the former

Greenock Jewish Community

Greenock, Inverclyde, Scotland





Press Reports relating to the Greenock Jewish Community
1874 - 1993

Primarily compiled by Harold Pollins,
but with an extracts provided by Joe Ross and Steven Jaffe (where indicated*)

Information within square brackets is from the compiler


Greenock Telegraph, 9 November 1874

‘German Jews in Court’

At the Justice of the Peace Court to-day a rather amusing debt case was heard. Mr Josiah Saquy, a German Jew and auctioneer, sued Mr Isaac Lyons, another German Jew, for two sums of 35s, the first for wages and the second for wrongous [sic] dismissal. It came out in evidence that the pursuer had been offered his weekly wage in coppers, and had declined to take it, saying he wanted his money in silver and gold like a gentleman. (Laughter.) Defender said he had offered his wage, and that he had been in drink and had sworn all sorts of foreign oaths.

Decree for £3 5s was given for the defender.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1882, page 1

Marriage on 26 July at the synagogue of the Glasgow New Hebrew Congregation, 2 Commercial Street, Glasgow, of John Barnett, 42 Roeburgh Street, Greenock, to Isabella Stepman of Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1883, page 12

At a Soirée of members of the Second Hebrew Congregation in Glasgow.
‘Jews were to be found now in various parts of Scotland, such as Edinburgh, Greenock, Dumfries, Aberdeen, and even as far north as Inverness’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1893, page 2

Mr S.Abrahams, Greenock. Contribution to the Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians.

*Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1894, page 19
'The six Jewish families in Greenock succeeded in holding a minyan during the recent festivals. The services were held in a small hall on the New Year and the Day of Atonement, and during Tabernacles in a room lent by Mr. Abrahams. Mr Spilk, of Glasgow, officiated. Mr Jackson was chasan Torah and Mr Blint chasan Biraishees.'

*Extract provided, 31 March 2008, by Joe Ross, the great grandson of Mr. Spilk (usually spelt Spilg). Mr. Gershon Spilg obtained jobs as a chasan and a shocket. Following this temporary role he settled in Greenock for a number of years and had a family there and (it is believed) continued to work as a chasan and a shocket

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1899, page 35

Advert for kosher sugar for Pesach by Messrs A. Levy, Wholesale Grocers and Merchants.
Sugar 'manufactured by the Glebe Sugar Refinery Co. Greenock, Under the Special Supervision of the Revs. J. Bridge and A. Canter, of Glasgow.'

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1902, page 1

Birth on 29 June at 1 Lyle Street, Greenock, a son to wife of Emmanuel Edwards, nee Fanny Templinski.

*Jewish Chronicle, 22 August 1902, page 1

GREENOCK. At a general meeting held in.the Synagogue chambers for the election of office-bearers in connection with the new synagogue it was unanimously agreed to elect...President, Mr. P Jacobs; Vice-President, Mr. A. Freedman; Reader, Rev H. Dorfman; Hon. Secretary, Mr. E. Edwards. It was also resolved to establish a Zionist Association. Mr. K. Jackson was nominated President, and Mr. H. Banks Treasurer.

*Extract provided by Steven Jaffe.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1905, page 35

General meeting of members held in the Synagogue Chambers for the election of officers. Rev I. Tiemianka presided. Elected: S. Greenbaum, President; M. Morris, Vice-President; H. Banks, Treasurer; Rev I. Tiemianka, Hon Sec. E. Jackson, P. Jacobs, A. Freedman, and I. Blumberg, Committee.

Under the auspices of Mr Handleman of Glasgow, a meeting was held at the house of W. Woolf when a Zionist Society was established under the name Bnei Zion. These were elected: J. Greenbaum, President; M. Blumberg [sic], Treasurer; A. Waze, Hon Sec; A’ Levy, Trustee. Committee: Handleman, W. Woolf, Fogerson [sic], J.Woolf, M. Etzman, A. Woolf.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1905, page 31

N Sunday a service was held in the Terrace Road Hall, conducted by Rev M. Tremianka [sic] who delivered an address. Mr J. Hastie showed a ‘series of limelight views illustrating notable events in Jewish history’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1906, page 28

Public meetings will be held on the Second National Fund Day (March 11th) at, inter alia, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1906, page 36

