Harrogate Jewish Community

Harrogate, North Yorkshire




Press Reports and ancillary information
relating to the Harrogate Jewish Community
1895 - 1919

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle,
12 July 1895, page 23


MRS. F. H. FORLEZER (late of Leeds)
begs to announce that she has OPENED
the above, two minutes from Pump Room
and Gardens. The House is fitted up with
every convenience, and every endeavour will
be made to give satisfaction.

[repeated subsequently, renamed ‘Montague House’, until 11 June 1897 p. 26, when address is now Valley Drive. Until last advert 24 September 1897 p. 34]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1895, page 7

Obituary of Henry Nathan of 30 Pembridge Gardens who died on Sunday [18th] at Harrogate aged 78.
Native of Baden born 1817. Came to England in 1839 and settled in Birmingham where he lived for 40 years. Active in communal affairs. Member of congregational council, and of Board of Guardians, on committee of Birmingham branch of Anglo-Jewish Association.
In 1853 in association with Sigmund Hoffman, then in Sydney, formed Henry Nathan & Co of Sydney and HQ 102 Fore Street, London. Every one of its houses is closed on Sabbaths and Jewish festivals. The majority of employees are Jews. Sydney has 200 employees.
Member of New West End Synagogue, on Board of Management 1882-1895. Married twice. First wife Miss Levy of Plymouth. 4 children. Two sons, Louis and Albert, took his place when he retired in 1889. Second wife Leah, daughter of late Mr Alex of Cheltenham. Buried Willesden.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1895, page 17

Mrs F. H. Forlezer intends to make arrangements to hold public services during the ensuing holidays at her boarding house.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1895, page 18

Services were held last Saturday at the boarding house on occasion of bar mitzvah of youngest son of Rev F. H. Forlezer, late of Leeds. ‘This is first time a Jewish service has been held at Harrogate’.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1896, page 2

Rev F. H. Forlezer, having regained full power of his voice will be pleased to officiate at the ensuing holidays wherever a Chazan and Baal Koreh will be wanted. Montague House, 6 Belmont Road, Harrogate.
[repeated several times]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1897, page 1

Birth of son on 20 December at Rosse Lyn, Franklin Road, Harrogate, to wife of Hyman Camrass (nee Maud Woolf).
[Birth. Fred Wolf Camrass March 1897 Knaresborough 9a 103]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1897, page 3

Fund for Jews’ Hospital and Orphan Asylum. Ref to banquet to be given by Lord Mayor on 18 May. List of purse-bearers and amounts they had given to Lord Mayor. Includes Miss Amy Zossenheim, Harrogate, £5 5 0.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1898, page 1

Death on 15 January of wife of Joseph Rosemont, at ‘Rose Lea’, Park Avenue, Harrogate.
[Not found in deaths index]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1898, page 1

Birth on 15 January (prematurely) to wife of Joseph Rosemont a daughter (stillborn).
[Not in births or deaths index]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 29


53 Valley Drive, Harrogate.
First class Jewish Boarding House. Strictly Orthodox. Reference to Rev M. Abrahams, BA, Minister of the Great Synagogue, Leeds. Mrs Levy Proprietress. Repeated until last 12 August 1898, page 22.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1898, page 1

Birth on 27 July at Rosse Lyn, Franklin Road, Harrogate, a daughter to wife of Hyman Camrass.
[Birth. Bloom Caroline Camrass September 1898 Knaresborough 9a 112]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1899, page 27

Death of Rabbi Meir Polterowitch (of Leeds) in Harrogate. Born Grodno. To New York 18 years ago after 4 years to Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1899, page 25

Advert. Jewish Boarding House at ‘The Hawthorns’, 89 Valley Drive, Harrogate. Mrs H Barczinsky and daughters.
[First of long association with Harrogate. Advert repeated regularly for next few years.]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 1

Death on 19 September at Harrogate of Aaron Salomons in his 87th year.. Funeral at Balls Pond Cemetery.
[Death. Aaron Salomons September 1899 aged 86 Knaresborough 9a 86]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 September 1900, page 27

Services attended by nearly 30 visitors were held at ‘The Hawthorns’ (Boarding House) conducted by Rev N. Spiers, late of Sheffield, assisted by Mr Hyman of London. Some of the ladies presented a white mantle curtain for the ark and a mantle for the Sepher Torah.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1900, page 2


Birmingham 115 Bath Row. (Branch from Mrs Barczinsky, Harrogate.)
Comfortable Home for Gentleman.

