the former

Bangor Jewish Community

Gwynedd, Wales




Press Reports relating to the Bangor Jewish Community
 1843 - 1959

Compiled by Harold Pollins

Information within square brackets is from the compiler

Jewish Chronicle, 29 September 1843
Subscription to the JC.
Bangor, J. Aronson [In 1841 Census, jeweller] [and for several years subsequently]

Voice of Jacob, 9 May 1845, page 160

Ref to I. Aaronson

Jewish Chronicle, 30 January 1852, page 135

Reference to Lewis Aronson

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1852, page 167

Reference to Julia Aronson

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1878, page 1

Death on 18 November at Bangor Villa, Beaufort Rd, Edgbaston, Maria, wife of John Aronson, late of Bangor, aged 66. [Maria Aronson December1878 King’s Norton 6c 328]

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1881, page 1

Death on 6 December at his residence 23 Beaufort Rd, Edgbaston, John Aronson late of Bangor in his 79th year. [Death of John Aronson December 1881 King’s Norton 6c 249].

Jewish Chronicle, 9 March 1883, page 1

Marriage on 28 February at 21 Pembridge Villas, by Rev Dr H. Adler, Delegate Chief Rabbi assisted by Revs I. Samuel and R. Harris, Harry L. Friedlander of 9 Warwick Avenue, London, W. and Emily youngest daughter of the late John Aronson of Bangor

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1893, page 19

‘A service was held at Bangor, North Wales, on the 21st of January, on the occasion of the Barmitzvah of Charles, the second son of Mr. M. Wartski, of High Street. The service was read by the Rev. A. Rutkowski, of the Hope Place Synagogue, Liverpool, which lent the Scroll of the Law. The Jewish inhabitants of Bangor, writes a correspondent, hope that this will not be the last time they will have the pleasure of meeting to hear the Law of God read, and that in the future the congregation may be large enough to allow of their assembling in a recognised place of worship‘.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1894, page 3

‘WANTED, by the Bangor Congregation, a SHOCHET and TEACHER - Salary £40 per annum. Apply Mr. Wartski, 21 High-street, Bangor, North Wales’.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 May 1894, page 20

‘The Bangor Jewish community held services during Passover at the residence of Mr. Morris Wartski, 21 High Street. Mr. Wartski officiated, and was assisted by Mr. Isidor Heiman. Mr. Joseph Bolloton read the Law. Mr. Wartski and Mr. Aaronson [sic] are the founders of the first congregation in North Wales’.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 May 1894, page 2

‘APPEAL FOR HELP. The Members of the BANGOR HEBREW CONGREGATION appeal to the PUBLIC for support in assisting them to obtain a place, and to furnish it as a place of worship.
At present we have only a room, which is unsuitable for the purpose. We have been put to a considerable expense, buying a Sepher, etc., and having engaged a Reader and Shochet, we trust that the public who can afford, will help us in such a worthy cause.
Subscriptions will be gratefully received (and acknowledged through the Jewish Press) by L.H. ARONSON, Esq., President, Bank-place, Bangor; or M. WARTSKI, Esq., Treasurer, 21, High-street, Bangor’.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 June 1894, page 2

The Bangor Congregation acknowledges contributions towards assisting in furnishing a place of worship
Sir Samuel Montagu Bart MP 5 0 0
The Misses Samuda 5 0 0
Dennis E. Samuel Esq 4 0 0
Ellis A Franklin 2 2 0
Selim Samuel 2 2 0
Jacques Schoeps Esq Manchester 2 2 0
Messrs Barrett Wartski & Co 10 0

Jewish Chronicle, 13 July 1894, page 1

On Sunday last the Jewish inhabitants of Bangor, 14 families, ‘ who formed themselves into a congregation some little time ago and held occasionally services at Mr. M. Wartski’s house, consecrated a large room fitted up for synagogue purposes in a block of flats situated in the principal part of the town’. The special service was conducted by Rev A. Rutkovski of Liverpool and Rev I. Simon, Minister of the South Manchester Synagogue. The synagogue was filled by members, visitors from adjacent towns and several Christians including the Deputy Mayor for Bangor, Alderman Dr Rowland Jones. Reference to Rev Mr Rosenzweig, the newly-elected Reader. S.A. Cohen is Hon Sec. L. H. Aronson is President. Mrs I Heiman presented a handsomely-embroidered white silk mantle for the Sepher.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 August 1894, page 3

