Bolton Jewish Community

Bolton, Greater Manchester




Press Reports relating the Bolton Jewish Community
1884-1920: 1960 & 1970

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1884, page 1. Daughter born on 18.11.1884 at 19 Deansgate, Bolton, to wife of John Harris, nee Katie Joseph.
[Benita Caroline Harris December 1884 Bolton 8c 451]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1886, page 3

Advert. Comfortable home required for a widow lady living in Liverpool. Address, Miss Barnett, 78 Manchester Road, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1892, page 9

Letter from 'A.F.', Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1895, page 1.

Daughter born 11.8.1895 at 8 Bank Street, Bolton, to wife of Bernard Morgan nee Rachel Solomon.
[Ethel Dinah Morgan Sept 1895 Bolton 8c 543]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1897, page 4

Building Fund for Home and Hospital for Jewish Incurables, Tottenham.
Henry Allen [sic] Bolton £6.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1903, page 24

'For the first time on record services were held here in the Moor Lane School, conducted by the Rev. M. Spiers, of Manchester. Mr. Mark Shaffer, of 20, Silverwell Street, Bolton, was unanimously elected President, and presented the congregation with an Ark, together with a costly curtain. Mr. M. Shapeero [sic], of 8, Derby Street, acted as Warden, and provided the congregation with other necessaries. It is hoped that a permanent congregation may be established'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1903, page 29

Naturalisations I September
Abraham Gofan, 45 Vernon Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 February 1904, page 32

'A meeting of the Jewish inhabitants of Bolton was held last Sunday (Mr. Saul Bercott in the Chair), when it was unanimously resolved that a Hebrew congregation should be immediately formed. The following gentlemen were elected officers: Mr. M. Shaffer, President: Mr. Mendel Shapero, Treasurer; Mr. Joe Goldring [sic], Hon. Secretary; Mr. Jacobs, Livingstone and Gayfin [sic], Committee'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1904, page 36

'At a general meeting of the newly formed Hebrew Congregation held last Sunday, Mr. M. Shaffer in the Chair, a long discussion took place as to taking suitable premises for a synagogue site. It was proposed by Mr. J. Goldman, Hon. Secretary, seconded by Mr. Gayfin [sic], and passed unanimously, that rooms at Great Moor Street, Bolton, be immediately taken. Mr. and Mrs. Gershon Shaffer, 8 Cheetham Hill Road, Manchester, have presented a Sepher Torah, and were accorded hearty thanks'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1904, page 9.

Naturalisations in March
Mark Shaffer, 20 Silverwell Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1904 New Year Greetings, page V

Mr and Mrs A. Gafan, 45 Vernon Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1904, page 23

Services were conducted by Mr Gampbell (sic) of Manchester assisted by Mr H. Shaffer of Manchester and Doofman [sic] of Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1904, page 25

Chatan Torah M. Shaffer. Chatan Bereshit M. Rubin

Jewish Chronicle, 30 December 1904, page 3

'WANTED, immediately, a SHOCHET, Chazan and Religious Instructor; salary 22/- per week. Apply, with testimonials, origin, etc., to J. Goldman, Hon. Secretary, Bolton Hebrew Congregation, 40 Market-street, Bolton'.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1905, page 31

Handsome watch was presented by Mr M. Shaffer, President, on behalf of the congregation, to Rev H. Dorfman on his departure for America.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1905, page 36

General meeting of the congregation. M. Shaffer re-elected President. Mendel Shapero, Treasurer; J. Livingstone, Warden; J. Goldman, Hon Sec. Committee: A. Gaffan and Boborofskie [sic]*. Rev Mr Schramberg elected shochet, religious instructor, etc. Mr Franks presented curtains for the Ark.
[*Later in report ref to Mr Babrofskie]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1905, page 1

Birth. On 25 September at 9 Bradford Street, Bolton, a son to wife of Louis Shaffer

Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905, page 22

High Holyday services were conducted by Revs. Mr. Shribeg and Mr. Shaffer of Manchester.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1905, page 3

Fund for Victims of Outrages on Russian Jews
Members of the Bolton Hebrew Congregation
Collected by Marks Rubin £2.10.0
M. Shaffer 1.1.0
Sums under £1 2.1.6
Total £5.12.6

Jewish Chronicle, 8 Decmber 1905, page 14

Chanucah Military Service. Attendance by Volunteers including from Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1906, page 28

