the former

Bridgend Jewish Community

Bridgend, Mid Glamorgan, Wales




Press Reports relating to the Bridgend Jewish Community
 1875 - 2000

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1875, page 493

Letter from S. Meyers, ‘Bridgend, Bracla’.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1895, page 1

Birth on 23 March at 29 Park St, a daughter to wife of Harry Cohen

Jewish Chronicle, 14 June 1895, page 1

In Memoriam.
George Abel died 22 June 1889 at Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1901, page 1

In Memoriam.
Rachel Hannah Fonseca. Sister of Mrs Cohen of Bridgend
And Mrs I Seline of Swansea.
[Daughters of Moses Moses (Lissa) of Swansea]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1904, page 1

‘MESSRS.JOSEPH BROTHERS, Maesteg, on behalf of the other gentlemen boarders, beg to THANK Mr. and Mrs. Fayenblum, of Wood-street, Cardiff, for the very able and considerate manner in which their wants were attended to during the Jewish Holidays’.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1905, page 28

Naturalisation in December
Charles Cheskes known as Charles Freedman 46 Nolton, Street

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1906, page 34

Naturalisation in January
Harry Levene Klutz known as Harry Levene, 96 Nolton Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 March 1907 ‘Young Israel’, page 2

Ref to Esther Levine, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1908, page 2

Death of Joshua Berman, Birmingham, father of Mrs L. Freedman and Mrs C. Zausmer of Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1908, page 25 [see 23 October, below]

2 entries for Bridgend
Chatan Torah Chatan Bereshit
E. Reuben A. Diamond
C. Freedman M. Bersovitz

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1908, page 31

Meeting of congregation. Officers re-elected
President: P. Harris Treasurer: C. Freedman. Hon Sec: C. Zausmer

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1908, page 10

Chatan Torah Chatan Bereshit
E. Reuben M. Bersovitz

Jewish Chronicle, 17 October 1909, page viii

New Year Greetings.
Mr & Mrs Myer Cohen, Earlswood, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1910, page 15

Presentation made by the congregation to Rev L Wolfe and Mrs Wolfe on occasion of their marriage.
[Marriage. Louis Wolfe March 1910 Bristol 6a 313/ Rachael Gluck

Jewish Chronicle, 25 March 1910, page 1.

Betrothal. Kate, 2nd daughter of Mr & Mrs T. Shepherd, Ystalyfera, and Rudolph, eldest son of Mr & Mrs L. Abse of Bridgend.  [Marriage. June 1912 Rudolph Abse Bridgend 11a 1264/Kate Shepherd]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1910, page 12

Last Sunday lecture on ’District Organisation’ by Rev H.J. Sandheim, Swansea. Rev Rabinovitx and Mr Levy (Aberavon) also spoke.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 May 1910, page 25

Rev H.J. Sandheim visited Bridgend on Sunday. Gave tribute to late King. Mr Rose, President of congregation paid ‘as a foreigner, a very graceful tribute to the memory of the King’. Ref to Rev L. Wolfe.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1910, page 15.

At Bolton, Rev L. Woolf (Bridgend) unanimously elected Chazan and Shochet.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 July 1910, page 14

Rev L. Domnitz of London unanimously elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher at Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page 36

New Year Greetings.
Mr & Mrs Myer Cohen Earlswood, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 January 1911, page 15

Chanucah party held. Messrs T. Greenberg, L. Freedman and F.Rose and Misses A. Harris and Mindling presented with prizes for essays on Chanucah. All the children were given gifts and refreshments. Rev M. Domnitz and E. Reuben, of Manchester, addressed the children.  [Probably Isaac Greenberg]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1911, page 14

President of congregation, P. Harris, presented with engraved silver Kiddush cup on silver wedding. E. Reuben presided, H. Rose made presentation. Harris presented congregation with a set of [written in Hebrew]. Revs I. Domnitz and Rev I. Robinovitz of Aberadan, spoke of Harris as Founder and President. H. Freedman, (Pontycymmer) played violin and Miss Robinivitz (Aberadan)  sang songs in Hebrew and English. Vote of thanks to Harris for his gift by C. Zausmer.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 May 1911, page 2

In Memoriam
Lewis Freedman died 21 May 1910. Missed by wife and daughters Rita and Lily.
[Death. Louis Freedman June 1910 aged 40 Bridgend 11a 456]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 1911, page14

Rev I. Domnitz has received from Buckingham Palace message thanking for congratulations on Coronation.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 June 1911, page 16

Last Wednesday week Dayan and Mrs Hyamson visited, Bridgend. Received by Rev Domnitz and Messrs P. Harris, President, and C. Freedman.
Children examined and Hyamson complimented Domnitz for his teaching ‘according to the Chief Rabbi’s code’. Afterwards he addressed congregation and urged necessity for smaller congregations to be visited by Ministers from neighbouring larger congregations. Vote of thanks by E. Reuben seconded H. Rose

Jewish Chronicle, 11 August 1911, page 1

Betrothal. Dora, younger daughter of Mr S. Richman and late Mrs H. Richman of Bethnal Green to Issy, eldest son of Mrs S. Pizer of Maesteg.
[Israel Pizer December 1911 Whitechapel 1c 502/Dora Richman]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 October 1911, page 21

At meeting of congregation, P. Harris in chair, Mr H. Ehrenberg (late of Manchester) elected President and Treasurer, and Mr Mendling [sic, Mindling]. Hon Sec. Mr Belanow appointed Shochet and Teacher.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1911, page 2.

