Goodman spoke, announcing the establishment of Hebrew Classes in the town, under the direction of Rabbi J. Galas, assisted by Miss A. Rosenheim. Those interested should communicate with the Chairman of the Education Committee, Mr.L. Paisner, Cherriegorth, Braywick Road, Maidenhead.’

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1940, page 17

At a meeting of the Executive of the Beth Jacob Schools a report on the activities was given by the Chairman, Mr. H. A. Goodman.
Progress made in the last few months was satisfactory, he said. There was an urgent need for classes to be opened at new centres. It was decided to open classes at Bletchley (Bucks) and at Maidenhead, and to reopen classes at Chesham.  Those interested in the classes in these places, should get in touch with the secretary of the Committee at 53 Queen’s Drive, London N. 4. Applications will also be considered for further classes to be opened’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1940, page 14

‘During recent services held by the Maidenhead and District Hebrew Congregation a collection for charity raised nearly £50. This has been distributed among a number of Jewish charities, and a cheque has been sent to the Maidenhead Spitfire Fund. Hebrew and religion classes are, like the services, held at the Oddfellows Hall, Brock Street. Communications should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, 29, Laburnum Road, Maidenhead.
Rabbi J. Galas recently conducted the first Jewish wedding to be held in Windsor’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1940, page 13

The Vicar of Maidenhead, the Rev. Mr. Lunt, has extended an invitation to Mr. H. A. Goodman, Chairman of the Jewish Congregation, to form a Friendship Committee of Jews and Christians in Maidenhead. The first meeting is to be held shortly.
A reception in honour of Mr. Jacob Rosenheim was held at the Congregation Rooms, the Oddfellows Hall, recently, when Rabbis Dr. Schofield, Margulis, and Twerski, and Dr. Rosenbaum spoke. Mr. H. A. Goodman presided.
The Hebrew and Religion Classes now meet regularly on Sabbaths and Sundays. Rabbi J. Galas is assisted by Miss A. Rosenheim.
Last Sunday the first Jewish wedding in the town was conducted by Rabbi Galas’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1940, page 18

Letter to editor from Rabbi Galas. [precis]
The Maidenhead Hebrew Congregation is convening an informal conference of all interested in Jewish communal affairs resident in the neighbourhood, on Sunday 29 December at the Oddfellows Hall. Invitation to all interested particularly in districts of Slough, Henley, Windsor, Taplow and Iver. After the conference there will be a Chanucah service and a prize distribution of the local Hebrew Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1941, page 13

Partial report of conference.
‘The Chairman [H. A. Goodman, Warden of the Maidenhead Congregation] stated that in a comparatively short period the Community had grown from a scant Minyan to a Kehillah at which services were held regularly, and which on the High Festivals were attended by almost 500 people. A Youth Section and a Ladies’ Guild were in process of formation, and an Oneg Shabbat and Study Circle were held regularly. But most important were the Hebrew and Religion Classes which now counted some 40 registered children in three classes. They had established friendly relations with the local clergy and a Friendship Committee of Jews and Christians was being formed’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1941, page 14

‘A Jewish Youth Social and Literary Society has been formed at Maidenhead. The first social function will be held on Sunday at the Oddfellows Hall, Brock Street. Mr. Kreamer is Chairman, Mr. Kaye Treasurer, and the Misses L. Tropp of “The Rowans”, Wellesley Avenue, Iver, and M. Rich of “Highland”, Ray Park Avenue, Maidenhead, Hon. Secretaries’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1941, page 14

First social gathering of the Maidenhead Jewish Social Club was held recently, attended by over 100 most of whom became members. Entertainment provided by Messrs Leo Tropp, Reich and Simon Joseph. Members of HM Forces especially welcome.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1941, page 13

Forthcoming. Jewish Social Club, Dance and Social at St John Ambulance Hall, East Street, off Market Street. Saturday 22 February 7.30 pm. Members 1/-. Non-members 1/6. Forces free.

[Other dances subsequently]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1941, page 17

A fourth class added to Hebrew Classes. Rabbi Galas is assisted by Miss A. Rosenheim, Miss Bertha Goodman, and R Edelbaum. Several boys now take special Barmitzvah tuition. A junior ‘Pirchim’ group of children has been formed for social and literary purposes.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1941, page 17

Will of Alexander Michael Levy. Many bequests including £1,000 to Maidenhead Hospital.
[Died. Alexander M. Levy March 1841 aged 83 Maidenhead 2c 1223]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1941, page 17

Rabbi J. Galas, headmaster of the Maidenhead and Slough Hebrew Classes has been appointed director for evacuee problems by the Keren Hatorah.
The Keren Hatorah now supports Religion Classes in Chesham, Letchworth, Maidenhead, Slough, and Shefford 0in the latter town the Keren Hatorah ‘was concerned with the founding of the only evacuee Yeshivah in the country’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1941, page 17

A Passover canteen is being arranged. The congregation is also making Kashrut arrangements. Refugee children who cannot come to Maidenhead can obtain matzo and Haggadah free of charge by writing to secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1941, page 13

Mr Maurice Rosetté gave talk to Jewish Social Club on ‘The Present Jewish Position and Palestine’. As result decided to form a Zionist Section of the Club.

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