Jersey Jewish Community

Channel Islands





Press Reports relating to the Jersey Jewish Community
From 1961

compiled by the late Harold Pollins
[entries within square brackets are from the compiler.]  

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1961, page 3

'SEFER Torah wanted. Also silver and other ritual requirements. For newly organised services in Jersey. Details to Sebag Cohen, Le Clos Du Hurel, St. Brelade, Jersey, C.I. (Phone Jersey South 291.)'


Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1961, page 12

Mr & Mrs S. Senett were hosts to a JPA social gathering in which most of Jewish families in Jersey participated. Appeal raised £1,200, doubling last year’s total.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1961, page 17

For the first time in this century organised religious services are being held regularly by the Jersey Jewish Congregation.
On Friday evenings services are held at the houses of various members of the tiny community (25 families) and efforts are being made to hold regular Shabbat morning services.
A provisional committee has been formed consisting of Mr. Sebag Cohen, Mr. L. Feldman, Mr. A. Regal, and Mr. R. Tafler.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1962, page 7

Engagement between Samuel Stuart Anthony son of Mr P. Waldenberg and late Mrs Waldenberg of Leeds to Jennifer, elder daughter of Mr & Mrs N. Janes of Les Ametôts, St Saviour, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1962, Page 7

Engagement. Cyril. Elder son of Mr & Mrs Samuel Walker of Leamington Spa, to Georgeanna Sarah, only daughter of Mr & Mrs Reginald Tafler, of La Girafe, Route de Tabor, Brelade, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1963, page 36

Full services for Passover are being arranged under the direction of Rev Malcolm Weisman, Minister to Small Communities.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1963, page 4

Jersey Jewish Congregation.
President Senator W. Krichefski OBE
Minister The Rev Malcolm Weisman MA (Oxon)
Full Services have been arranged for the High Holydays, Succot, Simchat Torah.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1963, page 38

Elected to office. President Senator W. Krichefski. Secretary and Treasure S. Sennett(sic).


Jewish Chronicle, 15 November 1963, page 10

Engagement. Tony, son of Mr & Mrs D.N. Holt of 2 Rue de L’est, St Helier, Jersey, to Angela Ruth, daughter of Mr & Mrs G. Benjamin of Hove.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1964, page VI

Article by Senator W. Krichefski on Jersey.
'There are no hotels or guest houses which provide kosher food for Jewish holidaymakers, but most of the larger hotels are prepared to provide a special diet if they are advised in advance that this will be required.'


Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1964, page 25

From Senator Krichefski.
Organised morning and evening services take place on New Year, the Day of Atonement and on all the three major Festivals. Also they have tried to arrange a service combined with a social activity at Chanucah and Purim. Those few who want kosher meat obtain it from Mr A. Keselman of Bournemouth or from Barnett’s in London.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1964, page 30

It is hoped that a kosher hotel or boarding house will be opened on Jersey soon. Full service will be held at the Brae, St Brelade. This is a large house very near the Tabor Methodist Church.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1964, page 27

The 16th Dublin (Jewish) Scout Troop is camping on Jersey. They were entertained by the President of the community, Senator W.H. Krichefski and other members. The scouts hosted the Jewish community at a Friday evening service ‘which was followed by a cocktail party.
A local scout, Harry Menasche, has been made an honorary member of 16th Dublin.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1964, page 29

'Junior Chronicle. New members: David Daniel Moed and Roy Uriel Moed of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1964, page 35

Chanucah service was conducted by Rev Malcolm Weisman.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1965, page 4

Advert. British-born Orthodox Jew, arranging to settle in Jersey, wishes to hear from anyone wishing to do same..


Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1965, page 26

Jersey raised £2,000 for the JPA.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1965, page 2

Birth of Phillipa Clare on 27 August at the Jersey Maternity Hospital to Mollie and Stanley Blum. A sister for Sarah.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1965, page 10

Engagement. David Brian Regal, elder son of Mr & Mrs Alfred Regal of 'Le Creux du Rocher', Les Russeaux. St Brelade, Jersey, to Anita Sarella LLB, daughter of Mrs Doris M. Bloom and late Abraham Algy Bloom of Ridgeway, Mont Cochon, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1966, page 12

Jules and Joyce Moed (nee Jacobs) of Beauvoir, Samares, Jersey, announce the 25th anniversary of their marriage at the Yeoville Synagogue, Johannesburg on 26 January 1941.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1966, page 14

The small community of Jersey gathered at a reception for Col George Beanm QC. Film 'Let My People Go' shown. Appeal by Senator Krichefski resulted in £1,800 for JPA.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1966, page 34

By Rev Malcolm Weisman.
Referred to efforts to raise £10,000 to build the Jewish Corner of the inter-denominational centre at Lancaster University. So far little raised but (among recent efforts) a number of members of the Jersey Jewish congregation have promised over £50 and the community has pledged to raise over £500.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1966, page 10

Marriage of David Jonathan Feldman, son of Louis and Rosa Feldman of St Helier to Rayah Ariane Gertrude, daughter of Levi and Elisheva Gertner of London NW9, will take place at St John's Wood Synagogue, on December 21.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1967, page 2

Death of Sam Peretz on 22 December at Hove, late of Guernsey, Jersey and Nice. Nephew of late I. L. Peretx. Father (inter alia) of Rosa and father-in-law of Louis Feldman (Jersey)


Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1967, page 10

Son born in the London Clinic to Monia nee Wolman and Gerald Symonds of Pinner. Grandchild of Mr & Mrs H.L. Symonds of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1968, page 2

Engagement. Russell Starr, youngest son of Mr & Mrs Lou Starr of Purley, Surrey, to Victoria Powell, younger daughter of Mr & Mrs Baden Powell, 7 Kensington Place, St Helier, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1968, page 2

Frederick Hyman Bloom died 29 December while visiting Jamaica. Missed by niece Doris Bloom and Family, Ridgeway, Mont Cochom, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1968, page 20

Travel notes. No Jewish hotels in the Channel Islands but arrangements have been made by a travel agent with a number of hotels in both Guernsey and Jersey to supply a good, varied vegetarian diet for Jewish visitors.
[repeated from time to time]


Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1968, page 10

Engagement. Russell Mark, son of Mr & Mrs F.C. Abrahams, Birmingham, to Virginia, younger daughter of Norman Janes, Jersey, and the late Mrs Rosa Janes.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1968, page 16

JPA Appeal at Jersey (40 families) raised £4,000.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1968, page 33

Advert. Student requires board and accommodation, convenient for Holborn College of Law. Hirschfield, Beth Yam, Parc De L'Oeilliere, St Brelade, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1968, page 34

'Jersey First Lady'
Mrs Anita Sarella Regal is to be the first woman to be sworn in a an advocate of the Royal Court of Jersey. Aged 25, born St Annes, Lancashire, later moved with family to Jersey in 1957. Law degree at Manchester University. A daughter of Mrs Doris Bloom and late Abraham Algy Bloom. Her marriage to David Regal in 1966 was the first wedding on Jersey for over 100 years.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1969, page 2

Godfrey Ansell died 4 February. Wife is Sadie, 4 Berkeley Court, St Helier, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1969, page 19

Senator W. H. Krichefski, president of the Jersey Jewish Congregation, made history as the first person ever, other than the Bailiff (the island's chief executive) or his deputy, to preside over the States of Jersey, the local parliament. In 1968 an Act was passed allowing a member of the House to take the chair if the Bailiff was engaged presiding at the Royal Court of Justice, the senior senator was to take the chair.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 April 1969, page 37

A WIZO group has been formed in Jersey for the first time. Chairman Mrs J. Menasche; Hon Sec and Treasurer Mrs H.J. Hirschfield.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1969, page 17

JPA campaign. For 21 years Jersey-born Senator Wilfred Krichefski has been the spearhead of fund-raising on the island. The small community of 35 families met at the Hotel de France and raised £6,000.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1969, page 10

A son, Ian Lawrence, was born on 17 August in Bristol to Angela nee Benjamin and Tony Holt of Portbury, Somerset. A first grandchild for Esther and Don Holt of St Helier.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1969, page 18

A games evening and film show was held at the Hotel de France. Over £50 raised at this first social of the newly-formed Wizo branch.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1970, page 10

Marriage on 3 March at Tel Aviv between Norman Janes of Jersey and Bella Poloniecki of Tel Aviv.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1970, page 10