‘Young Israel’
Ref to E. Levine, Bridgend. [‘Ethel’]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1912, page 7

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs Myers Bersovitch.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1912, page xxix.

New Year Greetings
Greetings from Mr & Mrs C. Freedman, Cardiff, late of Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1913, page 1

Betrothal. Gertie, daughter of Mr & Mrs H. Erenberg, (late of Manchester), Derwent Villa, Coity Field, Bridgend, to Abe, son of Mr & Mrs S. Newman, 8 Tudor Rd, Caridff.
[Marriage. Gertrude Erenberg September 1915 Cardiff 11a 1095/Abraham Newman]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 March 1913, page 1

Betrothal. Becky, daughter of Mr & Mrs H. Erenberg, Bridgend, late of Manchester, to David, son of Mr & Mrs S. Newman, Cardiff.
[Marriage. Rebecca Erenberg March 1914 Cardiff 11a 676/David Newman]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1913, page 2

Donations to North-Eastern Jewish Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Baby David Joseph, Maesteg.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1913, page 27

‘The Rev. Mr. H. J. Sandheim visited Bridgend on Sunday with the view to re-establish the congregation there. Mr. Sandheim delivered an address and conferred with the residents. Mr. Rose presided.’
[Sandheim was Minister at Swansea]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1913, page 2

Marriage: On 27 November at the synagogue, Park Row, Bristol, Rosie, daughter of Mr I. M. Jacobs, Bristol, to Solomon Hyman Joseph, of Maesteg.
[Marriage. Rosie Jacobs December 1913 Bristol 6a 431/Hyman S. Joseph]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1914, page 1

Marriage: On 17 June at the synagogue, Birmingham, of Arnold, 2nd son of Mr & Mrs E. Abse of Bridgend, ad Cissie, elder daughter of Mr & Mrs S. Schatz of Edgbaston.
[Marriage. Arnold A. Abse Birmingham 6d 694/Cissie Schatz]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 September 1914

New Year Supplement, page xii.
Mr & Mrs Myers Bersovitch

New Year Supplement, page xiii.
Mr & Mrs I. Freedman, 107 Oxford Street, Pontycymmer

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1915, page 1

Birth of daughter on 24 April 1915 at 22 Coychurch Road, Bridgend, to Mr & Mrs A. Abse (nee Cissie Shatz).
[Birth. Rozena Abse Bridgend 11a 1965. Mother Schatz]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1915, page 1

Silver wedding. 2 July 1890 at New Dalston Synagogue. Ray 3rd daughter of late Rev M. Cohen of Wolverhampton to Harry Cohen of Maesteg. Cathedral Road, Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1916, page 1

Marriage: On 26 December 1915 at Bridgend. Lily elder daughter of Mr & Mrs Abse of Bridgend to Jacob, 5th son of Mr & Mrs Solomon of Swansea.
[Marriage. Lily Abse December 1915 Bridgend 11a 1910/Jacob Solomon]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1916, page 1

Betrothal. Fanny, eldest daughter of Rabbi & Mrs E. E. Gavron, Dublin, to Rev M. Roith of Bridgend, eldest son of Mr & Mrs W. Roith of London.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1916, page 4

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.  Swansea Committee includes ’The Bridgend Hebrew Congregation, per Mr. M. Lubner, 31s. 6.’  [Lubner was a Minister at Swansea]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1916, page 2

WANTED, Shochet, Chazan, Teacher; state salary.-
I. Grennan, President, 43, Wyndham-street, Bridgend’.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 August 1916, page12

Mrs. Armstrong, 4 Caeran [sic] Road, Caeran [sic], near Bridgend, S. Wales, would be glad of any information about her brother, Pte. Sam Lipman, 3rd South African Infantry, now in France.’

