Stockport Jewish Community

Stockport, Greater Manchester





Press Reports about the Stockport Jewish Community 1891 - 1925

Compiled by Harold Pollins

[Information within square brackets is from the compiler or webmaster]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1891, page 19

The Jewish residents of Stockport (Cheshire), numbering about 20 families, the majority hard working tailors, have been making earnest efforts for some time past to establish a synagogue, which was one of the urgent requirements of this little community. The Jewish residents were sorely grieved at their want of a place of worship, through which they were precluded from assembling for divine services throughout the year; especially during High Festivals the want was most painfully felt, as on those occasions they were compelled to leave their homes and go to other towns possessing synagogues. The trouble of obtaining kosher meat and the means to give their children a Hebrew education are also two points which they were laudably studying to provide for. With the intention of remedying this unsatisfactory state of affairs, a deputation waited upon Mr. William Aronsberg, J.P., whose successful efforts on behalf of several provincial congregations have gained for him general esteem, and solicited him to assist them in their cause. Mr. Aronsberg promised to visit Stockport to investigate their statement. A reception was prepared for him at the Temperance Hall, Stockport, where all the members met and accorded him a warm and enthusiastic welcome. He addressed them at some length, and in reply to the representations which were earnestly made to him to become their guide and leader, he said he would consent to accept the post on the conditions only, that they should be under the ecclesiastical supervision of Dr. Adler, the Chief Rabbi. These remarks were greeted with cheers, and accordingly Mr. Aronsberg was elected Life President by acclamation. The meeting also readily agreed to adhere to the rules and regulations which Mr. Aronsberg laid down for the guidance of the future congregation, that it should be conducted on peaceful and harmonious principles, and be a model little community. The promoters have been successful in securing a building, which has been for sale, and which was formerly used as Unitarian Christadelphian Synagogue. It is a pretty structure, and is situated in a fashionable part of the town. The place has been admirably fitted up and adapted to the requirements of a Jewish Synagogue, mainly through the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Aronsberg, who was very anxious that it should be ready for divine worship by the High Festivals. Last Sunday Mr. Aronsberg consecrated the synagogue with great rejoicings on the part of the newly-created congregation. The synagogue was filled to its utmost capacity, several visitors being present. Mr. Aronsberg, on his arrival at the station, was met by the wardens and officers of the congregation who gave him a cordial welcome. On reaching the synagogue an address was presented to Mr. Aronsberg, in which his valuable services received the fullest recognition. The address was signed by Mr. Jacob Winter, Vice-President; Mr. David Bowman, Warden; Mr. Reuben Bernstein, Treasurer; and Mr. Isaac Moses, Hon. Secretary. Mr. Aronsberg, having made a suitable response, the religious part of the ceremony was commenced by Mr. Aronsberg reciting the word[sic], “Open unto me the Gates of Righteousness, I will enter them and praise the Lord.” He then headed the procession bearing the Scrolls of the Law, which arched round the synagogue. Meanwhile several Psalms and Hymns were chanted by the Rev. J. Matz and full choir of the New Synagogue, Manchester (of which Mr. Aronsberg is also Life President). The Prayer for the Royal Family was then recited by Mr. Aronsberg. The Scroll having been deposited in the Ark, the ceremony was concluded with the singing of the last Psalm. Mr. Aronsberg then delivered an able and instructive address to his congregation. He first referred to the joyful occasion on which they had met together, congratulating them on their possession of the synagogue which they had so much longed for. He then dwelt at some length on the duty of the Jews who, placed as they are in a strange land, should ever strive to maintain feelings of friendship for one another, and by their peaceful conduct be an example of probity and good living to their Christian neighbours, by whom they are surrounded. They should particularly remember with gratitude that their lot had been cast to dwell in a heaven-favoured land, where religious intolerance and persecution are happily unknown, and where they were thus enabled to live in enjoyment of perfect liberty. How different was it in other lands, where their unfortunate brethren were suffering the most cruel and heartless treatment, while the Jews here in England should be thankful in the security of their own privileges. They should not forget in their prayers their less fortunate brethren, and should supplicate the Almighty to grant them a release from the rigorous measures which have been enacted against them. The speaker concluded his lengthy address with well meant wishes for the success and prosperity of the newly-formed congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1892, page 1
Mr. W. Aronsberg acknowledges kind gift of Sepher Torah [in Hebrew] from Mrs. Sharim of Manchester to the Stockport Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1892, page 19

