Chelmsford Jewish Community

Chelmsford, Essex




Press Reports on the Chelmsford Jewish Community from 1833-2011

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Square brackets indicate comments by the compiler.
Addresses and personal information post 1960 have been removed.

Chelmsford Chronicle
, 7 June 1833

Chelmsford Hundred Association for Preventing Felons and other Criminal Offenders. Annual meeting. List of subscribers includes Jacob Cohen, Chelmsford, and Wolf Myers, Chelmsfor

Chelmsford Chronicle, 14 February 1834 page 3

To be sold by auction unredeemed property, pledged with Mr Wolf Myers, Chelmsford, to February 1833.

Essex Herald, 1 March 1836 page 3

Married. On 10th ult in London, by Rev J. D. Levy, Mr Marks Nathan, silversmith and jeweller, of Malden, to Eleanor, 3rd daughter of Jacob Cohen, of this town.

Essex Herald, 1 March 1836 page 3

Married in New York, Mr Henry Cohen, tailor and draper, 3rd son of Mr Jacob Cohen of this town to Miss Elizabeth Hyman of Ipswich, Suffolk.

Chelmsford Chronicle, 9 December 1836 page 2

Chelmsford Agricultural Society.
At a meeting of the Committee of this society,which today had its annual show of prize stock etc, the following were elected members: including Wolf Myers.

Chelmsford Chronicle, 15 April 1836 page 3

Maldon, Essex. To be sold by auction by Jacob Cohen the Stock in Trade, Household Furniture etc of Mr Marks Nathan, Broker and Clothier.

Chelmsford Chronicle,
13 October 1837 page 3

Provincial Grand Lodge of Freemasons. The first Provincial Grand Lodge for the County. Among the officers appointed was Mr Wolfe(sic) Myers of Chelmsford, Junior Grand Warden.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 March 1842 page 110
Reference to Jews of St Louis. Their Treasurer is Henry Cohen, son of Jacob Cohen of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1843 page 15

Fund for ‘Famishing’ Jews in the Holy Land.
Mrs Davis, Chelmsford £2

Chelmsford Chronicle, 20 October 1843 page 3

Hannah Myers (Widow of the late Wolf Myers) ‘Begs to return her grateful thanks to her Friends and the Public for their kind patronage bestowed upon her lamented Husband during a period of upwards of Twenty Years, and earnestly solicits continuance of their kind support’.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1848 page 36

List of names supporting petition to the Privileged Voters of the New Synagogue supporting Elizabeth Levy, candidate for the late Solomon Arnold Esq’s Marriage Gift.
-. Cohen
[Probably Jacob Cohen]

Chelmsford Chronicle, 21 March 1851 page 4

Woman charged with stealing coat and trousers property of Lazarus Jonas, pawnbroker.

Chelmsford Chronicle, 11 February 1859 page 3

Marriage on 9th inst of Henry Defries, 59 Tavistock Square, to Susan, 3rd daughter of Mrs Myers, 27 Finsbury Square,and the late Wolf Myers of Chelmsford.
[Marriage. Susan Myers March 1859 London City 1c 256//Henry Depies(sic)]

Chelmsford Chronicle, 6 January 1860 page 4 Petty Sessions.

Man charged with stealing a pair of shoes which were offered to Lazarus Jonas, pawnbroker.

Chelmsford Chronicle, 1 June 1860 page 3

Marriage of Alfred B. Joseph of Newcastle, to Hannah, youngest daughter of the late Wolf Myers of Chelmsford and Mrs Myers, 13 Kent Terrace, Regent’s Park
[Marriage. Alfred Barnett Joseph June 1860 London City 1c 74//Hannah Myers]

Chelmsford Chronicle, 7 February 1862 page 4

2 sisters, aged 6 and 11 charged with stealing a cloak value one shilling. The chairman ordered younger girl to be removed as too young and older girl charged alone. Witness said the girl had asked her to take the cloak to Mr Jonas to pawn. Jonas gives evidence. Girl sentenced to county gaol for 7 days

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1862 page 1

Marriage on 26 inst of Maurice Gabriel of 27 Harley St, Cavendish Square to Esther, 2nd daughter of late Woolf Myers of Chelmsford and Mrs Myers of 13 Kent Terrace, Regent’s Park.

