the former

Dewsbury Jewish Community

& Synagogue

Dewsbury, Kirklees, West Yorkshire




Press Reports relating to the Dewsbury Synagogue and Jewish Community

Compiled by Harold Pollins


Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1885, page 5

‘When John Sargeant was first elected for Dewsbury in 1868 there was not a single Jewish voter or resident in the town. Even now there are only two German Jews living there.' [Presumably Leopold and Max Flatow]

London Gazette, 22 December 1888, page 6,213

‘Partnership between Adolphus Flatow of Savile Tower near Dewsbury, Shoddy and Mungo Merchant, and Samuel Lumb of Caledonia Road, Batley, carrying on business as Shoddy and Mungo Merchants at Bradford Road, Dewsbury, under style of A. Flatow and Lumb, is hereby dissolved and business will be carried on by A. Flatow alone and will pay all partnership debts and receive all moneys due.'

London Gazette, 2 June 1891, page 2,929

Naturalisations in May. Max Wronker Flatow 27 April 1891, Dewsbury

London Gazette, 25 December 1891, page 7,173

Partnership between Adolf Flatow, Max Wronker Flatow and Henri Coupe, Rag Merchants, Dewsbury, under style Flatow Brothers and Coupe, has been dissolved by mutual consent as from 32 December 1891. All debts due to and owing to the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Adolf Flatow and Max Wronker Flatow.

London Gazette, 2 February 1892, page 553

Naturalisations in January. Adolf Wronker Flatow 16 January 1892, Victoria Crescent, Birkdale Road, Dewsbury.

London Gazette, 1 August 1893, page 4,360

Naturalisations in July. Jacobi Wrouker(sic) Flatow 2 July 1893, West Park Road, Dewsbury.

London Gazette, 2 January 1894, page 7

Naturalisations in December. Leopold Isidor Flatow 4 December 1893, West Park Street.

Dewsbury Kelly's Directory, West Riding of Yorkshire, 1897, page 362

L. Flatow and Sons, rag merchants, Bond St,Dewsbury Flatow Brothers and Co, rag importers, Back Church St, Dewsbury.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1897, page 21

Preston. Services conducted by Rev S. Rosloffski gratuitously assisted for the 3rd year by Mr M. Cohen, Dewsbury

National Archives, 1900 Naturalisations

Louis Salinsky, Resident in Dewsbury. Certificate no. A1135. Issued 15 February 1900

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1903, page 1

Julius Salinsky, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Louis Salinsky, of 15 Hartley Street, Dewsbury, will read a sidrah at New Briggate Synagogue, Leeds, on 26 September.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 September 1905, page 25

‘Through the energy of a few coreligionists, a Minyan has been formed in Dewsbury, and services are to be held on the ensuing High Festivals. A large room in the Town Hall has been rented for this purpose. The Jewish inhabitants are anxious eventually to form themselves into a congregation. The support of Jewish residents in and around Dewsbury is desired for the movement’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1906, page 36

‘Last Sunday [1 April] the first Jewish place of worship in Dewsbury was opened by Alderman J. Moser JP, of Bradford.  Service conducted by Rev M. Abrahams, Visiting Minister, assisted by Revs S. Diamond, Reuben Tribich, and C. Kahn.’

The synagogue consists of rooms in Grove Street, structurally altered and adapted.

The executive consists of L. Salinski, President; B. Freidman, Vice-President; K. Weiss, Treasurer; M. Phillips, Hon Sec.

In evening a Siyum (completion) of a Sepher Torah was held in the synagogue, where Rev C. Kahn (Leeds) read the evening service with organ accompaniment. Among the presentations were curtains and drapery by Mrs B. Freidman, silver and ivory pointer for Sepher Torah by Mr S. Isaacs, Leeds, and a mantle by Mr Krupans.'