‘The only Kosher Butcher in North Wales. Important to visitors as residents. - JOSEPH OWEN, BUTCHER, 211, High-street, and Bodawin, BANGOR, North Wales. Supplies prime kosher Beef, Lamb, Veal, and the celebrated Welsh Mutton. Examined by the Rev. I. Rosenzweig, by permission of the chief Rabbi, Dr. Hermann Adler’.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 September 1894, page 16

Mainly through the efforts of Mr Aaronson and M J. Wartski a synagogue has been established in Bangor. Suitable rooms have been rented, furnished with every convenience, and have engaged a shochet. They are anxious to establish a schoolroom and cemetery but they cannot afford them.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 July 1895, page 22

Special general meeting of the Bangor Hebrew Congregation held. Vote of thanks to Rev B. Spiers and Rev J. Harris for services rendered while they had a short stay in the neighbourhood. Rev Spiers has presented and ornamental Yod. Hebrew classes are being organized. Mr J. Rosenzweig will give instruction at the synagogue on Saturday and Sunday afternoons and at his own home on weekdays.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1895, page 17

On Sunday 6th, Rev I. Simon, being in Bangor, was asked by the Wardens, Mr Aronson and Mr M. Wartski, to deliver a sermon. A special service was organized and the whole congregation attended. Mincha was read by Rev J. Rosenzweig and the sermon followed.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 December 1895, page 21

Mr G. Aaronson of San Francisco, brother of Mr L. H. Aaronson of Bangor, has presented a silver Yod to the Bangor Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 January 1896, page 23

‘WANTED a first-class TRAVELLER for an established drapery business to travel North Wales; one with knowledge of the business preferred. – M. Wartski, 21 High-street, Bangor.’

Jewish Chronicle, 4 September 1896, page 1

Fiancees. Rebecca, 2nd daughter of Rev Mr N. Lipman, 61 Mansell St, Aldgate, to George Nisse of Bangor, eldest son of Mr & Mrs Nisse of London.

Jewish Chronicle, 25 September 1896, page 20

Mr M. Bolloten officiated gratuitously, assisted by Rev J. Rosenzweig who acted as Baal Tokeah and Mr I. Heiman.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1896, page 10

Report of court case at Bangor Police Court, 3 men were charged with causing bodily harm to Moses Aaronson, Upper Bangor, on 9 October. Aaronson was walking with Rutkowski and both men were assaulted after one of them called 'Here are more Jews'. Rutkowski assaulted first, then Aaronson was knocked unconscious. One of the accused had threatened Aaronson before this. 2 of the men were sentenced to one month and 14 days. Third man fined 10s and costs.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 November 1898, page 1

Wedding of daughter of Rev and Mrs N. Lipman will take place at the New Synagogue on 1 December. [George Nisse to Rebecca Lipman]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 May 1897, page 2

Mr & Mrs Wartski, 24 High St, Bangor, will be pleased to see relatives and friends on Saturday 16 May on the occasion of their son, Harry's Bar Mitzvah. Reception 12 till 2. [Should be Sunday 16 May]

Jewish Chronicle, 30 July 1897, page 20

On Saturday last Rev N. Lipman, Chief Shochet of London, at present staying in Bangor, delivered a sermon at the request of the Bangor Congregation. He spoke strongly against money lenders.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 August 1897, page 16

On Saturday last Rev Mr Lipman of London delivered a sermon in Hebrew on the Destruction of the Temple.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 November 1897, page 30

In response to a circular letter issued by Mr Isidore Wartski a well-attended meeting was held on Sunday at the Synagogue Vestry Room to discuss the advisability of organising a Jewish Friendly or Benefit Society for Bangor. The Jewish population now consists of 20 families.
Elected: Chairman Isidore Wartski; Hon Treasurer David Rubenstein; Hon Sec Charles Wartski; Hon Collector George Benjamin; Committee Rev Jacob Rosenzweig, Joel Barnett, Levy Mayster, Moses Aaronson.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1898, page 30