Essex Herald, 12 January 1864 page 4

Essex Quarter Sessions. George Stacey received three month’s hard labour for stealing smock, property of Lazarus Jonas.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1865 page 1

On 17th inst at Duke Street, Chelmsford, daughter born to wife of L. Jonas.
[Annie Constance Jonas March 1865 Chelmsford 4a 171]

Essex Herald, 8 August 1865 page 5

Petty Sessions. Mary Ann Turner, a domestic servant, was charged with stealing several items of wearing apparel,the property of her master, Lazarus Jonas, clothier. Had been in his employ for 3 weeks. Mr Jonas strongly recommended her to the merciful consideration of the bench but he had been repeatedly robbed and had to protect himself. Verdict: six weeks hard labour.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1867 page 1

Marriage on 13 August at residence of bride’s mother, 54 Kensington Gardens Square, Marcus N. Adler, Actuary to Alliance Insurance Co, to Fanny, 4th daughter of the late Wolf Myers of Chelmsford.
[Fanny Myers September 1867 London C 1c 197/Marcus Nathan Adler]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1867 page 1

‘RESIDENT GOVERNESS. - Wanted, by a young lady a situation as above; she is perfectly competent to impart a thorough English education, with Hebrew, Music, Drawing, French, and German to beginners. She perfectly understands the moral training and management of children, having been educated for some years in a first-class establishment, where she likewise gave instruction to the pupils. Unexceptionable references. Address J.R., Fry’s Library, High-street, Chelmsford’.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1874 page 157

‘THE friends of a well-educated youth, 15, are DESIROUS of obtaining a SITUATION for him (indoor) in a general outfitting establishment, pawnbroker’s, or any good house of business. Address, M.S. Jonas, High-street, Chelmsford.’

Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1875 page 226

‘AN INTERESTING MANUSCRIPT. - Mr. Jonas, of Chelmsford, informs us that he has lately discovered among his papers a beautifully written manuscript of a Jewish catechism which has been over a century in his family, but only now attracted his attention. It is an English translation of Abraham Jagel’s “Good Advice,” composed in Hebrew, translated into Latin by Ludovicus de Compeigne de Veil, and thence into English in 1860[sic] by the title of “The Jews’ Catechism.” In the preface we are informed that “it was written by me David de Castro in Dublin, this 4th March 1827. The Chelmsford Chronicle, the editor of which has seen the manuscript, describes it as a serious [obscured] and interesting little book’.

Essex Herald, 16 August 1881, page 5

Death on 11 August in her 72nd year of Hannah Myers, 21 Gloucester Crescent, Hyde Park, widow of Wolf Myers of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1882(?) page 1

John Jacobs thanks senders of condolences etc on the death of his mother. 12 Museum Terrace, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1883 page 13

‘A young lady requires a SITUATION as COMPANION or GOVERNESS to young children. English, Hebrew, French and Music. Good reader and amanuensis. -J. 4 New London Road, Chelmsford’. [Address of Jonas family. Probably Rosalie (Rosina?) who is described as Governess in 1881 Census.]

Essex Herald, 15 September 1884 page 2

Patrick Sullivan, tramp, charged with stealing a waistcoat, value 5s, property of Lazarus Jonas. Leonard Jonas, son, said his father had a shop in the New London Road, Chelmsford. Articles of clothing were hung outside the shop. Rose Jonas said she saw prisoner passing the shop.

Essex Herald, 20 September 1884 page 2

Re stealing a waistcoat. Three weeks’ hard labour.

Essex Newsman, 1 February 1890 page 2 Will of late Walter Myers of Birmingham, before then of Chelmsford, late of Bournemouth. Died 1 December. Estate of over £26,000, proved by John Wolfe Myers, Joel Myers, George Myers and Wolfe Myers, brothers. Many bequests to Jewish and charitable causes, and to sister, Hannah Joseph.
[Death. Walter Myers December 1889 aged 63 Christchurch 2b 402]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1890 page 1

Death on 6 February at 4 New London Road, Chelmsford, of Rose, 3rd daughter of Mr and Mrs L. Jonas.
[Death. Rosina Jonas March 1890 age 27 Chelmsford 4a 259]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 August 1890 page 1

Death on 11 August at 4 New London Road, Chelmsford, of Lewis Lazarus Jonas aged 72.

Jewish Chronicle. 29 August 1890 page

Mrs L. Jonas and family sends thanks for condolences for her husband and father. 4 New London Road, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1896 page 1

Died at Liverpool on 17 August. Flora Cohen, widow of the late Emanuel Cohen of Chelmsford and Liverpool.
[Flora Cohen September 1896 aged 77 Liverpool 8b 76]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 March 1899 page 32

Reference to Edward Cohen son of late A. J. Cohen [Aron Judah] of Chelmsford. He has lived in South Africa since 1876. He is also Viscount de Matalba of the Kingdom of Portugal.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1900 page 1

Death on 1 March at 61 Herbert Road, Manor Park, Sarah, relict of late Lewis Jonas. Aged 74.
[Death. Sarah Jonas March 1900 aged 74 West Ham 4a 153]

Chelmsford Chronicle, 6 January 1905 page 2

Chelmsford Bankruptcy Court. Noah Caplin, of Barton’s Farm, whose affairs have been before the court since last July. Questioned about a shop he was alleged to have hired in Southend to open a fur business. He said it was for his son Abraham Caplin. The examination then finished.