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1906, page 27

‘Service was held at ‘the new temporary synagogue in Grove Street’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 April 1906, page 29

'Rev Mr Dobkin officiated and preached sermons on last two days. Made strong appeal to congregants to attend services punctually and regularly and to work for peace and harmony.' [Dobkin previously in Barnsley: Jewish Chronicle 17 July 1903, p. 26; 6 October 1905 p. 22; and 16 November 1906 p.39]

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 27

‘Mr. B. Witow of Berlin has presented a Sepher Torah with mantle and silver yod. Mr J. L.(sic) Flatow of Dewsbury presented it on behalf of his brother-in-law and subscribed £5 ‘towards the establishment of a Benevolent Society to help poor coreligionists in Dewsbury.

All the members of the congregation with their wives and children inscribed a letter in the Sepher Torah and Rev S. Masson of Leeds announced that their offerings were added to the Benevolent Society. Also mention of Rev M. Abraham of Leeds. Sepher Torah placed in Ark by Mr L. Salinsky, President of the congregation.’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 31

‘Service at Grove Street was conducted by Rev. Mr. Dobkin assisted by his choir and Mr Fried.

Neilah was conducted by Mr Strauss. Mr L. Salinsky has presented a Ner Tamid, Mr Wattsman a clock, and Mr I. Flowers a table-cover’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1906, page 39

Naturalisations in October. Eugene Ernest Weiss, Dewsbury.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1906, page 41

Reference to Amelia Salinsky and her brother in Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1906, page 35

Reference to Amelia and Julius Salinsky of Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 January 1907 page 29

First meeting of the Hebrew Benevolent Society was held at the synagogue, Grove Street. Rules were adopted and the following elected: J.W. Flatow, President; L. Salinsky, M Wattsman, and Hyman, Committee; Rev I. Dobkin, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1907 page 33

General meeting of the Hebrew Congregation held at the Grove Street Synagogue. Balance sheet and report adopted. Elected: Mr M. Wattsman, President; M. Cohen, Vice-president; L. Salinsky, Treasurer; R. Weiss, S. Stross. L. Knowles, Committee; J. Stross and R. Weiss, Auditors; S. Tissar, Hon Sec

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1907 page 2

Death in London of Esther Wolfe, wife of Israel Simons Wolfe, and mother of, inter alia, Mr J. S Hyams, 9 Blenheim Terrace, Dewsbury

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1907 page 29

First meeting of subscribers to Hebrew Benevolent Fund held at the synagogue, Grove Street. Elected: J.W. Flatow, President; L. Salinsky, M. Wattsman, Hyman, Committee; I. Dobkin, Secretary

Kelly’s Directory Yorkshire West Riding vol 1 (other places), 1908, page 217

Samuel Stross, West Park Street, Dewsbury

Kelly’s Directory Yorkshire West Riding vol 1 (other places), 1908, page 1380

Flatow Brothers, Westley Street, Dewsbury rag merchants L. Flatow and Sons, Wellington Road, Dewsbury, rag merchants Jacobs Brothers and Co, West End Mills, Westgate, Dewsbury.

Kelly’s Directory Yorkshire West Riding vol 1 (other places), 1908, page 1431

Isaac Krupeney 67 Mill Road, Batley Carr, Dewsbury

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1908 page 28

Annual meeting of the congregation. Elected: J. W. Flatow, President; L. Salinsky, Treasurer; M. Wattsman and L. Knowles, Committee. Hon Sec pro tem J. Salinsky

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1908 page27

‘F’ writes, referring to news item in last week’s issue which stated that there were no Jews in Dewsbury when John Sergeant was MP 1868-88, that as President of the Dewsbury congregation that he has lived in the town for 33 years and at one time three members of his family were electors and he knows of 6 more Jewish voters in Dewsbury.