The Bangor Jewish Friendly Society has engaged the services of a doctor and surgeon, Dr Richard Jones MD whose engagement started on 1st inst. The Society has made rapid progress and now has for its members nearly every Jew in Bangor and neighbourhood, totalling about 19 families and 16 singles.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 January 1898, page 2

The Talmud Torah School, Manchester, acknowledges donations including one from J. Waxman, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 April 1898, page 31

The Bangor Jewish Friendly Society held its first quarterly General Meeting on Sunday last. The sole expenditure has been £5, doctor's quarterly fee, and 10s 6d for chartable purposes. The doctor reported that 'his services had been heavily taxed'. Society now numbers 26 ordinary members and 4 honorary members. Rev J. Rosenzweig proposed that the Society should take steps to establish a Mikveh. The question was adjourned for 14 days to enable the proposer and others to collect particulars, estimates and show how funds are to be realised.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1898, page 26

The Chief Rabbi's Pastoral Tour. Arrived at Bangor on 12th inst, Met at the station by the President, L.H. Aronson, Vice-President M. Wartski, Rev A. Rutkowski (Livepool), Rev J. Rosenzweig (Bangor), Stewards (M. Aaronson, I. Wartski, J. Bolloten and G. Benjamin).
The Chief Rabbi examined the pupils and expressed appreciation of the efforts of the teacher, Rev J. Rosenzweig. The afternoon service was conducted by the Rev A. Rutkowski and the evening service by Rev J, Rosenzweig. Among the congregation was a large number of Christian ladies and gentlemen. The Chief Rabbi was presented with an illuminated address and album containing photos of North Wales scenery. On Friday morning he attended service at the synagogue and delivered a short discourse in German on the week's portion.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1898, page 26

At the last Board of Deputies meeting the President was authorised to certify for the first time a secretary for marriages of the Bangor Hebrew Congregation. Isidore Wartski is the marriage secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 June 1898, page 2

The Rhyl Hebrew Congregation thanks for donations towards furnishing the Rhyl Synagogue, Wellington. Road. Including M. Warchke [sic] Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 August 1898, page 22

On Saturday last Mr S. Alfred Adler, son of the Chief Rabbi (who is staying at Llanfairfechan with Mrs Adler) delivered a discourse at the Bangor synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1898, page 1

Fiancees. Sarah, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs I. Ginsberg of Manchester to Abraham Shapiro of Bangor. [Marriage not found]

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1898, page 1

Birth on 2 May at 34 Tany Graig, Bangor, a daughter to the wife of George Benjamin.

Jewish Chronicle, 14 July 1899, page 37

Birth on 10 July at College View, Bangor, a daughter, to the wife of G. Nisse, nee Rebecca Lipman ('the daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. N. Lipman, London').

Jewish Chronicle, 28 July 1899, page 23

Meeting of the Executive. It was decided, in order to clear the indebtedness of the synagogue, to hold a 'draw for prizes' and to obtain as near as £100 as possible. The synagogue was established six years and during that time has been self-supporting, but lately owing to a fall in the subscription list, debts which are now far overdue and pressing have been unavoidably incurred.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 August 1899, page 1

Birth on 26 July at 3 Farrer-raod, Bangor, of a son to the wife of Moses Aaronson.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 December 1899, page 26

On Friday evening Rev J. Rosenzweig gave a lecture in connection with the Menai Literary and Scientific Society on 'The Talmud'. The chairman was Dr T. Witton Davies, Head of the Semitics Department of University College, Bangor. He spoke of Mr Rosenzweig's learning and of the able and successful manner in which he had taken charge of the Hebrew Department at the University College during his absence in Germany.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1900, page 11

Letter from Isidore Wartski, Hon Sec of the Bangor Hebrew Congregation, re a proposal by Birmingham to hold a conference of Boards of Guardians. Refers to Subject 4 of the Birmingham proposal 'The abuse involved in sending the poor from town to town'. Bangor has continually suffered from this. 'Poor are sent here from Dublin, Liverpool and Manchester in particular, not with the object of settling down at their destination...'.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 January 1900, pages 8-9