Half-yearly meeting of Bnei Zion held in the Committee Room. Mr Bloomberg [sic], Hon Treasurer, read the balance sheet which was adopted. Elected: H. Handleman (Glasgow), Hon President; Rev I. Tiemianka, President;W. Woolf and N. Stein, Vice-Presidents; R. Fogelson [sic], Treasurer; E. Edwards Hon Sec. H. Banks and M. Morris, Auditors; A. Levy and M. Cominski, Trustees; and a Committee of 8.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 31

Holyday services were conducted by Rev I. Tiemianka and E. Balkind of Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1906, page 34

Negotiations have been carried on for some time between Rev I. Tiemianka and the local authorities regarding a plot of land to be used as a Jewish cemetery. Now brought to a successful conclusion and Mr Tiemianka has received official notification that his request has been granted.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1906, page 37

Last Sunday a meeting was held under the auspices of the Greenock Bnei Zion. Rev I. Tiemianka presided.
Elected: Rev I. Tiemanka, Hon President, I. Hyman, President, E. Blumberg, Vice-President, J. Wolfe, Treasurer, M. Etzman, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906, page 1

Fiance. Mattie, only child of Mr and Mrs E. Jackson, 11 Roxburgh Street Greenock, to Jacob, son of Mr and Mrs A. Greenberg, Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906, page 37

Special Chanucah service held on Sunday at the Orange Hall. Rev I. Tiemianka officiated.
Hymns were rendered by children of the Hebrew classes. Miss Jackson presided at the organ.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1907, page 28

Visit by the Chief Rabbi. He was met at the Central Station by the President, P. Jacobs, and Rev I. Tiemianka. Had dinner at home of Mr and Mrs Edwards. In the afternoon there was a service in the Shepherd’s Hall, including members of the Town Council.
Rev I.Tiemianka conducted the service and the Chief Rabbi gave a sermon.
‘Mr. Tiemanka thanked the Corporation on behalf of the Congregation for the kindness and goodwill shown towards them in the past, and expressed the hope that the spirit of love and brotherhood would continue amongst all classes without distinction of creed or race’.
Rev S. Adler assisted the Chief Rabbi in examining the children and Dr Adler expressed himself highly satisfied with their efficiency and distributed prizes. ‘Later a meeting was held at which Dr. Adler presided, and settled some differences which had arisen in connection with communal matters’.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 June 1908, page 26

Rev Mr Tiemianka, ‘late of Greenock’ . . . ‘engaged as assistant teacher to the classes’ at the Queen’s Park Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1911, page 1

Death on 18 September at 51 Rue End Street, Samuel Abrams, husband of Miriam.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1911, page 10

Chatan Torah E. Blumberg
Chatan Bereshith D. Levy

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914, page 2

The tombstone in memory of Samuel Abrams will be consecrated in the Hebrew portion of the Greenock Cemetery on August 30.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1915, page 21

Fund for Distressed Polish Jews.
Collected at bar mitzvah of Jack Edwards, Greenock, £2.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1915, page 1

Fannie, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Fletcher of Glasgow, to Robert, eldest son of late Mr and Mrs Shenken of Greenock and eldest grandson of Mrs B. Shenken, Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1916, page 21

At Brit held at residence of Mr and Mrs A. Levy of Greenock 3 guineas collected for the Jewish War Victims’ Fund and those present promised weekly contributions. And 3 guineas were also collected for the Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1916, page 14

Inquiries for lost relations.
Miss Izickson, refugee from Kovno, enquires for B. D. Isaacs, late of 26 Toledo Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1916 New Year Greetings, page 38

1. Mr R.Shenken, 43 Vennel, Greenock.
2. Dr Isaac, Israel and Louis Shenken, Royal Field Artillery, and Peter Shenken, 43 Vennel, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1916, page 12

Fund for Russian Jewish War Victims. Collected by Mr E. Ferguson at Bris Milah of son of Mr and Mrs M. Brown. £3.0.0

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1918, page 3

Fund for Russian Jewish War Victims. Greenock Hebrew Congregation £10.4.6

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1917, page 12

Services for Jewish soldiers. The Synagogue, Greenock, Rev M. [sic] Morris.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1917, page 12

Services for Jewish soldiers. Cathcart Street Synagogue, Greenock. Rev B. Morris

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1917, page 14

Services for Jewish soldiers. 27 Cathgart [sic] Street, Greenock. Rev B. Morris

Jewish Chronicle, 7 September 1917, page 15

Services for Jewish soldiers. Greenock Synagogue. Rev B.Morris.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1918, page 1

Birth of son on 27 September at 41 Cathcart Street, Greenock, to Mr and Mrs Emanel M.Cohen (nee Beckie Henes).

Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette, 4 October 1918, page 4

Pte Ben Freedman, The Black Watch, son of Mr. A. Freedman, 16 Bank Street, has been admitted to hospital, gassed. Wounded twice before.

Greenock Telegraph and Clyde Shipping Gazette, 23 October 1918, page 2

Pte Ernest Freedman, Machine Gun Corps, Killed in action 29 September. Agent with Pearl Assurance Co. Wife lives at 29 West Blackhall Street.
Two other brothers have made the supreme sacrifice.
They were Pte Joseph Freedman, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders, and who is commemorated on his father’s tombstone in Greenock Cemetery, and Pte Mark Freeman [sic] of the Canadian Expeditionary Force.
Ernest and Mark married non-Jewish women and so were not commemorated on their father’s tombstone.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1919, page 1

Betrothal. Hetty, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs S. Markson, Glasgow, late of Hull, to David, eldest son of Mrs and the late Mr S. Abrams, of Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1919 New Year Greetings, page xii

Mrs Abrams and family, 49 Rue End Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 June 1919, page 25

Conference under the auspices of the Scottish Zionist Council in connection with the campaign in Scotland for the New Zionist Restoration Fund. Includes delegates from EDINBURGH, Ayr and Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1920, page 1

Birth of daughter on 5 November at 4 Finnart Street, to Mr and Mrs A. Matthews (nee Rose Hart, Blackpool).

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1920, page 1

Betrothal. Jeanie, 2nd daughter of Mr and Mrs Freedman, 16 Bank Street, Greenock, to Jack, eldest son of the late Mr Blint and Mrs Blint, Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1921, page 20

The first Zionist meeting held in Greenock for the last 18 years took place last week at the Temperance Institute. Mr David Adams presided. Appals were made for Keren Hayesod and about £150 raised. Agreed that other members of the community should be canvassed and a regular system of collection be arranged.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1921, page 1

Death on 20 March at 48 Apsley Place, Glasgow, the residence of her daughter, Miriam, widow of the late Samuel Abrams of Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1921, page 1

Betrothal. Dora, youngest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Abrams of 51 Rue End Street, Greenock, to Alec Silverstein of Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1921, page 2

Marriage. On 17 August at the Beth Hamedrash Hagadol, Leeds, Rachel, eldest daughter of Mrs J. Levi and the late Mr. J. M. Levi of Leeds, to Benjamin, 3rd son of the late Mr and Mrs Abrams of Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 42

At Brit Milah of son of Mr Goldman of Greenock £7.11.6 collected. £2 each to Jewish Sufferers in Russia, the Glasgow Jewish Board of Guardians, and the Jewish Convalescent Home, Slamannan, and £1.11.6 to Greenock Hospital.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 April 1922, page 2

Tombstone in memory of Miriam Abrams of Greenock will be consecrated at Riddrie Cemetery on April 16.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1923, page 1

Birth. On 26 March, a son, in Glasgow to Mr and Mrs Alex Silverstein (nee Dora Abrams).

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1924 New Year Greetings, page xx

Mr and Mrs David Adams of Glasgow and Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1925, page 26

Sarah Temple of 16 Bearhope Street, Greenock, passed 1st class the Primary Examination for pianoforte of the London College of Music.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1926, page 2

Death on 28 August of Dora, wife of Alex Silverstein of Glasgow [nee Dora Abrams of Greenock]. Sister of Mrs J. Sharman of Houston, Texas, Mrs L. Haase, Glasgow, Mr D. Adams and Mr M. Adams of Greenock, and Mr B. Abram of Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1927, page 1

Death of Walter Wolfe, Glasgow, brother of Joseph Wolfe, 17 West Blackhall Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1929, page 2

Death of Leah Hart, Blackpool, mother of Rosie Mrs Arthur Matthews, 40 Robertson Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1930, page 27

Mr David Adams, a native of Greenock, where there are only 5 families, was returned for one of the wards in the recent municipal elections. He lives in Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 October 1931, page 1

Engagement. Arthur, eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Bernard (Stall) Latter, 5 Sandringham Terrace, Greenock, to Paula, eldest daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Simon Taurff of Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1933, page 38

The Scottish Council of Jewish Youth Organisations has been formed. 28 organisations in various towns, including Greenock, are represented on the Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 November 1933, page 34

Mr David Adams has been successful in the municipal elections in Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1935, page 40