Yorkshire Evening Post 2 November 1909 page 6

Case involving two rag and shoddy merchants. Joseph Stross of the firm of Messrs Stross & Sons of Bradford Road, Dewsbury, charged Robert John Weiss of Heckmondwyke and two travellers with assaulting him. Weiss charged Stross with assaulting him. Stross appeared with two black eyes, Weiss had right hand in bandages. Mentioned that Stross’s firm had a warehouse at the Great Northern Railway’s depot in Dewsbury. Charges dismissed.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1910 page 16

Interview with J.E. Blank of the Dispersion Committee. Among the places which have received families was Dewsbury. Does not know how many have remained in the various towns.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 April 1910 page 1

Death on 11 April of Samuel Stross

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page xvii

‘At Dewsbury ‘the Market Stallholders’ Association have passed a recommendation of their committee:

"That Jews should be refused membership of the Association".’

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1911 page 1

Marriage on 26 January in Birmingham of Rosie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Myer Thomas, Edgbaston, to Maurice Stross, eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Samuel Stross of Dewsbury and Leeds, late of Lodz, Poland.

Yorkshire Evening Post 15 December 1911 page 8

‘Trouble on a tramcar in Leeds’ Police court today. PC Goodall and Henry Woodhead, tram conductor, were summoned for assaulting Morris Stross, woollen merchant of Dewsbury. Stross summoned for assaulting the conductor. Stross lives in Leeds but carries on business in Dewsbury. Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1911, page 18

‘Robert Weiss of Dewsbury with Hubert Oxley were killed in an aviation accident at Filey on the 6th inst. Oxley was a qualified pilot and principal of an aviation school at Filey. Weiss was a keen amateur with his own biplane. A prize of £50 had been offered for the first flight from the Yorkshire coast to Leeds. They were hoping to take part and were at Filey when the accident occurred.

He was a brother of Mrs J. Flatow of Dewsbury. He was aged 28 and a partner in Anglo-Russian Trading Co. He was German-born and came to UK about 6 years ago. Buried in Germany.’

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1911 page 11

Tramcar case. All summonses dismissed except for one by Stross against the PC. Judgement to be delivered within a week or ten day.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 May 1912 page 23

Leeds Jewish Institute. Elected to Committee, -. Flatow (Dewsbury)

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912 page 28

The Local Education Authority has appointed Miss Rose Salinsky of Dewsbury to fill a vacancy in one of the schools.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 6 January 1913 page 9

S Stross and Sons Ltd registered as a private company. Capital £15,000. Dealers, importers, exporters, manufacturers, and dealers in rags, shoddy waste, wool, hair and other raw materials. First directors Mr M. Stross and Mrs J. Stross. Registered offices Scouthill Mills, Dewsbury.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1913 page 34

Leeds Jewish Board of Guardians. Among the VPs elected was J.W. Flatow, Dewsbury.

Yorkshire Evening Post 4 December 1913 page 8

‘Cost of Bolstering Up a Lie’. ‘Dewsbury Rag Merchant Sent to Prison’. Joseph Stross, 23, member of Dewsbury firm of Stross and Sons Ltd, Rag Merchants, and Arthur Booth, one of his employees. At Crown Court Leeds. Stross charged with committing wilful and corrupt perjury at the Dewsbury Police Court and also with suborning Booth who was charged with committing perjury. On June 30 Stross travelled from Leeds to Dewsbury with 3rd class ticket but was seen alighting from a 1st class carriage. Wanted Booth to appear as witness for him but Booth refused. Refused to pay the 1s 4d excess. Six months with hard labour for Stross.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 16 July 1914 page 9

Fatal Motor Collision in Dewsbury Charles Spivey on bicycle knocked down by car driven by Mr E.W. Flatow of ‘ Laurelhirst’, Springfield Terrace, Dewsbury.

Yorkshire Evening Post 24 July 1914 page 5

Conflicting evidence. Inquest on motor collision, involving Ernest Wronker Flatow, rag merchant. Jury decided the motor car was driven recklessly and so caused the accident but not criminal.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1914 page 1

Betrothal of Amelia, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Salinsky of Dewsbury to Harry, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. Frieze of Leeds.