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1916, page 11

Dublin. Presentation to Rev E. Gavron of a cheque as token of esteem. Occasion was marriage of Fanny Gavron, eldest daughter, to Rev Morris Roith of Bridgend. Gavron has been at Adelaide Road Synagogue for 7 years. Mrs Roith, who has been teacher at Hebrew and Religion Classes, was presented with pair of candlesticks, a silver cup and spice box subscribed for by pupils of the Hebrew Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1916, page 13

At Bridgend, cheque presented to Rev M. Roith on his wedding. Reception in honour of Mr & Mrs Roith held at Synagogue Chambers. Mr H. Rose presided. Mr I Grennan, President, was among the speakers. Rev and Mrs M. Roith responded.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 2

Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia.
Bridgend Committee £7.5.0

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 6(?) [unclear]

11 weeks (weekly) contributions.
Messrs Myers, Rose, 11s each. Abse 10s.6d. Grennan, Mindling, 5s 6d each. Winer 8s 6d. Cohen 5s. Rev M. Roith 3s. Messrs Brass, Jacobs, 2s 9d. Goldberg 2s. Offerings on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur; Rev M. Roith, 5s, Messrs Stuppel, Harris, 2s6d each, Price, Meyers, 2s each, Michaels, Jacobs, 1s each. Colleted at bar mitzvah of Master Israel Rose by Mr Corringold, £2.2.3. Total £7.5.0

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1917, page 2

WANTED, Shochet and Teacher. Salary 35s. Per week for start. - Apply, H. Rose, “Hazelmere,” Coity-road, Bridgend, Glam.’

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1917, page 1

Rudolph Stuppel, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Stuppel, Pontycymmer, read a Portion of the Law on 30 June at the synagogue, Tivoli House School, Northwood Hall, Middlesex.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1918, page 5

Contribution to Children’s Country Holiday Fund. S.H.Joseph Maesteg 10s 6d.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1918

New Year Greetings Supplement, page x1
Mr & Mrs Myers Bersovitch.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1918, page 19

General meeting. Elected: P. Harris, President; Joseph Price, Treasurer; Miss Sophia Rose, Hon Sec

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 3

Wanted. Shochet and Teacher. 35s per week and extras. Single man preferred. Apply S Rose, 56 Nolton Street.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919, page 2

Death of Pincus Lessar, Birmingham, father of, inter alia, of Mrs Myer Cohen, Ogmore Vale.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1919, page 5

Advertisement again. Single man preferred or man with small family. £3 per week.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1919, page 16

Will of Barnett Goodman late of Wyndham Street, Bridgend, died 10 August last. Left estate gross value of £3,029. Probate to widow Mrs Marie Goodman, now of 40 Kingswood Avenue, Brondesbury.
[Death. Barnett Goodman September 1919 aged 49 Camberwell 1d 614] [In 1911 he is in Cardiff with brother-in-law, with his wife.]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1920, page 27

Meeting addressed by Dr Baer Epstein at the Picture Palace (lent by Mr Abse). Nearly £45 collected for the Palestine Restoration Fund. A society, Nechomas Zion, was formed: Rev A. Berman, Chairman; Myers Bersovitch, Treasurer; Miss Sophia Rose, Hon Sec; Israel Rose, Hon Collector; I Grennan, J.Price, Mesdames S. Abse, M. Bersovitch, Committee.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 February 1920, page 4

Erez-Israel Restoration Fund. Contributions from Bridgend.
Harris Rose, £5.5.0; L.Abse, £5.5.0; M. Bersovitch, £5.5.0; I. Grennan, £5.5.0; J. Price, £5.5.0;  J. Novick, £3.3.0; Simon Hare, £2.2.0; Lewis Stupple, £2.2.0; Harris Levene, £1.11.6; Isaac Freedman, £1.1.0; Mrs L.Abse, £1.1.0; Mrs M. Bersovitch, £1.1.0; B. Goldberg, £1.1.0; N. Milstone, £1.1.0; Julius Brass, £1.1.0; 6 donations under £1, £3.9.0.

London Gazette, 13 July 1920, page, 7,472

Naturalization in June
Israel Chaim Greinetser (known as Israel Grennan), born Russia.
Oath of allegiance 28.5.1920. Watchmaker (has served in His Majesty’s Forces). 88 Grove Rd, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1920, page 27

Collected for Palestine Restoration Fund by Rev Mr Lubner at the Brit Milah at the house of Mr Michaels, Bridgend.  [Gershon Michael [sic] December 1920 Bridgend 11a 1849]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1921

New Year Greetings Supplement, page xv
Mr & Mrs Myers Bersovitch

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1921, page 3

Federation of Ukrainian Jews’ Fund in aid of the pogrom victims in the Ukraine.
Bridgend Hebrew Congregation £3.10.0

Jewish Chronicle, 21 April 1922, page 1

Death on 9 April at 17 Enenny Road, Bridgend, Barnett Goldberg (late of Liverpool) father of Mrs Esther Bersovitch and father-in-law of Myers Bersovitch. [Barnet [sic] Goldberg June 1922 aged 70 Bridgend 11a 826]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 September 1922, page ?

