Jersey Jewish Community

Channel Islands





Press Reports relating to the Jersey Jewish Community
1843 - 1936

compiled by the late Harold Pollins
[entries within square brackets are from the compiler.]  

Voice of Jacob, 7 February 1843, page 119

Letter from J. Wolffson of Jersey
'For many years past Israelites have resided in this Island, but, however true to their faith, they have not been enabled hitherto to erect a sanctuary wherein to perform religious service; those of our persuasion now living here, actuated by the desire to praise God in an appropriate manner, have resolved to build a synagogue, and have for that purpose contributed, each to the utmost of their means; notwithstanding this, in consequence of their small number and their means being inadequate, a pecuniary deficiency impedes the progress of the sacred work; they have, therefore, made an appeal to the several congregations of England'.
Contributions so far: Baroness N.M. de Rothschild £10; Sir Moses Montefiore £2; Congregation of Plymouth £3.3.0; £1 each from Aaron Joseph, London; Mark Levy, Guernsey; E. Emanuel, Portsmouth; S. Blankensee, Bristol; M. Blankensee, Bristol.


Voice of Jacob, 9 June 1843, page 180

On Thursday afternoon, the foundation stone of the synagogue, now building at Grove Place, was laid by Mr Woolfson the founder assisted by Mr Marks, president. Blessing by Rev Mr Franklin. Followed by evening service in present place of worship. Then a meeting at Mrs Jewell’s in Hope Street, 'where they sent the remainder of the evening with becoming hilarity'.
From the Jersey and Guernsey News, 20 May.


Voice of Jacob, 3 January 1845, page 80

Committee for the Relief of the Sufferers at Mogador. Contribution by the Jersey congregation £2.16.0.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1847, page 163

Married on 1st inst at St Helier Maurice S. Mawson of Pernambuco to Rose, 2nd daughter of Michael Phillips of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1847, page 201

Statistical Summary of the Hebrew Congregations in the British Empire Jersey.
Baale Batim 11 Seatholders 5 Total population 47.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1848, page 388

'My dear Sir. - I hereby authorise you to give what publicity you may think proper to the following statement:- Deeply regretting the sorrow that has been occasioned to our family by a report having been circulated with respect to the cause of death of your late lamented wife (my sister), and having made the most searching enquiries into the truth of such report, and finding the same to be founded in error, and yourself entirely exculpated, I feel it due to her memory and your character, to state, that the report alluded to is without the slightest foundation.
I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
To Mr. Asher Solomon, Jersey.'


Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1850, page 262

Sir.- I have the pleasure to inform you, that the Rev. M. Jacobs, Reader of this Congregation, delivered a very impressive lecture on the first day of Pentecost, the text being Deut. xvi.9. The dispassionate and able manner in which he addressed the congregation, describing the sanctity of the day, I am happy to say has made an agreeable impression upon those who do not strictly adhere to the Sabbath.
By inserting this in your widely-circulated journal, you will confer a favour upon your very obedient servant,
Jersey, May 19th., 5610.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1851, page 180

Married on 19th inst by Rev Dr Adler, Edward S. Mawson of the firm of Mawson Bros of New York, Philadelphia and San Francisco, to Ellen eldest daughter of Michael Phillips of St Helier, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1853, page 48

Synagogue Chambers Jersey, November 8.
At a general meeting of the congregation to elect a deputy to represent them in London, Alfred Alexander Jones of Quality Court, Chancery Lane, was elected.
Thanks to Mr J. Heineman of London for his efforts to unify the congregation.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1866, page 1

Marriage on 7 February at Bay View, the residence of her uncle, Mr M. Heymanson, Miss Amelia Simon 2nd daughter of S. Simon Esq of Jersey to N. Salamon of Dundee.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1869, page 1

Marriage on 18th inst at the Masonic Hall, Bedford Row, Holborn, WC, Henry, second son of John Fileman, Bancroft Rd, London, E, to Theresa Clara, eldest daughter of Louis Leopold of St Helier, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1875, page 1

Death on 24th ult, at Cambrian Villas, Beaumont, Jersey, aged 58, M. Guedalla.


Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1875, page 1

Marriage on 22nd ult, at the residence of the bride's uncle, 5 Upper Vernon Street, Lloyds Square, WC, B. Benjamin of Middlesbrough to Esther, 3rd daughter of S. Simon, King Street, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1877, page 1


Death on 3rd, Lewis Leopold, Mulcaaster Street, St Helier, Jersey, aged 60. Father of Mrs Fileman, Mrs Moss, and Mr L. Leopold, and brother of S. Leopold and Mrs Heinemann.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1880, page 14

'A North German young lady (certificated) wants a SITUATION in a family or in a school. She is able to teach German, French, drawing, drilling, needlework, music, &c. - Apply to the Rev. J. L. Hannan, Jersey, Channel Islands'.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1881, page 1

Death on 22 February at Jersey at age 88, Mary, relict of Benjamin Asher, and mother of Asher Asher, 15 Upper Bedford Place, Russell Square.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1881, page 11