London Gazette 6 April 1915 page 3,020

To be temporary 2Lt: Erwin Wronker Flatow, 5 April 1915

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1915 p. 1

Birth on 27 July at ‘The Elms’, Swansea, to Mr and Mrs Walter Hyman ‘Rocklands’ Ossett, a daughter. [Margaret W. Hyman September 1915 Swansea 11a 2173. Mother Levy]

London Gazette 17 September 1915 page 9,293

West Riding Regiment. 2Lt from Reserve Battalion of this regiment to be 2Lt, dated 19 September 1915. Ewin(sic) Wronker Flatow

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 14 March 1917 page 10

Roll of Honour. Lt David Stross RFC killed in the Midlands while flying. Son of Mrs Stross, George Avenue, Leeds. Aged 23. Member of firm of S. Stross and Sons, rag merchants of Dewsbury. A brother is in Salonika and another is a cadet in the Artists’ Rifles. David Stross joined Inns of Court OTC, then commissioned in RFA. Last Xmas transferred to RFC. Leaves widow and little girl.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 March 1917, page 16

Death in action of Lt David Stross, Royal Flying Corps. Mother lives in Leeds. He was aged 24 and was formerly a member of the firm of S. Stross & Sons Ltd, rag merchants, of Dewsbury.

London Gazette 20 July 1917 page 7,475

2Lt E.W. Flatow to be Lt with precedence from 28 November 1916

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1917 page 16

Betrothal. Dolly, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Mark Shaffer of Blackpool, to Max Lipsey of Montreal, Canada, and Dewsbury, England.

Yorkshire Evening Post 18 August 1917 page 5

Lt E. W. Flatow, West Riding Regiment, second son of Mr & Mrs J.W. Flatow of Laurelhurst, Dewsbury, has been severely wounded in the left shoulder and is now in hospital abroad. He joined the Leeds University Officers’ Traininbg Corps in November 1914 and was commissioned in April the following year. He has been at the front since November 1915.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1917 page 39

New Year Greetings. Mr and Mrs L. Salinsky, 4 Marsden Terrace, Crackenedge Lane, Dewsbury.

London Gazette 12 March 1918 page 3,266

Territorial Force. From officer cadet units to be 2Lts. West Riding Regiment, Eric Wronker Flatow.

London Gazette 13 December 1918 page 4,553

41725 Cpl Flatow, F. (sic) Dewsbury 11 Battalion East Yorkshire Regiment, awarded the Military Medal.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 June 1918 page 1

Forthcoming marriage on June 19 at Belgrave Street Synagogue of Elsie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Isaacs of Leeds to Sol Hurwitz, Dewsbury. [Marriage. Solomon R. Hurwitz June 1918 Leeds 9b 781//Elsie Isaacs]

Yorkshire Evening Post 2 September 1918 page 3

2Lt Eric W. Flatow West Riding Regiment wounded by gun-shot in right arm.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1919 page 1.

Birth of daughter on 30 April at ‘Lynewood’, Park Road, Dewsbury, to Mr and Mrs Sol Hurwitz, nee Elsie Isaacs. [Birth. Joan R. Hurwitz June 1919 Dewsbury 9b 710]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1919 page 1

Birth on 20 October at ‘Gedham’. Ossett, to Mr and Mrs Walter Hyman, a daughter. [Shirley R. Hyman, December 1919 Dewsbury 9b 1123. Mother Levy]

London Gazette 13 April 1920 page 4,420

4 Battalion West Riding Regiment. 2Lt E. W. Flatow to be Lt 27 August 1919

Jewish Chronicle, 25 June 1920 page 31

Mr Harry Ark MSc, Member Institute of Metals, Head of Chemical Dept. Technical College, Dewsbury, has been appointed to the Headship of the Chemical Department at the Technical Institute, Coventry.