Mr. W. Aronsberg JP of Manchester paid a visit to the Stockport synagogue of which he is Life President on the second day of New Year and by special request addressed the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1892, page 20

On Sunday last the first annual general meeting of the Stockport Hebrew Congregation was held at the synagogue. Mr. W. Aronsberg, J.P., Life President, occupied the chair, and referred to the rapid growth of the congregation which he was glad to see had doubled itself since its formation some twelve months ago.
The election of Hon. Officers and Committee was then proceeded with, the following being the result: Mr. Jacob Winter, Vice President (re-elected); Mr. David Bowman, Warden (re-elected); Mr. Louis Leverman, Treasurer; Mr. Tarshish, Hon. Secretary. Committee: Messrs. Bernstein, Cohen, Burman, and S. Isaacs; Auditors: Messrs. Winter and Alsball.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1893, page 15

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral tour will include Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1893, page 16

General Meeting. Elected: I. [sic] Winter President, M. Cohen Vice-President, R. Bernstein Warden, H. Pivarsky Treasurer, S. Platt Secretary. Committee: D. Bauman, B. Berman, R. Bernstein, S. Isaacs, S. Levien, B. Sacks.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1894, page 20. [This entry in the Jewish Chronicle is under the heading ‘Stockport’. In fact it should be ‘Stockton' and has been moved to the reports relating to that town. - Webmaster.]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1894, page 20
General Meeting. Elected for ensuing year.
J. Winter President (for 3rd year), A. Cohen Vice-President, Mr. Hyman Treasurer (2nd year), Mr. Burman Warden, S. Plott[sic]. Secretary.
Mr. A. Cohen has presented a handsome silver yod.

[The following entry in the Jewish Chronicle is under the heading ‘Stockport’. In fact it should be ‘Southport.
16 October 1896, page 17
Annual distribution of prizes to pupils of Religion Classes. President of congregation Mr. Harris presided. Rev N. Blaser addressed the children.
Children named:
Rachel Hakim, Max Blaser, Moses Blumberg, Milly Goldseller, Regina Blaser, Rosey Price, Daisy Davis, Sophy Blaser, Rosy Blaser, Lilly Tarshish, Cissy Blumberg, Sarah Singer, Minny Blumberg, Hetty Tarshish, Joseph Finklestone, Harry Finklestone, Alfred Davis, M. Blumberg, Max Blaser, A. Tarshish, Julius Blaser, M. Newman, Louis Singer. ]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1898, page 28

‘The Stockport Jewish Tailors’, Machinists’, and Pressers’ Trade Union held a public meeting on Monday evening at the Grapes Hotel, Chestergate, Mr. Cherry, President of the Stockport Trades’ Council, occupying the Chair. The speakers were Messrs. A. Cohen (President of the Manchester Society), A. Lewis (Secretary Stockport Trades’ Council), T. Moss, Kelly, Reuben, and W. Lane (the Secretary of the Union.) Resolutions were passed calling upon the Jewish tailors of Stockport to join the Union, and to support the agitation against sweating, and protested against the action of the Chestergate Clothing Works in boycotting a member of the Union, a Mr. Lewis, who had taken a very active part in the formation of the Union, which, although only a few months old, had already been enabled to obtain the hours of labour reduced from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. The meeting was very enthusiastic.’

[NOTE: Stockport Directory 1910.
Joshua Preston, Chestergate Clothing Works, Stockport.]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1900, page 29

Meeting of employees of Kingston Mill to make presentation to Mr. E. M. Micholls JP, their employer, who is severing connection with the firm. He is seeking to enter Parliament as representative for Accrington .

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1901, page 30

Annual meeting for election of officers.
Elected: Mr. L. Williams (re-elected), President, L. Davies, Parnass, S. Isaacs, Treasurer, I. Levene, Gabbay, L.Harrison (re-elected),Secretary. Committee - I. Freedman, D. Bowman, C. Marks, R. Bernstein, I. Pozner, G. Cohen, V. Bernstein. Auditors - Mark Freedman and Jewdleson.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902, page 30

Zionist meeting, the first in Stockport, was held last Tuesday in the Tailors’ Union Rooms, Mr. L. Harrison presiding. Several gentlemen including Mr. L. Williams and Mr. Singer took part in the discussion. Unanimous resolution’ sympathising with our persecuted brethren in other countries and confidently affirming that the success of Zionism is the only hope of salvation’. A meeting will be held on Sunday at the Synagogue Chambers to enrol members.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1902, page 21

