the former

Dover Synagogue

and Jewish Community

Dover, Kent





References to the Dover Jewish Community
Appearing in the Jewish Chronicle and other periodicals
Part 2, 1861 - 1883

Compiled by Harold Pollins  


Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1861 page 8

'THE REV. R.I. COHEN, of  Sussex House, Dover, is in immediate WANT of a GERMAN and HEBREW MASTER. Address, until after the 17th inst., at 6, Brunswick-square, London'.
[repeated 12 April]


Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1861 page 8

"WANTED, in a Ladies' School, a Jewess to act as ATTENDANT to the Young Ladies, to take entire charge of their wardrobes, the house-linen, &c., and to make herself generally useful in superintending the domestic arrangements. Apply, by letter, to Marine House, Dover".


Jewish Chronicle,  5 July 1861 page 1

'REV.H. NEUMAN, of Dover, begs to acquaint his friends and the public in general, that he has taken a COMMODIOUS HOUSE, No. 10, St. Martin's Terrace, in the most healthy part of the town, within five minutes walk of the sea, and will be most happy to accommodate those families who intend to visit Dover for the season, and will also be glad to take charge of any children whose parents may feel desirous of committing to his care'.


Jewish Chronicle,  20 September 1861 page 1

[Advert] [Heading  in Hebrew:  Acheinu beth Israel Shemo]

            'THE HEBREW CONGREGATION of DOVER, though counting amongst the earliest in the United Kingdom, are exceedingly straitened in Synagogue accommodation: and having long suffered every possible inconvenience, arising from a deficiency of space in a place of public worship, are desirous of ERECTING, in lieu of their present mean little Synagogue, which is totally unworthy of the name, and equally unsuited to the growing wants of the community, a HOUSE OF GOD, not only more commodious for their own members, but likewise capable of accommodating the numerous co-religionists who annually visit this now favourite watering-place.

            Owing to the influx of visitors this season, the want of room was painfully felt by all the worshippers during the New Year festivals, and, indeed, so grievously limited in size is the present building that the Congregation were, to their great regret, compelled sometime before the hour of Divine Worship to send elsewhere several poor people - being actually unable to find them standing room within the walls.

                These circumstances make the members of the Congregation feel it incumbent on them to redouble their efforts for speedily supplying this urgent want; but they are neither numerous nor wealthy; and though each has, according to his means, contributed towards the desired object, and pious visitors have made liberal offerings, yet the collective sum is still far from sufficient for the purpose, and the Dover Congregation, therefore, now earnestly APPEAL for further ASSISTANCE to the sympathising generosity of the Jewish public, feeing confident that its benevolent aid, which is never withheld when the interest of our holy religion is at stake, will not be refused in this real case of religious destitution.

             The Rev. R. I. Cohen begs at the same time to request all former pupils of his to exert themselves, on his behalf, in this good work, not only by contributing themselves, but by collecting as much as possible from their friends and acquaintances.

             A list of DONATIONS will shortly be published. Contributions will be received in London by the Rev. Dr. Adler, Chief Rabbi, 16, Finsbury-square; M. Joseph, Esq., 46, Bedford-square; Messrs. Isaac Campbell, 71, Jermyn-street; Messrs. Defries, Houndsditch; Messrs. Moses, Son, and Davis, Aldgate; Messrs. Lyons and Sons, 10 and 11, Wilson-street, Finsbury.

             Dover, September 10, 1861 - 5622.'
             [repeated several times with list of donations]


Jewish Chronicle,  11 October 1861 page 5

'CHRISTIAN LIBERALITY. - A correspondent writes from Dover: We have this day succeeded in obtaining a piece of ground from the Lord Warden and Commissioners of Dover Harbour for our own synagogue. It is virtually a gift, but the Act of Parliament forbidding the Harbour Board changing leasehold property to freehold without payment, they have charged us a nominal price. The situation is one of the most fashionable in the town, and the ground is considered very valuable'.


Jewish Chronicle,  1 November 1861 page 5
[Reprinted 3 November 1961 page 8]

At Board of Deputies. Correspondence from Dover Congregation. Lord Palmerston, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, and Commissioners of Dover Harbour have presented to the Jewish congregation 'a most eligible site of ground for the erection thereon of a synagogue'.


Jewish Chronicle,  7 March 1862 page 7

'THE REV. H. NEUMANN, of Dover, begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he is prepared to receive a limited number of YOUNG GENTLEMEN into his Establishment (which is situated in the most healthy part of the town, within five minutes' walk of the sea), and where they will enjoy all the comforts and careful tending of a home, as the number of pupils will be strictly limited. Professors of high attainment are engaged to superintend the various classes, and Mr. Neumann will himself take an active part in the scholastic duties. The highest references given if required, and prospectuses forwarded on application at No.10 St. Martin's -terrace, Dover.

