Chester Jewish Community

Chester, Cheshire





Press Reports relating to the Chester Jewish Community
 1860 - 1906

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1860, page 6

'Letter from Henry Micholls Jones, 1 Nelson Place, Swansea, refers to a statement that Mr Davidson had been elected a Guardian for the city of Chester and it was presumed that he was the first Jew to have been so honoured in that city. Jones writes that he was a resident there for 17 years and was a member of the Board of Guardians for three years 1834-6 and was also elected a member of the House Committee'

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1894, page 13

The first general meeting of the Jewish inhabitants of this town  was held recently. Mr. M. Price (late of Manchester), in the chair. Twenty-two persons were present. The object was to form a congregation, and with the assistance of Mr. S. Claff (of Manchester), it was unanimously resolved that the present minyan which was held in a private house shall be discontinued, and a room be rented for a place of worship at Union Hall, and that a Reader and Shochet be elected. The Scroll of the Law belonging to the Minyan was presented to the newly-formed congregation, and another was presented by the Treasurer to the congregation. The following members were elected to act jointly as founders until the election of officers: Mr. Carasov, Mr. H. Haft, Mr. Adler and Mr. M. Price, who is also Hon. Secretary. The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and Mr. Claff. The Rev. K. Sumberg (brother of the Rev. S. Sumberg, of Hanley), has offered to officiate as First Reader during the ensuing holidays, gratuitously’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 November 1894, page 19

At a general meeting of the members, Mr. M. Price in the chair, the cash accounts were audited and passed. A sum of £40 had been spent in fitting up the synagogue, £25 of which was raised among the members. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing twelve months: Mr. S. Polinker, President, Mr. J. Carasor(sic) (re-elected) Treasurer, by acclamation; Mr. M. Price (re-elected) Hon. Secretary; the Committee are Messrs J. Goldberg, H. Haft (also Auditor), J. Baker, and Chenkin. The Rev. W. Levien has been elected Reader and Shochet’.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 February 1895, page 2



A SPECIAL General Meeting of the above Congregation has been formed to raise a fund to discharge a debt owing to the builder, for alterations done to the Chester Synagogue, which took place six months ago, and we hereby earnestly APPEAL for assistance t enable us to pay off the aforesaid debt.

Since opening the Synagogue we have been able to have a Shochet [in Hebrew] and a teacher and, if free from debt, we feel confident of being able to be self-supporting.

We are please to announce that several sums have already been sent, including £5 from the Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. Adler

Subscriptions will be most thankfully received, and acknowledged in due course through the “Jewish Chronicle” by the Treasurer,


8, Lightfoot-street, Chester’.

[repeated 22 February 1895 page 3]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1895, page 6

‘Small communities have also quite recently sprung up …in the North-West of our Island, in Chester, Wrexham and Bangor’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1895, page 18

The annual general meeting of the Hebrew congregation was held on Sunday last, Mr. M. Price in the chair. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows: Mr. M. Price, unanimously elected as President; Mr. S. Polinker unanimously re-elected as Treasurer; Mr. S. Woolfman, Hon. Secretary; Messrs. E. Cheriken, D. Black, I. Baker, H. Haft, committee, the latter being also Auditor’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1896, page 21

Note of visit of Chief Rabbi to Wrexham on 30th ult. He was received  by, inter alia, Mr J. Carasov ‘(late of Chester)’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1896, page 18


‘CHESTER. - WANTED, at once, SHOCHET, Chazan,  Balkorah, Mohel and Teacher for small provincial Congregation; no expenses allowed. Apply M. Price, President, 20, Chichester-street. Chester’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1896, page 20


The services were conducted by the Rev. Moss Eker, who also acted as Baal Tokeah, and was assisted by Mr. H. Polinker. Mr. EKER delivered a discourse in English, taking as his text Deuteronomy xxvii.: “Ye stand this day all of you before the Lord your God”.’

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1896, page 21


The young congregation at Chester showed considerable progress during the recent festivals. English sermons were delivered by Rev. Moses Eker, who had many Christian listeners. There were two Chatanei Torah [in Hebrew] (Mr. H. Haft, the President, and Mr. W. Adler, the Treasurer) and two Chatanei Bereshit [in Hebrew] (Mr. S. Woolfman and Mr. A. Haft).  On Simchath Torah Master Abraham Eker, son of the minister, read  the entire portion of the law’

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1897, page 74

W. Jackson elected President.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1897, page 25


On Sunday last Mr. W. Adler, Treasurer, ‘initiated in the Abrahamic covenant his new-born son  and entertained the members of the congregation and families. Present: W. Jackson, President and Mr S. Green of the Wrexham Hebrew Congregation. Mr Blank the Hon Sec - since the previous day was  Hospital Saturday in Chester - made a collection. A substantial sum was obtained.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 August 1897, page 20