Letter from I. Wartski to clarify his letter. The poor are not sent by other Boards of Guardians but by individuals, many holding communal positions. During the last 4 weeks we have been visited by no less than 5 'Jewish tramps'. They have no object in coming than to get funds. In return some offer to give a Sabbath afternoon sermon. They are most impudent in their demands.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 February 1900, page 6

Letter from 'H. C.' complains of Wartski's letter. Re the 5 tramps in 4 weeks - 'Awful indeed! Poor, poor, Bangor! A congregation of Israelites complaining because they have had five hungry men to feed in four weeks - that is surely incredible and for the sake of the Bangor Congregation, who have hitherto borne a highly respectable name among the young congregations in this country, let us believe that Mr. Wartski alone is responsible for that amazing statement'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 June 1900, page 1

Death on 29 May at Ostrowo, Prussia, Frau Cecilie Ziporah Callomon, mother of Mrs Wartski and Mrs Levy of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 June 1900, page 2

Spital Square Synagogue. By kind permission of the Wardens, Rev J. Rosenzweig of Bangor will preach a sermon on Saturday 16 June during the morning service.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1900, page 21

Rev Mr. Fassenfeld of the Princelet Synagogue conducted the services at Bangor last Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 November 1900, page 1

Birth on 28 November at 65 High St, Bangor, a son to the wife of George Nisse.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 January 1902, page 34

Reference to the Bangor Zionist Society formed 1900. Membership 40.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 September 1902, page 28

Alex, son of Mr & Mrs J. Barnett, 3 Victoria Park, Bangor, who 12 months ago gained a County School Scholarship last year has won another Scholarship at the same school, tenable for a year.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 October 1902, page 34

At the recent exam held under the Welsh Central Board of Education Miss Fanny Bolloten of 22 College Rd, Bangor, gained the senior certificate with honours of Latin, French, Botany, Literature, Botany, Literature and Composition.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 December 1902, page 1

Birth on 27 November at Gwynfryn, Bangor, of a son to the wife of Isidore Wartski.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 24

Naturalisations in December
Max Bolloten, 22 College Rd, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1903, page 1

Barmitzvah. Nathan 3rd son of Mr & Mrs B. Abrahams of 20 Spital Square, on 21 February, at Bangor Synagogue. 'Not held at home on account of Mrs. B. Abrahams being in South Africa'.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 April 1903, page 31

Long report of marriage on 2nd inst of Joseph Sions of London to Miss Gertrude Wartski, daughter of the President of the Bangor Congregation. Officiating clergy were Revs S. Friedeberg BA, A. Alfred Adler and A. Rutkowski (of Liverpool) and the Rev. J. Rosenzweig, the local minister. Six bridesmaids: Miss Rose and Harriet Wartski (sisters), Miss L. & R. Sions (sisters of the bridegroom) and Miss A. & L. Shapiro (of Carnarvon). Reception was at the Bristol Hotel; over 200 guests. Presents mentioned including some from non-Jewish friends. Among the guests were the Marquis of Anglesey, the ex-Mayor, the Town Clerk of Bangor, and Professor T. Witton Davies of the University College. The congregation presented an illuminated address to Morris Wartski, father of the bride. He settled in Bangor some 20 years ago and founded the Hebrew congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 August 1903, page 3

'WANTED, an orthodox Jewish COOK, about 30, to take complete charge of house; three servants kept; must have had previous experience' liberal remuneration given; references and all particulars to Wartski, Bangor, Wales'.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1903, page 2

Morris Wartski and family, thanks for condolences for late wife and mother. [Death. Flora Wartski December 1903 aged 56 Bangor 11b 312]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 October 1903, page 30

Long report of death of wife of Morris Wartski and tributes to her. She was a native of Ostrowo, Germany, and settled in Bangor 20 years ago with her family 'when the name of Jew was hardly known in the neighbourhood'. 'It was largely due to her piety, hospitality and vigorous commonsense, that our community is now so highly respected and Judaism in its best form is understood by our Christian fellow-citizens'. No poor were turned away. Her funeral was on the 15th. Service was at Bangor and coffin taken to Liverpool where buried in Green Lane Cemetery of the Hope Place Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1904, page 3