At first meeting of the Jewish Congregational Union at Jewish Working Men’s Club, London, representatives from Stockport were I. Freedman, L. Harrison, and S. Platt.
[The JCU led to the creation of the Dispersion Committee, to send Jews from the congested East End to provincial centres.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1902, page 21

Board of Deputies. Marriage Secretary for Stockport approved, unnamed.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902, page 28

Naturalisations in November. Isaac Freedman, 31 Middle Hill Gate, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1903, page 23

Independent Order of Benei Brith. Reference to ‘The Prince of Wales’ Lodge No. 3, Stockport’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1903, page 31

The Chief Rabbi visited Stockport on Monday. Welcomed by L. Davies (Warden), D. Bowman, L. Freedman, I. Levine, R. Bernstein, S. Robinson, S. Platt, Charles Marks and L. Williams. He addressed the congregation in their place of worship. The Reader, Rev K. Slivkin offered up prayers and together with a choir of children sang Boruch Habo.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1904, page 25

‘Opening of a Synagogue in Stockport’
Last Sunday a synagogue was consecrated in the hall formerly occupied by the Stockport spiritualist society, off Wellington Road, and near the corner of Henton Lane. There was a large attendance of the local Jewish community which is steadily growing, and a number of visitors from Manchester, and several Christian townspeople. Among those connected with the Stockport Hebrew Congregation were Rev N. Speakmaster, J. Winter (who conducted the opening ceremony), L. Williams (President), I. Freedman (Treasurer), L. Davies and I. Levine (Wardens), C. Marks and M. Berman (Secretaries), the Committee: S. Platt, D. Bowman, S. Bernstein, J. Cliff, S. Dermake, J.B. Jacobs.
Visitors from Manchester included Revs Dr. M. Berlin, J. Matz, and S. Yudelovich.
The service was conducted by Rev J. Matz with a choir. Mr. M. Matz junior on the organ. Rev Dr. M. Berlin of Manchester preached a sermon. Reception was held at the George Hotel, Mr. M. Steinart in the chair.
Presentation of a gold key to J. Winter, inscribed with an expression of respect for him

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1904, page 22
‘Last Tuesday morning, at about six o’clock, the small synagogue of the Stockport Hebrew Congregation, which had been re-decorated less than six months ago, collapsed. The walls had given way, and in their fall had caused a rent of about six square yards in the ceiling, and smashed the gallery, fixtures, seats and Almemar to atoms. The Ark and its contents were uninjured. No one was in or about the building at the time’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1904, page 28

Although the Stockport Congregation had lost its synagogue, services were held during the holidays for a large audience at the Temperance Hall, London Square.
A meeting was held last Sunday, L. Williams in chair, at which all members pledged to possess a synagogue again.
Meeting on following Monday elected: L.Williams, President, 2nd year, D. Flacks, Treasurer, 2nd year, L. Davis and S. Platt, Wardens, B. Brown, Secretary. Committee: N. Grupman, A. Jacobs, R. Bernstein, I Freedman and S. Dermake.
Chevra Kadisha: S. Singer, M. Berman, I. Levien.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1904, page 13

‘Jewish Congregational Union. The Dispersion Movement’ Meeting.
‘Mr. Walter Seligman, who said Sir Samuel [Montagu] seemed to have true Jewish sympathies, had volunteered to come to the assistance of the Stockport Jews, who were in want of a synagogue, and had at the present time only a temporary place of worship. Mr. Blank, the Secretary, who had been to Stockport, at Mr. Seligman’s expense, with a view to making the necessary arrangements, had discovered that a suitable freehold piece of ground, with a house attached, was for sale by auction, and he (Sir Samuel) was glad to say that Mr. Seligman was clever enough to buy it for £300. Sir Samuel had promised Mr. Seligman that he would be jointly responsible for the payment of that sum, and would contribute towards it while the latter collected the money. One of the conditions imposed upon the Stockport Congregation was that they should welcome and locate foreign Jews in their town. The property would, for the time being, remain in the name of Mr. Seligman. It was, therefore, decided not to build a synagogue at present, because the house on the freehold might prove adequate for the moment, after alterations had been made … The SECRETARY said that, arising out of his visit to Stockport, he would be enabled to arrange shortly for placing ten or twelve Jewish tailors from East London’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1905, page 29

Manchester Jewish Hospital
‘Mr. A. Isaacs is canvassing and making weekly collections in the Stockport district, which is about six miles from Manchester’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1905, page 20

