the former

Huddersfield Jewish Community

Huddersfield, Kirklees, West Yorkshire





Press Reports relating to
Huddersfield Jewish Community
1872 - 2014

Compiled by Harold Pollins

(*Reports added or expanded later, extracted by Steven Jaffe)

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1872, page 467
There is a movement to establish a Reform Synagogue in the West Riding. £1000 raised. To be in Leeds, Bradford or Huddersfield. Bradford and Huddersfield do not have a Jewish place of worship, although numerous Jews especially in Bradford. Mostly German.

Huddersfield Chronicle 14 June 1873 page 6
Cambridge University Local Examinations, Huddersfield Centre.
First Class Honours, H. R. Kruger of Huddersfield College.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1873 page 369
Medals at the Prize Distribution at the Vienna Exhibition. Medal of Merit to Zossenheim Brothers, Huddersfield and Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1882 page 1
Death on 19 November in Hanover of Herbert, 2nd son of Maximilian and Rachel Zossenheim, Hazeldene, Edgerton, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1885 page ?
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner devotes its leader to a sympathetic article on the Romanian Jews whose treatment by the Romanian government is described as an outrage.

Huddersfield Chronicle, 23 September 1893 page 5
Presentation of a portrait of F. Noble, executed by Henry Kruger of Northumberland Street. Presentation was to F. Noble for his services as Hon Sec of the Huddersfield Unity of the Grand United Order of Oddfellows’ Juvenile Society.

Huddersfield Chronicle, 17 February 1894 page 8
Bankruptcy Act. Receiving Order. Mark Freedman, Town Side, Yeadon, formerly Wood Street, Leeds, tailor, formerly tailor and second-hand clothier.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1894 page 1
Birth on 1 June of a daughter at 31 Somerset Road, Huddersfield to wife of Jacob Gershon.
[Birth. Rosie Bessie Gershon September1894 Huddersfield 9a 287]

Jewish Year Book 1896, page74
‘Jewish Population 50. No synagogue as yet. First minyan formed in 1895. President - Henry Kruger. Minister - Mr. Kahn. Secretary - Mr. M. Jacobs. About 30 seatholders. There is a small Fund to relieve tramps on their way to Leeds or Manchester, supplying them with meals and Railway fares.’
[This entry is also quoted in the Jewish Chronicle 16 August 1963 page 16.]

Huddersfield Chronicle, 13 October 1896 page 3
Borough Police Court. Messrs W. Sugden and Co, wholesale clothiers, Station Street, Huddersfield, were summoned by Joe Freedman (’a Jew’) who claimed 33s as a week’s wages in lieu of notice.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1897 page 12
Pastoral tour of the Chief Rabbi. Will visit various congregations including Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1897 page 2
Photographs of the Chief Rabbi. Mr Kruger of Huddersfield had the honour of taking recently several exclusive photographs of the Reverend gentleman. 18 inches by 13, cost 3 shillings, p and p one shilling. 38 Queen Street, Huddersfield.

24 September 1903
Naturalisation of Marks Freedman, Huddersfield.
National Archives HO334/36/13784

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1903 page 24
Chatan Torah, David Copeland; Chatan Bereshith, Marks Freedman.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1905, page 19
Jews are living in (inter alia) Huddersfield but no special provision.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1905 page 41
Mr Alfred Salaman FSMC of Huddersfield gave a lecture to the Manchester Literary and Social Union on ‘Wireless Telegraphy’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1906 page 1
Marriage on 6 June at Seahaven, South Shields of Bernard, son of H. Kruger of Huddersfield and Eugenie daughter of the late Samuel Finn of South Shields and Mrs Finn.
[Marriage. Eugenie Finn June 1906 South Shields 10a 1025//Bernard Kruger]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1906 page 1
Death on 7 June at Sheffield of David Yeudall(sic) Copeland, late of Sheffield, aged 50.
[Death. David Youdal(sic) Copeland June 1906 aged 50 Sheffield 9c 281