[NOTE. In 1901 Census for Birmingham, Household of Kate Starfield includes her brother and sister named Barczinsky.]

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1902, pages 8-9

Letter from M. Zossenheim, Queen’s Villa, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1902, page 32

Jewish Boarding House. 75 Valley Drive. Proprietress Mrs D. Harisson.
[Now 2 Boarding Houses including The Hawthorns]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1902, page 3

‘SOUTH AFRICAN. - Post required by young lady in any capacity. Highly domesticated; good needlewoman; fond of children. - Miss M., 89 Valley Drive, Harrogate.’

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 2

Mr and Mrs J. Joseph, 271 Whitechapel Road, thank those who enquired re Mr Joseph’s recent illness. He has returned from Harrogate and they thank Mrs Harrison or her kind attention during their stay at Oakland House.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1903, page 35

Dr Robert Lagrange [sic] MD of Prince’s Road, Liverpool, died last week at Harrogate. Of French and English parentage. Born London 1824. Buried in the Deane Road Cemetery [Jewish], Liverpool.
[Death. Robert John La Grange [sic] March 1903 aged 78 Knaresborouh 9a 80]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1903, page 21

Will of Robert John La Grange [sic] who died at Harrogate on 9 February in his 78th year. Value of estate £76 5s 4d.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1903, page 1
Marriage on 11 November at residence of the bride’s mother, Oakland House, Harrogate, by Rev M. Abrahams BA,
[Marriage. Blanche Harrison December 1903 Leeds 9b 987//Jonas Jackson]

[End of adverts for Oakland House boarding house]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1904, page 35

Advert. ‘The Hollies’, 103 Valley Drive. Mrs Goodman, Proprietress. Orthodox Boarding Establishment.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1904, page 31

‘The Hollies’. ‘Services will be held during the ensuing holidays’. [Similar notice each year thereafter.]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1904, page 31

‘The Hawthorns’. ‘Service will be held on the ensuing holidays’. [Similar notice each year thereafter.]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1904 New Year Greetings Supplement.

Mr and Mrs H. Barczinsky and daughter.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 May 1905, page 36

Visitors to ‘The Hollies’ during Passover presented Mrs Goodman with a beautiful case of dessert-knives and forks as thanks for services.
A gold watch and brooch presented to Mrs Barczinsky by visitors at ‘The Hawthorns’ during Passover.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 1

Death on 20 October of Hetty Lassen, sister of Mrs Sim Hart, 11 South Drive, Harrogate.
[Household of Simeon Hart at that address in 1911 Census.]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1905, page 3

Appeal for funds. Outrages on the Russian Jews.
S. Hart of Harrogate £3.3.0

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1906, page 1

Marriage on 7 February at Ladbroke Hall, North Kensington, of Alice Marcus , elder daughter of Mrs Marcus of North Kensington, to George Englander, younger son of Mr and Mrs E. Englander of Harrogate.
[Marriage. George Isidore Englander March 1906 Paddington 1a 153//Alice Esther Marcus]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1906, page 1

Birth on 20 June at Johannesburg, a daughter to wife of D. T. Davis, (nee Paulina Englander) of Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 November 1906, page 5

Birth. A daughter on 3 November at Holland House, Harrogate, to wife of Ludwig Ash, nee Constance Simon)
[Birth. Irene Adela Ash December 1906 Knaresborough 9a 103]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907, page 11

Obituary of James Davis, professionally ‘Owen Hall’ died Harrogate. Author of musical comedies including ‘The Geisha’ and ‘ A Gaiety Girl’. Born 1853 in Ireland, University College London, solicitor 1874-1886, the journalist. He started ‘The Bat’ and later ‘The Phoenix’. Lt in Tower Hamlets Engineers 1876-8. Contested Dundalk as Conservative 1880. [Brother of Julia Frankau.]
[Death. James Davis June 1907 aged 54 Knaresborough 9a 75]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1907, page 27

To show appreciation of kindness and attention of the proprietress the large number of visitor at ‘The Hollies’ have presented Mrs Englander with a handsome writing table, and her daughter with a beautiful lady’s companion. Presentation made by the Mayor of Hull, Alderman H. Feldman JP who spoke of their stay during Passover being so enjoyable.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1907, page 1

Birth on 18 July at 11 South Drive to wife of Sim Hart, a boy.
[Birth. Herbert Lionel A. Hart September 1907 Knaresborough 9a 103]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 1907, page 4