On Saturday last, Abraham Claff, 9 years of age, son of Mr. S. Claff, Vice-President of the New Synagogue, Manchester, read the Haphtorah in a manner which made a great impression on the congregation. Mr. S. Claff, by request of the Rev. M. Eker ahd the hon. officers, read Musaph'.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1897, page 27

Services were conducted by Rev Moses Eker who also delivered a Talmudical discourse. Master Abraham Eker, son of the Minister, read the entire portion of the law on Simchat Torah.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1898, page 20

'WANTED for the Chester Hebrew Congregation, a CHAZAN, Shochet, Mohel and Teacher; a married man with small family preferred. Apply for full particulars to the President, W. Jackson, 9, Lightfoot-street, Chester'.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1898, page 19

Rev J. Lithovitch of London, formerly of Exeter, elected Chazan and Shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 October 1898, page 28

General meeting at the Union Hall for the election of officers. W. Jackson re-elected President for third year. W. Adler re-elected Treasurer for third year. Mr S. Polinker elected Hon Secretary. Vote of thanks to late Secretary Mr M. Blank.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 December 1898, page 27

'In consequence of some strictures by Mr. Woolf Adler on "Jewish Hawkers and their Methods" contributed by him to the Chester Observer, a general meeting of the Hebrew Congregation was held recently, at which it was decided to remove Mr. Adler from the office of Treasurer'.

[In 1901 Census Adler in Liverpool]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 June 1899, page 3


Chester Hebrew Congregation
Wanted Shochet, Teacher, Chazan and Baal Korah. Salary £52. SIngle man preferable. Apply President: E. Chenkin, 25 Bishops-street, Chester.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1899, page 27

'Through the interposition of the Rev. H. Harman of the Princes'  Road Synagogue, Liverpool, a threatened split in the Chester Congregation has been averted'

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1899, page 28

Chatan Torah W. Adler. Chatan Bereshit E. Chenkin.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1899, page 26

Annual general meeting. W. Jackson elected President, S. Polinker Treasurer, M. Blank, Hon. Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1900, page 3


WANTED, Gentleman, young, to act as READER, Shochet, Teacher, etc. Apply stating full particulars to the President, W. Jackson, 2, Sydney-place, Chester'.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1900, page 16

A new place of worship has been opened at White Friars by the Chester Hebrew Congregation in place of the Union Hall, used for the last five years.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 October 1900, page 19

Rev Mr Trotsky conducted services at White Friars on Yom Kippur.

[In 1901 Census Solomon Trotsky, "Jewish Reverant"(sic) aged 45, married, is lodger in household of Simon Freeman, Grocer]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1901, page 31

Mrs Woolfe Jackson (nee Betsy Rosenberg) (late of Manchester) of  Sydney House, Chester, has presented to the Chester Hebrew Congregation a plush mantle for the Torah in memory of her mother. Mrs S. Wolfman, St Anne Street, Chester, has presented a plush mantle for the Torah in memory of her father-in-law.

[Note: Woolfe Jackson and Betsy Rosenberg married June 1891 Prestwich 8d 553]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1901, page 28

Chatan Torah Woolfe Jackson; Chatan Bereshit Mendel Blank.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 8

At the December examination of the London College of Music Minnie Wolfman, daughter of Mr & Mrs Samuel Wolfman of 132 St Anne Street, obtained 1st class certificate, Intermediate.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1902, page 29

Miss Fanny Jackson, daughter of Mr Woolfe Jackson, Sydney Place, Brook Street, Chester, has passed with honours in pianoforte playing (section II) at the December examination at Liverpool in connection with the London College of Music.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1902, page 28

Mr  W. Jackson and Mr M. Blank have resigned their offices as President and Hon Secretary respectively which they have held for five years.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 July 1902, page 28

At a general meeting held last week Mr S. Bloom was elected President. Messrs Polinker, Wolfman and Freeman for Committee, J. Marks, Hon Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1904, page 34

Fanny, daughter of Mr Woolfe Jackson has passed pianoforte playing (section 3) in the recent examination held at Liverpool in connection with the London College of Music. She is only 11 years old and has passed 3 exams in 2 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 June 1904, page 3


'WANTED to Purchase, all kinds of BOOK DEBTS; any district. Write at once, W. Jackson, 2 Sydney-place, Chester; established 13 years; all letters receive prompt attention'.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1904, New Year Greetings, page VI

Mr & Mrs Woolfe Jackson, 70 Plymouth-grove, MANCHESTER

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1905, page 28

At a general meeting of the congregation on Sunday Mr Jacob Goldman of Prince's Avenue was unanimously elected President for the next twelve months.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 November 1905, page 1

Engagement  of Minnie, daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Wolfman of Chester to Alfred, younger son of Mr & Mrs B. Urding of Prescot-street, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1906, page 1

Marriage of Alfred Urding to Minnie Wolfman on 7 August at Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 16 November 2007
Page most recently amended: 17 May 2024

Initial fomatting by Louisa Messik



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