‘Dean of Guild’ David Adams was appointed unanimously one of the Baillies of Greenock. The only Jew in Scotland to hold this high honour. He is also Trustee of the Greenock Harbour Trust and a member of the Public Library Committee.
At present there are about 7 Jewish families in Greenock. A few years ago there was a thriving community.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1936, page 2

Death on 16 January of Harold Lionel, aged 9, only son of Mr and Mrs Arthur Matthews, 40 Robertson Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1937, page 1

Engagement. Gertrude, daughter of Mr and Mrs Kaminsky, 47 Brougham Street, Greenock, to Harry, only son of Mr and Mrs M. Balon, Giffnock, Renfrewshire.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1937, page 27

The Glasgow Commission of the JNF has recently extended its activities to other West of Scotland areas, such as Ayr and Greenock where there are small numbers of Jewish families.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1939, page 1

Engagement. Lilian, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Kaminsky, 47 Brougham Street, Greenock, to David, son of Mr and Mrs Cowan of Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1940, page 1

Engagement. Rose, daughter of Mr and Mrs M. Brown, 6 Wellington Street, Greenock, to Abraham, 3rd son of Mr and Mrs Z. Simon of Belfast.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1940, page 16

Pte Norman H. Cohen, of the New Zealand Regiment has visited Glasgow where his parents lived before emigrating to New Zealand 17 years ago. He was born in Greenock. His great great great grandfather, Isaac Cohen was a hatter, a Guild Brother and Burgess of Glasgow in 1812.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1942, page 11

Birth. Son, Andrew Gavin, born to Stella (nee Brown), wife of Michael Rosenhead of Leeds at Larkfield Nursing Home, Greenock, on 9 February. 41 Union Road, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1942, page 10

Rev S. Hooker CF holds regular monthly services for the Forces in various places in Scotland, including Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 December 1942, page 10

Services are held on alternate Sabbaths at 41 Union Street, Greenock, the home of Trooper Michael Rosenhead. Servicemen and civilians are invited.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1945, page 11

Engagement. David Samuel Cohen Ll.B. of London to 3rd Officer WRNS Freda Honora (Nora), only child of Mr and Mrs A. Matthews of 40 Robertson Street, Greenock.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1945, page 12

Councillor David Adams (Labour) Vice-Chairman of Langside Synagogue in Glasgow, re-elected to Greenock Town Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1947, page 2

Engagement. Philip, son of Mr and Mrs M. Kaye, 47 Brougham Street, Greenock, to Marie, younger daughter of Mrs A. Krieger and the late Mr D. Krieger of Southampton.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1945, page 16

8 Sifrei Torah sent to Israel from Glasgow. One was from the Greenock congregation.
[Probably no congregation in existence then. Probably better to have referred to Greenock community.]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 June 1951, page 15

Obituary of David Adams. Retired from Greenock Council two years ago. Was chairman of Langside Synagogue, Glasgow and a member of the Executive Committee of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 June 1965, page 26

Councillor David Wolfe appointed Treasurer of Greenock Town Council. Has been a member of the council for 5 years. A native of Glasgow and educated at Greenock High School.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1966, page 20

Obituary of George Spilg of Glasgow aged 70. Born Greenock. Awarded the Military Medal in WWI.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1969, page 3

Death on 27 March of Celia, widow of Joseph Wolfe of Greenock and Glasgow.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1976, page 23

Reception for Mr David Wolfe, in Glasgow. A former Greenock Town Councillor and sometime Treasurer. Former chairman of the Glasgow Zionist organisation and author of a controversial annual report which was rejected by his executive and led to his resignation. His report criticised a lack of orientation towards aliyah; now he was leaving Glasgow with his wife for Israel where his son and daughter live.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1992, page 14

Obituary of Henri Temianka age 85. Violinist, teacher, all-round musician. Born Greenock from fairly well off Polish diamond dealing family.
[At the 1911 Census the family was living in Liverpool. The father’s occupation was recorded as ‘Agent for advertising novelties’. His two brothers were ‘Travelling with Picture frames’, ie, were pedlars.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 May 1993, page 15

Obituary of Walter Levy aged 76.
Born Greenock but moved to Glasgow as small child with his widowed mother.

26 August 1994, page 22, Long article ‘The Last Jew in Greenock’. Many of the facts in it are said to be inaccurate in Nathan Abrams, Caledonian Jews, 2009.]


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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 4 February 2012
Date page last amended: 6 June 2021

Formatted by David Shulman



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