Essex Newsman, 10 June 1905

‘Tragic suicide of a Former Chelmsford Resident’ Wakefield, Yorkshire. Suicide of Mr Alfred Jonas, 45, unmarried. Had for 26 years (from 1879) managed the business of Rhodes and Co., clothiers and pawnbrokers. Son of late Lazarus Jonas of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1908 page 4

Fund for the Relief of the Indigenous Blind of the Jewish Persuasion
J. A. Jones Chelmsford £5 5 0

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1908 page 12

Obituary of Wolf Myers. Born Chelmsford 1862 [should be 1842]. His mother was a sister of Charles Samuel who died 5 years ago. Wolf was youngest of 10 children, 2 of whom have outlived him, viz Mrs Henry Defries and Mr George Myers of Birmingham. He married Ester the youngest daughter of the late Samuel Moses of Stockwell who survives him. He leaves 5 sons, the eldest being Dr Charles Myers, Professor of Psychology at King’s College, London, and lecturer in Experimental Psychology at Cambridge. In Jewish affairs was Treasurer and Vice-President of Bread, Meat and Coal Charity, a member of the Board of Guardians and Treasurer of the Joel Emanuel Almshouses, Auditor of Jews’ College, member of the Board of Management of the Bayswater Synagogue and in 1894 elected Warden. He was on the Council of the United Synagogue 1887-1906.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1909 page 1

Birth on 19 April at 13 Duke Street, Chelmsford, a daughter to wife of Isaac Bryman (nee Sarah Barnett).
[Birth. Syvia [sic] Bryman June 1909 Chelmsford 4a 694]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1912 page 2

Tombstone for Leon, youngest son of the late Lewis and Sarah Jonas of Chelmsford, will be set at Plashet Cemetery.
[Death. Leon L. Jonas March 1911 aged 43 West Ham 4a 28]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1914 page 11

Samuel Henry Cohen of New York died at 11 Cavendish Road on Saturday aged 73. His father came from Chelmsford, married Leah Saunders of Ipswich, and settled in St Louis. A paternal uncle, Emanuel, called himself Coleman and looked at the Royal and the Tsarist accounts. A cousin of the deceased, Aaron Judah Cohen, was Portuguese Consul to the Transvaal Republic and was created Baron de Matalha. S. H. Cohen married Esther Eugenie, daughter of David Davis, who survives him.
[Death. Samuel H. Cohen March 1914 aged 73 Marylebone 1a 798]

Essex Newsman, 8 July 1916 page 5

Local Tribunals. Abraham Caplin, 30, laundry agent, Moulsham Street, appealed for exemption on grounds of one-man business and ill-health. Refused, and told he could go before the Medical Board.
[Note his entry in the 1911 Census gives his occupation as Furrier Dealer and Laundry Agent.]

Essex Newsman, 5 August 1916 page 8

County Tribubal. Conditional exemption granted to Abraham Caplin, 33, laundry assistant, 27 Moulsham Street, on condition he goes on munition work as he offered to.

Chelmsford Chronicle 12 December 1924 page 8

Sad story of a woman’s terrible sufferings from skin disease was told at an inquest in Chelmsford. She was Mrs Sarah Caplin, 35, wife of Mr Abraham Caplin, 7 Rainsford Road, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1926 page 1

Engagement. Juliet, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Alfred A. Hart, Westcliff-on-Sea, to Simeon L. Samuels of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1927 page 2

Marriage at Southend Synagogue of Juliet Hart and Simeon L. Samuels.
[Marriage. Simeon L. Samuels June 1927 Rochford 4a 1701.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 January 1936 Supplement

J. Rumney, ‘The Anglo-Jewish Community. Some Aspects of the Social and Economic Background’. page iv
A Register of Circumcisions 1782-1839 records circumcisions in many places including Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 September 1948 page 7

Daughter, Gail Irene, at 12 Avenue Road, NW8, to Peggy nee Powell, wife of Michael Poister of The Manor North Farnbridge, Chelmsford.
[Birth. Gail I. Poister December 198 Hampstead 5c 1231. Mother Powell.]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1952 page 19

‘Young gentleman requires accommodation Mon-Fri in or near Chelmsford …’

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1954 page 19

‘Members of the Colchester and District Jewish Association from Colchester, Clacton-on-Sea, Chelmsford, Braintree, Ipswich, and neighbouring villages attended the Holy-day services which were held in Colchester’.
[Note. 7 March 1952 page 16.’The Colchester and District Jewish Association was formed at a meeting held recently…’]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1956 page 7

Birth of a son, Robert John, on 15 May at St John’s Hospital, Chelmsford, to Jean Lilian (nee Levin), wife of Dr John (Jonas) Ellis of 393 Baddow Road, Chelmsford.
[Birth. Robert J. Ellis June 1956 Chelmsford 4a 745. Mother Levin]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1960 page 7

Birth of a son, Paul Victor, on 4 Ma at St John’s Hospital, Chelmsford, to Margaret (nee Mires) and Alan Morton, .
[Birth. Paul V. Morton June 1960 4a 881.Mother Mires]