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1906 page 1
Huddersfield, Services were held throughout the festivities at the Parochial Hall, conducted by Rabbi A. Aronson and Mr. L. Shimasnik of Manchester. Collections were made towards the Pogrom Orphan Fund and the Manchester Jewish Hospital. Arrangements were carried out by Mr M. Freedman, President and Mr L. Harriss, Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1907, page 31
Obituary of Maximilian Zossenheim in Leeds. He came to England in 1852 as exporter and importer of woollen goods. In 1853 opened warehouse in Huddersfield and same later in Leeds and Bradford. About a year after Huddersfield opening he started a mill at Mirfield.
For many years a member of the Belgrave St Congregation at Leeds in whose cemetery in Gelderd Road Leeds he was buried.
[Note: he appears in Huddersfield in the 1871 Census]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1908, JC Supplement page 3 Young Israel
Welcome to Beatrice Shoolberg Huddersfield. Daughter of Solomon Shoolberg.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1908, JC Supplement page 2 Young Israel
Welcome to Doris Kahn Huddersfield Daughter of Mark Kahn.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1908, JC Children’s Section page 3 Young Israel
Reference to Cordelia and Gertrude Freedman of Huddersfield Daughters of Marks Freedman.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 16
Under the Dispersion committee Jews have been settled in (inter alia) Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1913, page 3
‘SMART young man as traveller for the clothing and drapery trade wanted at once; references and photo. - First letter. Kahn, Northumberland-street, Huddersfield’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1913 page 29
Jack Kahn aged 9 and Clarice Kahn aged 11, son and daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Kahn of Northumberland Street, Huddersfield, have gained a free scholarship and entry to Huddersfield College and Girls’ High School respectively. The principal of the college allowed the boy to be absent from lessons on Saturday although he is the only Jewish boy and the youngest in the whole school.

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 10 March 1914 page 1
Wanted. Respectable youth. Apply Shoolberg and Co., 45 King Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1914 page 5
The Jews of Huddersfield were in immediate danger of having to dispense with the holding of public services during the festivities because of the commandeering of halls by the government for the war. But the Elders of Hebron Hall have offered free accommodation.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1915 page 25
During the recent festivities a collection was made by Mr G. Hart for the Polish Jews’ Relief Fund. Mr M. Kahn (at whose residence the services were held) was Chatan Torah and Mr P. Horewich was Chatan Bereshith.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1915 page 19
At the invitation of the Jewish residents the Rev M. Abrahams BA of Leeds visited Huddersfield for the purpose of forming a Jewish Literary Circle. The proceedings were held in the Temperance Hall. There was a good attendance including ‘many non-Jewish friends’.
Vote of thanks by M. Kahn and C. Goodman.

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 25 November 1915 page 2
Pte Myer Freedman, 10 battalion West Riding Regiment, son of Mr Freedman, managing director of the Empire picture house, writes from France.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1916 page 2
Fund for the Relief of Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
Per H. Freedman Huddersfield
Private Subscriptions £5 15s
Amount collected at Empire Picture House £10 17s
Amount collected at Birkby Picture House 11s

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 24 January 1916 page 2
Girls’ High School. Pupils holding minor scholarships (3), including B. Khan and B. Shoolberg

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 7 February 1916 page 1
For Sale. ‘Zeppelin Dark Green Paper Blinds’, wholesale and retail. Shoolberg’s Wallpaper Stores, 45 King Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1916, page 15
‘News has been received by Mr. M. Freedman, of the Empire Picture House, Huddersfield, that his son, Pte. Myer Freedman was killed in action on the 18th ult. Pte. Freedman was awarded the Military Medal the day before his death. The medal was awarded “for initiative and consistent good work in ….sector between the 16th May and 21st May, during which period he controlled and fired a mortar single-handed under trying circumstances with great skill”. ’

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1916 n.p.
Death of Manchester Jewish soldier at Huddersfield War Hospital. Pte Israel Gordon, Cheshire Regiment.
[Death Israel Gordon December 1916 aged 20 Huddersfield 9a 496].

London Gazette, 9 March 1917 page 2418
By Deed Poll dated 22 February 1917 Solomon Shoolberg became Solomon Schofield, 11 Water Street, Huddersfield..