‘Opening of the Stockport Synagogue’
Efforts to establish a new synagogue in Stockport resulted in securing a large private house opposite the Kingston Mills, Chestergate. Extensive structural alterations were undertaken at a cost of over £1,000 and which has accommodation for 200. Opened on Sunday [17th]. A large attendance including Mr. Joseph E. Blank, Secretary of the London Federation of Synagogues and a number of Christian residents. Opened by Walter L. Seligman of London and consecrated by Rev B. Salomon of Manchester assisted by a choir under the direction of Rev S. Boyarsky.
In the evening there was a reception at the White Lion Hotel, Underbank, at which 125 persons were present. Presided over by Mr. J. Winter.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 2

Last Sunday public meeting in the synagogue, Mr. D. Williams in chair. Messrs Weinreb, Saft, and Silberman addressed the meeting. Resolution adopted, that this meeting of Stockport Zionists approves the decisions of the 7th Zionist Congress and pledges support to the movement and its leaders.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1905, page 33
‘At a Hesped, last Sunday, in the Stockport Synagogue, a collection was made on behalf of the Russian Relief Fund’.
[In report ‘The Anti-Jewish Atrocities in Russia’.]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1905, page 11

Board of Deputies, first annual meeting.
Stockport delegate: S. Freedman.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1905, page 1

Fiances. On 17 December, Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyman, of 86 Grenville-street, Edgeley, Stockport, late 174 Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, to Mr. Michael Alcoff, of Wellington Road, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1907, page 25

Mr. Jack Winter was returned by a substantial majority at a municipal by-election. The only Jewish councillor in Stockport. 40 years old. Educated at the Jews’ Free School and started in Stockport 22 years ago and has built up a large watch-making business. One of the founders and the principal support of the Stockport Hebrew Congregation and he opened the new synagogue four [sic] years ago. President of the Stockport Tradesmen’s Association and an ardent Freemason. Very popular in the town.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1908, page 3

Examination of the Hebrew Classes by Mr. Wassilevsky and Revs B. Boyarsky and Cantor of Manchester, who spoke highly of the teacher, Rev M. Dove, and his pupils. Prizes were distributed by Councilor J. Winter and Mr. S. Platt.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1908, page 2

Mrs. S. Isaacs and family, 33 Cunliffe St, Stockport, send thanks for condolences for husband and father. [sc Solomon Isaacs].

Jewish Chronicle, 12 June 1908, page 2

Death after short illness on 8 June of Nathalia, wife of late Solomon Isaacs and mother of Mrs. Lewis, Nottingham, Celia, Alec, Dinah, Ralph, Theresa; sister of R. Moses 179 Alfred Street, Central Nottingham, M. Moses, 19 Princelet Street, Julius Moses 56 Great Garden Street, Mrs. I. Kroll, 144 Jamaica Street, Stepney, Isidor Moses, 19 Alvington Crescent, Dalston, Abe Moses, 12 Stamford Hill Mansions, N., and Mrs. D. Bloom, 59 Alvington Crescent, Dalston.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1908, page 3

Contribution to the Home and Hospital for Jewish Incurables, South Tottenham
Stockport Hebrew Congregation 8 shillings.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1909, page 32

Last Sunday meeting in the Synagogue Chambers to form a club among members of the congregation. After address by Rev A. Dove resolved to form ‘Society of the Law’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1909, page 1

In Memoriam Mordecai Hayes, died 28 April 1905. Mr. S. Hayes, Wellington Road, Stockport, and Mrs. A. J. Weingold, Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1909, page 11

Hebrew Speaking Society.
Stockport among representatives at conference to be held in Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1909, page 1

Marriage on 8 June at the Synagogue, Nottingham, of Eva, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lazarus, of Nottingham, and Alexander, eldest son of late Mr. and Mrs. S. Isaacs of Edgeley, Stockport. [In Stockport in 1911 Census.]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1909, page 34

Chanucah service conducted by Rev A. Dove who delivered sermon. He tested the ability of the pupils of the Hebrew School who gave satisfactory answers in grammar as well as history. Hebrew songs were sung including Ma’oz Tsur. Boxes of chocolate were distributed by the wife of Warden, M. l. Rosenzweig, and Mrs. Mairman.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1910, page 1

