Sukkat Shalom

Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community

Edinburgh, Scotland




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Congregation Data


Sukkat Shalom, Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community(i)

Former Names

Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community - Sukkat Shalom(ii)

Sukkat Shalom(iii) or Sukkat Shalom, Edinburgh, from September 2002 until about 2007

Edinburgh Reform Jewish Community, until March 2004(iv)


The congregation meets at various venues, including(v):
Marchmont St Giles, 1a Kilgraston Road, Edinburgh EH9 2DW
St Marks Unitarian Church, 7 Castle Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2DP, UK
Newstead Village Hall, Main St, Melrose TD6 9DX, UK
Columcille Centre, 2 Newbattle Terrace, Edinburgh EH10 4RT

Current Status:


Formation, & Brief History:

In the late 1970s, Edinburgh members of the Glasgow New (Reform) Synagogue began to hold Friday evening services  in each other's homes.(vii) Following a meeting on 26 October 1997, the congregation was formalized with assistance from the Glasgow New Synagogue, to which the congregation became affiliated.(viii)


Liberal / Progressive


The congregation was initially affiliated to Glasgow New (Reform) Synagogue, becoming a separate community of the Reform Synagogues of Great Britain (later known as the Movement for Reform Judaism) in September 2002. In March 2004, the congregation became an unaffiliated independent progressive congregation. In September 2004, the congregation becomes affiliated to Liberal Judaism, of which it is a constituent community.(ix)




Rabbi Mark L. Solomon (part-time) - from 2009 to present (January 2025)(x)

Congregation's Newsletter:

Etrog (formerly Lulav), published every 2 months

Membership Data

National Reports and Surveys(xiii)

2010 - listed as having 50 to 99 members (by household)

2016 - listed as having 50 to 99 members (by household)

Charitable Status:

The congregation, under the name Sukkat Shalom Edinburgh Liberal Jewish Community, is a registered Scottish charity (Scottish Charity Number SC035678), registered from 12 September 2004.)(xiv)


The congregation has reserved plots in the new part of the Dean Cemetery, with an entrance on the corner of Queensferry Road and Dean Path. its plots are at the far end surrounded by trees.(xv)

Notes & Sources ( returns to text above)

  • (i) This is how the name appears on the congregation's website, accessed August 2019 and most recently January 2025, sometimes without the comma.

  • (ii) This was the name under which the congregation was listed in Jewish Year Books 2008 through 2010. The congregation was not subsequently listed in the year book.

  • (iii) This was initailly adopted as the Hebrew name of the congregation, in September 2002 ("Where Next Edinburgh?" in Edinburgh Star, Early 2003, reproduced on congregation's website in the "Our Early History" section, last accessed January 2025), becoming the official name in March 2004. It was also the name under which the congregation was listed in the Jewish Year Book 2007 (the first listing of the congregation).

  • (iv) This was the name adopted by the congregation, shortly following it being formalized (article "Why Reform?" in Edingburgh Star, Summer 2000, reproduced on congregation's website in the "Our Early History" section, last accessed January 2025) and it continued to be an alernative name for the congregation following the adoption of the name Succah Shalom in September 2002 until the congregation ceased to be affiliated to the Reform Movement in March 2004.

  • (v) Congregation's website, last accessed 2 August 2019.

  • (vi) Reserved.

  • (vii) Article "Edinburgh's Jewish Reform", Summer 2004, by Lindsay Levy, reproduced on congregation's website in the "Our Early History" section, last accessed January 2025.

  • (viii) Article "Why Reform?" in Edingburgh Star, Summer 2000 (see note (iv) above).

  • (ix) Congregation's website, accessed June 2017 .

  • (x) Congregation's website, accessed August 2018 and last accessed January 2025. To view a short profile, hold the cursor over his name.

  • (xi) and (xii) Reserved.

  • (xiii) Reports on synagogue membership in the United Kingdom, published by or on behalf of the Board of Deputies of British Jews and which can be viewed on the website of the Institute of Jewish Policy Research. Click HERE for links to the various reports.

  • (xiv) Website of OSCR Scottish Charities Regulator, accessed 1 August 2019.

  • (xv) Congregation's website, accessed 2 August 2019.


Edinburgh Jewish Community home page

List of Liberal Judaism Congregations

List of Reform Judaism Congregations

Jewish Communities and Congregations in Scotland home page

Page created: 9 October 2005
Latest revision or update: 21 January 2019

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