Huddersfield Daily Examiner, 2 April 1917 page 4
War Decorations were presented to 27 officers and men who have been killed in action or died. Mr M. Freedman, manager of the Empire picture house, for his son Pte Myer Freedman, 10 West Riding Regiment attached Trench Mortar Battery, killed 18 September. Before enlisting he controlled picture house at Yeadon. He was the only Huddersfield Jew available for military service.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1918 page 12
‘HUDDERSFIELD. At a service held during the High Festivals at the Parochial Hall, Mr. M. Kahn made a collection for the Leeds Talmud Torah’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1918, page 14
Chatan Torah and Chatan Bereshit: M. Kahn and P. Horwich

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1921 page 9
‘The Kiddies’ Fund’
Huddersfield Jewish Women £4 4s

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1922 page 25
Area Committee for Education established for Leeds, Bradford, Harrogate, York, Huddersfield, and Doncaster and neighbouring communities.

Jewish Chronicle, 14April 1922 Young Israel page 2
Reference to Fanny Horwich and Marcus Horwich of Huddersfield.

London Gazette, 4 November 1924 page 7966
Naturalisation 7 October 1924. Pesach Horwich (known as Phillip Horwich). Russia. Registered Dentist. 22 South Street, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 February 1926 page 35
At recent examination of the Associated Board of the Royal Academy and the Royal College of Music Jenny Horwich, daughter of Mr and Mrs Horwich of 22 South Street, Huddersfield passed.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 November 1926 page 29
The Jewish War Memorial - reference to examination of the Hebrew & Religion classes at Doncaster and Huddersfield. Results satisfactory.

1927 Kelly’s West Riding Directory, page 1312
(excluding Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield and Rotherham)
Phillip Horwich, Dentist, 13 Broad Lane, Huddersfield and West Street, Hoyland, Barnsley.

1928 Electoral Register
King William Street, Blackburn
Solomon Schofield. Abode 11 Water Street, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 April 1931 page 2
Death on 17 April of Solomon Schofield aged 62, husband of Sarah and father of Elsie, Henry, Clara, and Beatie (Mrs Bernard Halson). 11 Water Road Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 1932 page 27
Mr M. Kahn of Northumberland Street has been elected Vice-President of the Huddersfield and District Chamber of Trade.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1934 page 1
Birth on 8 April at 110 Trinity Street, Huddersfield, to Mr and Mrs G. Davies (Jennie Horwich) a son [Birth. David I. Davies June 1934 Huddersfield 9a 429. Mother Norwich (sic)

Jewish Chronicle Supplement, 29 January 1937
Article on John Wroe, born 1782, founder of the Christian Israelite sect.
In 1820 he travelled to Liverpool. ’He spent the night at Huddersfield. Here he found a Jewish watchmaker‘s shop … There he met two Jews‘.

Enemy Aliens and Internees, 1940
Herbert Samek. Released 26 August 1940. Born 12 August 1919 Vienna. 151 Victoria Road North, Southsea. Electrical Engineer, normal occupation. Daughtsman, present occupation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1941 page 16*
Meeting of Huddersfield Jewish residents was held last week at the YMCA Club, with Councillor Dr. J. H. Kahn in the chair. Mr. Herbert Samck was the convener of the meeting. The Rev. J. Israelstam, of Bradford, said that a variety of causes, including the influx of refugees, and evacuees, had recently increased the number of Jews in Huddersfield district, and there were now sufficient to form a live centre. Mr. M. Shaffren, President of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation, said he wished to recommend to his Council that the Bradford Hebrew Congregation afford ministerial and other congregational services to the proposed Huddersfield body. Mr. Halson. President of the West Hartlepool Congregation, and other speakers, including a number of Jewish soldiers, welcomed the project, and the Chairman submitted resolutions to the effect that a Huddersfield Jewish Community Centre be formed and that affiliation with the Bradford Hebrew Congregation be sought.
The following were elected provisionally: Councillor Dr. J. H. Kahn, Chairman; Mrs. Halson, Treasurer; Mr. Herbert Samek (8, Newton Flats, 54, Fitzwilliam Street, Huddersfield), Hon. Secretary; and a committee. It is proposed to hold services and religion classes-arrange hospitality for Jewish soldiers, visit Jewish patients in neighbouring Emergency Hospitals, and contact Jewish mothers and children evacuated to adjoining country districts. All who are interested should communicate with the Hon. Secretary