Betrothal: Fanny, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Freedman, 71 Wellington Road North, Stockport, to Samuel, second son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Rubinstein, 140 Great Clowes Street, Manchester.
[Marriage. Samuel Rubinstein December 1910 Stockport 8a 171/ Fanny Freedman] [In Manchester 1911]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1910, page 13

Manchester: Social evening, included songs by Joseph Baumann and Alec Baumann (Stockport). [Not found in Census.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 12

‘The Dispersion of the Ghetto. The Story of an Interesting Movement. Interview with Mr. J. E. Blank’.
‘Among … places which received our families were Reading, Blackburn, Chatham, Chester, Wrexham, Huddersfiel, Dover, Durham, Stockport, Dewsbury, Darlington, Blackpool, Leicester, and Oxford’.
However, the attractions of the big cities was too great. Thus people who went to Stockport transferred to Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1910, page 22

Memorial service for the late King. At the Stockport Synagogue, Chestergate, ’The Jews attended in large numbers.’ Service conducted by Rev A. Dove, who delivered an address.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1910, page 15

Annual meeting. Report and balance sheet adopted.
Elected: S. Levien, President, M. Burman, Vice-President, R. Bernstein, Warden, Councillor J. Winter, Treasurer, B. Clare, Hon Sec and Collector, I. Levine, Gabbai of Burial Board; and a Committee. A Hebrew Education Board was also elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1910, page 15

Councillor J. Winter, Vice-Chairman of the Gas Committee, re-elected member of the Borough Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page 24

Administration of the Aliens Act. Two brothers, Elja and Abram Kagan, 36 and 26, from Lithuania, detained at Grimsby.
On their behalf it was stated that they only wanted to stay in Britain for a short period before going to the USA where wives would join them. Elje, a butcher, would stay with brother-in-law in Manchester, Abram, tailor, would stay with brother-in-law at 8 Daw Bank, Stockport. Denied entry.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1911, page 24

General Meeting. S. Levine, President, in the chair.
Elected: S. Platt, President; Councillor J. Winter, Treasurer; B. Clare, Hon Sec; N. Groopman Gabbai; H. Craft, Parnass; I. Levine, Gabbai of Chevra Kadisha; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1912, page 1

Marriage. 1 January at bride’s residence, 38 Pollokshaws Road, Glasgow.
Annie, 2nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Isaacs to Rev Abraham Dove of Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1912, page 1

Death on 10 March in his 38th year, at 67 Grenville Street, Stockport, Samuel Halpern of Preston, brother-in-law of Mrs. L. Williams of 67 Grenville Street. Treasurer of the Preston Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1912, page 2

ISAACS. In memory of father [sc Solomon Isaacs] who died 18 March 1908. 65 Grenville Street, Stockport. [Address in 1911 Census of son, Alexander Isaacs.]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1912, page 1

Betrothal. On 2 June, Millie 2nd daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hyman, 87 Wellington Road South, Stockport, to Israel, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Levine, 97 Grenville Street, Edgeley, Stockport.
[See 28 August 1914, page 1, below, for marriage.]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1912, page 22

First annual conference of the Amalgamated Jewish Tailors’ etc Trade Union. 5,000 members. Includes delegate from Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 June 1912, page 6

Advert. Experienced travellers required for the credit drapery and clothing trade. Apply to B. Brown, 232 Wellington Road South, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 28

Chatan Torah M. Berman. Chatan Bereshith B. Jackson.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1912, page 24

Manchester. 600 pupils of Talmud Torah entertained at the St James’s Road Picture Palace, placed at the disposal of the committee by the proprietor, Councillor Winter of Stockport. Thanks of the committee to him and to his nephew, Mr. Winter, manager of the Picture Palace.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1913, page 26

Reception to Mr. Freedman on his departure for Australia. Presented with an illuminated address. Has been a member of congregation for 20 years and has occupied offices of President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Marriage Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1913, page 2

Death on 22 February at 2 Calverley Street, Tunbridge Wells, of Sam Winter, aged 45. Brother of Jack, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1913, page 1

Death on 28 February at the Home for Aged Jews. Manchester, Chaim Isaac Levine, aged 78. Father of Simon Levine, 96 Grenville Street, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1913, page 23

Quarterly meeting of Jewish Tailors’ Trade Union. Improved hours of labour and wages at Stockport (and other places.)

