the former

Durham Jewish Community

City of Durham, County Durham




Press Reports relating to the Durham Jewish Community
1891 - 1912 and 1922

Compiled by Harold Pollins
(except where otherwise stated)

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1891, page 6

Steps are being taken with a view to forming a Jewish congregation in Durham.
'It is only quite recently that any Jews have taken up their residence in Durham, although large numbers of our coreligionists have displayed much communal activity for many years past in the more busy towns of the diocese, in Sunderland, Shields, and Hartlepool'.
The promoters of the Durham congregation intend to ‘establish themselves as a contributing branch of the large and growing congregation at Sunderland'. This is satisfactory because the expense of a shochet and minister is as great for a community of 10 as for 100 families.
Some of the prestige of Jews in the provinces is sadly prejudiced by the spectacle that the Rabbi is earning something like 15s a week and is 'at home for consultation' in a butcher’s shop.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 August 1895, page 11

Reference to Julius Morris of Carlisle, late of Durham.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 26

Services were held at the home of Mr Jacob Morris, 8 The Avenue. Prayers were read by H. Tennenbaum of Newcastle and Jacob Morris. A. Mart of Spennymoor acted as Baal Tokeah. 'Besides all the Jewish inhabitants of this city there were many visitors from the surrounding district'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1900, page 19

Services were held at the home of Mr Jacob Morris, 8 The Avenue. Conducted by J. Morris and S. Jaffé of Sunderland. A. Birk acted as Baal Tokeah. 'Owing to a large influx of visitors, services were also held in other premises, under the presidency of Mr. E. Morris. Messrs. E. Richman and Morgenstern (Leeds) conducted the services'.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1901, page 34

AGM of congregation, held at the synagogue 11 John Street
Elected: President, E. Morris; Treasurer, S. Hermon; Hon Sec, B. Morris; Auditor N. A. (sic) Birk.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 December 1901, page 21

Basle Zionist Congress
In English delegation Mr A. Vecht, Durham.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1902, page 1

Reference to Julius Berlin, 2 Palatine View, Durham.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902, page 32

AGM of Durham Zionist Society. Mr A. Quart in chair. Elected: President, A. Quart; Treasurer, S. Keidon; Secretary, B. Morris; Auditor, N. Shochet; Collector, T, Brewer [Brewis?]; Committee, F. B. Phillips, N. Birk, E. Morris, E. Rachmel.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1902, page 28

AGM of Durham Literary Society. A. N. Birk in chair. Elected: President, A. N. Birk; Treasurer, S. Keidan; Sec, B. Morris; Committee, B. Herman, E. Morris, B.F. Phillips, A. Quart.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1902, page 31

First of the fortnightly lectures of the Zionist Association. By A. Quart, 'The Early Settlement of the Jews in Palestine'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1903, page 37

Rabbi Sandelson of Newcastle and Mr C. Cohen of Sunderland attended a siyum in the Durham synagogue. 'Rabbi Sunderland … congratulated the Durham Congregation on its laudable efforts to study the Talmud'.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1903, page 24

New Year etc services were held in the Shakespeare Hall, conducted by Messrs S. Richman and J. Morris. J. Levy acted as Baal Tokeah.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1904, page 27

Services were held at the synagogue, 11 John Street, conducted by S. Herman and J. Morris. J. Levy and A. N. Birk were Baale Tokeah.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 February 1905, page 25

Jewish population of Durham 68.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 March 1905, page 30

Last Sunday in the 'synagogue committee room' 11 John Street, Mr S. Kaidan was presented with a silver cup on his approaching marriage. Mr . Morris said that the congregation had been mainly founded through Kaidan’s efforts and he was a also a founder of  the local Zionist Association. He also acted as shochet, gratuitously. Messrs Ehrenberg, Phillips, Hermann, and Birk also spoke.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1905, page 28

Chatan Torah B. Morris. Chatan Bereshit B. Birk.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1905, page 40

Meeting of congregation at 11 John Street. Elected: President, S. Kaidan; Treasurer, B. Morris; Hon Sec, B. Birk; Committee J. Morris, N.A. (sic) Birk, J. Hayman.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1905, page 5

Annual meeting of Zionist Association at the synagogue. Resolution passed expressing indignation at Russian atrocities. £7 collected.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1906

New Year Greetings, page VII - Mr B. Birk, 8 The Avenue.
New Year Greetings, page XII - Mr and Mrs B. Morris, 6 The Avenue.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 February 1907, page 22

Annual meeting of the English Zionist Federation. Delegate: Miss R. Goldsmid, Durham.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907, page 8