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1960 page 12

Colchester. Mr Julius Jung of London, who has taken much interest in the affairs of the Colchester Hebrew Congregation, has arranged for a teacher, Mr I. Cohen, to take charge of the Hebrew Classes every Sunday morning. The first classes to be held next Sunday. Families living in Colchester, Chelmsford, Ipswich, and Clacton are invited to send or bring their children to the class.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 February 1967 page 10

Birth of a daughter, Debra Carol, on 8 February to Anne (nee King) and Michael Shackman of removed. A sister for Lawrence Godfrey [born Edmonton 1963.]
[Birth. Debra Carol Shackman March 1967 Chelmsford 4a 1106. Mother King]

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1967 page 2

Death of Alec Caplan. Mourned by daughter Daphne, Barney, Godfrey and Jonathan Stean, Melbourne Parade, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 August 1967 page 36

CHELMSFORD. Accom. or share of flat reqd by young woman teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1968 page 2

Marriage to be solemnised on 3 April of Leon, son of Mr H. Maltz and the late Mrs H. Maltz of Wembley Park, to Naomi, only daughter of Mr and Mrs N. Clark of (removed), Chelmsford.
[Not found in Marriage Index]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1968 page 10

Birth on 1 August of a son, John Jacob, to Susan (nee Anson) and Spencer Bayer, (removed), Braintree.
[Birth. John Jacob Bayer September 1968 Chelmsford 4a 1006. Mother Anson]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1968 page 2

DAVIS. Birth of a son, Simon, on 19 November, to Francoise and Robert Kay Moussy, Rettenden Corner, Chelmsford. First grandchild of Peggy and Jack Davis USA.
[Not found in Births Index]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1969 page 26 Junior Chronicle.

Welcome to Louise Fuller, 15, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1969 page 2

Birth of twin sons, Simon and Jeremy, on 20 February at Chelmsford to Jack and Anne (nee Landon) Sadie.
[Birth. Jeremy Sadie March 1969 Chelmsford 4a 1086. Mother Landon]
[Birth. Simon Sadie March 1969 Chelmsford 4a 1086. Mother Landon]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 May 1969 page 10

Birth of daughter, Rebecca Clare, on 27 April, at St John’s Hospital, Chelmsford, to Muriel and Brian Levene of (removed), Shalford, Essex.
[Birth. Rebecca Clare Levene June 1969 4a Chelmsford 2492. Mother Landau]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 May 1971 page 24 Junior Chronicle

Reference to Jonathan Stean, 9 ½, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1973 page 44

‘Young man 18 living in Chelmsford would like male friend … Interests, cars, guitar playing, socials, etc …’

Jewish Chronicle, 16 March 1973 page 1

Death of Ben Goldhill. From son and daughter-in-law Robert and Angelina, (removed), Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 May 1973 page 43

Wanted. Window dresser for family group of household linen and curtain shops in Essex. Write to Mr C. Morsley, (removed), Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 April 1973 page 24

Birth of son, David Paul, on 16 April to Susan (nee Anson) and Spencer N. Bayer, (removed), Braintree.
[Birth. David Paul Bayer June 1973 Chelmsford 4a 2187.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1973 page 26

Birth of son, Damian 27 October, to Rosslyn and Maurice Bardiger, (removed), Chelmsford. A brother for Rachel.
[Birth. Damian Sefton P. ardiger December 1973 Chelmsford 4a 2036. Mother Bullemer]
[Rachel Emma Bardiger December 1971 Chelmsford 4A 1987. Mother Bullemer]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1974 page 30

Birth of a daughter, Candida Emma, on 12 April, to Rochelle and Stuart Wallman, (removed), Chelmsford.
[Birth. Candida Emma Wallman June 1974 Chelmsford 9 2545. Mother Hodes]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 October1974 page 13

‘The growing community of Chelmsford and district now holds regular Friday evening services and a full programme of events has been planned’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1975 page 32

Essex 35s (the Women’s Campaign for Soviet Jewry) had a demonstration in Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 August 1975 page 6

The Reform Synagogues of Great Britain. High Holy-day Services.
The Chelmsford Jewish Community. Inquiries, Mr M. Shackman, (removed), Springfield, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1976 page 26

Good wishes to parents Daphne and Barney Stean of Chelmsford on their Silver Wedding, 30 January 1971. Geoffrey and Jonathan.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1976 page 32

Death of Debra Freedman nee Greenfield. Mourned by daughter Ann and son-in-law Godfrey Samuel, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1976 page 10

First  [sic] of Chelmsford community. Lawrence Shackman, son of chairman Michael Shackman. Service at the Friends Meeting House. The Ark designed and built by members of the community was used for the first time.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 March 1976 page 38.

Birth of a second daughter, Nicola Elizabeth, to Rochelle and Stuart Wallman, 17 March. A sister for Candida, (removed), Chelmsford.
[Birth. Nicola Elizabeth Wallman March 1976 Chelmsford 9 2649. Mother Hodes]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 April 1976 page 46

Murray Caterers. Buffet specialists. Superb kosher food at competitive prices. Chelmsford.
[repeated subsequently for long time, in one form or another]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1976 page 36

‘CHELMSFORD JEWISH Community welcomes you to its regular social, religious and educational activities ….’