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1913, page 1

Birth. Son on 15 May to Mr. and Mrs. B. Clare, 121 King Street West, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1913, page 1

Marriage on Wednesday 25 June at the Synagogue, Chestergate, Stockport, by Rev A. Dove (and others), Harry, only son of Mr. an Mrs. M. Berliner of Egremont [Wallasey], to Fanny, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Flacks of Stockport.
[Marriage. Harry Berliner June 1913 Stockport 8a 171/Fanny Flacks]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1913, page 3

A GOOD Chazan is required for the coming holydays.
Apply, Ralph Isaacs, 61 Grenville-street, Edgeley, Stockport’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1913, page 17

General Meeting. Mr. M. Burman presided. The balance sheet was adopted.
Elected: M. Burman, President; A. Isaacs, Vice-President; B. Jackson, Warden; I. Levene, Warden of the Burial Ground; J. Winter, Treasurer; R. Isaacs, Hon Sec; B. Cliffe, Collector; and a Committee.

Mr. J. Winter has been re-elected for a third time by a substantial majority as a member of the town council.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1914, page 39

Special Chanucah service, conducted by Rev A. Dove. After the service the children were entertained by a number of ladies.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1914, page  1

Birth of son on Wednesday 8 April at 190 Wellington Road North, Stockport, to Mr. and Mrs. Berliner, nee Fanny Flacks. Bris Milah 16th.
[Birth. Benjamin S. Berliner June 1914 Stockport 8a 171. Mother Flacks.]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 April 1914, page 21

Manchester. Concert at the Grove House Lads’ Club arranged by Councillor J. Winter of Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1914, page1

Birth of a son on 9 August at 100 Grenville Street, Edgeley, to Mr. and Mrs. Edelstein (nee Augusta Stamm).
[Marriage. Augusta Stamm September 1913 Prestwich 8d 900/Samuel Edelstein]
[Birth. Wilfred Edelstein September 1914 8a 144]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1914, page 1

Marriage on 11 August at Chaucer Street Synagogue, Nottingham by Rev A. Schloss assisted by Rev A. Dove, Stockport, Kitty, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Lazarus of Nottingham, to Barney, eldest son of Mr. ad Mrs. L. Hyman of 87 Wellington Road South Stockport.
[Marriage. Barnet Hyman September 1914 Nottingham 7b 885/Sarah K. Lazarus]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914, page 1

Marriage 25 August at Chestergate Synagogue, Stockport, Milly second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hyman, 87 Wellington Road South to Isidor, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Levene, 96 Grenville Street.
[Marriage. Millie Hyman September 1914 Stockport 8a 223/ Isidor Levene]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914 New Year Greetings, page X

From Rev and Mrs. A. Dove, 126 King Street, Stockport, to Executive and members of Stockport Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1914, page 27

A social was held at 211 Chestergate by the Jewish Social Junior Club. Speeches by Misses Burman and D. Cliff, and by Messrs M. Dove, A. Cohen, P. Williams, M. Saul, and M. Burman, Secretary. The following assisted: the Misses D. Flacks, F. Davies, G. Coss, C. Coss, B. Burman, I. Isaacs, and A. Jacobs.
‘Miss Anice Coss, a clever child, rendered several songs’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1914, page 26

Children’s Chanucah Service. Rev A. Dove delivered sermon. Collection made for Queen Mary’s Fund. Afterwards children entertained to tea b the Executive.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1915, page 28

‘Shilling Subscription for the Belgian Refugees’.
‘Proceeds of dance, etc., per M. Burman, Esq., Stockport, 45’ [shillings]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1915, page 27

Zionist Society established at Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1915, page 27

Appeal for distressed Jews in Poland, £6 collected by Rev A. Dove and L. Davies, Warden.
On occasion of bar mitzvah of eldest son of Mr. D. Flacks, £1.10s, collected for same fund.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1915, page 1

Birth on 15 August a son to Mr. and Mrs. I. Levene (nee Milly Hyman) of 131 Wellington Road South, Stockport.
[Birth. Eric Levene September 1915 Stockport 8a 83. Mother Hyman]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1915, page 18

Conference of the Workers’ League for Jewish Emancipation at Leeds. Representatives from, inter alia, Stockport, present.
‘The League aims at securing civil and political rights of Jews in those countries where such rights are now denied them’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1915, page 18

Contributions to the ’Birthday Present’ of Her Majesty Queen Alexandra . List includes Councillor J. Winter, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1916, page 1

Birth on 4 May at 1 Union Road, Stockport, to Mr. and Mrs. S. Landau (nee Annie Herscovitz) a son.
[Birth. Hyme Landau June 1916 Stockport 8a 160. Mother Herscovitz

