the former

Birkenhead Synagogue

& Jewish Community

Birkenhead, Wirral, Merseyside




Selected Press Reports relating to
the Birkenhead Jewish Community

Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1926

BIRKENHEAD. At the general meeting of the Congregation held last week, the President, Mr. H. Wolfe, referred to the great loss sustained by the congregation in the death of the Rev. M. Myerson. A vote of condolence was passed to the widow and children. Mr. A Myerson, son of the late minister, was unanimously elected to the post left vacant by the death of his father.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 June 1928

Family death notice
On 20 May, 1928 after a short illness, Simon Finklestein, aged 59, of 104-6, West Green-road Tottenham, late Minister Birkenhead Hebrew Congregation. Deeply mourned by his heartbroken wife, son, daughters, son-in-law; relatives and friends. May his dear soul rest in everlasting peace.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1928

BIRKENHEAD. At the annual meeting of the Congregation held last week...the following resolution was carried in silence: "That this meeting of the Birkenhead Hebrew Congregation mourns the loss of the Rev. S. Finklestein who for twenty-one years, as Minister, served this Congregation faithfully and well. He was held in the highest respect, and will be long remembered. We respectfully extend to his wife and children our deepest sympathy in their bereavement.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 January 1937

BIRKENHEAD The local Jewish Community is to have its first permanent Synagogue, which, it is anticipated, will be ready for the High Holy Days. A large house, standing in spacious grounds, has been acquired, and extensive alterations, the plans for which have been approved by the Town Council, will shortly be made. The plans provide accommodation for 250 worshippers, and facilities for social and other functions will be afforded by the erection of buildings in the grounds. The house itself, Normanston, is very large, and is situated in Balls Road, and the estimated cost of the project is £3,000. Mr. Nathan Halter, who has been President of the Community for a number of years, will be the first President of the new Synagogue. The Minister will be the Rev. A Myerson and Messrs. Best and H. Black, Secretary and Treasurer respectively. - The Community of Birkenhead, which numbers about 150, was established some fifty years ago. The first Synagogue was rooms in Argyle Street, whence it moved successively to Hinson Street, Price Street, and finally to the present location, in rooms over business premises, in Chester Street. One of the founders of the Birkenhead Community, the late Arnold Bloom, became the first Jewish Mayor of tho Borough in 1907-8.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1959

The Rev. Norman Zalud, since 1955 minister-reader to the Birkenhead Congregation, has been appointed chazan to the Allerton Congregation, Liverpool. He will assume his duties on September 5.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1963

In recognition of his many years' service as minister, an office he has now relinquished, the Birkenhead Hebrew Congregation last week presented Mr. A. Myerson with a cheque and silver cigarette-box....Mr. Myerson was only a youth when he succeeded his late father as minister of the congregation.

Birkenhead Synagogue homepage

Page created: 20 June 2021
Page most recently amended: 2 December 2021

Formatting by David Shulman



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