The Quarter will commence from the day of entrance. - Terms moderate'.

[repeated frequently throughout 1862 and 1863]


Jewish Chronicle,  21 March 1862 page 1


THE REV. R.I. COHEN begs to return his best thanks to his friends, both English and foreign, for their kind support during the 25 years he has spent in his scholastic carer, and informs that for the future it is his intention to take a very few pupils only, at advanced terms.

The pupils will be fitted either for professional or commercial pursuits, and will be prepared for passing the Oxford or Cambridge local examinations, as the education given will be of the highest order, and the system of instruction similar to that of the great English public schools.

Prospectuses will be forwarded on application'.


Jewish Chronicle,  21 March 1862 page 8

'WANTED by a Lady, a Jewess, coming from Hamburgh, a SITUATION as GOVERNESS. She has been for more than two years resident teacher in a first class school. Understands French and English well, and in addition to her own language, can give instruction in the elementary parts of Hebrew and Music. For address and references apply to Miss Cohen, Marine House, Dover.'


Jewish Chronicle,  22 August 1862 page 6
Quote from the Dover Telegraph

A new perfume, called Alicine, has been prepared by Mr Lindon of  the Medical Hall, Dover.


Jewish Chronicle,  12 September 1862 page 1

"WANTED, at Marine House, Dover, a respectable PERSON (German preferred) to ATTEND to the Young Ladies' WARDROBES, to the domestic affairs of the Establishment, and to make herself generally useful. For particulars address as above".


Jewish Chronicle,  17 October 1862 page 5

Elected to office: Mr W. Greenwald,  President

A.L. Vanderlyn, Treasurer


Jewish Chronicle,  17 October 1862 page 8

'WANTED at Marine House, Dover, a respectable PERSON to superintend the domestic arrangements, attend to the young ladies' wardrobe, and make herself generally useful. Apply, if personally, on Monday morning next, the 20th inst., between the hours of  9 and 11 at 34, Keppel-street, Russell-square, or by letter to Miss Cohen, as above'.


Jewish Chronicle,  24 October 1862 page 4


Mr Vanderlyn of Dover considers himself ill-used because JC persists in withholding important information. 'The question at issue is, did the Rev. R. .I .Cohen head the Dover congregation while attending the funeral of Lady Montefiore, as we, on the faith of a correspondent, originally stated; or was this most arduous task performed by the late President, Mr. Barras, as insisted upon by Mr. Vanderlyn? ... If there be any squabble in the Dover congregation, there is no necessity to drag the press into it'.


Jewish Chronicle,  14 November 1862 page 5

'DOVER. A MEMORIAL WINDOW. - We learn that Mr. Samuel Isaacs, of 51, Onslow-square, South Kensington, has, in addition to his donation towards the erection of the new synagogue, subscribed £50 for a stained glass window with the Ten Commandments, to be placed over the Haychal [in Hebrew], in memory of his much beloved son, the late Samuel Edward Harry'.


Jewish Chronicle,  16 January 1863 page 3

Visit of Sir Moses Montefiore to Dover. In ill-health so unable to attend early morning service and had prayers read on Tuesday afternoon at Sussex House. But was present at synagogue on Wednesday morning. He visited the new synagogue and in addition to his gift of £115 has promised to present a Sepher Torah, now being written in Wilna, in memory of his wife Judith.


Jewish Chronicle,  17 July 1863 page 4

The new synagogue at Dover, 'the erection of which Sir Moses Montefiore's munificence has so materially promoted' will be consecrated on Monday 10 August. To be called Ohel Moshe [in Hebrew] (Tent of Moses) alluding to his assistance. There will be placed in it a marble tablet in memory of his wife.


Jewish Chronicle,  14 August 1863 page 1

At meeting of the Canterbury congregation held on 9 August: resolved unanimously that the omission by the Dover Committee of Management to invite the older members of the Canterbury congregation to be present at the consecration of their synagogue on 10th, in order to mark their unanimous feeling that neither their President nor any members should attend.


Jewish Chronicle,  14 August 1863 page 5

Long report of consecration on 10 August, abridged from the Daily Telegraph.

At Northampton Street. Erected by A.M. Cohen of Eldon-street, Finsbury. Designed by William E. Williams of Ludgate hill. In the Greek style. To accommodate 250 persons. Gallery on 3 sides and communication to a committee room occupying the whole width of the building. Ark in the east; above it are 2 stained-glass windows surmounted by a dome,  richly ornamented in blue, white and gold. At consecration many Christian visitors. Order of service directed by Chief Rabbi. Music composed and directed by J. L. Mombach, choir master of the great and branch synagogues'. After the service an excellent collation in the Wellington Hall, Hurdby.