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs Myers Bersovitch

Jewish Chronicle, 23 February 1923, page 1

Engagement. May, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Stuppel of Pontycymmer and Porthcawl to Harry, only son of Mr & Mrs S. Schneider, 112 and 112a, Exmouth St, Stepney.  [No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 March 1924, page 28

At meeting of Congregation, Mr I. Grennan elected President. All communications respecting the congregation should be addressed to Mr J. Mindling, 9 Edward Street.
Mr Maurice Harris of Newport has been appointed by the Jewish War Memorial as Teacher at the Hebrew Classes

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1924, page 27

In our issue of 7th Mr M. Harris was mentioned as having been appointed Teacher at Bridgend Hebrew Classes. This was in error. Mr J. Mindling is the recognised Teacher and has been for two years.

London Gazette, 3 April 1925, page 1,925

Solomon Tenebaum, Russia, General Dealer, 16 Talbot Street, Maesteg. 20 March 1925

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1925, page 26

General meeting of Congregation. Elected, S. Tennebaum, President; H. Rose, Vice-President. A Sepher Torah has been presented by Mrs Rosa Tennebaum. Mr J. Mindling is Treasurer and Secretary of the Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1925, page 1

Birth of daughter at Middlesex Hospital to Mr & Mrs L. H. Albert, nee Jeanie Armstrong of Ogmore Vale.
[Birth. Ruth Albert December 1925 Marylebone 1a 614]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 January 1926, page 26

Meeting held in synagogue to inaugurate a Jewish Literary and Social Society. Mr A. Hyams MA of Newport delivered an address. A provisional committee was appointed to draw up a lost of fixtures.
‘Mr. Hyams conferred with members of the Congregation on the question of the control of the Hebrew Classes’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 December 1926, page 34

A successful concert was held under the auspices of the Jewish Social and Literary Club at the Café Royal. J. Black presided. Artistes were Mrs I. Levi and the Misses Nesta Jones, Renee Stone, Leah Price and Miss Hylda Stone. Thanks by Mr I. Levi seconded I. Grennan.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 January 1927, page 30

The new Synagogue and Classrooms in Adare Street (formerly the Bridgend Council Chambers) were consecrated last Sunday in the presence of a large assembly. L.L. Fine JP of Cardiff declared the Synagogue opened and said that the local Jewish community had had to contend with many difficulties but the Bridgend Council had treated them generously in allowing them room for a synagogue and classrooms and a room for social functions. The service was conducted by Mr A. Hyams of Newport and Rev M. S. Simmons of Cardiff. Rev H. Jerevitch of Cardiff delivered a sermon. At the subsequent reception speakers included J. Greimer(?), President, Levy, Barnett, A.Hauser(?), W. Darrow (?),
H. Rees, H. Levine, and Rev Aaron David Phillips. [Copy obscured]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1927, page 1

Engagement. David, 2nd son of Mrs and late Mr J. Hermer, 174 Cathedral Rd, Cardiff, to Rebecca, eldest daughter of M & Mrs J. Price, Merthyrmawr Rd, Bridgend.
[Marriage. David Hermer [sic] June 1927 Cardiff 11a 967/Rebecca Price]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1927, page 2.

Death: 9 February at 88a Cannon St, Aberdare, Sidney Shepherd, youngest son of late Mr & Mrs A. Shepherd, Cardiff, aged 32. Inter alia, sister Mrs Black, and brother-in-law J. Black, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 April 1927, page 12

Rev I.[sic] Isaacs, son of Rev M.[sic] Isaacs of Hanley, has received a unanimous call to become Minister of the Bridgend Hebrew Congregation. He has accepted and has already taken up his duties.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 June 1927, page 8

Dr S. Lionel Freedman, son of Mr & Mrs Isaac Freedman, 107 Oxford Street, Pontycymmer, and Gladys, daughter of Mr & Mrs Leopold Elman, 156 Amhurst Rd, E8. [No marriage found]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1927, page 16

An illuminated address has been presented to Mr I. Grennan by the Bridgend Hebrew Congregation in appreciation of his services over 15 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 September 1927, page 14

On Saturday at the Bridgend Police Court Mr Emmanuel Shinwell who was Minister of Mines in the Socialist Government was find £1 for causing an obstruction on the public highway. He was addressing a crowd and a policeman asked him if he had permission. Shinwell told him he was not causing an obstruction and in his defence he said that no proceedings would have been taken but for the fact that this was a Socialist meeting.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1928, page 31

Wolverhampton. Rev M. Isaacs of Bridgend, youngest son of Rev. S. Isaacs, Hanley, was elected Chazan, Shochet and Teacher to the Wolverhampton Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 September 1928

New Year Greetings, page xxii.
Mr & Mrs Harris Rose.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1928, page 16.