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1916, page 2

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Stockport Christadelphians £1.10s

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1916, page 1

Betrothal. Kitty youngest daughter of Mr. L. Herschmann and the late Mr. Herschmann of 318 Waterloo Road, Hightown, Manchester, to Dave, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Sirember of Stockport.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 4

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. Collected at the engagement of Miss Gordon, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 22

Annual meeting. Elected: Alexander Isaacs, President; I.Levene and L. Davies, Wardens; D. Flacks, Treasurer; H. Sorkin, Sec. and a Committee of 12. I Levene elected Gabbai of the Chevra Kadisha.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1917, page1

Death on 20 April at 95 Fox Street, Stockport, Raphael, 29, youngest son of late Mr. and Mrs. [Solomon] Isaacs.
[Death. Ralph Isaacs June 1917 aged 28 Chorlton 8a 915]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1917, page 3

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
Collected at the bar mitzvah of the only son of L. Lazarus, Esq. Stokport.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1918, page 2

Death on 14 January in Glasgow of Emanuel Isaacs, father, inter alia, of Mrs. A. Dove, 126 King Street, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1918, page 11

Military Medal awarded to Gunner Barney Coss Royal Field Artillery. Awarded for gallantry in Palestine. His parents live in Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1918, page 17

The following were appointed officers of the congregation:
M. Barman, President; J. Mendelsohn, Vice-President; S. Leviane, Treasurer; L. Davies, Warden; M. Brown, Secretary; F. Bowman and J. Koder, Auditors; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1918, page 14

Died of Wounds. J/322 Pte C. Seramber [sic] (Stockport) Royal Fusiliers.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1919, page 26

For Jewish National Fund. Collected at engagement of daughter of Mr. Craft, Stockport, £2.4.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1919, page 2

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Stockport Hebrew Congregation £22.10s

Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1919, page 1

Betrothal. Fanny, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Davies, 73 Wellington Road North, to Isadore, 3rd son of Mrs. Freudenberg, 25 Borough Road, North Shields.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919, page 4

Fund for Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Stockport per Rev Mr. Samuel £2.2.6

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919, page 29

The synagogue, having been reconstructed, enlarged and decorated, the electric light also having been installed, will be reopened on Sunday. Ceremony will be performed by Mr. David Flacks who will be presented with a gold key.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1919 New Year Greetings, page iv

Mr. & Mrs. D. Flacks and family. 190 Wellington Road North.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1920, page 27

Reading. Chanucah service. Rev A. Samet, late of Stockport officiated.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1920, page 28

‘Jews of Stockport will be given the opportunity of hearing Dr.. J. S. Fox, at the SYNAGOGUE, 211 Chestergate, Stockport, SUNDAY, JANUARY 11th, 3.30. Councillor Winter will preside’.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1920, page 32

Under the auspices of the Zionist Society meeting was held at the synagogue. Councillor J. Winter presided. Dr. J. S. Fox delivered an address on ‘Judaism and Nationalism’. His appeal for support of the Palestine Restoration Fund resulted in a substantial sum, including £25 from Councillor Winter and £25 from Mr. D. Flaks [sic].

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1920, page 26

A Hebrew concert, organised by Mr. H. Fishel, was held in the synagogue chambers, Stockport, in aid of the JNF. The pupils of the Talmud Torah performed a sketch written by Mr. A. B. Rivling, Headmaster of the Manchester Ivriah. A National Fund Committee, branch of the Manchester Commission, was formed under the presidency of Councillor Winter. The secretary is Mr. H. Fishel.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1920, page 31

Football. A young Jew named Morris has played in a 2nd division match between Fulham and Stockport County. Former pupil of the Jews’ Free School. He is 2nd Jew to play first-class football, the first being Bookman, now of Luton.]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1920, page 25

Young Men’s Social and Tontine Club. Entertainment for members of the Samuel Finburgh Lodge, in Manchester. Items were rendered by, inter alia, the Misses Preger, Pickles, Levien of Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1920 page 26

A Chanucah Soirée was given by the Junior Zionist Society. Mr. P. Williams presided and Rev Mr. Ehrlich officiated assisted by M Fisher and the pupils of the cheder. A playlet in Hebrew, written by Mr. Rivilian, Headmaster of the ‘Ivriah’ in Manchester, was given by the cheder boys under the guidance of Mr. M. Fisher.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1921 page 31

JNF. The Manchester bazaar next week at the Houldsworth Hall, Deansgate. ’A gratifying contribution will be the Stockport stall’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1921 page 1