Leeds Mercury 7 December 1920 page 7

‘Dealings of Two Jewish firms’ Isaac Goldsobel of 103 North Road, Leeds, cloth merchant, brought action for slander against Jack Stross, managing director of S. Stross and Sons Ltd, rag merchants of Leeds and Dewsbury. Plaintiff did business with defendant but fell out over prices charged by defendant. Plaintiff intended to borrow money from a man named Gordon but Stross advised Gordon that Goldsobel had been bankrupt 3 or 4 times and was ‘a bankrupt, a rotter, and a rank outsider’. Jury awarded verdict for plaintiff £1,000 and damages. Note. Jack Stross’s addresses were Scout Hill Mills, Dewsbury, and 18 Russell Street, Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1920 page 28

Dewsbury. Marriage in the Mayor’s Reception Room in the Town Hall. Of Mr A. Woodman of Manchester to Miss Rose Salinsky, daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Salinsky. Groom served with American Army in France during the war. The bride is a teacher at the Purwell Boys’ School, Batley. The staff presented her with and oak and silver biscuit box. The Mayor and Mayoress were among the guests. [Marriage. Abraham Woodman Leeds 9b 1086//Rose Salinsky]

London Gazette 6 May 1921 page 3,733

To be temporary 2Lt 15 April 1921. E. Flatow KOYLI [see 6 September 1921]

London Gazette 6 September 1921 page 7,114

The name is 2Lt E.W. Flatow and not as in Gazette 6 May 1921.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1922 page 29
Leeds. Rabbi M. Abrahams’ Memorial Library. ‘The gift of a set of the Jewish Encyclopedia (by Mr. S. Krakauer, of Dewsbury) was reported’. [There was a Solomon Krakauer in Barnsley]

Yorkshire Evening Post 25 March 1922 page 8

William Kalinsky, West Park Street, was find £10 and to pay expenses and arrears at Dewsbury for failing to pay National Health Insurance contributions in respect of a domestic servant. The girl had been attended by Mrs Kalinsky’s doctor and paid for by Mrs Kalinsky. The NHI contributions ceased. Defence argued that there was no intention to avoid the obligation.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 29 June 1922 page 1

Dewsbury Grammar School Sports. 100 yards Old Boys’ Race. Includes Kalinsky [presumably Arthur]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1922, page 26


A meeting was held yesterday week with a view to re-form the Hebrew congregation, which had been disbanded during the war. It was decided to hold services on the coming High Festivals. Residents in the neighbourhood of Dewsbury who wish to attend should communicate with Mr. Mark Salont, 31, Orchard Street, Savile Town’

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1922 page 4.

New Year Greetings. Mr and Mrs L. Salinsky, Marsden Terrace. Dewsbury.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 21 November 1922 page 9.

Dewsbury Amateur Operatic Society. ‘The Cingalee’ at the Theatre Royal last night. Ruth Kalinsky in role of Peggy Sabine.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1923 page 11

Letter from Mark Salont, Municipal Technical College and School of Art, Dewsbury. Re Jewish golf club in Leeds. He was surprised to find that they played on Saturdays.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 23 November 1923 page 16

Old Dewsburians to meet Ossett tomorrow for Rugby Union game. One of the three-quarter back was Kalinsky.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1924 page 2

Death on 31 March at Woodville. Wilson Wood Street, Batley Carr, Dewsbury, of Myer Waterson, aged 53, husband of Anne, father of Joseph. Abraham. Bernard, and Adelaide, Mrs Michael Saperia.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1924 page 1

Engagement. Ruth, elder daughter if Mr and Mrs W. Kalinsky, Brooklyn Villa, West Park St, Dewsbury, to Dr Selby, elder son of Mr and late Mrs M. Selberg of Bradford. [Marriage. Ruth Kalinsky December 1928 Leeds 9b 886//Harry Livingstone]

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 18 July 1924 page 16

Tennis at Dewsbury. Taylor Stubley Cup (singles). E. W. Flatow beat N. Shaw.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1924 page 1

Engagement. Amelia (Milly), elder daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Myers, Bow, London, E 3, to Mark Salont, youngest son of Mr and late Mrs M. Salont. [?Marriage. Mark Salont December 1927 Manchester 8d 1237//Leah Lebovitch]

London Gazette 13 December 1924 page 10,210

Granted rank of Captain Lt E.W. Flatow.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 11 June 1927 page 15

The whole stock of rags in Britain held by the Russian Government and Arcos Ltd, 2,000 tons, has been bought by Jack Stross Ltd, rag and shoddy manufacturers, Carr Dyke Mills, Dewsbury. £11,000 paid to Soviet representatives.