Jewish War Memorial, Central Committee on Jewish Education.
One teacher now instructed the children at the Bridgend and Port Talbot Classes and one grant was made by the War Memorial for both sets of classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 April 1929, page 4

Chief Rabbi’s Passover Relief Appeal
S. Tenenbaum, Maesteg £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 18 October 1929, page 3

Palestine Emergency Fund. Bridgend £5.3.6.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 November 1929, page 19

Jewish War Memorial. Central Committee for Jewish Education.
Herbert M. Adler presented reports of classes he had visited at Brynmawr, Tredegar, Port Talbot, Bridgend, Pontypridd, Tonypandy, Aberdare, reading, and Luton.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 May 1930, page 48

Young Israel
Ref to Tema Tenenbaum, Maesteg
[and other mentions, including 2 December 1932, Young Israel, page 44, Port Talbot. Last 6 January 1933, Young Israel, page 36, Maesteg]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 May 1930, page 43

Young Israel
Ref to Nessie Morris, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 September 1930, page 2

Death: 21 August of Annie, wife of Joe Price, Jassyville, Merthyrmawr Rd, Bridgend. [Death. Annie Price September 1930 aged 44 Bridgend 11a 687]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1930, page 28

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs Harris Rose

Jewish Chronicle, 26 September 1930, page 31

Young Israel
Leonard Tenenbaum. Maesteg.
[and other mentions, up to 4 August 1933, Young Israel, page 32]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 December 1930, page 44

Young Israel
Sylvia Isaacs, Stamford Hill, would like to hear again from Philip Morris, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 19 December 1930, page 18

Central Committee for Jewish Education.
Grant renewed for Port Talbot and Bridgend (presumably jointly).

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1931, page 25

Cardiff. Mr & Mrs Harris Erenberg of 108 Claude Rd, celebrated Golden Wedding on Monday. Both born 1861. 5 daughters, 4 sons, and 19 grandchildren. Lived in Cardiff for over 22 years, previously in Manchester. [NOTE. In Bridgend in 1911. Youngest son born Manchester 1904).

Jewish Chronicle, 18 February 1931, page 30

Successful Ball under the auspices of the Jewish Social and Literary Society of which Mr M. Zausmer(?) is President, Mr J. Black is Treasurer and Miss N. Morris is Hon Sec. Thanks were accorded to the Committee: Mesdames L. Black, M. Levi, P. and R. Cotsen, M.Rose. G. Block and R. and G. Morris.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1931, page 1

Engagement. Nessie, daughter of Mr & Mrs Harry Morris of 57 Park St, Bridgend, to Maurice, son of Mr & Mrs Harris Poyser, Leeds. [Marriage. Nessie Morris June 1934 Leeds North 9b 801/Ernest M. Poyser]

Jewish Chronicle, 11 September 1931

New Year Greetings Supplement, page xxii
Mr & Mrs H. Rose, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 19 February 1932, page 2

Death of Isaac Freedman, 7.2.1932.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1932, page 26

Young Israel
Ref to Leonard Tenenbaum, Maesteg
[and further references until 4.8.1933 p.32]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 May 1932, page 1

Engagement. Ena, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs Meskin, The Haven Porthcawl, to Louis, eldest son on Mr & Mrs Cotsen, 23 Nolton Rd, Bridgend.  [Marriage. Louis Cotsen September 1932 Cardiff 11a 1099/Anna R. Meskin]
[JC 23 August 1957, page 7. Silver wedding. Mrs & Mrs Louis Cotsen (Ena Meskin) of 32 Barons Court Rd, Cardiff, at Windsor Place Synagogue, on 21.8.1932]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 October 1932, page 12

Obituary of M. Milner. Native of Kovno. Came to UK some 30 years ago. After a few years in Bridgend settled in Port Talbot. [Death. Morris Milner December 1932 aged 55 Neath 11a 846]

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1932, page 1

Engagement. Gertie, younger daughter of Mr & Mrs L. Bloch, 30 St Mary-street, Bridgend, to Sam, youngest son of the late Mr & Mrs Clompus, 171 High St, Swansea.  [Marriage. Samuel Clompus December 1932 Stepney 1c 588/Gertrude Bloch]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1933, page 22

Jewish Memorial Council. Central Committee for Jewish Education
The teacher of the Port Talbot and Bridgend Classes has had salary reduced. ‘The Central Committee for Jewish Education made a grant to these Classes on condition that the teacher received a certain salary. After a discussion it was decide to communicate with the Classes, stating that if there was any reduction in the future there would be no prospect of the Committee giving a grant’

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1933, page 22

Central Committee for Jewish Education
Sums allocated to Classes in various towns including Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 July 1934, page 1

Birth on 29 June at the Nursing Home, Locks Common, Porthcawl, to Mr & Mrs Maurice Freeman (Minnie Rose), Brynteg-avenue, Bridgend.  [Birth. Michael A. Freeman September 1934 Bridgend 11a 1154. Mother Rose]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 August 1934, page 10