'Several hundred of the employees of Messrs. I. Hardcastle and Sons, of the Dyeing Department of Firwood Bleach and Dye Works, Bolton, were entertained to a farewell tea, at the Royal Oak Hotel, Bradshaw, Bolton, on Saturday evening by Mr. Albert A. Benjamin on his leaving the firm after ten years’ service, to undertake the post of Chief Works Manager to a large bleaching, dyeing and finishing firm near Manchester. The employees presented Mr. Benjamin with a handsomely illuminated address and a silver-mounted ebony walking stick. Several of the oldest employees of the firm spoke in eulogistic terms of Mr. Benjamin and said that his tact and urbanity had endeared him to them all. He was the only Jew employed by the firm out of 700 employees. Mr. Albert Aubrey Benjamin, though still a young man, has made great progress n his calling. He was educated at the Manchester Jews’ Schools, where he gained a three years’ scholarship to the School of Technology. On leaving school he was employed in the laboratories of Messrs. Ivan Levinstein’s Chemical Works, Crumpsall Vale. He then obtained the post of analyst to the Dye Department of Messrs. Hardcastle, of Firwood Mills, Bolton, where he was engaged for ten years'.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1906 New Year Greetings, page ix

Mr and Mrs A. Gafan, 45 Vernon Road, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1906 New Year Greetings, page xiii

Mr and Mrs Louis Shaffer, 9 Bradfield Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 1

Birth. On 8 November at 72 Derby Street, Bolton, a son to wife of Mark Rubin
[Birth. Jack Rubin December 1906 Bolton 8c 383]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1907, page 21

Board of Deputies. Reference to an illegal marriage in Bolton on 16 January. Woman was divorcee but the get given by a Manchester rabbi was illegal.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1907 Young Israel, page 2.

Reference to Lily Fine, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1907, page 28

The annual meeting of the Hebrew Congregation was held on Sunday

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1907, page 1

Marriage in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, of Paula Davidson, daughter of Louis and Bertha Davidson of Nakel, Prussia, to Louis Lehberg of Manitoba, late of Farnworth, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1907, page 28

In view of departure of Mr J. Livingstone for Africa, he tendered his resignation as Warden of Bolton Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1907 New Year Greetings, page xii

Mr & Mrs Louis Shaffer, 9 Bradford Street, Bolton
[Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer, Blackpool (late of Bolton)]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1908, page 1

Fiance. Sarah, youngest daughter of Mr A. Hyman and the late Mrs Hyman of Leeds, to Edward Lipman, 16 Bark Street, Bolton.
[Marriage. Edward Lipman September 1908 Prestwich 8d 742/Sarah Hyman]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 April 1908, page 1

Birth of son on 28 March at 72 Derby Street, Bolton, to wife of Mark Rubin.
[Birth. Maurice Rubin June 1908 Bolton 8c 403 ]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908, page 27

General meeting of congregation. Mr Mark Shaffer elected Hon Life President 'on his retirement from the Presidentship'.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1908 New Year Greetings, page xii

Mr and Mrs Edward Lipman, 16 Bark Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1909, page 1

Death in Manchester of Rev Tobias Kletz, father, inter alia, of Mrs Gafan, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1909, page 1

Birth. On 20 June at 16 Bark Street a daughter to wife of Edward Lipman, nee Sarah Hyman of Leeds.
[Birth. Esther Lipman September 1909 Bolton 8c 471]

Jewish Chronicle,2 July 1909, page 1

Death in Manchester of Hyman Jonah Shaffer, father inter alia of Morris Shaffer, 84 Higher Bridge Street, Bolton, and Mrs Fanny Shapeero, 123 Gibraltar Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle,17 September 1909 New Year Greetings, page xiv

Mr and Mrs E. C. Shapeero, 57 Bridge Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1909, page 1

Daughter born on 16 October at 59 Melsonby Terrace, Bolton, to Mr and Mrs Mark Rubin.
[De Vera [sic] Rubin December 1909 Bolton 8c 459] 'Devena' in 1911 Census.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1909, page 1

Daughter born on 21 October at 84 Higher Bridge Street, Bolton, to wife of Maurice Shaffer, nee Leah Saltman of South Shields.
[Ray Shaffer December 1909 Bolton 8c 462]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1910, page 38

Advert. 'WANTED young lady practical Dressmaker and Costumier, able to take charge of workroom, permanent situation; comfortable home and good wages. Taylor’s (Jewish people), 126 Higher Bridge-street, Bolton'.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1910, page 2.