1927 Kelly’s Directory, West Riding

Eugene E. Weiss 6 Springfield Terrace, Dewsbury

1927 Kelly’s Directory West Riding Leeds page 851

Sol Hurwitz, woollen merchant, 51 Cabinet Chambers, 20a Basinghall Street, Leeds

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 29 February 1928 page 10

Case at Dewsbury. Messrs M. J. and G. Stross, rag merchants, Scout Hill, Dewsbury, summoned an employee for theft of rags. Stated that in last 2 years £1,000 of rags lost through theft by employees. Employee bound over and told she would not lose employment.

London Gazette 6 June 1928 page 4,572

Naturalisations. Abram Kalinski known as Arthur Kalinsky, Poland, worsted manufacturer, Brooklyn Villa, West Park Street, Dewsbury. 21 June 1928. Wolf Kalinski known as Wille Kalinsky, Poland, rag and woollen merchant, Brooklyn Villa, West Park Street, Dewsbury. 26 June 1928.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1929 page 4

Contribution by M. Stross (Dewsbury) of £2.2.0 to Chief Rabbi’s Passover Relief Fund to provide Matzot for Famine Sufferers in Russia and Bessarabia. Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 16 July 1931 page 4 Myer Hill, Leeds, textile commission agent, brought action against Jack Stross Ltd, rag merchants, claiming damages for alleged libel. This was contained in a letter written by defendants to Mr Isaac Beruhiel of Constantinople and Marseilles, by whom plaintiff was employed as an agent on commission. In 1929 plaintiff had obtained from defendant an order for materials worth £1,500. After delivery defendants were dissatisfied with the goods and refused to make any further payment to Beruhiel. Defendants wrote letter complaining of being defrauded. Evidence given, inter alia, by Jack Stross, Managing Director of the defendant company. Verdict for defendants.

National Archives 1932

Company no. 170574. L. Salinsky and Sons Ltd. Incorporated 1920. Dissolved between 1920 and 1932. Files of dissolved companies. BY 31/26215/170574.
Company no. 170574. L. Salinsky and Sons Ltd. Incorporated 1920. Liquidator’s Acccounts on the dissolution of the company at some point between 1920 and 1932. BT 34/4617/170574

Yorkshire Evening Post 6 January 1933 page 7
Meeting today in Bradford of creditors of Celia Hyman, Cowper Street, Leeds, carrying on business in Dewsbury as a ladies’ outfitter. Deficiency of £2,021 caused by loss in connection with Wakefield business, alterations to premises, trade depression and insufficient profit for living expenses.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 28 January 1933 page 2

Ferrari’s Auction Rooms. Re Celia Hyman, Ladies’ Gown and Mantle Dealer, Dewsbury, in bankruptcy. Sale of valuable oak shop fittings, also sewing machines, cash till., carpets etc.

Yorkshire Evening Post 2 February 1933 page 11

Public Examination of Celia Hyman. Shop is in Market Place, Dewsbury. Has been insolvent since 1929. Withdrew more than income.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1936 page 19

The Dewsbury News publishes a report of a lecture given to the Ravensthorpe Co-operative Men’s Guild by Rev W. H. Legg, vicar of Ravensthorpe in which he eulogises the Germany of today.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1937 page 15

‘Mentor’s’ Memorial Fund for the Kiddies Contribution by M. J. & G. Stross of Dewsbury, 10s. 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1938 page 37

‘In Aid of Persecuted Children’. Cheque for £80 from Mr George Stross raised by workpeople of M. G. & J. Stross of Dewsbury.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1938 page 14

‘Mentor’s’ Memorial Fund for the Kiddies. Contribution by V. Sloi, Dewsbury, 2s 6d