Engagement. Anton, only son of Doris and Ralph Offenbach, Le Chalet Vert, Port Marquet Road, St Brelade, formerly of London, and Lynne, twin daughter of Trudi and Cyril Austin of Finchley N.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 May 1970, page 18

Jersey Wizo held dinner and film show to celebrate Israel's Independence Day - the first function of its kind on the island. Also to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its liberation from Nazi occupation. About £160 raised for Israel.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1970, page 14

The small, yet dedicated, community of Jersey raised over £4,500 for Israel's Human Needs Campaign.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1970, page 10

Engagement. Christopher David, son of Vera and Wilfred Woodward of St Brelade's Bay, Jersey, and Nadine Anne, daughter of Pamela and Maurice Fogel of London NW11.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1970, page 10

Birth of a son, Tomer Adam, on 3 August to Virginia nee Janes and Michael Lenzinger of Israel, grandchild for Norman Janes of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1970, page 10

Bar Mitzvah. Frederick Elyer, son of Mr & Mrs Sebag Cohen, of La Clos du Hurel, St Brelade, will read maftir and haftara at the Hotel Majestic Synagogue, Bournemouth on 26 September.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1971, page 15

Jersey Wizo. Elected: Mrs J. Menasche, Chairman; Mrs D. Regal, Treasurer; Mrs H. Hirschfield, Secretary.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1971, page 8

Full services for Passover will again be conducted by Rev Malcolm Weisman, visiting minister, in the St Brelades Church Hall. The congregation hopes to build its own synagogue in the near future.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1971, page 22

Engagement. Malcolm Paul Bloom, BA, younger son of Mrs Doris Bloom of Ridgway, Mont Cochon, Jersey, and the late Abraham Algy Bloom, and Judith Ann Gordon, only daughter of Dr & Mrs David Gordon of Glasgow.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1971, page 37

Jersey Wizo. Elected: Mrs D. Menasche, Chairman; Mrs A. Regal, Treasurer; Mrs P. Schniederman(sic), Secretary.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1971, page 5

Over £85 raised at a cheese and wine party held by Jersey Wizo at the White Tower Hotel, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1971, page 21

Josef Menasche died 29 December in Zurich. [See 4 February 1971 page 14.]


Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1972, page 16

Twin sons, Jonathan Benjamin and Daniel Abraham born to Anita nee Bloom and David Regal of Kineret, Elizabeth Avenue, St Brelade, (brothers to Rachelle). First grandsons to Mr & Mrs A. Regal and to Mrs Doris Bloom of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 1972, page 14

Obituary of Josef Menasche. Born in Germany. Pre-1939 used his flat as hiding place for Jews aiming to escape from Germany helped by an SS officer. Came to England 1949, served in British Army, settled in Jersey 1948.


Jewish Chronicle, July 1972, page 8

The first social event to be held in the Jersey Jewish community's new synagogue hall was a reception to the Israeli minister [sc ambassador] and his wife.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1972, page 16

Birth. A daughter (Dalhia Marcelle), born on 4 July to Michelle nee Grosse and Lionel Learner of Le Creusot, Rue du Craslin, Beaumont, Jersey, a sister for Selwyn Jan.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1972, page 14

A son, Jacob Alexander (Alfred), born on 22 July, to Judith nee Lowenthal and Bernard Krichefski at the Matenity Hospital, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1972, page 12

The chief law officer for Jersey (the Attorney-General) and members of the State(sic) (the local parliament) attended a service conducted by Rev. Malcolm Weisman, at the new synagogue at St. Brelades(sic). The congregation comprised many more non-Jews than Jews, including nuns and other representatives of all the local churches.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1972, page 22

Thanks for condolences received on death of Esther Holt nee Lewis of 2 Rue de L'Est, Mount Bingham, St Helie.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1972, page 40

'AU PAIR wanted for 4 months for small Orthodox family in Jersey, holiday island. Israeli preferred.'


Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1972, page 33

'Jersey's new synagogue'
The synagogue of the Jersey Hebrew Congregation at St Brelades(sic) was formally opened last week by its president, Senator Wilfred Krichefsky(sic) in the presence of a large congregation and numerous visitors, including Lady Davies, the wife of the Lieutenant-Governor of Jersey, the Bailiff and the Dean of Jersey, and other local religious leaders.
A service of consecration was conducted by the Chief Rabbi and Rev Malcolm Weisman, visiting minister, both of whom addressed the congregation.
In the evening a second service was conducted by Mr Weisman at which the Chief Rabbi also preached and was thanked by Senator Krichefsky(sic) to whom a silver key was presented.
There has been a Jewish community before but it is believed it ceased to exist in the nineteenth century. The present congregation was formed just over ten years ago and now has about 50 families. The community also has a cemetery and Hebrew classes have just been started under the direction of Mrs D. Regal.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1972, page 20

'Jersey friends of Tel Aviv University'
Following visit by Mr Victor M. Carter, chairman of the Board of Governors of the university, a Committee of the Friends of the University is to be formed under the chairmanship of Senator Wilfred H. Krichefski. Several scholarships have been donated. Mr S. Bloom undertook to finance a new project in the law faculty building and a new laboratory in the life sciences building was donated by Mr Max Bernstein.


xJewish Chronicle, 24 November 1972, page 24

Engagement. Harold Walden B.Ch.D., L.D.S. of Leodis, Route des Quennerain, St Brelade, younger son of Nat and Doris Waldenberg of Leeds, and Laurraine Sharon, youngest daughter of Rex and Sarah Barnett of Hendon.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1972, page 27

Engagement. Tony, son of Mr & Mrs D.N. Holt of 2 Rue de L’est, St Helier, Jersey, to Angela Ruth, daughter of Mr & Mrs G. Benjamin of Hove.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1973, page 20

A daughter, Natalie Anne Michaela, was born on 14 January at the Jersey Maternity Hospital to Nadine nee Fogel and Christopher Woodward of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1973, page 24

Cheese and wine party held by the Jersey Wizo at the White Towers Hotel, St Helier, raised over £150.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1973, page 22

Engagement. Brian Martin Bloom BSc, Ontario, Canada, elder son of Mrs Doris Bloom and the late Abraham Algy Bloom of Ridgeway, Mont Cochon, Jersey to Bryna Jan Rajesky of Ontario.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1973, page 22

Daughter, Lynella Bernice was born on 19 February to Phoebe nee Harris and Leon Schneiderman, Haut du Pre,Parcq de l'Oelliere, St Brelade, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1973, page 22

A son, Matthew Alexander, was born on 18 April to Este, nee Marcus, and Roy Lewis of Sheffield, and John and Betty Lewis of Jersey, late of Sheffield.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1973, page 14

More than 80 people attended a Wizo dinner and dance . Mrs D. Menasche, president of Jersey Wizo, was presented with a Jerusalem Baby Home Certificate for her work for Wizo.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1973, page 6

Jersey has started regular Shabbat services since it gained its own premises.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1973, page 36

Two Jewish army officers were victims of a parcel bomb in an army camp in Londonderry. One who died was 2Lt Lindsay William Hamilton Dobbie of Brondesbury, His mother lives on Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1974, page 40

Death on 4 March of Stanley Weston aged 57, at the General Hospital Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1974, page 40

Letter. I am engaged in collecting material for a short paper on the history of the Jewish community of Jersey. Want to hear from any reader who has information especially from any descendants of any settlers before 1939. Mrs A.S. Regal, Kineret, Elizabeth Avenue, St Brelade, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1974, page 22

A son, Nicholas Piers, was born on 28 March, to Jane nee Platman and David Barnett, Westciff-on-Sea, a 2nd grandchild for Bella Barnett of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1974, page 9

The Jersey Wizo group held a dinner and dance to celebrate Israel's Independence anniversary. Over 65 people attended, Raised £300.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1974, page 31

Death of Sarah Swycher on 21 June in her 91st year. Mourned by (inter alia) Betty Lewis of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1974, page 6 - New Year Greetings

Myra, David, Laura, and Howard Goldstein of Lyndhurst Private Hotel, Route de la Haute, Beaumont, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1974, page 35 - New Year Greetings

Mrs B. Rose formerly of Hendon, Le Bois, St Mary, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1974, page 29

Death of Pyllis Rothstein at the Middlesex Hospital on 5 October. Missed by husband (and other relations), 5 Mont Pinel Court, St Helier..


Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1974, page 2

Engagement. Alan Harris MA, ACA, only son of Mr & Mrs Walter Harris, La Falaise, Mont Gras D'eau, St Brelade, to Veronica Burton, London NW2.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1974, page 22

A daughter, Lisa Jayne, born on 28 November to Lunda and Stephen Regal, Haut Bois, St Lawrence Jersey. 4th grandhild for Mr & Mrs A. Regal of Jersey.


xJewish Chronicle, 20 December 1974, page 18

A son, Nathan Alexander David, born on 14 December at the Jersey Maternity Hospital, to Madine nee Fogel and Christopher Woodward, a brother for Natalie Anne.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1974, page 39

Obituary of Wilfred Krichefski, who died in a car crash last week after a heart attack, at age 58. Funeral service by Rev Malcolm Weisman. Among those present at the funeral were the Bailiff (the island's chief executive) and senators and deputies of the States legislature.
Wilfred Harold Krichefski was born in St Helier where his grandfather had established a clothing business. Brought up in London he attended Hendon Synagogue for which his grandfather had laid foundation stone. Alone of five siblings he returned to work in the family business, leaving in 1940. Served in British Army in WWII in the Pay Corps. Returned to Jersey in 1945, elected a deputy and served until 1951 when he became the youngest elected Senator. Many official posts. OBE 1958. President of the Jewish community since it was established in the early 1960s. Active in many Jewish organisations.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1975, page 18

Engagement. Ian, elder son of Samuel and Rita Senett of Milverton, Portalet Road, St Brelade, and Rosalind Levy of Finchley.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1975, page 22

Death on 8 March of Walter Harris at his home, La Falaise, St Brelade.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1975, page 35

Obituary of Walter Harris. Once a leading member of the Glasgow community. In the tobacco industry in Scotland before retiring. Donated the Walter and Ella Harris Kindergarten at Raanana, Israel.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1975, page 32

Jersey Wizo raised £440 at its annual dinner and dance.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1975, page 46

Death on 9 September, Max Alexander, Rock House, Gorey, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1975, page 19

Reference to Max Bernstein, one of the Bernstein family whose best-known member of head of Granada TV. Selim, an elder brother, was killed in WWI. One sister is Lady Stone, wife of Harold Wilson's doctor.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1975, page 30

Death on 26 November of Lucie Marie (nee Halet), husband of Neville Hamwell, and mother of Alan, at her home. La Cache, St Ouen, Jersey, aged 66.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1976, page 25

Memorial service for Lucie Marie Hamwell to be at the Reform Synagogue, London.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1976, page 22

Jersey Jewish congregation. Elected to office: President H. Walden, Treasurer D. Regal, Secretary L. Learner.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1976, page 3

David Kay, a 38 year-old immigrant from Britain, has been arrested by Israeli police after a shooting incident in which his wife was killed, at Kibbutz Sde Nehemia in Upper Galilee. He is from Jersey and Leicester.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1976, page 18

Engagement. Graham Adiran Hirschfield, LLB of Lodon WC1, younger son of Cicely and Howard Hirshfield of Jersey and Michelle Marcus of Liverpool.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1976, page 6

At a reception at home of Mrs Doris Bloom a scroll of honour was presented to Mrs Dorothy Krichefski listing the names of all those who donated to the Senator Wilfred H. Krichefski Memorial Scholarship Fund at Tel Aviv University.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1977, page 23

Death of Norman Green at his home in Jersey, Brother of Marie, Sylvia and Bella.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1977 ,page 23

Obituary of Norman Green. Architect who designed the Westcliff Synagogue. On his retirement he left St John's Wood for Jersey where he was on the synagogue committee.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 December 1977, page 30

Death on 16 December of Dora Regal. Mourned by son Alfred and daughter-in-law Fay (Jersey); David and Anoita Regal, Rachelle, Daniel and Jonathan (Jersey); Grandchildren Stephen and Lynda and great granddaughter Lisa (Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1978, page 8

Jersey Wizo had 9th annual dinner and dance to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Israel's independence. 70 people attended including many non-Jews. Raised nearly £500.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1978, page 10

'New Cemetery Consecrated'
Rev Malcolm Weisman consecrated a new cemetery and prayer hall. The present cemetery in use since 19th century at Westmount is almost full and this will be the third Jewish burial ground on Jersey. Weisman in an address complained about those who joined the Jewish community for burial rights and did not participate in activities.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 1978, page 26