Young Israel
Ref to Michael Asher Freeman

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1935, page 47

Visit of Professor Selig Brodetsky to Swansea’s Rabbi Akiba Beacon of the Order of Ancient Maccabeans. Reception include communal leaders of inter alia Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1935, page 37

General Meeting of Hebrew Congregation of Swansea. Edward Levi elected Life-President in place of his brother, the late I. R. Levi. ‘Representatives of the affiliated congregations at Llanelly, Aberavon and Bridgend associated themselves with the tribute’.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1936, page 56

Young Israel
Re Philip Morris, Bridgend. ‘I hope you will be successful in obtaining some correspondents, especially as your Jewish circle at Bridgend is so limited’.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1937, page 44

Cardiff. Mrs Sydney Shibko arranged a meeting of ladies of Porthcawl, Ogmore Vale and Bridgend, at Porthcawl. The Governor of Cardiff Prison and the Secretary of the Discharged Prisoners’ Aid Society addressed the meeting to discuss ways and means of helping discharged prisoners.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 September 1937

New Year Greetings Supplement, page xxv
Mrs H. Rose, son and daughters

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1937, page 39

The following are the officials of the Hebrew Congregation. P. Harris, President; H. Morris, Treasurer; S. Kay, 137 Park Street, Hon Sec and Treasurer, and Secretary of the JNF Commission.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1938

New Year Greetings Supplement, page xxiv
Mrs H. Rose, son and daughters.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 November 1938, page 1

Silver wedding, at Bristol Synagogue, 27.11.1913, Rosie Jacobs of Bristol to Sol H. Joseph of Maesteg. 65 Penylan Rd, Cardiff

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1939

Death on 4 December, Nessie, wife of Maurice Poyser, daughter of Mr & Mrs H. Morris, 57 Park Street, Bridgend. [Death. Nessie Poyser December 1939 aged 30 Bridgend 11a 1218]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1940, page 11

Missing. Driver I. Rose, RASC of Bridgend.
Mrs E. Rose, mother of Dvr Rose, ‘Glenview’, Merthyr Mawr Road, would like to hear from any comrade who has news of him. Last heard of in France on June 4.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 September 1940, page 2

Death. Charles Murray, 11.9.1940, aged 38, husband of Ann. Shiva at Ilford. Brother-in-law of Mr & Mrs Mark Rose and uncle of Elizabeth

Jewish Chronicle, 27 September 1940, page 23

Dvr I. Rose RASC is a Prisoner of War.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 June 1942, page 9

Engagement of Cpl David Harry Price, RAF, only son of Mr J. Price and late Mrs Price of ‘Jassyville’, Merthyr Mawr Rd, Bridgend, to Lena, 5th daughter of Mr J. Wise and late Mrs Wise of Bolton.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1944, page 18

Young Israel
Ref to Margaret W.Poyser

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1944, page 3

Ref to Maurice Freeman, Bridgend

London Gazette, 12 December 1944, page 5,707

Solomon Tenebaum of 11 Talbot St, Maesteg, Draper, a naturalised British subject intends after the expiration of 21 days from the publication of this notice on behalf of wife Rose and children Thelma and Leonard to assume name of Tann.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 April 1945, page 2

Marriage. On 22.3.1945 in Yorkshire, Cpl (ATS) ) Lilian Rose, younger daughter of Mr & Mrs Jack Rose, Tottenham, to Sergt John Valmos, RE of Bridgend [John Valmos, March 1945 Ripon 9a 135/ Lilian S. Rose]

[Rudolph Stuppel born September 1904 Bridgend 11a 894]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 March 1945 page 9

T/Major R. Stuppel RAMC, Mentioned in Despatches (posthumous award).
Famous figure among Yugoslav guerrillas after he escaped from the enemy after having been captured in Italy. Parents live at 14 Picton Avenue, Porthcawl.
‘He had the opportunity of being rescued and returned to safety, but he refused, stating that with the extreme shortage of medical aid among the partisans in the hills, he felt it his duty to stay on with them in his capacity as a doctor’.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1945, page 11

A daughter, Jacqueline Rosaline, born 4.7.1945 at Penylan Nursing Home, Cardiff, to Pauline, nee Rubens of Birmingham, wife of Dr Louis Saville of Glasgow and ‘Park View’, Ogmore Vale. [Birth. Jacqueline R. Saville Cardiff 1a 366 Mother Rubens]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1945, page 16

Young Israel
Ref to Wendy Poyser, 57 Park St, Bridgend (Harry Morris’s house)

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1945, page 13

Ref to M. Freeman, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 16 November 1945, page 13

Ref to A. Freedman, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 1 February 1946, page 11

Birth of David John on 24.1.1946 at Leeds to Gertrude (nee Morris, Bridgend) wife of Major Lionel Poyser, Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1946, page 11