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1939 page 9

Engagement. Bernard, eldest son of the late Mr and Mrs Nathan Silver, 42 Leeds Road, Dewsbury, to Henrietta (Hetty) Siroko BSc, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs H. Siroko, Liverpool. [Marriage. Bernard I. Silver September 1940 Liverpool S. 8b 769//Henrietta Siroko]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 September 1939 page 22

The first refugees under the auspices of the Halifax Committee for Jewish and Non-Jewish Refugees have arrived at Halifax. They are 4-year old twin boys, Michael and Harry Aron. Their mother has become a nurse at the Dewsbury Joint Hospital. 1939 Register Walter M. Hyman born 5.3.1891. Wool and Hair Merchant. Flat 1 Oliver Hill, Ontwood Lane, Horsforth Lea Hyman born 24.8.1891(sic. Should be 1893)

London Gazette 23 April 1940 page 2,455

Territorial Reserve of Officers. Kings Own Yorkshire Light Infantry. Lt E. W. Flatow (50502) from West Riding Regiment to be Lt 20 January 1940

London Gazette 26 June 1940 page 4,010

National Defence Companies. Eric Wronker Flatow (131709) late Lt West Riding Regiment to be Lt 15 September 1939.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 3 September 1940 page 2

Marriage on 1 September at Liverpool of Bernard Isadore Silver of Woodville, Leeds Road Dewsbury, to Henrietta Siroko of Liverpool. [Marriage. Bernard I. Silver September 1940 Liverpool S. 8b 769 [Henrietta Siroko

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1941 page 3

Bar Mitzvah. Arnold Joseph, son of Mr and Mrs Julius Salinsky of Dewsbury will read portion of the Law at Higher Crumpsall Synagogue Manchester on 3 April.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1941 page 3

Birth on 31 August at Moorlands Maternity Home, Dewsbury, to Miriam, nee Siroko, wife of David Ostrin of Liverpool, a son. [Birth. Anthony R. Ostrin September 1941 Dewsbury 9b 896. Mother Siroko]

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 14 August 1942 page 2

Leeds RAF Fund. Contribution from M.J. and G. Stross Dewsbury £100.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 16 December 1946 page 6

Partnership dissolved of George Stross and Walter Morley Hyman haulage contractors at Chancery Lane, Ossett, as from 21 January 1946. Now two separate concerns: Walter Morley Hyman – The Relay Motor Company (Ossett) and George Stross – The Relay Motor Company (Dewsbury), 27 Wellington Road, Dewsbury.

National Archives. HO 334/230/2399.1947

Naturalisation Certificate. Josef Hochwald from Czechoslovakia. Resident in Baildon, Yorkshire. Certificate issued 1 May 1947.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1947, page 12


At a meeting held at the home of Mr. Bernard Silver it was decided that there was now a large enough number of Jews living in Dewsbury to make it possible to revive the Dewsbury Jewish community, which has been out of existence for something like 30 years.

Messrs. Mark Salont was elected President; J. Salinsky. Vice-President; and Nelson A. Berkoff, Secretary.
Although the size of the community does not yet warrant the holding of regular services it was agreed at the meeting that one of the main objects would be to celebrate the festivals with the children of the community, and to arrange Jewish activities for them’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1947 page 16

Young Israel Welcome to Cynthia Barnett, Dewsbury.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1949 page 14

The founder and honorary secretary of Dewsbury community has recently left Dewsbury with his family to settle in Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 January 1949, page 14

‘A visit to the Dewsbury community was paid recently by Mr. Marc Labovitch, who spoke on the work of the Leeds Jewish Representative Council, to which the community is affiliated.

The founder and honorary secretary of the community, Mr. Nelson Berkoff, recently left Dewsbury with his family to settle in Israel…’.

London Gazette 26 January 1949 page 502

Territorial Army Reserve of Officers. Relinquish commission having exceeded the age limit. Lt E. W.Flatow, 60502, retaining rank of Lt.