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1941 page 16
‘After a period of 15 years, Holy-day services were once again held in Huddersfield. The Albion Rooms (11 Albion Street), which house the Synagogue and Communal Centre, have recently been redecorated. Children’s classes have been established, and the Social Committee has drawn up a winter programme, which will begin with a film show on Sunday’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 November 1941 page 16
The Mayor of Huddersfield addressed the Jewish congregation. Cllr Dr J. H. Kahn presided.
The Jewish communities of Bradford, Leeds, and Huddersfield were represented at a dance held recently at the Huddersfield Communal Centre. About 150 guests attended.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1942 page 3
Mr and Mrs Marks Freedman will celebrate their golden wedding on 2 January 1942. 132 Fitzwilliam Street..

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1942 page 11
Engagement. Edward Friend LDS BChD 2nd son of Mr  and Mrs A. Friend, Bradford Road, Huddersfield, and Phyllis, elder daughter of Mr and Mrs Benjamin Frazer of Leeds.
[Marriage. Edward I. Field December 1946 Leeds 2c 969//Lilian Barr]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1942 page 3
Forthcoming Marriage on 25 February at the Great Synagogue, Cheetham Hill, Manchester, of Dorothy, daughter of Mr H. M. Silver of 77 Bradford Road, Huddersfield, and David, youngest son of Mrs I. Preger and the late Mr I. Preger of Manchester.
[Marriage. David Preger March 1942 Manchester 8d 811//Dorothy Silver (Sylvester).

Jewish Chronicle, 18 December 1942 page 1
Death on 10 December at 132 Fitzwilliam Street, Mark Freedman, husband of Charlotte and father of Ephraim and Gertrude, father-in-law of Myer and Gertrude.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 1943 page 10
‘Mayor of Huddersfield calls Protest Meeting’ To protest against Nazi massacre of Jews. Resolution by Rabbi Dr E. Berkowitz of Leeds unanimously adopted. Other speakers churchmen. Committee established to formulate policy for action. Among members was Mr Herbert Samek, Hon Sec and Officiating Minister of the synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1943 page 10
Representatives from Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Harrogate and Huddersfield attended a special meeting to discuss a project of establishing in Palestine a Brodetsky Colony.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1945 page 13
Annual meeting of the Synagogue and Communal Centre.
Elected: President, Cllr Dr J.H. Kahn; Hon Secretary, Edward I. Friend; Treasurer, Miss Clara Schofield. A set of Festival Prayers was presented to Mr P. Horwich in recognition of his services to the community.
Dr J.H. Kahn (Liberal) re-elected to the County Borough Council for the Newsome Ward.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1946 page 13
Cicely Hopton, a student at the London School of Medicine for Women, has passed 1st MB exam. Clarice Hopton has been awarded a college scholarship value £40 for 3 years at King’s College of Household and Social Science. They are former pupils of Greenhead High School, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1946, page 11
Mentioned in Dispatches: Major H. W. Davis RAMC (Huddersfield).

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1946 page 3
Death on 7  September of Charlotte wife of the late Mark Freedman, Huddersfield, aged 74. Mourned by son E. Freedman and daughter G. Myerson. Address Leeds.
[Death. Charlotte Freedman September 1946 aged 74 Leeds 2c 150]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1948 page 11
Review of the Jewish Year Book. Mentions that the Jewish population of Huddersfield is 10.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1948 page 1
A son, Milton David, was born on 9 July at Broadby Lane Nursing Home, Huddersfield, to Florence Nee Reisler wife of Dr Leslie Ballon of ‘Willow Dene’, Bradford Road, Huddersfield.
[Birth. Milton D. Ballon September 1948 Huddersfield 2b 1011. Mother Reisler]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1949 page 14
Dr J. H. Kahn of Leeds has been awarded a Child Guidance Fellowship by the National Association of Mental Health and has been appointed psychiatrist to the Child Guidance Clinic in Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1949 page 16
Letter from Josef Weiss. ‘Intake’, Henley, Near Hudersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1950 page 20
Obituary of Phillip Horwich, closely associated with the work of Huddersfield Synagogue during the 40 years he lived in the town. Of late he combined the offices of Life Vice-President and Honorary Lay Reader.
[Death. Phillip Horwich March 1950 aged 72 Huddersfield 2b 784]