Jewish Chronicle, 2 July 1976 page 16

Birth. A son was born on 24 June to Sharon (nee Black) and David Levy of Chelmsford.
[Birth. Howard James Levy September 1976 Chelmsford 9 2473. Mother Black]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1976 page 6

Chelmsford Jewish Community.
Elected. M Shackman, Chairman; M. Murray, Vice-Chairman; Mrs P. Lewis, Treasurer; Mrs A. Shackman, Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1976 page 7

Report by Rev Malcolm Weisman, Visiting minister to small communities. ‘At Chelmsford the congregation is worshipping in the Friends’ Meeting House and taking services entirely by themselves as a result of several training sessions I have given them’.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1976 page 10

The Chelmsford Jewish Community raised £170 at a garden party held at the home of Mr and Mrs Norman Lewis. The money raised will be used to purchase items for the Hebrew Classes and for general communal purposes.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 December 1976 page 39

The small communities project of the Association for Jewish Youth. A meting of the Essex area was attended by representatives from Basildon, Harlow, Colchester, Chelmsford, and Ipswich.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1976 page 24

Birth of daughter, Gemma, on 5 December to Linda and Alan Gladstone of (removed), Tile Kilns Farm, Chelmsford.
[Birth. Gemma Anne Gladstone March 1977 Chelmsford 9 2451. Mother Keech]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 March 1977 page 39

A Jewish Youth Club and adult group, organised by AJY’s small communities project, opens on 27th at Chelmsford YMCA. Youngsters and parents from the Colchester, Harlow, Basildon and Chelmsford areas are welcome to attend.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 April 1977 page 31

People mentioned at the first meeting of the new Essex area Jewish youth club: Geoff Stean aged 22; Stephen Simmons, who is staying in Chelmsford while studying law at a local college; Lynie Peysner aged 18.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1977 page 8

40 youngsters and 50 parents attended the opening of the Youth Club at the YMCA, Victoria Road, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1977 page 35

The second meeting of the Club at Chelmsford. Activities included judo, football, arts and crafts, table tennis and a quiz.

[Note curiosity of two reports of elections to office in a shot period of time, with different names.]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1977 page 12

Elected to office. D. Levy Chairman; S. Keller Vice-Chairman; Mrs P. Lewis Treasurer; Mrs D. Fuller Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1977 page 6

Elected to office. J. Goldstein Chairman; M. Kreps Vice-Chairman; A. S. Bennett Treasurer; Mrs S.R. Lissack Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 August 1977 page 10

Elected to office. D. Levy Chairman; S. Keller Vice-Chairman; Mrs P. Lewis Treasurer; Mrs D. Fuller Secretary.
[repetition of 13 May above]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1977 page 14

Death of Bernice Hilton nee Rivlin on 2 December. Husband Don, daughters Nadia and Alison. [see 2 June 1989 page 22]
[Death. Bernice Adele Hilton December 1977 aged 41 Chelmsford 9 1688]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1978 page 13

Elected to office. Dr M. Murray Chairman; M. Shackman Vice-Chairman; Mrs M. Murray Treasurer; Mrs A. Shackman Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1978 page 30

‘CHELMSFORD JEWISH COMMUNITY wishes to bring to the attention of the prospective members that it is actively engaged in providing a full social calendar together with the services throughout the ea and specially for the High Holy-days. Religious instruction given. Contact Mr E. Fenston, (removed), Essex’.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1978 page 21

Barry Kosmin, ‘The Face of Jewish Suburbia: Part I
The results of the Redbridge Survey.
‘Clayhall and Redbridge are now the centre of a large dispersed population of nearly 35,000 people, which covers London east of the river Lea out into deepest Essex as far as Chelmsford’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1978 page 9

Garden Party a the home in Hatfield Peverel of Mr and Mrs Edward Fenton raised over £200 for communal funds. A giant open-air chess game was a feature of the fête.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1979 page 25

‘CHELMSFORD JEWISH COMMUNITY. Socials, Services, Religion School, Ladies’ Guild. Please contact …’

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1979 page 16

Engagement. Maxine Bernie, daughter of Sylvia and Laurence Cohen of Ilford, to Geoffrey, son of Daphne and Barney Stean of Chelmsford.
[Marriage. Maxine B. Cohen June 1980 Redbridge 14 1125/Geoffrey Stean]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 June 1979 page 20

Birth. Son, Fraser Mark, born on 24 May at Chelmsford to Sharon and David Levy. Brother for Howard James.
[Birth. Fraser Mark Levy June 1979 Chelmsford 9 2659. Mother Black]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1979 page 8

Elected to office. N. Lewis, to Board of Deputies, for Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 December 1979 page 55

Barmitzvah at the Friends Meeting House, Chelmsford, when Paul Klein celebrated it in a Mincha on Shabbat. He conducted the Mincha and Maariv service himself.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1980 page 8

