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Congregational Ledger 1818-1826

This is a transcript of the manuscript index to the ledger; in the second part are the names on the ledger pages.

Names [not always surname first]

Account Book 1818
Index of Names
Abrahams Abraham Liverpool
Abraham Optician
Abraham Zek
Abraham Reuben
M Arnam [?] [Surname reversed?]
Benedict Samuel
Cohen Hymen
Cohen Lazarus
Cohen Abrahams
Cashmir Docter
Cohen Simon
Dirkam Isaac Newton [Abbot]
Davis Samuel
Davis David
Davis L. London
Ezekiel E. B. Newton
Ezekiel Henry
Ezekiel Ben Newton
Ezekiel Lyon Newton
Ezekiel Kitty
Hart Mr
Moses Hart [Surname reversed?]
Hymes Myer
Hyms Juda
Jonas Benjamin
Jonas Jonas Newton
Jonas Samuel
Jacobs Jacob
Jacobs Morris
Jacobs Hatter
Isaac Hyman Levy Davis [unclear which is/are surname]
Hyman Levy [In Hebrew: ba'al teshuvah (penitent)]
Jones Myer Dentist
Levy Solomon
Levy Simon
Levy Gershon
Levy Widow
Lazarus Isaac
Lazarus Eleazer
Lazarus David
Lazarus [In Hebrew: Leib]
Lewis Dentist
Levy David Tiverton
Lazarus Samuel
Lyon Joseph
Levy J.
Levy Solomon
Marks Moses
Myers Soley
(Young) Marks Cohan
Moses Philip
Moses Isaac
Philips Mrs
Simon Bideford
Solomon Isaac
Solomon Jacob
Solomon Samuel
Solomon Joseph
Woolf Ben
Abraham Abrahams Liverpool
Abr Abrahams Optician
Zek Abrahams [deleted]
Zek Abrahams
Rehuben Abrahams
Hymen Cohen
Lazarus Cohen
Abraham Cohen
Doctor Cashmer
Isaac Dirkam Newton
Samuel Davis
David (Moses) Davis
E. B. Ezekiel Newton
Henry Ezekiel
Ben Ezekiel Newton
Lyon Ezekiel Newton
Myer Hymes
Ben Jonas Teignmouth
Jonas Jonas Newton
Samuel Jonas
Jacob Jacobs
Morris Jacobs
Jacobs Hatter
Solomon Levy
Simon Levy
Gershun Levy
Widow Levy
Isaac Lazarus
Eleazar Lazarus
David Lazarus
[Leib] Lazarus
Lewis Dentist
David Levy Tiverton
Samuel Lazarus Hatter
Moses Marks [1820]
Soley Myers [deleted]
Moses Johnson [1820]
Abraham Simon Bideford
Isaac Solomon
Jacob Solomon
Samuel Solomon
Ben Woolf
Joseph Lyon
Joseph Levy [In Hebrew: Reb Joseph]
Simon Levy
Eleazar Lazarus
Docter Cashmer
Abr Hartt
Henry Ezekiel
Jacob Jacobs
Solomon Levy
David Lazarus
Lazarus [deleted]
Isaac Solomon
Jacob Solomon
Marius Cohen [Maris Cohan deleted]
Lazrus Cohen
Isaac Lazarus
Lyon Lazarus
Simon Cohan
Simon Levy
D. B. Woolf
Samuel Davis
Samuel Solomon
Joseph Levy [In Hebrew: Reb Joseph]
Doctor Cashmore
M. Heyns
H. Cohan
Elazar Lazarus
Henry Ezekiel
Abraham Cohan
Simon Levy
Isaac Lazarus
Lyon Lazarus
Isaac Solomon
Jacob Solomon
Lazarus Cohan
Jacob Jacobs
Juda Hyms
Mr Philips
Davis L. London [?]
Philip Moses
David Lazarus
Solomon Levy
Moses Davisis [sic]
Abraham Optician
Abraham Hart
Hyman Cohan
Benjamen Woolf
Simon Levy
Elazar Lazarus
Lazarus Cohan
Simon Cohan
Samuel Davises [sic]
Henry Ezekiel
Myer Hyns
Maris Jacobs
Joseph Levy
Leyen Lazarus
Isaac Solomon
Samuel Solomon
Jacob Jacobs
Isaac Lazarus
Josep Leyn
Jacob Solomon
Hyman Cohan
Simon Levy
David Lazarus
Juda Hyns
Moses Jhonson [sic]
Gershul Levy
Elazar Lazarus
Abraham Optician
Lazarus Cohan
Moses Davises [sic] [deleted]
Benjamen Jonas
Solomon Levy
Joseph Levy
Levy Solomon
Mr Asnam
Hyman Davis
Lyen Lazarus
Henry Ezekiel
Benjamen Woolf
Mo. Davis
Isaac Solomon
Hyman Levy [In Hebrew: ba'al teshuvah (penitent)]
Jacob Jacobs
Solomon Joseph [?]
Moses Isaac
Simon Levy
Maris Jacobs
Hyman Cohan
Abraham Cohan
Myer Hyns
Abraham Hart
Jacob Solomon
Samuel Solomon
Elazarer Lazarus
David Lazarus
L. Cohan
Leyen Davis
Joseph Leyn
Isaac Solomon
Miss K. Ezekiel
J. Jacobs
Isaac Lazarus
Simon Cohan
Abraham Optician
Simon Levy
Jacob Solomon
Solomon Levy
Samuel Davis
Henry Ezekiel
Elezer Lazarus
Moses Jacobs Maris
Joseph Levy
Maris Davis
Abraham Hart
Levy Solomon
Davy Lazarus
Solomon Isaac
I. [?] Jacobs
E. B. Ezekiel
Hyman Cohan
Moses Jhonson [sic]
Abraham Hart
Jacob Solomon
Simon Levy
Abraham Optician
H. Ezekiel
M. Heyns
E. Lazarus
Isaac Lazarus
Solomon Isaac
Levy Solomon
Maris Davis
Joseph Levy
Moses Jacob Maris
Solomon Levy
L. Cohan
Joseph Leyen
Jonas Jonas
B. Ezekiel
Jacob Jacobs
Benjaman [sic] Woolf
Abraham Simon
Simon Cohan
Simon Levy
Solomon Levy
Ab Hart
Jacob Solomon
Davy Lazarus
Abr Optician
Samuel Davis
E. Lazarus
M. Jones Dentist
Moses Davis
M. Hynes
H. Ezekiel
H. Cohan
I. [?] Lazarus
Isaac Solomon
Jacob Jacobs
M. Johnson
Jos. Levy
M. Jacobs
Solomon Levy
Lazarres Cohan
M. Hart
Simon Levy
E. Lazarus
L. Joseph
Ab Hart
J. Leyn
Moses Hart
Moses Davis
Mr Jonas
Simon Cohan
Jacob Solomon
Benjam. Jonas


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