Review of the Anglo-Jewish Almanack (published by Vallentine), mentions that there has not been a synagogue in Jersey for some years.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1887, page 7

On Friday, at meeting at the Town Hall, St Helier, under the auspices of the Jersey Humane Society, there was a presentation of 4 medals for saving lives. Silver medal to Joseph Jewell, Marine Hotel, Esplanade. He has saved life in upwards of 20 cases. Has already received a medal. Received a medal from the Royal Humane Society in 1869.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1888, page 1

Death on 2 February at Jersey of Simeon Jewell aged 68.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1890, page 8

Letter from H. Worms of Leeds. He has just returned from a visit to Jersey.
'With the exception of one or two partial observers, Judaism has entirely died out in Jersey; the former Synagogue is now turned into a place of business, all that remains is the Jewish Burial Ground. I learnt that 40 to 50 years ago a small but flourishing Jewish congregation lived there, but unfortunately, discord, envy and strife sprung up and caused its downfall'.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1890, page 1

Death on 16 Masy at Milwaujkee, Moss SImon, eldest son of the late Samuel Selig Simon of Jersey, aged 41.


Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1891, page 1

Death on 21 November at 10 Mulcaster St, David Crawcour in his 41st year.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1892, page 8

Letter from H. Worms
Has returned from a short visit to Jersey and Guernsey. 'considering the fertile state of that lovely country, I would ask why cannot some of our poor Jewish brethren be sent there and thus relieve the many overstocked districts of London and the Provinces. I firmly believe if they were assisted to establish themselves in the Channel Islands, they should do well there'.


Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1892, page 15

Letter from Philip Bash, Birmingham. He opposes the suggestion of Worms, the resources of the islands being inadequate to support any considerable number of poor Jews. 'It is quite correct to say that a small congregation did formally exist in Jersey, but the Synagogue has been closed many years, as the means of the very few Jewish families now living in the Island would not permit of the maintenance of communal institutions'.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1892, page 7

'The Rev. L. Hanau, Stella Villa, Jersey, writes to the effect that as some Polish Jews have settled in Jersey, it is desired to have Service, with Minyan but they no(sic) Sepher. If a Sepher could be provided an endeavour would be made to re-establish a regular congregation in Jersey. Should any of our readers be willing to present a Sepher as requested by Mr. Hanau we should be pleased to make the necessary arrangements to forward the Scroll to Jersey'.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1892, page 12

In response to our appeal, Mr A. Leon Emanuel of Southsea has offered to lend a Sepher for the ensuing Holydays.
The paper quotes a letter from H. Worms referring to his letter advocating settling Jews in Jersey. He hopes he will be successful 'and thus carry out the wish of the late Chief Rabbi'.


Jewish Chronicle, 14 October 1892, page 16

Letter received from 11 Jews in Jersey (no names given) expressing great satisfaction at the efficient manner in which the Rev J. L. Hanau conducted services at New Year and the Day of Atonement. The Sepher was lent by A. Leon Emanuel of Southsea.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1893, page 1

Marriage on 12 March at Stepney Synagogue. David, youngest son of the late John and Jane Lawton, 122 Victoria Park Road, South Hackney, late of Jersey, to Rebecca, youngest daughter of Isaac Michaels of Aldgate.


Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1897, page 1

Death on 15 July at 15 Montpelier Road, Brighton, of Hannah Jewell, relict of the last S. Jewell, formerly of Jersey, aged 87. Sister of Mrs Maria Cohen.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1900, page 1

Marriage on 8 March at the Central Synagogue, Joseph, only surviving son of the late Simeon Jewell of Jersey to Ray, only daughter of the late David and Amelia Emanuel of London.


Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1900, page 1

Silver wedding. On 22 September 1875 at Upper Vernon Street, by the Chief Rabbi, B (Benjamin) Benjamin of Ramsgate to Esther, daughter of S. Simon Esq. St Helier, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1900, page 12

Obituary of David Anderson [sc David Abrahams], journalist. 'His parents went to Jersey and afterwards to Melbourne'.


Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902, page 1

Death on 1 January, accidentally drowned in Jersey, Solomon, 6th son of Rose and Henry Lyons, of Birmingham.


Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1902, page 14

On Tuesday week, 7th, funeral of a Jewish soldier, a gunner, named on the roll as H. Samuel but real name Solomon Lyons, at the Almorah Cemetery, Jersey. Son of Henry Lyons of Birmingham, he was accidentally drowned. Full military funeral, attended by fellow soldiers.
'The Jewish Burial Service was read in Hebrew and English by the Rev. J. L. Hanau, who was the Minister of the Jewish congregation which formerly existed on Jersey, but has been dissolved for some years'.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1902, page 1

Marriage on 17 September at Spital Square synagogue, Annie, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Krichefski of Jersey to Robert, 2nd son of Mr & Mrs M. Katz of Wilna (Russia). London address: 7, Colvestone-crescent, Dalston.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1906, page 1

Marriage on 14 March at the Great Synagogue, Flora, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs A. Krichefski of Jersey, to Hyman, 2nd son of Mr & Mrs A.L. Appleberg, 5, Colvestone-crescent, Dalston.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1906, page 1

Birth of a daughter on 1 July at 3 Kew-villas, Jersey, to the wife of Alfred Krichefski nee Sarah Blank.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1906, page 39

Mdme Herman Cramer gave a concert at the Steinway Hall. She is a native of Jersey. [Rebecca Amelia Lawton, daughter of John, born 1870.]


Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 1

Death on 10 November at Jersey, Henry Emanuel Cohen, of 57 Brondesbury Road, London aged 53, after a long illness.


Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1907, page 5

Sanatorium for consumptive patients. Salomon Heymann, Proprietor, 'Rose Lea', St Martins, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1908, page 1

Death on 28 August at Plemont, Jersey, while bathing, Jack aged 27 second son of Mr & Mrs L. Annenberg, Warminster Lodge, Green Lanes, N.


Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1908, page 6

Reference to Jack Annenberg. He had served for last 10 years in the London Rifle Brigade and had recently transferred to the new Territorial Force.


Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1908, page 8

Obituary of Jack Annenberg. Body found in the sea. Inquest held. Buried at the Jewish Cemetery, Westmount, Jersey. Coffin borne by soldiers of the 1st East Surrey Regiment. Service conducted by Rev Michael Adler BA. On the coffin was a wreath sent by E Company of the LRB. The Chief Constable represented local authorities. Among those present were Michael Lorie, Saul Schonewald, Krichefski, and Samuel Simon.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 August 1909, page 1

J. Son born on 29 July at 20 Duhamel Place, Jersey, to Mr & Mrs Alfred Krichesfki.


Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1909, page 1

Marriage on 14 November at the Wellington Road Synagogue, Emma, second daughter of Mr & Mrs Keyman of 45 Alvington Crescent, to David, youngest son of Mr & Mrs Krichefski of Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1913, page 6

New Year Greetings. Mr & Mrs Morris Barnett and daughter, 38 King Street, Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1917, page 1

Birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Annette, on 11 February at the Halkett Hotel, Jersey, to the wife of W.A.R. Hill (nee Catherine Jacobs).


Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1920, page 15

Board of Deputies meeting.
JERSEY.- A suggestion has been made by the Trustee of a freehold burial ground at St. Heliers(sic) that the Board should arrange the Trusteeship as the local Congregation has died out and there is no one living in the district who is suitable for the trusteeship. A part of the ground is new and only contains a few graves. Inquiry is being made as to whether part could be sold and the proceeds made available for the upkeep of the remainder'.


Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1920, page 2

The tombstone in memory of the late Emanuel Jacobs of Covent Garden will be consecrated on 9 March at Jersey.


Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1927, page 2

Death on 23 August as a result of an accident in Jersey of Sarah Cohen, 172 Clapham Road, SW.


Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1927, page 8

Silver wedding. On 17 September 1902, Annie Krichefski of Jersey to Robert Katz. Address, 23 The Pryors, East Heath Rd, Hampstead, NW3.
[Golden wedding. In September 1877 at Romny, Poltava, Russia, Abraham Myer Krichefski, son of David and Rebbeca(sic) Krichefski to Mashe, daughter of Mr Wolf and Rachel Cohen. Address, 42 Heriot Rd, Hendon, NW.


Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1931, page 34

'Board and Residence JERSEY. - Only Jewish kasher house in Island; 2 mins. sea and bathing pool, excellent cooking; liberal table; terms mod. - 75, Bath-street, St. Helier'.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1931, page iii

'JERSEY (CHANNEL ISLANDS), Rosebrae Guest House. 1 Clarence Terrace, Clarence Road, St. Helier.
The only Jewish Boarding Houses in the Islands, kosher. Ideally situated, 21 mins. sea, bathing pool, tennis courts and all amusements; excellent cuisine, liberal table; terms mod. Also at 75, Bath Street, St. Helier. Non-residents catered for. Apply Proprietress'.


Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1932, page 36

'Rosebrae Guest House, 1. Clarence Terrace, St. Helier. The only Jewish Boarding House in the Island. Kosher. Ideally situated near sea, tennis courts and amusements. Terma moderate. Excellent food and liberal. Young Society. Proprietress, Mrs. G. Rose'.
[Repeated 25 May 1934 and in many subsequent issue in 1934.]


Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1933, page 9

Last January the States of Jersey passed a law which provided for the obligatory use of a mechanical instrument in the slaughter of cattle. After representations from the Shechita Committee of the Board of Deputies it was agreed that an amending Bill will be introduced to exempt shechita from the law.


Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1935, page 7

Board and Residence
Norcott Villa, Norcott-road, Bagot, late of Rosebrae; close to sea and tennis courts; excellent cuisine and unlimited table; kosher; terms moderate; early booking desirable. - Write Proprietor.


Jewish Chronicle, 15 May 1936, page 19

'Recently, Mr. Alfrd Krichefski (of Jersey) named a bed at the Norwood Orphanage in memory of his mother, Miriam Krichefski'.


Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1936, page 2

Death on 13 June at Jersey of Phoebe, widow of the late James Levy of Brixton. Mourned by (inter alia) her daughter Bessie Marks of Jersey.

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

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