Some 150 people attended batmitzvah ceremony held by the Chelmsford Jewish Community for Deborah Shackman, Louise Kane, and Emma Brown.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1980 page 11

Elected to office. S. Keller Chairman; A. Klein Vice-chairman; D. Levy Treasurer; R. Wallman Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1980 page 5

Mr Paul Martin Bensher appointed JP at the Chelmsford County Court.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1980 page 10

4 officers of the Federation of Synagogues visited Jewish Community to discuss a burial scheme and other matters. The 40 members of the community, formed 7 years ago, have no synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1981 page 14

Elected to office. S. Keller Chairman; M. Shackman Vice-Chairman; Mrs Sylvia Murray Treasurer; Mrs Ann Shackman Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1981 page 10

Rev Malcolm Weisman addressed the Chelmsford Jewish Community on the subject of prejudice at the home of the Vice-chairman, Mr Michael and Mrs Shackman.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1982 page 14

A Sefer Torah mantle was presented to the Chelmsford Jewish Community by Sylvia and Keith Murray on the occasion of the barmitzvah of their son David. The mantle was embroidered by Mrs Murray.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1982 page 37

Birth of Emma Louise Dahlia Levy to Margaret and Paul Levy of Chelmsford.
[Birth. Emma Louise D. Levy March 1982 9 268. Mother Barron]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1982 page 28

Bridegrooms of the Law. Dr Michael Levy. Mr Paul Levy.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1982 page 21

Letter on ‘Synagogue Decorum’ from Stanley Keller, Chairman Chelmsford Jewish Community, 18 Brent Avenue South Woodham Ferrers, Chelmsford. Refers to the same old stories annually of lack of decorum in services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. ‘..at those held by our own small community in Chelmsford, nobody would dream of talking … because volunteers from the community conduct all our services at a pace everyone can follow. Chelmsford is an independent community tending towards traditional services with certain allowances’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1982 page 21 Junior Chronicle

Children from Chelmsford won the 1982 Essex Jewish Youth Swimming Trophy, at the Loughton Pool. Teams represented Hebrew Classes at Chelmsford, Roding, Ilford, and Loughton.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 December 1982 page 13

Birth of first child, Adam Daniel, on 25 December, to Maxine Bernice (nee Cohen) and Geoffrey Stean. First grandchild for Sylvia and Laurence Cohen of Gants Hill and Leah and Barney Stean of Chelmsford.
[Birth. Adam Daniel Stean March 1983 Redbridge 14 1880. Mother Cohen]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1983 page 7

Chelmsford Ladies’ Guild raised £130 at a second-hand clothes sale at Chelmsford market
20 May 1983 page 9
Elected to office. A. Klein Chairman; S. Wallman Vice-chairman; Sylvia Murray Treasurer; Betty Klein Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1983 page 10

Unusual bat mitzvah ceremony. Service was a modified combination of the traditional afternoon and evening services conducted by the celebrant, Davina Aakew, and her teacher, Dr Malcolm Murray.
She read verses from the siddur and the Book of Esther. This was the first time the bat mitzvah ceremony had been run on the same lines as the Saturday afternoon  [sic], itself an innovation of the Chelmsford community.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1983 page 4

Rev Malcolm Weisman, in his annual report to the Jewish Memorial Council, said that there had been an increase in the size of many small communities because of a general exodus from the large towns. He named Cheltenham, Chelmsford, Exeter, and Aberdeen among others as having recently shown signs of expansion.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 1983 page 5

The Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Michael Rose, opened the annual fete of the Chelmsford Jewish Community. ‘The Community is negotiating the purchase of a building which will house its synagogue and the fete raised £482 towards the project’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 December 1983 page 10

The Chelmsford Jewish Community raised £385 for its building fund by holding a supper quiz at the Newbury Park Reform Synagogue hall. Over 130 people attended.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 April 1984 page 19

The Chelmsford Jewish Community, established in March 1974, celebrated its 10th anniversary at a special party attended by about 100 people.

Jewish Chronicle,
10 August 1984 page 8

An interdenominational service was held in the town centre. A prayer for world peace was read in several languages, including Hebrew.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1984 page 8

Invitation by the Chelmsford Jewish Community to Jewish residents in the mid-Essex area to attend High holy-day services. These will be held at the Friends Meeting Place, Rainsford Road, Essex.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 October 1984 page 25

Bridegrooms of the Law. Mr Philip Michaelson. Mr Stuart Wallman.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1984 page 9

Rev Malcolm Weisman conducted a demonstration and explanatory Shabbat eve service for the Chelmsford congregation in its regular venue at Friends House.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1985 page 4

Winner of a JC competition Mr Paul Grayson, Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1985 page 7

Elected to office. S. Keller Chairman; P. Levy Vice-chairman; A. Shackman Secretary; M. Wayne Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1985 page 7

The Chelmsford community held a fete in aid of the synagogue building fund at the home of Mr and Mrs E. Fenton, attended by over 100 people.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1985 page 8