Advert. Bolton Hebrew Congregation. Wanted Chazan, Shochet and Religious Instructor. 30s . Address, Secretary 43 Spa Road, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1910, page 2

Advert. Bolton Hebrew Congregation. Wanted Chazan, Shochet. Must be a good teacher. Apply, M. Rubin, 72 Derby Street, Bolton.
[Does this suggest that there were two congregations? ]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910 New Year Greetings, page xxviii

Mr & Mrs A. Gafan, 39 Vernon Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910 New Year Greetings, page xxix

Mr & Mrs Edward Lipman, 16 Bark Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910, page 1

Birth. At 7 Glade Street, Park Rd, Bolton, to Mr & Mrs David Hart, nee Edith Matz, a daughter.
[Birth. Muriel Hart March 1911 Bolton 8c 442]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1912 New Year Greetings, page xxix

Mr & Mrs A. Gafan, Vernon Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1912 New Year Greetings, page xxix

Mr & Mrs Benn Rotenberg and son, 79 Orlando Street, Bolton

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1912, page 1

Birth. At 84 Higher Bridge Street, Bolton, a son to Mr & Mrs Maurice Shaffer, nee Leah Saltman of South Shields.
[Birth. Hyman J. Shaffer December 1912 Bolton 8c 863]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 19

Manchester. Presentation of testimonial to Mr George Shaffer, past president.
He was 'instrumental in establishing a synagogue at Bolton, and presented that synagogue with its first Sepher Torah'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 17

Reference to George [sic] Shaffer, Past President of Manchester Talmud Torah School.
'…he was instrumental in establishing a synagogue at Bolton, and presented the synagogue with its first Sepher Torah'.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1912, page 1

Bar Mitzvah. Solie only son of Mr & Mrs A. Gafan of Vernon Street, Bolton, will read portion of the Law at the synagogue, Spar Road, Bolton, on November 23.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1913, page 2

Advert. Wanted Chazan, Shochet and Teacher. Must have good knowledge of English. Wages 35s. Apply, M. Rubin, 72 Derby Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1913, page 23

Grimsby. Wedding yesterday week of Miss Fanny Altman, daughter of Mr A. Altman, and Rev H. Abrahams of Bolton, son of Mr & Mrs Abrahams of Jaffa.
[Marriage. Towbe [sic] F. F. Altman June 1913 Grimsby 7a 1443//Hirsh Abramovitz]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1913, page 26

Annual meeting. Mr M. Rubin, President, tendered his resignation. He was thanked for his services as was the retiring Treasurer, Maurice Shaffer. Elected: A. Gafan, President; M. Goldstone, Treasurer; S. Isaacson, Hon Sec; J. Allan and J. Goodenday, Auditors; J. Lindsay, C. Goodenday, A. Goodenday, S. Posnanski, and Maurice Shaffer, Committee. Mark Rubin elected representative at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1913, page 29

Saul Gafan, son of Mr & Mrs Gafan of 39 Vernon Street, Bolton, has won a Schoolmaster scholarship at the Municipal Secondary School, for free schooling for 3 years and £15. He was also the recipient last year of a scholarship with free schooling for 4 years in the Elementary Schools.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1913, page 21

Bolton. Clara Lanzetter, daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Lanzetter, 1 Wycliffe Street, Bolton, was among the successful candidates at the Oxford Local Examination.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913 New Year Greetings, page xxxi

Mr & Mrs Benn Rotenberg and sons, 79 Orlando Street, Bolton.
[Mr & Mrs Mark Shaffer, Blackpool]
[Mr & Mrs E. C. Shapeero, Nottingham]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1914, page 2

Marriage. On 17 December at the New Synagogue, Cheetham Hill, Manchester. Kittie, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Berman of Manchester to Boris, son of Mr & Mrs Hart of Bolton.
[Marriage. Kitty Berman December 1913 Prestwich 8d 695//Boris Hart]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1914, page 24

Examination of the children of the synagogue in their knowledge of Hebrew was held last week. They had made great progress under the tuition of Rev and Mrs H. Abrahams. Later the Treasurer, Mr Goldstone, entertained the children to tea and Mrs Goldstone distributed sweets.
An illuminated address was presented by Mr Gafan, President, to Mr M. Rubin, Past President, in recognition of 6 years services in that office. Mr Goldstone presented Mrs Rubin with a gold bracelet.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1914, page 2

Meeting of the Literary and Debating Society, Mr S. Isaacson read paper on ’The Dietary Laws and its [sic] Effects on the Health of the Jews’. [J. Salinsky proposed vote of thanks to chairman.]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 February 1914, page 26