Jewish Chronicle,  11 September 1863 page 7


(From The Times)

Reference to protest by Canterbury congregation about consecration to which only a few members of Canterbury were invited. Recently a man named Joseph Abrahams of Cardiff visited his son in Dover, but died there. Jews of Dover normally buried at Canterbury and Dover Jews pay annual sum. For poor Jews who died only a nominal sum is required to be buried at St Dunstan's. A man called Lazarus of Palace St,  Canterbury, received a letter saying body of Abrahams would arrive at 10-30 am. Lazarus called meeting and resolved to demand 5 guineas. Telegraphed Dover but body had already left in a light wagon. Canterbury Jews refused to bury the body and it was left on the ground near entrance to burial ground. Clerk to justices communicated to the 'leading Hebrews' and body was removed to the 'death-house'. Interred the next day. Canterbury Jews say ground is their private property and they can demand whatever fee they think proper. The fee of 5 guineas was demanded  'to atone for the slight,  - at least so says the "Kentish Gazette".'


Jewish Chronicle,  18 September 1863 page 2


From a correspondent. Whatever view is taken of the 'Unseemly Revenge', the person who saw fit to trumpet it to the whole world was culpable. It casts a reflection on the whole Anglo-Jewish community. There was a black sheep in the Dover community.


Jewish Chronicle,  25 September 1863 page 6

Two letters

1. From Rev R.I. Cohen. Says that the article in the Kentish Gazette did not emanate from a member of the Dover congregation.  The Dover congregation deeply regret the breach that has occurred between them and  Canterbury  'to whose burial ground they and their forefathers have subscribed for 180 years'.

At the consecration of the synagogue invitations were sent to every subscriber residing in Canterbury and also to the reader and wardens. They were now trying to get a burial ground in Dover.

2. Long letter from 'A member of the Canterbury congregation'.

Inter alia, he says that the Kentish Gazette is notoriously hostile to Jews.

The problem in Canterbury is that the burial ground is filling up and Dover should have its own.

Dover should have telegraphed rather than sent a letter re the body for burial. And as officers were away from Canterbury it was hard to make a decision.

He sums up his argument:

a. Not activated by feelings of revenge

b. Not true that a member called a meeting when the body arrived. This was impossible in the circumstances.

c. No magisterial interference took place

d. Not true that money was the object. They had refused to accept the two guineas from the son knowing him to be a poor person, and they were disgusted that the body had been placed at the entrance.

e. Not true that the body was placed on a public road.


Jewish Chronicle,  16 October 1863 page 1

Letter praising the new Dover synagogue, from a visitor. During the Holydays prayers were read by Revs Cohen and Newman (sic)


Jewish Chronicle,  20 November 1863 page 4

Sir Moses Montefiore arrived in Dover bringing the Sepher Torah he had promised.


Jewish Chronicle,  11 Decmeber 1863 page 5

We learn from Rev R.I. Cohen that Mr Moses Joseph of 46 Bedford-square who has been a munificent contributor to the new synagogue and has collected sums - has now lent the congregation £400 to pay for their debts, free of interest.


Jewish Chronicle,  1 January 1864 page 5

Quotes a correspondent (a friend of the Dover congregation) to put on record the events leading to the new synagogue.

Town has had for many years a small congregation and had a room 'in a miserable back street'. Within last few years more residents and visitors and in 1861 at New Year the small room was inconvenient to members and also to the 'highly-respectable visitors'. Rev R.I. Cohen, a resident for 30 years, started a subscription to build a synagogue. Nearly £500 subscribed in a short time and eventually £1500 collected, the entire cost of the building. The Lord Warden (Lord Palmerston) and the Harbour Commissioners were solicited and they granted a site 'upon which has been erected a building for its size and completeness unsurpassed by any synagogue in this country'.


Jewish Chronicle,  30 September 1864 page 5

Election of officers at meeting on 18th ult. Rev R. J Cohen elected Parnass and Minhag [in Hebrew] the latter office including that of Treasurer.


Jewish Chronicle,  13 January 1865 page 8

Quote from Daily Telegraph. Mr J. Ellis of Brompton Hall, London, a gentleman of the Jewish persuasion, has distributed to a great many respectable families in reduced circumstances meat tickets, presentable at Mr R. Elgar's, butcher, Snargate St. Ellis is a frequent visitor and is now staying to supervise a family mansion in the Folkestone Rd..


Jewish Chronicle,  5 May 1865 page 1

'WANTED a thoroughly experienced MASTER, to give Hebrew Lessons in a Lady School. Address Marine House, Dover.'


Jewish Chronicle,  19.5.1865 page 8 [repeated several times]

"THE REV. H. NEUMANN of Dover, begs to acquaint his friends and the public, that he will be most happy to accommodate (with BOARD and LODGINGS) those families who intend to visit Dover.  Apartments without Board if required. 10, St. Martin's Terrace".

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