Laurence Grosse died on Jersey on 31 August. Daughter is Michelle, son-in-law is Lionel Learner.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1978, page 18

Engagement. Linda, daughter of George and Manja Bernandes of Jersey to Victor Nudler of London N16.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1978, page 20

Daughter, Gabrielle Zoe, born on 15 November to Peter Schacter and Lynda nee Clements of Mint Gate, Wellington Road, Jersey. Sister for Natalie Clare.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1979, page18

A son, Simon James, born on 26 February to Lynda and Stephen Regal of Jersey, a brother for Lisa Jayne. Fifth grandchild for Mr & Mrs A. Regal of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1979, page 17

Stockists of Empire Kosher Poultry
Includes in Jersey: Prime Cut Ltd., Quennevais Parade.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1979, page 18

A daughter, Deborah Jeannette (Dvorah Yohanit) was born on 26 April to Anita and David Regal. Sister to Rachelle, Jonathan, and Daniel.. Another granddaughter for Mrs Doris Bloom and Mr & Mrs Alfred Regal, all of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1979, page 8

Wizo celebrated 10th anniversary with dinner and dance. Raised £450. Also raised £225 with a 'good-as-new' sale held by Mrs Joyce Cohen.


Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1979, page 22

Death on 2 October of Baron L. Freedman at his home, 'Kendibar', Mont Cochon, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1979, page 36

HOUSEKEEPER/COOK wanted by youthful Jewish gentleman for modern luxury 2 bedroomed seaside house, Jersey. Must also be useful, unattached, no ties, car driver, non-smoker and willing to assist at property business. Fullest details, telephone number, etc. to Field, 'Shardlow', Landscape Grove, Mount Poshon(sic), St Helier, Jersey.
[2nd advert, 14 December 1979 page 33. Slightly amended including 'Mount Coshon'(sic)]


Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1980, page 25

Death on 13 March of Sebag Cohen of Loge du Tisserand, Trinity, Jersey, formerly of Sunderland. Wife Joyce, son Frederick.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1980, page 27

Obituary of Sebag Cohen, by Malcolm Weisman. Arrived in Jersey in 1961. Pillar of congregation. Conducted services. Supported yeshivot in England and Israel.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1980, page 29

Death of Rose (Lee) Wester, formerly of Liverpool. Died 19 April. Long resident in Jersey. Husband Samuel.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1980, page 28

Thanks for condolences on death of wife Rose, late of Liverpool and Leeds, Flat 6, Mentone, St Saviours Rd, Jersey. Buried in Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1980, page 18

Ian, elder son of Samuel and Rita Senett of Milverton, Portelet Rd, St Brelade, to Edith Cohen of London N 21.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1980, page 10

The departure hall at Jersey Airport has been named the Krichefski Hall as a lasting tribute to Senator Wilfred Krichefski.
A memorial plaque was unveiled by his widow Dorothy and son Bernard, who is a member of the Board of Deputies representing Jersey.
Senator Krichefski served on the Harbours and Airport Committee for 24 years, was vice-president from 1948-1960 and thereafter to 1969 as president.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1980, page 25

Reference to Barry, Jean and Lawrence Woolf of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, January 1981, page 8

Elected to Jersey Hebrew Congregation: President D.B. Regal; Treasurer H. Walden; Secretary Mrs D.M. Bloom.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1981, page 12

Benjamin Weizmann, elder and only surviving son of Dr Chaim Weizmann, died in Jersey aged 73. He took no part in public affairs or Jewish in general.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1981, page 17

Wizo raised £280.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1981, page 13

Special service conducted by Rev Malcolm Weisman in Jersey synagogue when a sefer torah was completed and consecrated. The scroll was donated by the family in memory of Sebag Cohen. Addresses were given by Rabbi S. Zahn, Principal of Sunderland Yeshiva, and Judge Viviam Cohen, Mr Cohen's nephews. Another nephew, Rabbi Benjamin Cohen of the Israel Defence Forces explained the significance of the ceremony.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1981, page 7

Wizo wine and cheese party raised £305.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1981, page 42