Hebrew Literary Society. Rev A. Cohen, Birmingham, read paper on ‘Judah’s last Stand for Independence’

Jewish Chronicle, 13 February 1914, page 28

Literary and Debating Society. Mr A. L.Salzedo read paper on ‘Jewish Orthodoxy and Modern Times’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1914, page 27

At a meeting of the Bolton Hebrew Literary and Debating Society M Wassilevsky of Manchester gave a lecture of ‘Literature and the National Life’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1914, page 34

The ladies of the congregation have presented the synagogue with a handsome purple and gold curtain for the ark which was unveiled on Purim night. Mrs Gafan provided cakes and fruit for the children.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1914, page 25

Meeting of the Hebrew Literary and Debating Society. There was an address on ‘The Building of the Holy City’ by Mr J. Darbyshire, editor of The Bolton Citizen. [Mr Hecht proposed vote of thanks.]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1914, page 1

Betrothal. Annie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs J. Ridy of Rochdale, to Leslie, youngest son of Mr Noar of Manchester.
[Marriage. Annie Ridy December 1914 Prestwich 8d 719//Leslie Noar]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1914, page 24

Hebrew Literary and Debating Society. S. Isaacson lectured on ‘Science in the Dietary Laws’. J. Allan presided. Gafan proposed and M. Ridy seconded vote of thanks to lecturer.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1915, page 18

Literary and Debating Society. J. Allan read paper on ‘The War and the Future of Palestine’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1915, page 25

Hebrew Literary and Debating Society. Held dance in aid of the Belgian Relief Fund. Miss Madge Tyson and Mr William Green contributed solos and duets.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1915, page 29

Meeting of the Hebrew Literary and Debating Society. Mr Phillips (Lecturer of the Christian Evidence Society) delivered an address on ’Religion and Modern Thought’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 April 1915, page 24

General meeting. President A. Gafan and Treasurer M. Goldstone tendered resignations. Elected: M. Shaffer, President; C. Goodenday, Treasurer; S. Isaacson, Hon Sec; J. Lanzetter, Simons, Bernard and Rivkin, Committee; M. Rubin and M. Goldstone, Auditors.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1915, page 18

Mrs Abrahams, wife of Rev H. Abrahams, read a paper on ’The Misunderstood Jew ’ to the Adult School No. 2 Society. ’her Christian audience’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1915, page 20

Meeting of the Hebrew Literary and Debating Society at ‘Glenthorne’, Chorley Old Road. Mr Nathan A. Adler, of the Manchester Zionist Society, spoke on ‘The History of the Jewish Colonies in Palestine’. He has lived for many years in the colonies. He appealed for the formation of a Zionist Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1916, page 20

Farewell party for Rev and Mrs H. Abrahams on their departure for Manchester. They have lived in Bolton for 3 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1916, page 3

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Bolton Committee £4.5.3.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1916, page 21

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Collected at the Bris Milah of son of Mr & Mrs J. Myers, Bolton, £1.10.0.
[Birth. Philip Myers. June 1916 Bolton 8c 757. Mother Croft]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916, page 21

Mark Rubin re-elected to represent Bolton at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1916, page 2

Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia
Bolton Committee £6.3.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1916, page 16

General Meeting of Hebrew Literary and Debating Society. Balance sheet of session 1915-16 was adopted. Elected: Messrs Shaffer, President; Bernard, Treasurer; S. Lanzetter, Secretary; M. Rubin,
Librarian, And a committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1916, page 17

Lecture on ‘Rabbi Obadiah’s Wonderful Journey to Palestine’ was delivered at the headquarters of the Bolton Literary and Debating Society by Mr I. W. Slotki of Manchester. Vote of thanks proposed by Rev Mr Bessloff seconded by Mr Isaacson, supported by Mr Gafan. Mr Maurice Shaffer presided.
[This is the Bolton Hebrew Literary and Debating Society but their headquarters are not identified. Otherwise meetings are normally held in private houses.]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1916, page 20

Lecture and Debate on ‘Have the Jewish clergy failed in its mission?’ was held by the Bolton Literary and Debating Society at Mr C. Goodenday’s residence. Participants: Messrs Rubin, Gafan, Lesser and Rev Mr Bressloff.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1917, page 19

A debate was held, between Mr S. Isaacson and Mr Gafan on ’Will the War bring Freedom to Jewry’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1917, page 13

Board of Deputies. Re a school in Bolton. The authorities had refused to allow Jewish children to abstain from attendance on Saturday. This meant that Jewish children were barred from that school. A private action had failed. The Board of Deputies is to communicate with the Board of Education.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1917, page 22