Apartments available. Proprietress 39 Harlow Moor Drive.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1907, page 30

Death of M. Zossenheim, well known in the commercial life of Leeds at his residence, Queen Villa, Harrogate, aged 77.
Born near Hamburg in 1831, settled in Leeds. Local Italian consul since 1886. Received knighthood of the Crown of Italy last year.
[Death. Max Zosseneim December 1907 aged 76 Knaresborough 9a 69]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1907 page 1

Max Zossenheim died 30 October.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 December 1907, page 28

To let. Jewish Boarding House. Present owners retiring from business. Mrs Barczinsky, 89 Valley Drive.
[repeated October 1908]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1908, page 31

Ref to Mr and Mrs F. Zossenheim of Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1908, page 6

Probate of Maximilian Zossenheim, 63 York Place, Harrogate, and Leeds. Granted to widow and 2 others.£49,351 gross, £48,997 net. Granted to widow Rachel his residence at Harrogate and contents. [And other bequests.]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 May 1908, page 29

Advert. Apartments. 7 Belmont Road. Orthodox. Mrs Rosner, late of Blackpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1908, page 4

Mrs Levin, having taken from 3 July, a beautifully situated house, will be able to accommodate a few paying guests. Applications to 5 Canfield Gardens, London.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1908, page 4

Mrs B. Levin has taken, from 1 August , 36 Harlow Moor Drive.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1909, page

Advert. 25 Valley Mount. Strictly orthodox, Mrs A. Rubin.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1909, page 1

Death on 9 September at Harrogate Philip P. Samuel of Harrogate and London aged 53.
[Death. Philip Percival Samuel September 1909 aged 53 Knaresborough 9a 70]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 October 1910, page 1

Death on 22 October at Harrogate, Cecelia, wife of Samuel Kemp of Mafeking, South Africa, and daughter of the late Louis and Esther Weil. 3 Lancaster Gate terrace, Hyde Park.
[Death. Cecelia Kemp December 1909 aged 55 Knaresborough 9a 71]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1909, page 1.

Death on 24 November at Birmingham of Herman, husband of Elizabeth Barczinsky late of Harrogate.
[Herman Barczinsky December 1909 aged 81 Birmingham 6d 11]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1910, page 32

Advert. Wanted. A few paying guests in a private residence. ‘The Rest’, Spring Grove, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1910, page 12

At the termination of Passover an interesting ceremony took place at 103 Valley
Drive, Harrogate, when a pair of Sheffield plate cups, artistically designed, were presented to Mr and Mrs Englander by their guests in recognition of the kindnesses and untiring attention they had received. Alderman Feldman, Mayor of Hull, spoke and the presentation was made by Nr A. Rosenthal of London.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1910, page 29

Mrs A. Rubin has removed to a larger house, 32 Belmont Avenue. Apartments available.

[Note. 3 boarding houses now. 1. Mrs Rubin; 2. The Hollies; 3. Mrs Rosner.]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1910, page 38

Now, four adverts for boarding houses. 1. The Hollies; 2. Mrs Rosner; 3. Mrs Rubin; 4. 16 Spring Grove, Mrs B. Jacobs.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 July 1910, page 1.

Marriage on 12 July at Hampstead Synagogue of Isidore John, youngest son of the late Benjamin Simons and of Mrs Simons, Glasgow, to Florence Amy, youngest daughter of the late Max Zossenheim and Mrs Zossenheim, Queen Villa, Harrogate.
[Marriage. Florence A. Zossenheim September 1910 Hampstead 1a 161//Isidor J. Simons]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1910, page 1

Death in New York of Cecilia Jacobs, mother of, inter alia, Mrs A. Langfier of Harrogate. In Fulham in 1911]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1911, page 1

Birth on 12 January at 7 Belmont Road, to wife of Arnold Rosner a daughter, Ella.
[Birth. Ella Rosner March 1911 Knaresborough 9a 102]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 January 1911, page 1

Death in Leeds of Louie Isaac, brother of Myer Isaac and sister-in-law Nellie, 58 Dragon Avenue, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1911, page 3

Advert [new?]
Boarding House. 105 Valley Drive. Strictly orthodox. Mrs N. Myers, Proprietress. Apply 47 Russell Avenue, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1911, page 17.