Betrothal. Glydes[sic] (Golder) Pickles, elder daughter of Mr. and Ms A. Pickles, Bury New Road, Manchester, to Bernard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Freedman of 63 Prince’s Street, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1921 page 40

Obituary of L. Williams. Active in Friendly Society movement. Although resident in Stockport took great interest in Manchester institutions. Past President of Stockport Hebrew Congregation. During the war was a special constable and was presented with Special Constabulary Medal. Past President of Bnei Brith a member of the Grand Council of the Order of Ancient Maccabaeans, and instrumental on organising a Keren Hayesod Committee for Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1921 page 2

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rubinstein (nee Gertie Leviane) and Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Coss (nee Annie Leviane) give thanks for presents etc on occasion of their marriages on 29 March 1921. 464 Manchester Road, Heaton Chapel, and Higher Hillgate Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1921 page 1

Birth on 27 May at 161a Chestergate, Stockport, of a son to Mr. and Mrs. Barny [sic] Hyman (nee Kitty Lazarus).

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1921 page 26

The Sinai Movement. Negotiations were taking place for the formation of Sinai branches in various places, including Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921 New Year Greetings page xvi

Mr. and Mrs. S. Freedman and family, 63 Prince’s Street, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1921 page 1

Betrothal. Miriam, daughter of Rev and Mrs. N. Blaser of Southport, and Ben, only son of Mr. and Mrs. I. Leviane, Heaton Chapel, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1921 page 32

Annual meeting of congregation. Elected: F. I. Bowman, President; M. Burman and A. Isaacs, Wardens; -. Landau, Treasurer; J.Korer, Hon Sec; Committee of 6. Mr. I Levene elected Gabbai of the Chevra Kadisha.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1922 page 37

Annual meeting. Elected : F. I. Bowman, President; A. Isaacs and E. Harris, Wardens; S. Landau, Treasurer; J. Korer, Hon Sec; and a Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1923 page 2

Death on 26 June at 6 Crosby Street, Stockport, Marks Burman, aged 52.
[Death. Max [sic] Burman June 1923 aged 52 Stockport 8a 78]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1923 page 3.

In Memoriam Barney Coss killed in motor cycle accident 10.9.1922. 3 Longshut Lane, Stockport.
[Barnett Coss September 1922 aged 28 Macclesfield 8a 153]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 December 1923 page 1

Daughter born 13 December at 20 Church Road, Heaton Norris, Stockport, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freedman nee Gladys Pickles
[Birth. Viola Freedman March 1924 Stockport 8a 134. Mother Pickles]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1924 page 26

Miss Leah Davies (Stockport High School) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Davies of 4 Church Terrace, has been chosen to represent South Lancashire at the World Conference of Girl Guides.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1924 page 24

Rev B. Ordman has received unanimous call to be Chazan, Shochet, etc. to the congregation.
A clock has been presented to the synagogue by the retiring Parnass, Mr. Harris.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1924 page 1
Engagement. Rebecca (Becky), daughter of Mr. N. and the late Mrs. Fletcher of Glasgow, to Jack, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul, Lower Hillgate, Stockport.
[Marriage. Jack M. Saul September 1925 Manchester N. 8d 1675/Rebecca Fletcher]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1925 page 2

Death of Pinhas Levne, brother of Solomon Levene, 96 Granville Street, Stockport.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1925 page 10

An effort is being made in Stockport to obtain sufficient funds for the purpose of repairing and reconstructing the synagogue. JC thinks should be supported by Anglo-Jewry.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1925 page 1

Engagement. Sadie, 3rd daughter of M and Mrs. I. Leviane of Kirby House, Heaton Chapel, Stockport, to Abe, 2nd son of Mr. and the late Mrs. David Matz of Manchester.
[Marriage. Abraham M. Matz March 1926 Manchester N. 8d 748/Sarah Leviane]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1925

New Year Greetings page xxiv
Mr. and Mrs. Brown and family, ‘Thornfield’, Wellington Road South, Stockport.

New Year Greetings page xxvi
Mr. and Mrs. B. Freedman and daughter, 3 Alexandra Road, Heaton Chapel, Stockport.

New Year Greetings page xxvii
Mr. and Mrs. I. Leviane and family, Kirby House, Heaton Chapel, Stockport.

New Year Greetings page xxvi
Rev and Mrs. Ordman and family 23 Church Road, Stockport.

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Latest revision or update: 15 April 2021



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