1950 Probate
Phillip Horwich, 40 Kelvin Drive, Dalton, Huddersfield. Probate to David Horwich, estate agent, and David Cartwright, solicitor. Effects £212 0s 7d.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1951 page 7
Bar Mitzvah. Colin Philip Leslie, elder son of Dr and Mrs H. G. Ballon of Portland House, Lindley, Huddersfield, will read portion of the Law at the Albion Rooms, Albion Street, Huddersfield on 24 March.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1952 page 7
Silver Wedding. Mr and Mrs Bernard Halson (Beatrice Schofield BA) of ‘The Haven’, Wilton Avenue, Huddersfield, were married at the Masonic Hall, Huddersfield, on 16 February 1927.
[Marriage. Bernard Halson March 1927 Leeds 9b 578//Beatrice R. Schofield]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1952 page 15
A group of headteachers and teachers of schools in Huddersfield visited the Bradford synagogue, Spring Gardens.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1952 page 17
Annual meeting of the Huddersfield congregation.
Elected: President Dr L. Ballon; Treasurer Miss C. Schofield; Hon Sec Dr N. V. Sapier, and a Committee comprising Messrs Morris, Lee, A. Friend, V. Friend, Freyham and Frefmak(sic).

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1953 page 16
Bradford. Rev J. Israelstam addressed the Business and Professional Women’s Club in Huddersfield on ‘Modern Israel’, and the Young People’s Group of the Huddersfield Parish Church on ‘The Jewish Faith’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1955*
At the annual meeting of the Huddersfield Synagogue recently Dr. L. Ballon, President, said that their community, of about sixty souls, was a united one. They were not neglectful of their children's religious education, he went on: Mr. A. P. Monsby, of Leeds, visited Huddersfield and taught the pupils (between the ages of eight and ten) in the home of Dr. Ballon. Mr. Harold Levy, of the Central Council of Jewish Religious Education, recently visited the classes and expressed satisfaction with their work. The following were elected: Dr. L. Ballon, President; Mr. S. Lee, Vice President; Miss C. Schofield, Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1956 page 1
Death on 18 September after much suffering at his residence, Portland House, Lindley, Huddersfield, Harvey Gordon Braham. Wife Phyllis, mother of Colin, Vicky, and Michael.
[Death. Harvey G. Braham September 1956 aged 50 Huddersfield 2b 612]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1956 page 19
Annual meeting of Huddersfield Synagogue. Dr L. Ballon referred to the ‘satisfactory educational facilities for the Hebrew education of the children’. A teacher travels from Leeds. There was a good attendance at the classes held at Dr Ballon’s house. The rota of monthly visits and gifts of parcels to Jewish patients at the Storthes Hospital has been maintained.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1957*
[Extract from Report from Leeds United Synagogue]
In addition, the communities of York, Harrogate and Huddersfield are affiliated through the Chevra Kadisha.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1957 page 20
Annual meeting. The teacher is Mr A. P. Morsby of Leeds. Dr Ballon said that coreligionists living in the districts of Marsh, Birkby, Lindley, and Golcar would be welcome if they intended to join the congregation.
Rota of visits etc to Jewish patients has been maintained.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1957 page 20
Annual meeting. The teacher is Mr A. P. Morsby of Leeds. Dr Ballon said that coreligionists living in the districts of Marsh, Birkby, Lindley, and Golcar would be welcome if they intended to join the congregation.
Rota of visits etc to Jewish patients has been maintained.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1957 page 28
Bradford. Rev J. Israelstam addressed Huddersfield Men’s Contact Club on ’Judaism. Faith and Way of Life’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1958 page 19
The synagogue has re-elected Mr Marcus Shloimovitz as its representative at the Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1958, page 5
Bridegrooms of the Law. Dr L. Ballon and Dr N. V. Sapier.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1961 page 7
Birth of a daughter, Gillian Sarah, on 8 April at the Duke of York Nursing Home, Bradford, to Lena, nee Danon, and John Lewis, 9 Dorchester Road, Huddersfield.
[Birth. Gillian S. Lewis June 1961 Bradford 2b 147. Mother Danon]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1963 page 10
Engagement. Edward Gerald Cowen Ll.B., son of Mr and Mrs Joseph Cowen of Southport and Pamela, elder daughter of Dr and Mrs Louis Fletcher of Newsome Road, South, Huddersfield, and grandson of Mr and Mrs Hyman Fletcher of Southport.
[Marriage. Edward G. Cowen June Manchester 10e 509// Pamela V. R. Fletcher].