Over 100 people attended a supper quiz which raised over £200 for the synagogue building fund. There were guests from Colchester and Southend congregations.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1986 page 22

Letter from Stanley Keller, chairman of Chelmsford Jewish Community, (removed), Chelmsford. Refers to a Property Feature in the JC which ignored Essex. Says that Ilford has the largest Jewish population in Europe. There are houses for sale in Southend which has two synagogues. Chelmsford has an emerging Jewish community and has excellent road and rail links to the city.
[Note. The statement that Ilford had the largest Jewish population was apparently made in the Jewish Chronicle Colour Magazine in 1971. It was refuted in the JC 17 December 2004 page 20. North-west London was larger.]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 January 1987 page 18

Birth of a daughter to Lucy and Barry Wayne (nee Karp) at the Portland Hospital, W 1. First grandchild for Judy and Malcolm Wayne of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1987 page 16

Review of Bernard Kops, The Hamlet of Stepney Green. It epitomises ’the move towards upward mobility from Stepney to Chelmsford’.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1987 page 22

Birth of Emily Scott to Susan nee Woolf and Brian Scott. A sister for Anthony and Daniel. Fifth grandchild for Delia and Ernest Whitcombe of Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 March 1987 page 14

‘Chelmsford Marks its Barmitzvah’.
Community has 60 families. Looking for a synagogue, but 3 Hebrew classes. 120 members, guests and friends marked its  [sic] and also Purim. The Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Mr and Mrs Philip Harvey, attended. The community accommodates members ‘across the complete religious spectrum’, remarked upon by Rabbi Henry Goldstein of the South-West Essex Reform Synagogue and by Rev Malcolm Weisman. The Megilah was read by Rev Bernard Koschland.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1988 page 18

The Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade is looking for volunteers in Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 September 1988 page 69

Advert. ‘Chelmsford Jewish Community is looking for new members’.
‘A thriving and expanding community just 35 miles from London providing high holyday and Sabbath services, cheder classes, burial scheme and full social programme’.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 September 1988 page 12

5 new members were welcomed at a garden party held at the Great Totham home of Charles and Ruth Askew.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1989 page 22

Engagement. Alison, younger daughter of Ron Hilton and the late Bernice Hilton of Chelmsford, and Jeremy, eldest son of Howard and Edythe Jacobs of Dublin.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1989 page 30

The attendance on the High holydays service of the small Chelmsford community was swelled by the arrival in the town of 34 Israeli students who are on a 3-year course in law at the Anglia Polytechnic, Chelmsford campus.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1990 page 13

Yom Atzmaut party at Chelmsford. Attendance of 100 included Israeli students.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1990 page 9

Annual garden party of the Chelmsford community was attended by over 100 people raising £420 for its funds.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 March 1991 page 14

The Chelmsford community recently held its 500th service. A belated celebration was held with guest speakers Dr Lionel Kopelowitz, President of the Board of Deputies, and the Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Felicity Sturt. Over 50 people joined Rev Malcolm Weisman and members of Basildon, Southend, and Colchester congregations.
The President is Edgar Simmons.
The 500 services were held over 16 years. The first followed a chance meeting of three Jews in Chelmsford market and a small advert in a local paper. Has grown steadily to 55 families, relying primarily on word of mouth. No minister or permanent premises but hold twice monthly Friday night services and a thriving cheder.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 July 1991 page 10

Marianne Levy was bat chayil at the Chelmsford Jewish Community.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1991 page 13

Rev Malcolm Weisman visited many small communities and isolated families at Chanucah.
‘A mini-Maccabiah games was organised in Chelmsford, Essex’.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1992 page 9

Chelmsford community played host to a delegation of senior Israeli social workers who are in Essex to observe the work of the county council’s social services department. The Israelis are hosted by local families and a reception was held at the home of Sue and Spencer Bayer.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 July 1992 page 10

Rev M.Weisman addressed the Chelmsford Jewish Community on ‘The History of Spanish Jewry’ at the home of Mr and Mrs Paul Levy. This talk launched an adult education programme.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1992 page 12

A Chelmsford Jewish Community garden party hosted by Memory and David Ruben raised over 380 for the Karmiel Trust in Israel.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1992 page 16

‘Chelmsford, with over 60 families is looking for a synagogue to house its growing congregation’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1994 page 17

Obituary by Malcolm Murray of Michael Shackman who died aged 59. The ‘founer, first chairman and guiding light of the
Chelmsford Jewish community’. He acted as personal assistant to Rev Alec Ginsburg during his National Service with the British Army of the Rhine. His son Lawrence was the first Chelmsford barmitzvah in spring 1976. Survived by wife, son and daughter.
[Michael Philip Shackman January 1994 Chelmsford 4681A 266. Born 16.11.1934]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 April 1995 page 25

Meeting in Norwich of participants from various places in eastern England, including Chelmsford. Mentions Larry Berkowitz of Chelmsford , enthusiastic for joint meetings of youngsters.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1995 page 23