The house which has been used for some years as a place of worship by the Jewish residents of Durham will be closed shortly. In order to acquire a new house as a place of worship, the sum of £200 IS REQUIRED. Not able to raise this themselves, they appeal to their coreligionists in London and the Provinces for help. Donations will be received and gratefully acknowledged by the Rev. A.A. GREEN and the undersigned
Visiting Minister to the Durham Hebrew Congregation
9 Burlington Road, Sunderland.
President of the Durham Hebrew Congregation
8 The Avenue, Durham
[Repeated 15 March 1907 page 2; 22 March 1907 page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1907, page 10

Will of Mark Cohen of 6 Featherstone Street, Durham. Left £7,072 17s 6d. He is chairman of the School Committee of the Jewish Community. Died 29 January. Probate granted to widow Mrs Marian Cohen and Mr Newman Richardson of The Oaks, Sunderland.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1909, pages 30-1

Yesterday week the foundation stone of the synagogue in Laburnum Avenue was laid.
Chair of Building Committee: - B. Morris.
Vice-President of Durham Congregation: C. Garstein
'The members of the congregation and their guests then adjourned to the Miners' Hall, where a reception was held'. £70 collected.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1909, page 27

Conference of English Zionist Federation. A. Birk, delegate of Durham Z.A.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1909, page 25

Special Zionist Conference. M. Leventhal, delegate of Durham Zionist Association

Jewish Chronicle, 11 June 1909, page 14

Rev D. Lyons of North Shields conducted services in the new synagogue last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1909, page 13

Yesterday the new synagogue and classrooms of the Durham Hebrew Congregation were consecrated and formally opened by Cllr J. Moser, JP, of Bradford. 'Hitherto, the congregation had worshipped in small and most unsuitable premises, and at the instance of Mr. J. Morris, resident of the Congregation, and one of the oldest Jewish inhabitants of the town, a suitable site was acquired for the erection of a proper synagogue and classrooms. C Building Committee, of which Mr. B. Morris became Chairman and Hon. Secretary, had linerboard incessantly in promoting the success of the scheme. The new synagogue is a bright building, situated in the best part of the town and was erected at a cost of £600. It has seating accommodation for 125'.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1909, pages 10-11

Further report of opening.
Rev S. Franklin of Newcastle officiated. After the circuits the Rev Dr Salis Daiches delivered an address as did Rabbi Y.M. Sandelson of Newcastle. After the ceremony there was a reception at the Miners' Hall, chairman B. Morris. He proposed health of Councillor Moser. 'Mr. Moser’s munificence had helped them to proceed with their scheme'.
'The Archdeacon of Durham, who was prevented from being present, sent a cordial letter, in the course of which he wrote: "All lovers of humanity must thankfully acknowledge their indebtedness to the Jewish nation, and all Christian people must recognise the indebtedness of the church to the synagogue". the Archdeacon concluded his letter with a Hebrew blessing'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910, page 10

'The Dispersion of the Ghetto'
Interview with J. E,. Blank. 8 years ago, Lord Swaythling called conference in London and a Jewish Dispersion Committee formed. Durham was among places which received people.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1910, page 2

'DURHAM HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED, experienced Teacher to teach Hebrew and religion, must be able to be able to teach in English. Applications must be sent to the Hon. Secretary, S. Abrahams, 4, The Avenue, Durham'.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1910, page 15

Annual meeting of congregation.
S. Abrahams presided. Balance sheet presented. Income £82. Elected: President, B. Morris; Treasurer, A. N. Birk; Hon Sec, N. Keidan.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1912

WANTED suitable man to act as Shochet Reader, and able to teach children. Apply to Mr. P. Bergson, as above.
[Report provided by Steven Jaffe.]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1912

Durham. A special Chanucah service was held on Sunday at the synagogue.The Rev. M. D. Hershman conducted the service and delivered an address. Subsequently a tea was provided for the children attending the religion classes. Mrs. S. Keidan distributed the prizes. Master M. Phillips gained the first prize. Thanks were accorded to Mrs. S. Keidan who suitably responded. A similar compliment was paid to the Rev. M. D. Hershman.
[Report provided by Steven Jaffe.]

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1922

A TRIBUTE FROM THE DURHAM HEBREW CONGREGATION. Tbe news of the death of Alderman J. Moser, J.P., of Bradford, was received by the Jewish Community of Durham with deep regret. Although Durham has only a very small Jewish population, it was greatly indebted to the deceased gentleman. He laid the foundation cf the synagogue, giving a large donation. Later he opened the same synagogue, again contributing towards the expenses fund. We cannot help but make known his generosity and free-hearted help to anyone in need. God rest his soul in eternal, peace -  from Mr., M. ROBINSON, Hon. Secretary.
[Report provided by Steven Jaffe.]

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