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1963 page 18*
Divergent views on the future of the Huddersfield community have been expressed by Dr. N. V. Sapier, a local resident, and Huddersfield's representative on the Board of Deputies, Mr. Marcus Shloimovitz. Dr. Sapier contends that the community "no longer exists as a Jewish unit. For several years our numbers have been very small and recently several families have left the town. It is quite impossible to organise a minyan and it is perhaps a sign of the times that the only Jewish residents are three doctors and a dentist." These figures are disputed by Mr. Shloimovitz. who claims that "29 adults and twelve children are known to me in Huddersfield Some of the children are boys who have already had their barmitzvah". Dr. Sapier told the JEWISH CHRONICILE that the rooms at 11 Albion Street, which the congregation formerly occupied, stand on the edge of the next redevelopment scheme in the town. The last services were held there in 1961, and the rooms are now sub-let to a local branch of Toe H. Mr. Shloimovitz believes that the synagogue could be maintained "if coreligionists, there would be sufficiently interested. The synagogue has a credit balance at the bank and possesses all the necessary religious appurtenances." Independent inquiries have been made by our Bradford Correspondent, who states that "it would perhaps be more true to say that the community is moribund rather than that it has ceased to exist". Over the past few years a number of the members of the Huddersfield community have joined those at Bradford, Leeds or Manchester. There are at least four members of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation who live in Huddersfield, our Correspondent states. In the first issue of the " Jewish Year Book" in 1896 the following entry appeared for Huddersfield: " No synagogue as yet. First minyan formed in 1895. President: Henry Kruger. Minister: Mr. Kahn. About 30 seatholders. There is a small fund to relieve tramps on their way to Leeds or Manchester, supplying them with meals and Railway Fares." In the early years of this century the Jewish population rose to 50. First there was a synagogue in Northumberland Street, with Mr. M Kahn as shochet and teacher. After the Second World War in 1945 the Jewish population had fallen to ten and there was a synagogue and communal centre at 11 Albion Street, with the Rev. Mr. Srolowitz as Reader. By 1950 the Jewish population had reached a high-water mark of 70

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1963 page 35*
Letter from Marcus Shloimovitz
Sir—With regard to the report on the Huddersfield community in your issue of last Friday, Dr. N. V. Sapier's statement that "the only Jewish residents are three doctors and one dentist" is incorrect. As I have already indicated, I know of 29 adults and 12 children there—some of the children are boys who have had their barmitzvah. Furthermore, Dr. Sapier's account that the rooms at 11 Albion Street stand on the edge of the next redevelopment scheme in the town and that they are now sub-let to a local branch of Toe H is misleading. The synagogue is there and the rent is being paid. Only one room is sub-let to the local Toe H Women's Association. The room is entirely self-contained and distinct from the synagogue. The building has been acquired by the Hazelside Properties Ltd. I know from the purchasers that they have plans to develop the premises but tenants have leases which last until 1970 so there is bound to be a delay before development can take place. In any case the company do not require possession of the synagogue. Your Bradford correspondent says that the Huddersfield community is "moribund;' This is not so. The truth is that it is apathetic. Our coreligionists there should wake up. The synagogue and communal centre should be preserved. I have appealed to Dr. Sapier to arrange a meeting of all the Jewish residents in Huddersfield to take stock of the position but he has refused.
33 Howe Street,
Salford, 7, Lancs.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 December 1963 page 26
A sefer Torah from the Huddersfield Synagogue, which has now closed down, was handed over to the Higher Crumpsall Synagogue last week. Officiants were Dayan I. Weiss, Dayan I. Golditch, Rabbi S. Rapoport, the Rev. S. Hershman, assisted by the choir conducted by Mr. Fabian Gorski. Mr. Marcus Shlomovitz, the Huddersfield Synagogue representative at the Board of Deputies, handed over the scroll to the president, Dr. Julius Libman. In his sermon Rabbi Rapoport said: "It is a tragedy that the Huddersfield Synagogue has ceased to exist. There is a lurking suspicion that this is due to the apathy of the Jewish community there. I hope this is not so."