Reference to Chelmsford cricketers.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1995 page 19

Chelmsford community produces a magazine.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 April 1996 page 25

Article on starting a new community. Sometimes by advertising. The replies to adverts ‘sometimes come from families which have long been resident in the area, as Chelmsford found when that community was first established some 20 years ago’.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1996 page 13

The Association for Jewish Youth is organising a day for children and their parents in Chelmsford on June 9. Habonim’s “road show” will be present.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1996 page 51

Cheder teacher required from September for small community in Chelmsford for mixed age group class of 9 children based in a school in Writtle. Write to CJC, c/o Merlin House, 23 Parker Road, Chelmsford.
[NOTE. This appears to be first mention of this address. But see 6 September 1996 page 32 and 17 January 1997 page 34 below]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1996 page 20

50 adults and children from the Essex area attended a community day in Chelmsford organised by Norwood Ravenswood, the AJY, and Habonim.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 July 1996 page 52

Chelmsford Jewish Community has regular services and social events in Chelmsford and surrounding areas.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1996 page 32

Article by Rev Malcolm Weisman. ‘Chelmsford generally meets … at the local Friends Meeting House and the services will be conducted by different members of the community, sometimes using very innovative prayers’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 August 1996 page 11

Elected to office. Stanley Keller Chairman; Paul Levy Vice-chairman; Harry Franklin Secretary; Malcolm Wayne Treasurer.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1997 page 22

Places like Chelmsford ‘may be more energetic but still cannot afford to find a permanent home’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 April 1997 page 34

200 people packed into Chelmsford for bat mitzvah of Ella Berkovitz and Janette Keesing.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 October 1997 page 17

David Cohen aged 65 is giving up his day job as a security guar in a company in Chelmsford to concentrate on painting.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1997 page 18

Re work experience of 5th formers at King Solomon High School, Redbridge, mention made of Erez Berkovitz, 15, who lives in Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 March 1999 page 29

More than 60 members of the Chelmsford Jewish Community attended a celebratory dinner to mark the congregation’s silver jubilee. Guests of honour were Rev Malcolm Weisman, minister for the small communities, and Rabbi Henry Goldstein, minister of the South-West Essex Reform Synagogue, ‘both of whom have been spiritual advisers to the community over the years’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 2000 page 13

The cheder children of the Chelmsford Jewish Community led a recent Friday night service.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 2000 page 23

Max Blaber was  [sic] at the Chelmsford Jewish Community.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 2001 page 31

Letter from Harry Franklin, Hon Sec of the Chelmsford Jewish Community. Hoping to add to the 50 or so families who live in and around Chelmsford. There is a tremendous house-building programme going on and it’s more than possible that there will be a smattering of Jewish families among the newcomers.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 2002 page 24

The Chelmsford Jewish Community held one of its regular “Nosh ‘n’ Natter” evenings. Participants bring favourite board games and cards to pit their wits and have a lively chat.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 2004 page 16

Picture of Rachel Saunders and Marc Jackson who were married at Fennes Estate, Chelmsford.
[Marriage. Marc E. Jackson May 2004 Redbridge 247 538/Rachel H. R. Saunders]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 2004 page 17

Stan Keller, chairman of the Chelmsford Jewish Community has become the first Jewish chairman of Chelmsford Rotary Club which was founded in 1927. He sits on the Joint Jewish Burial Society and Rotary panels.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 2004 page 20

Jan Shure, ‘Swarming From the Beehive’
In 1971 the JC Colour Magazine declared that the Redbridge Jewish community was the largest in Europe. Repeated ever since. But not true then or now. Fell short of north-west London. In 1971 Redbridge was flourishing with 30,000 Jews, one-eighth of the borough’s 250,000. Growth began in 1930s when Jews migrated from Stamford Hill, Clapton, and Stoke Newington to Gants Hill and environs. Accelerated in 1950s.
Today Jewish population of Redbridge probably 16,000. People have mloved on to Chigwell, Loughton, and further, to Chelmsford and beyond. Some to north-west London.
[’Beehive’ refers to Beehive Lane Synagogue in Redbridge.]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 2005 page 5

A 33-year old Chelmsford woman, Justine Laymond, an aerobics instructor, is suffering from a severe lung disease and is hoping for a lung replacement.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 September 2006 page 8

Justine Laymond has had lung replacement and is show at home with fiance John Kohn in Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 2007 page 69

Reference to a cricket team in Chelmsford.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 2009 Community Section page C6

The Chelmsford Jewish Community celebrated its 35th anniversary with a special Shabbat service. Several founder members were present, including the long-standing chairman Stan Keller.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 February 2011 Community Section page C13

Mr Adler of Chelmsford is looking to reunite a document, that the Stettin synagogue presented to his great grandfather Jacob Samuel in January 1893 to mark 25 years of service, with the Polish community (Pictured).


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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 20 March 2012
Significantly expanded: 23 April 2017



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