Russian entry refused entry at Grimsby. Meier Plotkin had accepted invitation from brother Lazarus to come to Leeds where his employer would give him work. Lazarus actually working in Harrogate. [Lazarus in Harrogate in 1911.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1911, page 30

Mrs A. Rosner has removed to 138 Valley Drive.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1911, page 37

Advert. Mrs Marks, 10 Belmont Avenue. Private apartments.
[Boarding houses: 1. Marks; 2. 103 Valley Drive; 3. Rosner, 138 Valley Drive; 4. Rubin, 32 Belmont Avenue; 4. Myers, 105 Valley Drive]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1911, page 2

Death on 10 July at Harrogate, Jacob Levy, husband of Bertha of Middlesbrough.
[Jacob Levy September 1911 aged 50 Knaresborough 9a 117]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1911, page 32

Advert showing that ‘The Hollies’ now occupies 101 and 103 Valley Drive.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1911, page 1

Marriage on 25 December at ‘The Hollies’ by Rev I. Livingstone and Rev A. Littenberg, Jessie, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs E. Englander, to Saul, only son of Mr and Mrs S. Bernstein of London.
[Marriage. Jessie Englander December 1911//Saul L. Bernstein]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1912, page 3

Notice of removal. Mrs A. Rubin, 25 St Mary’s Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 June 1912, page 1

Birth on 13 June at 12 Alderson to Mr and Mrs D. Angel (nee Hannah Hyam) a son (still-born)

[No record in Births or Deaths Indexes]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1912, page 1

Death on 19 September at residence of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Joe Cohen, Leeds, Pollie, wife of Nathan Myers, 105 Valley Drive. [Sister of, inter alia, Nurse Cohen].

[The Boarding House at 105 Valley Drive advertised until 20 September 1912, page 6]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 February 1913, page 6

Miss Cohen has taken premises ‘Strathmore’, Cold Bath Road, in succession to the late Mrs Myers of 105 Valley Drive. Will reopen for Easter [sic]. Early application for Passover necessary.
[Possible a member of the Cohens of Leeds, relations of Mrs Myers]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1913, page 5

Mrs L. Kossick, late of Newcastle upon Tyne, has taken Beech Villa, 1. Esplanade, as boarding establishment, to be opened for Passover. Strictly orthodox.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 August 1913, page 5

Apartments. Mrs Marks, 26 Franklin Road, late of Belmont Avenue.
[Six boarding houses advertise, some occasionally. 1. Marks; 2. Rosner; 3. Rubin; 4. The Hollies; 5. Strathmore, Cohen; 6. Kossick]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1913, page 2

Death on 18 September at the Clovelly Nursing Home, Harrogate, Gertrude Esther aged 41 wife of James (Jack) Samuels of Liverpool. Buried Green Lane Cemetery, Liverpool.
[Death. Gertrude E. Samuels September 1913 aged 41 Knaresborough 9a 134]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1913, page 7

Advert. Beech Villa, 1 Esplanade. Mrs L. Kossick.
‘Services for the High Festivals will be held.’

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1913, page 24

Leeds Great Synagogue. To buy house adjoining the synagogue. Various gifts including £50 from Mr S. Hart, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1913, page 4

The Holies. ‘Services will be held during High Festivals’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1914, page 25

Obituary. Dr Joseph Chotzner died at Harrogate 30 April aged 72. Interred at Golders Green. From 1870 was minister in Belfast and later was warden of the Jewish House and Hebrew tutor at Harrow School. Then to Belfast, Ramsgate and London. He published in 1906 ‘Hebrew Humour’ and later ‘Hebrew Satire’.
[Death. Joseph Chotzner June 1914 aged 72 Knaresborough 9a 128]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1914, page 4

‘The Hollies’ is now extended to include numbers 101, 103 and 105.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1914, page 2

Death on 29 June of Saul Bernstein aged 28 of Clapton wife Jessie [nee Englander]
[Death. Saul Bernstein June 1916 aged 28 Whitechapel 1c 339]
[See 1 December 1916 p. 1 for 2nd marriage of Jessie]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 July 1914, page 2

Death on 14 July at Harrogate, Naomi, relict of Isaac Goldman, late of Sunderland and Bournemouth.
[Death. Naomi Goldman September 1914 aged 74 Knaresborough 9a 108]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1914, page 11

Meeting of guests at the Grand Hotel, Harrogate, under Presidency of Sir Adolph Tuck. Resolved to establish a Grand Hotel Visitors’ League to obtain subscriptions from visitors for purchase of materials for the making of garments by the ladies and the staff of the hotel. Mayor of Harrogate, present at the meeting, has sent invitations to each boarding establishment in Harrogate to create similar leagues.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914 New Year Greetings,

page 5
Mr and Mrs Englander, ’The Hollies’.