'JERSEY VEGETARIAN accommodation in family farmhouse, B/B evening meal optional. H/C all rooms, ch. TV lounge, garden, open all year, children welcome'
[repeated for some years]


Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1981, page 18

Engagement. Lynne Phillips of Leeds and Malcolm, elder son of Cicely Hirschfield of London and Howard Hirschfield of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1981, page 27

Bella Barnett of Jersey died 22 October.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 1982, page 16

Birth. A son, Michale Richman (Eliezer Ze'ev), was born on 12 January at Jersey Maternity to Maureen nee Shroot and Ian Shenkin, A brother for Andrew and Gordon. 6th grandchild for Betty and Maurice Shroot, now of Jersey, and Cynthia and Harry Shenkin of Durham.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 April 1982, page 7

Jersey synagogue was crowded for the first batmitzvah on the island, of Rachelle Regal, daughter of David Regal, president of the community, and Mrs Regal, headmistress of the religion classes and Jersey's first woman advocate. A sefer torah mantle was presented by her grandmother, Mrs Doris Bloom, the community's secretary. The batmitzvah's paternal grandfather, Alfred Segal, was the synagogue's builder [see 30 September 1983].
In addition the first communal seder was held.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1982, page 3

In a series of lectures to the B'nai B'rith First Women's Lodge on oral Jewish history Mrs Vera Braylis described life on Jersey when her's was the only Jewish family. Her brother eventually built the synagogue.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1982, page 8

Jersey Wizo raised £175.


Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1983, Page 11

Advert for Hotel L'Horizon, St Brelade's Bay.
[repeated frequently]


Jewish Chronicle, 9 August, 1983 page 20

Percy Dalton died on 9 August in Jersey. The Directors and staff of the Percy Dalton group of companies mourn the loss of their founder and president.


Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1983, page 6

High Holyday prayers were conducted by Rev Malcolm Weisman, attended also by members of the Guernsey branch of the community who flew over for the services.
Separate activities take place in Guernsey which Rev Weisman visits on a regular basis.
The Jersey community now over 50 families. Nearly 20 children in the religion classes, headmistress is Mrs Anita Regal, whose husband is president. Her father Alfred is head of the building and construction company that erected the synagogue.
For the second year running Rev Michael Binstock, minister of Golders Green synagogue, spent a month with family on Jersey where he helped to organise Hebrew classes, ran an adult education class, and conducted shabbat services.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1983, page 16

Death on 16 February of John Jacob (Jack) Davies of 3 Stable Yard, Bel Royal, Jersey, husband of Eve, father of Ian.


Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1984, page 13

Presentation to Rev Malcolm Weisman to mark his 20 years a visiting minister. A second batmitzvah ceremony was held.y.


Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1984, page 9

Obituary of Dr M. Lytton. Before settling in Jersey he and his wife Rita (former Mayor of Preston) was a leading light in Preston. In Jersey he served on the synagogue committee and regularly officiated as baal koreh and taught in Hebrew classes.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1984, page 8

Mr Vernon A. Tomes , Attorney-General for Jersey, spoke at Wizo's annual dinner and dance. Raised £643.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1984, page 20

Andrew Richman Shenkin will be bar mitzvah on 8 December in Jersey synagogue.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1984, page 14

Death on 9 December of John Solomon of La Mielle Du Sud,La Rocque, Jersey, formerly of Sheffield. Husband of Betty.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1985, page 16

A daughter, Sophie Alexandra, was born to Jaana Harris of Jersey, husband Alan, on 7 February. A sister for Marc Walter.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1985, page 17

Death of Reginald Tafler at Bay Ridge, Route des Genels, Jersey. Wife Aileen.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 February 1985, page 8

Jonathan and David Regal, twin sons of David Regal, president of the congregation, celebrated jointly their bar mitzvah at the Jersey synagogue recently.


Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1985, page 8

£100 raised by children of the community when they staged a play. This plus a collection was donated to the Jewish Child's Day Ethiopian Appeal. "Other sums raised by Jersey and Guernsey for Operation-Moses included £16,000 (sic) for the Society of Friends of Jewish Refugees, £400 for Wizo and £220 for the Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief".


Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1985, page 32

Doris Frank died on 29 April at home, High Beach, Mont Cambrai, Jersey.

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Channel Islands Jewish Community home page

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