Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1949
Manchester conference for small communities
Mr. Cohen (Macclesfield) said that his community, which, during the last two
years, had dwindled to about 10 or 12 families, had neither minister, butcher,
nor teacher. A teacher visited them once a week. He suggested that a minister
should visit them occasionally. A second representative from Macclesfield suggested that there should be some sort
of postal scheme organised on a national scale to keep the children conscious of their Judaism.
Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1950
A pair of silver candlesticks has been presented by members of the Macclesfield and Wilmslow community to Mr. Joshua Cohen, first President, and Mrs.
Cohen, on the occasion of their silver wedding.
Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1951
Mrs. S. Winnett, Hon. Secretary of
the Macclesfield Jewish community,
writes: The small community of
Macclesfield, Cheshire, has sustained a
great loss by the death of its founder
and first President. Mr. Joshua Cohen.
For some years before the last war he
and his family were the only Jews in
Macclesfield and he was highly respected
by his fellow-citizens. During the war
Mr. and Mrs. Cohen offered the hospitality of their home to Jewish newcomers
to the town, whether refugees from Nazi
oppression or from the blitzed areas. A
man of deep religious convictions, he
gave freely of his time and money to
Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1952
Rabbi B. M. Casper (Director of
Hebrew Education), Manchester, recently
visited Macclesfield, Cheshire, and
examined the eight children of the
Hebrew class. Later he gave an address
to members of the congregation on
Jewish education.
Macclesfield Jewish Community home page
Page created: 25 November 2021
Latest revision or update: 30 November 2021