page xii.
Mr and Mrs Leo Benjamin, 57 Coldbath Road

page xiv
Mr and Mrs L. Kossick, 1 Esplanade

page xv
Mr and Mrs A. Rosner, 138 Valley Drive

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1914 New Year Greetings

Mr and Mrs M. Sugden, 128 St Mark’s Avenue

Jewish Chronicle, 9 April 1915, page 1

Marriage on 17 March at Englander’s Boarding House, ‘The Hollies’, Harrogate, by Rev M. H. Segal assisted by Rev M. Litovitch, both of Newcastle, of Edith 4th daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Lewis Cammer, late of Manchester, to Kalmen,
4th son of Mrs and the late Mr Aaron Krawitz of Newcastle.
[Marriage. Kalmen Krawitz March 1915 Newcastle T 10b 297//Edith Cammer]

Jewish Chronicle, 3rd September 1915 New Year Greetings include:

page xiii Mr and Mrs L. Cope, 15 Spring Grove

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1915, page 5

Central Committee for the Relief of Polish Jews
Collected by E. Hamburger at Kossick’s Boarding House £3.0.6
[Subsequent similar collections not noted]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1916, page 13

Death yesterday week at ‘The Hollies’, of Mrs Englander. Buried in the cemetery of the Bradford Hebrew Congregation.
[Death. Fanny Englander March 1916 aged 58 Knaresborough 9a 148]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1916, page 3

‘Howgrave’, 15 St Mary’s Avenue, Mrs Gallerstein, late of Newcastle upon Tyne, strictly orthodox Boarding establishment
[Repeated 19 May 1916 p. 3]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 July 1916, page 15

Visitors at Mr Englander’s Boarding House, ‘The Hollies’, entertained Jewish soldiers stationed at Killinghall Moor Cam, near Harrogate. More than 100 soldiers present. They had a substantial tea followed by entertainment, soldiers contributing to the programme.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1916, page 2

Killed in Action on 1 July. Cpl Ernest Isaac, Queen Victoria’s Rifles (London Regiment). 2nd son of J.A. and Mrs Ramus, 22 Park Drive, Harrogate. Aged 25.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1916, page 19

Obituary of Cpl Ramus. One of the first to answer the call. Badly wounded December 1914. Rejoined in June last. One of 4 brothers who volunteered at outbreak of war.

Jewish Chronicle,
2 September 1916 New Year Greetings, page vi

Mr and Mrs Abram Rubin of 26 Abbotts Park Road, Leyton, late of Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 1

Marriage on 26 November at the Great Synagogue of Captain Samuel Goldman, KOYLI, to Jessie, daughter of Mr and the late Mrs E. Englander, ‘The Hollies’, Harrogate.
[Marriage. Samuel Goldman December 1916 London C 1c 58//Jessie Bernstein] Her second marriage.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1916, page 26

Capt S. C. Goldman is on leave from France where he is on the staff of the 17th Infantry Brigade.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 2

Death on 27 December at 103 Valley Drive of D. T.Davis of Johannesburg, husband of Pauline Davis.
[David T. Davis December 1916 aged 56 Knaresborough 9a 1647]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1917, page 8

‘Howgrave’, 15 St Mary’s Avenue. Mrs Gallerstin [sic] of Newcastle upon Tyne has renewed her premises for the convenience of boarders (visitors).
[Repeated 30 March 1917 p. 3]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1917, page 1

Silver wedding. On 15 June 1892 by the late Rev G. J.Emanuel and others, Minnie, 4th daughter of the late Mr and Mrs H. Belcher of Birmingham, to Louis Salberg. 12 Strawberry Dale Avenue, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1918, page 18

For some time a great need has been felt for organised public services in Harrogate. The resident Jewish community is relatively small (12-15 families) but has many visitors practically all year round. Mr Abraham Freedman, for many years President of the Leeds Old Hebrew Congregation has been resident in Harrogate and he has already established a congregation.
[Illegible] Premises have been found and furnished and equipped as a synagogue. President is E. Englander. V/P ??. L. Belcher Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1918, page 1