Lecture to Bolton Hebrew Literary and Debating Society by Mr H. Dagutski, headmaster of Stockport Grammar School on ‘Jews and the World’s Crisis’. Rev Mr Bressloff presided.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1917, page 11

‘ALLEN [sic].- A service was held at the Bolton Synagogue, Spa Road, in memory of Petty Officer Ernest Allen [sic], son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Allen [sic], of 154 Chorley Road, Horwich. His vessel struck a mine, and with him fourteen others were drowned. The Rev. Mr. Bressloff preached and made fitting and sympathetic reference to the death of the young officer. A collection was taken in aid of the Disabled Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Homes. A good sum was contributed.’

Casualty details
Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
Service No:
Date of Death:
Royal Navy
H.M.S. "Mignonette."
Panel Reference
Additional Information:
Son of Henry and Rebecca Allan, of 154, Chorley New Rd., Horwich, Bolton, Lancs.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1917, page 26

Meeting of congregation. Elected as Education Committee: Messrs M. Rubin, S. Isaacson, M. Shaffer S. Posnansky. Resolution passed calling on M. Rubin (representative at Board of Deputies) to support the Zionist movement whenever the Board dealt therewith. Vote of condolence to family of the late Leopold de Rothschild.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1917, page 12

Board of Deputies. Report of interview with Mr Fisher, President of the Board of Education, re the Bolton school which had refused admission to two Jewish boys whose father had refused to allow them to attend on Saturdays. Mr Fisher was anxious that the point should not be pressed during the war but he was urged to deal with other schools if the same happened.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1918, page 18

Debate on ‘The League of Nations’ held at the Bolton Jewish Literary Society Mu was played on the piano by Miss E. Gafan and Miss Goodenday.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1918, page 16

Mr E. Elkan Cohen of Manchester read a paper to the Bolton Hebrew Literary Society on ‘Can Business and Professional Gentlemen attain Success unless they are Endowed with Ideas?’

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1918, page 4
New Year Greetings. Rev S. and Mrs Bressloff and son 21 Ruth Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1918, page 12

Chatan Torah S. Posnansky. Chatan Bereshith L. Noar

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1918, page 2

Miss Weisberg of Manchester delivered lecture to the Hebrew Literary Society on ’Facts about Palestine’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1919, page 25

Mr E. Elkan Cohen of Manchester addressed the Hebrew Literary Society on ‘Moses and the Creation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1919, page 25

Mr A. L. Salzedo of Manchester read a paper on ‘Judaism and Idealism’ to the Hebrew Debating Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1919, page 2

Board of Deputies. Bolton representative Mark Rubin elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1919, page 26

General Meeting. Elected: Messrs Morris Shaffer, President; S. Isaacson, Treasurer; L. Noar, Secretary. Thanks to the retiring President, M. Goldstone and Mr I. Bernard, Hon Sec for their services during the past 4 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919, page 27

Dundee. Rev S. Bressloff of Bolton has entered upon his duties as minister to the congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919 New Year Greetings, page xv.

Mr and Mrs Maurice Shaffer, West Leigh House,
Vernon Street, Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 November 1919, page 1

Death on 7 November of Emma Lessar mother of Mrs Goodenday, St George’s Road, Bolton.
[Death. Emma Lessar December 1919 aged 68 Prestwich 8d 290]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1920, page 21

Chanucah service held in the synagogue conducted by S. Isaacson and Levy Goldstone. Pupils of the Hebrew Classes were served with sweets and fruits.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1960, page 14

‘The new synagogue premises of the Bolton Hebrew Congregation, in an upper room of the Queen Street Mission in Central Street, were consecrated by the Rev. Aaron Segal, the assistant minister of the Central Synagogue, Manchester’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1970, page 16

Bolton makes its mark’
‘For 65 years - from 1904 to 1969 - there was a small Jewish community in the Lancashire cotton town of Bolton. The congregation grew to its peak during the Second World War when there were 40 families. In the past decade the community dwindled although it tried to maintain a minyan on a Friday evening. Eventually the synagogue closed down.

Now the money saved by the congregation which was originally intended for a new synagogue is to benefit Israel. Two thousand trees costing £1.000 are to be planted in Yishi, near Jerusalem, to perpetuate the name of the Bolton Hebrew Congregation.’

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

 Page created: 15 December 2012
Page most recently amended: 14 December 2016

Formatting by Louise Messik



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