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1964 page 10
Engagement. Joel Harvey Sanderson BA BSc(Oxon), only son of Mr and Mrs B. Sanderson of Manchester, and Celia Lee BA(Hons), younger daughter of Mr  and Mrs Solomon Lee of Leeds, formerly of Huddersfield.
[Marriage. Joel H. Sanderson December 1964 Leeds 2c 756//Celia Lee(Levy)]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1965 page 10
Daughter, Francesca Ruth, born 25 October to Vanessa, nee Mavros, and Ronald Kaye, 177 Laund Road, Huddersfield.
[Birth, Francesca R. Kaye December 1965 Hyddersfield 2b 1195. Mother Mavros]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1966 page 10.
Marriage on 4 September at the North London Progressive Synagogue of Rodney, son of Mr and Mrs Boothroyd of Huddersfield and Beryl Cynthia, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Segar, 11 Hyde Par Place, W2.
[Marriage. Rodney Boothroyd September 1964(sic) St Albans 4b 657//Beryl C. Segar]
[Presumably the 1966 marriage was religious form of 1964 civil marriage.]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1967 page 33
Julian Mervyn Isaacs, technical librarian at Huddersfield Polytechnic, elected a Fellow of the Library Association.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1967 page 10
Engagement. Michael Monty, elder son of Mr and Mrs Rivlin of Leeds and Diane Freda, daughter of Mr and Mrs Edward I. Friend, 17 Cumberland Avenue, Fixby, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1969 page 23
Successful in last week’s municipal elections, J. D. Lewis, Conservative, Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1969 page 19
National Front candidate gained greatest success in municipal elections at Huddersfield in Bixby ward, obtaining 18.72% of the vote.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1969 page 19
New Recorder for Huddersfield, Peter Murray Taylor QC of Newcastle.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1971 page 12
Engagement. Daniel Murray, elder son of Mr and Mrs Leonard Rose of Leeds and Linda Ruth, eldest daughter of Dr and Mrs Nathan V. Sapier, 404 Street Lane, Leeds, 17.
[Sapier formerly of Huddersfield]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1972 page 26
Engagement. Alan Langleben, LlB, son of Harry and Taube Langleben, NW10, and Diane Freda Friend MPS MIPharm M, daughter of Edward and Lilian Friend of Southmead, 17 Cumberland Avenue, Fixby, Huddersfield.
[Marriage. Diane F. Friend December 1972 Brent 5a 781//Alan Langleben]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1973 page 18
Engagement. Malcolm, son of Phoebe and Victor Cooper-Smith of Ealing, to Sandra Denise of London W2, daughter of Bessie and Donald Levy of 118 Hangingstone Road, Berry Brow, Huddersfield.
[Marriage. Malcolm Cooper-Smith June 1974 Paddington 14 1005//Sandra D, Levy]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 August 1977 page 27
Julian M. Isaacs FLA, tutor-librarian at Huddersfield Polytechnic, as been awarded MA (Librarianship) by the Council for National Academic Awards.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1980 page 22
Letter from Dr J. S. Pearson, Department of Textile Industries, Huddersfield Polytechnic. An attempt is being made to start a Jewish students’ union at the Polytechnic. Contact Mr Paul Levine, Central Services Building.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1981 page 1
Mr Harry Lawrence of Huddersfield, whose daughter Ruth passed A level Pure Mathematics at age 9, immigrated from Austria in 1939. His wife Sylvia is not Jewish.
[Daughter went to Oxford University at young age.]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1982 page 6
Death. Edward Isaac Friend of Southmead, Cumberland Aenue, Fixby, Huddersfield, on 7 July. Wife Lilian, children Freda and Michael, son-in-law Alan.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 December 1983 page 19
Death. Matilda Warner aged 82, formerly of Southsea, latterly of Huddersfield, on 22 December. Mother of Bill and Nancy.
[Death. Matilda Warner December 1983 Huddersfield 4 1658. Born 25 December 1901]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1988 page 32
Writer/Director partnership of Rick Friend and Michael Ereria. Their play ‘Stuck’ opens in Latchmere Theatre, Battersea. Rick born Huddersfield.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1989 page 37