On 30 April at ’The Hollies’ by Revs J. Rabinowitz BA and A. Reiss of Bradford, A. Alf Goldberg of Glasgow, to Pauline, eldest daughter of E. Englander of Harrogate.
[Marriage. Abraham A. Goldberg June 1918 Bradford 9b 345//Pauline Davis]
[Her second marriage.]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 1

Forthcoming marriage. Rose, daughter of Mrs and the late Charles Spira of Sheffield, to Ben, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Barnett Silver of Cardiff. Will take place at ‘Roselea’, 138 Valley Drive, Harrogate on 8 October.
[Marriage. Rose Spira December 1918 Sheffield 9e 1127//Benjamin Silver]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 2

Mr and Mrs Nathan Krivine, 3 Kent Road, Harrogate, extend birthday greetings to their grandfather W. Javitz on his 71st birthday.

Mr I Goldsobel of 31 Cheltenham Crescent extends greetings to his friend W. Javitz on his birthday.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1918, page 12

Harrogate. Chatan Torah E. Englander/ Chatan Bereshith. L.Salberg

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1918, page 3

Widow. With nice house in Sheffield would like to hear from an orthodox party who would share house for company. Mrs Spira, c/o 138 Valley Drive, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1918, page 3

Wanted. Experienced Housekeeper-Manageress to assist in boarding house. Also a good all-round Cook wanted.. Beech Vila, 1 Esplanade, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1919, page 24

WANTED. A reliable good cook for boarding house. Address 3,058 JC.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1919, page 1

Birth. On 22 February at 3 Kema [sic] Road, Harrogate, a son to Mr and Mrs Nathan Krivine, nee Enia [sic] Ettman.
[Birth. Jarvis D. Krivine March 1919 Knaresborough 9a 135. Mother Ettman]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 March 1919, page 25

At the Brith of the son of Mr Krivine of Leeds, held at the house of Mr Raiher of Harrogate, Rabbi Hurwitz and Mr M. Cohen addressed the gathering of the need pf support for the wives of interned and repatriated Jews. £50 collected.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1919, page 18

Leeds Board of Guardians. Special thanks to ministers [sic] and executive of the Harrogate congregation where £200 subscribed in Day of Atonement appeal.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1919, page 20 Young Israel

Ref to Clarice Finklestone of Harrogate and also Laurence and Stuart.
[Note. Birth of Clarice Ena Finklestone September 1908 Newcastle T 10b 44]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 May 1919, page 3

Wanted. Experienced cook (orthodox). Apply Mrs Frais, Burnley Wood, Beech Grove, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1919, page 1

Betrothal. Belle, only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Heilpern of Manchester, to ‘Monte’ Alexander of Somerset Villa, Harrogate.
[No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1919, page 3

Cook required, strictly orthodox, to stay about 2 months in Harrogate and later in London. Apply 10 Minories, Aldgate E,

Jewish Chronicle, 13 June 1919, page 1

Forthcoming marriage on 25 June between Florence Bodlender, daughter of the late Abraham Bodlender and Mrs Bodlender of Leeds, and Harry Rosenheim of Glasgow. Reception at the Prospect Hotel, Harrogate. 25 York Road, Harrogate.
[Florrie Bodlender June 1919 Leeds 9b1206//Harry Rosenheim]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1919, page 27

Experienced nurse wanted. 2 children 3 years and 3 months. Good orthodox home. Apply 4 Warwick Crescent, St James’ Park, Harrogate.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1919, page 8

Fund for children
Edmund and Patricia Sugden, Harrogate, £2.2.0

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919, page 27

Members of the congregation have presented a silver fruit stand to Mr L. Raiher who is leaving for Southport in recognition of his work in connection with the establishment of the synagogue in Harrogate. Two years ago when he came to Harrogate no one had previously successfully attempted to provide a place of worship. He set to work, provided a synagogue and a minister and Hebrew teacher for the children. The congregation has now reached almost 40.
Speakers included H. M. Simans, Rev E. Kahn, Messrs E. Englander, L. Salberg, N. Cohen, M. Sugden, N. Krivine, and L. Cope. Arrangements were by Mrs M. Sugden.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919 New Year Greetings,

page xiii
Mr E. Englander and Mr and Mrs Goldman, 103 Valley Drive

page xv
Mr and Mrs L.Kossick 1 Esplanade

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1919, page vi

Mr and Mrs Jacob Wolfe and family 142 Valley Drive

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1919, page 9

Fund for children
Mr and Mrs M [sic]. Krivine, Harrogate, £1.1.0

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 23 December 2012
Page most recently amended: 23 September 2016


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