Engagement: Joseph Gaba 2nd son of Mr & Mrs Isaac Gaba, Cardiff, to Thelma (Tema) Tann only daughter of Mr & Mrs Tann, 26 Victoria Park Road, Cardiff. [Thelma Tann September 1946 Cardiff 8b 555 Joseph Gabba]

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1947, p. 7

Engagement: Philip, youngest son of Mr Harry Morris and late Mrs Phoebe Morris of 57 Park St, Bridgend, to Daphne, niece of Mr & Mrs Victor J. Leigh of Chingford, and younger daughter of late Mr & Mrs H.A. Kay.
[Philip M. Morris Essex SW 5a 679 Daphne V. Kay]

[Jeffrey L. Grennan. Born March 1920 Bridgend 11a 2365]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1947, page 7

Engagement: ‘Capt. J. Grennan and Miss J. Druker’. Captain Jeffrey Grennan MC. Royal Uster Rifles, youngest son of Mr & Mrs I. Grennan of Grassendale, Liverpool, to Josephine Carmen Fay, eldest daughter of Mrs R. Glaskie(sic) of Kensington.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1947 page 15

Capt. Jeffrey L. Grennan MC has died suddenly from the effects of head wounds received in the Italian campaign. MC awarded for gallantry in operations on the Senlo River. Married three months ago to Miss Josephine Druker.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1948, page 6

Engagement: David Myers MPS, son of Mrs Myers and late H. Myers of Cardiff, to Betty, youngest daughter of Mr H. Morris and late Mrs P. Morris of 57 Park St, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 September 1948, page 2

Death. 11.9.1948. Rose, widow of late Simon Joseph of Bridgend, Address London E8 [Death Index - not found]

Jewish Chronicle, 10 November 1950, page 2

Irving, son of Mr & Mrs H. J. Struel of ‘Mazelville’, Heol-yr-Ynys, Bridgend, will read portion of law on 1 November at Cathedral Rd, Cardiff.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1950, page 14

Porthcawl. A Jewish Youth Society to serve the Porthcawl, Bridgend, and Pyle Districts, is being organised. Those interested are asked to communicate with Miss Daphne Schiller, 37 The Esplanade, Porthcawl.

14 March 1952, page 21

Article by Harold Soref, ’A Demographic Revolution’.
‘In no other part of Britain has the Jewish population decreased so rapidly as in Wales. Whole communities have disintegrated. Abertillery, Bangor, Bridgend, Ebbw Vale, Tonypandy, and Wrexham are among the defunct communities. Merthyr and Swansea are declining. Cardiff, as is the general rule with the larger cities throughout Britain, shows an increase’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 March 1952, page 3

In Memoriam. ROSE. Phyllis (Phyl) nee Rose who fell asleep 29 February 1948. Bridgend.
[Death. Phyllis Rose March 1948 aged 39 Bridgend 8b 54] [see Jewish Chronicle 6 March 1953]

Jewish Chronicle, 18 April 1952, page 2

Death of Annie, widow of Jacob Freeman. Children include Maurice, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 October 1952, page 2

Death of Freda, widow of Isaac Freedman, 107 Oxford Street, Pontycymmer. [December 1952 aged 84 Bridgend 8b 31]

Jewish Chronicle, 6 March 1953, page 2

In Memoriam. Phyllis Rose. Husband Mark, daughter Elizabeth. Died 29.3.1948.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1953, page 2

Death of Philip Morris, 23.8.1953, at his home London SW. Husband of Daphne. Son of H. Morris, Bridgend. 15 Walters Rd, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 March 1954, page 6

Engagement of Alan Ralph, only son of late Mr & Mrs J. Rubens of Edgbaston and of ‘Brynteg’, Ogmore Vale, and Jane Rubenstein, Edgware. [No marriage found. See 25.10.1956]

Jewish Chronicle, 1 October 1954, page 22

International Handicrafts Exhibition, Olympia. One exhibit by Mts Gitta Hibson of Cardiff who came to UK from Hungary in 1946. She is a director of a timber firm in Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 August 1956

New Year Greetings Supplement p. xvii
Mr & Mrs Kay, 15 Walters Rd, Bridgend
Mr H Morris, 15 Walters Rd, Bridgend.
[repeated 20 September 1957; 12 September 1958; 16 September 1960

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1956, page 7

Engagement: Alan Ralph, only son of late Mr & Mrs J. Rubens of Edgbaston and of ‘Brynteg’, Ogmore Vale, to Ellen Helge, younger daughter, of Mr & Mrs Edward Mostyn of Edgbaston.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 October 1956, page 8

Engagement: Dr Leonard Tann LRCP MRCS only son of Mr & Mrs S. Tann, Cardiff, to Fay, only daughter of Mr H. Hyman and late Ms Hyman, Manchester