Few Jews have played Rugby League at senior level.The greatest was Australian Albert Rosenfeld, who scored 80 tries in the 1913-14 season for Huddersfield. This was a league record for over 50 years.
[Death, Albeert Aaron Rosenfeld September 1970 Huddersfield 2b 1645. Born 28 July 1885]
[Marriage. Albert A.  Rosenfeld December 1913 Huddersfield 9a 685//Ethel A. Barrand]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1992 page 17
Engagement. Delila, elder daughter of Miriam and Julia Isaacs of Huddersfield, to Richard, son of Lionel and the late Fay Peck of Bushey, Herts.
[Marriage. Delila S. R. Isaacs August 1993 Watford 10 1345// Richard I. Peck]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1996 page 32
Ralph Harris died at home in Huddersfield on 1 February. Daughter Sonia, son-in-law Barry, grandchildren Beverley and Daniel.
[Death. Ralph Harris. February 1996 aged 93. Huddersfield B49B 0891B 30. Born 10 June 1902,]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1997 page 23
Obituary of Arthur Jacobs 1922-1996. At Huddersfield Polytechnic he was head of music and later Professor.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1998 page 31
Re threatened synagogues. ‘A team from Huddersfield has drawn and photographed the Grade II listed Sheffield Synagogue in Wilson Road (1930) in advance of its likely sale to local Baptists’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1998 page 15
David Hampshire, adviser on religious education for Cornwall, grew up in a non-religious householed in Huddersfield where there was no synagogue.
[Birth. David Hampshire September 1930 Huddersfield 9a 380. Mother Eastwood]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 2001 page 31
Obituary of Herbert Samek, 12 August 1919 to 6 February 2001. Born Vienna. To England 1938. Interned 1940. Worked for David Brown Tractors in Huddersfield as a draughtsman. Became assistant agricultural engineer. In army, Major REME. Later active in AJEX and awarded OBE. ‘In his youth he served as secretary of the Huddersfield community’.
[NOTE. He did more than that. See above.]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 2003 page 10
Former schoolteacher Nancy Solomons, the sole Jewish member of the Huddersfield Interfaith Council, was given the honour of greeting the newly-installed Bishop of Wakefield.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 2004 page 29
Rick Friend, ‘one of the few Jews brought up in Huddersfield’, a playwright and director, has a new play ‘Victory’, on the theme of reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 2005 page 30
Obituary. Dr Cicely Blair, 20 May 1926 - 14 February 2005 aged 78. Dermatologist. Born Cicely Pearl Hopton, grew up in Huddersfield where her parents ran a small private school. The small Jewish community was closely connected to Leeds. She married Dr Henry Blair in 1954. Also a talented silversmith. Made a yad (pointer) for the fledgling Progressive Jewish community of East Anglia in Norwich. Represented the Highams Park and Chingford Synagogue at the Board of Deputies. President of the Jewish Medical Society.
[Death. Hilary Blair. February 2005 Waltham Forest D68 255/ID 276. Born 20 May 1926]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 2006 page 5
Six million buttons representing shoah victims are on display in an art installation in Huddersfield art gallery.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 2008 page 45
Holocaust Memorial Day. A service was held at Huddersfield Town Hall, hosted by the Mayor of Kirklees. Attended by 200 people.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 2008 page 23
Death on 9 October of Donald Levy, formerly of Reading and Huddersfield. Wife Bessie, children Geoffrey and Sandra.
[No death notice found.]
[Marriage. Donald Levy December 1942 Huddersfield 9a 797//Bessie Tong]
[Birth. Geoffrey L. Levy June 1946 Huddersfield 9a 493. Mother Tong.]
[Birth. Sandra D. Levy June 1948 Huddersfield 2b 1105. Mother Tong.]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 2014 page 17
Huddersfield University chosen as permanent home for an outdoor memorial based on 6 million exhibition.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 24 November 2008
Materially expanded: 2 October 2017
Page most recently amended: 30 May 2023

Formatted by David Shulman

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