Yorkshire Evening Post 12 July 1949 page 7

George Stross, director, Providence Mills, Dewsbury, fined £20 in each of 2 cases for using a vehicle for carrying goods without a proper licence. George Stross Ltd, rag merchants, fined £12 in each of 2 cases for aiding and abetting.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1949 page 7

Birth of a daughter, Evelyn (their second) on 21 November at the Moorlands Maternity Home, Dewsbury, to Hetty nee Siroko, wife of Bernard Silver of ‘Torwood’, 8 Caledonian Rd, Savile Town, Dewsbury. [Birth. Evelyn Silver December 1949 Dewsbury 9b 416. Mother Siroko 1951 Telephone Book (for Lincoln, York, Northumberland), page 128 I. and J. Hyman, Ltd, Rag Merchants 5 Wesley Chambers, Union Street, Dewsbury

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 13 December 1951 page 3

Chelsea court martial of Major H.T. Newman cashiered for offences in connection with sale of arms and ammunition to Jews of Palestine in January 1948. Said that he met a man named Silver in Dewsbury who was involved in the affair. This was Bernard Isadore Silver of Caledonia Road, Savile Town, Dewsbury. He has a brother Bob in Haifa.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1952, page 9

‘Death of Dr ‘Death of Dr Nestor J.S. Nathan at age 41. A hospital doctor in Yorkshire including a period at Dewsbury. ‘The small Jewish community in Dewsbury has good cause to remember him for his interest and ready help in communal matters’

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1953 page 2

Engagement. Cynthia, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs B. Barnett (Passcovitch) of 14 Hope Street, Dewsbury, to Philip, only son of Mr and Mrs J. Wood, 21 St Martin’s Crescent, Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1961 page 14

A ceremonial key presented to Alderman Jacob Moser of Bradford on the occasion of the opening of Dewsbury synagogue in April 1906 has been presented to the Bradford Jewish Institute.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 August 1965 page 18 Leeds.

‘The Henrietta Szold group under the leadership of Mrs. J. Goldberg raised £101 by a sale of clothing and jumble at Dewsbury’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 December 1967 page 42

Mention of Mr Harvey Gothilf, Lecturer in Law at Dewsbury and Batley Colleges.

London Gazette 1 March 1977 page 2,882

At Extraordinary General Meeting of members of Josef Hochwald (Export) Ltd held at Bradford on 1 February, resolve that the company be would up and a Liquidator be appointed.

London Gazette 1 March 1977 page 2,889

Josef Hochwald (Export) Ltd. Registered office 40 Bradford Road, Dewsbury. Rag exporters. Liquidator appointed 16 February 1977.

London Gazette 7 November 1978 page 13,331

Josef Hochwald (Export) Ltd. Creditors of the company to send names and addresses and particulars of their debts to the Liquidator. ‘This notice is purely formal. All known creditors have been, or will be, paid in full.’

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1995 page 12

Profile of Regina Waldman, Leeds. First husband Jack Lawrence died 1965 ‘with a borrowed £12 Regina opened her first market stall in Dewsbury’. 2nd husband Sydney, 1967

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1997 page 12 Leeds.

Sydney Cohen Director of JNF. After National Service played Rugby League for Dewsbury under name Crawford.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October 2002 page 28

Obituary of Ruth Livingstone born Dewsbury 29 March 1905. Died Southport 2 August 2002 aged 97.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 April 2004 page 16

Obituary of Bernard Silver. Born 30 October 1913. Died Leeds 24 February 2004 aged 90. Had Dewsbury-based textile business. Settled in Leeds after WWII.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 2005 page 28

Obituary of Richard Camrass. Solicitor in Dewsbury 1935 but joined army in 1938.

UK Companies House

Directors, 2002-2014 Zev David Weiss, 45-47 Mill Street East, Dewsbury.  

Jews of Dewsbury by Harold Pollins

Dewsbury Jewish Community & Synagogue homepage

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 23 January 2007
Latest revision or update: 4 August 2016



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