Jewish Chronicle, 13 September 1957, page 7

Daughter (Louise Elizabeth) their 2nd child born 6.9.1957 at the RAF Hospital St Athans to Daphne, nee Kay, wife of George Isaacs of ‘Little Dene’, Methyr Mawr Road, Bridgend

16 September 1960, page 2

In Memoriam. Abraham Levene. Daughter Betty, son-in-law Lionel. Granddaughters Susan aand Bernice. [sc Lionel & Betty Joseph]

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1962, page 28

Porthcawl. Coffee morning raised £5 for Children and Youth Aliyah Attendance by women from Bridgend, Ogmore Vale, and Porthcawl who ’in an attempt to maintain communal attachments, are organising regular fund-raising events in each other’s houses and giving support to Mrs. Daphne Isaacs, of Bridgend, who conducts regular Sunday morning classes for the children of the area.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 August 1962, page 11

Article by Len Goss, ‘Fewer Jews in Wales’.
‘At Bridgend, most of the families have nominal association with Cardiff’s synagogues, with a tendency towards Reform because of the difficulty of reaching services on either Sabbaths or Festivals. Yet the classes which are held each Sunday morning have the traditional ring about them.
Yet they turn more to Swansea, their children joining in youth activities there.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1963, page 2

Death: Harry Morris on 24 February. 15 Walters Road, Bridgend.[Henry Morris March 1963 aged 83 Bridgend 8b 50]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 July 1963, page 35

Attempts to provide religious education for the children of Bridgend, Porthcawl, and Ogmore Vale district, which broke down some months ago, have now failed completely with the departure of the acting teacher,
‘Some families are contemplating moving from the area, while others are seeking education for the children at Swansea or Cardiff. More encouragement was received from Swansea than from Cardiff United Synagogue and this has led to an interest in the possibility for Cardiff Reform Synagogue providing assistance’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 March 1966, page 32

The JC Table Tennis Tournament (for youth). Reference to J. Freedman, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 March 1969, page 10

Forthcoming Marriage. David Adleman, only son of Manny & Doris Adleman of Leeds, and Susan, elder daugher of Lionel and Betty Joseph of Oaklands Rd, Bridgend. [David S. Adleman March 1969 St Marylebone 5d 1635/ Susan Joseph ]

Jewish Chronicle, 20 June 1969, page 4

Mrs Glas and Vivien, 102 Merthyrmawr Rd, Bridgend, wish to thank Rabbi and Mrs Graf for their many kindnesses received in the bereavement of husband and father. [Death. Eugene Glas June 1959 Bridgend 8b 389] [Born 13.6.1898]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 November 1971, page 31

Death: Hilda, youngest daughter of late Harris and Esther Rose of Bridgend. 16.11.1971. [Hilda Rose December 1971 Cardiff 8b 1214. Born 12.12.1911.]

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1973, page 72

New Year Section
Faye and Freddie Freeman, 19 Meadow Close, Coychurch, Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1973, page 29

Death of Israel Rose. 22.11.1973. Porthcawl.
[Death. Israel Rose December 1973 Mid Glamorgan 8b 366. Born 31.10.1903.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1977, page 16

Ref to Mrs G. Gold, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 31 July 1978, page 18

Ref to Mr & Mrs J. Emanuel, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1980, page 25

Ref to Sam and Dorothy Kershberg, Bridgend

Jewish Chronicle, 12 September 1986, page 3

Ref to Alfred and Vera Foster of Paris, formerly of Bridgend.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1989, page 25

Sophie Levi nee Rose , Bridgend, died 6.1.1989. Missed by sister Minnie.
[Death. Sophie Levi January 1989 aged 89 S. Glamorgan 28 1392. Born 26.3.1902]

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1993, page 11

Obituary of George Isaacs, died aged 82. Well known cinema operator in South Wales. Born Senghenydd. Became director of Bridgend Cinemas. Lived in Bridgend. Member of Cardiff Reform Synagogue. Retired in 1980. [Death. George Rufus Isaacs July 1993 aged 82 Bournemouth 4271A 278. Born 10.1.911]

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1995, page 30

Minnie Reuben formerly Freeman (nee Rose of Bridgend). 21.1.1995. Of Bridgend, Cardiff, and
Bournemouth. [Minnie Reuben January 1995 aged 89 Bournemouth 4271B 104. Born 5.2.1905]

Jewish Chronicle, 26 May 2000, page 51

Louis Waterman of Bridgend died 9 May. Formerly of Stamford Hill and Santa Monica USA. [Louis Waterman May 2000 aged 89 Bridgend 8611A 62. Born 26.5.1911]

Community Chronicle, 14 July 2000  n.p.

Ref to Maurice Saunders born Samuels. Was secretary of the Bridgend Jewish community. Lost touch with his family when he married non-Jewish woman in 1940s.

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