'BANGOR HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED a MINISTER to act as Shochet, Reader, Teacher and Baal Korah; able to give instruction according to the Chief Rabbi's Code, and must qualify for the grant given by the Provincial Ministers' Fund; one able to give occasional short sermons preferred; salary, £130, exclusive of prerequisites; expenses will be refunded to successful candidates. Application, stating age and full particulars, to M. Wartski, Lluesty, Bangor'

Jewish Chronicle, 11 November 1904, page 20

'BANGOR, North Wales. - Wanted for a few private families, a SHOCHET; must be a good Hebrew and English teacher; must be a single man; salary £1 per week. Apply, C. Balkin, Gwalia-villa, Sackville-road, Bangor'.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 November 1904, page 1

Death on 14 November of Myer Cohen, father of inter alia Mrs I Heiman of Bangor

Jewish Chronicle, 9 December 1904, page 25

Report says 50 Jews in Bangor

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1905, page 25

Rev J. Rosenzweig appointed Reader of the Belfast congregation. Born in Ravah, Poland, his father-in-law was Rabbiner Hirsch of Conin. Arrived in England 15 years ago and soon after was appointed Minister of Bangor Congregation. Attended lectures in English and logic at UC Bangor where in 1897 he was temporary lecturer in Hebrew for 2 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1905, page 2

Ref to bar mitzvah of Eli, eldest son of Mr & Mrs George Benjamin of Bangor,

Jewish Chronicle, 2 June 1905, page 34

'BANGOR (North Wales). - Furnished Apartments, board of desired, the house is situated in the best residential part, close to pier and bridges, the most healthy and select spot in Wales, (hot and cold baths), - Mrs.. Heiman, "Chelwood," Abbey-road'. [repeated 30 June 1905, page 34]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 June 1905, page 29

Rev Rosenzweig on his approaching departure for Belfast received many expressions of the esteem in which he was held by Jews and Christians in Bangor including the University College of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1905, page 2

Another advert for Reader, Teacher and Shochet. Salary £106

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1905, page 5

Reference to Rev P. Paletz, Bangor

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1906, page 1

Death on 28 December at her residence 30 Farrar-road , Bangor, Chan Lea Yanpolski, wife of Shewach Yanpolski in her 51st year.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1906, page 16

Marriage celebrated at St John's Wood Synagogue of Samuel Snowman and Miss Rose Wartski, daughter of Mr and the late Mrs Morris Wartski of Bangor. Reception at the Hotel Russell. Presentation to Morris Wartski of a handsome silver cup and an address on vellum.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 July 1906, page 1

Birth on 19 July at Carlton House, Upper Bangor, of a son to the wife of Joseph Bolloten (nee Betty Cohen).

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906, page 31

Services at Llandudno conducted by Mr B. Ackerman and Mr Herzberg of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 October 1906, page 38

Chatan Torah Mr J. Sions. Chatan Bereshit H. Wartski

Jewish Chronicle, 14 December 1906, page 15

Representative of Bangor at Board of Deputies given as E. Snowman

Jewish Chronicle, 5 April 1907, page 2

Advert for Shochet, Teacher and Reader. Salary £125.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 May 1907, page 27

Rev A. Levinson of London elected Reader, Teacher &c to Bangor Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 July 1908, page 1

Birth on 7 July at 'Bangor', Plympton Road, Brondesbury, of a son to Mr & Mrs Joseph Sions [formerly of Bangor]

Jewish Chronicle, 16 July 1909, page 27

'WANTED, young lady Governess for boy (6 1/2 years); must be refined and companionable, with full knowledge of Hebrew. Age, salary, and full particulars to Isidore Wartski, Gwynfyn, Bangor, N. Wales'.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 September 1909, page XV

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs Lawrence Yanpolski of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1909, page 1

Marriage on 19 October at the Llandudno Synagogue by Revs S. Friedeberg BA and A. Rutkowski of Liverpool and Revs A. Leveson [sic] and B. Miller (Llandudno), Harriette daughter of Mr Morris Wartski and Emanuel Snowman.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 December 1909, page 29

'MR. MORRIS WARTSKI, jeweller of Bangor and Llandudno, waited on the King by command, at Buckingham Palace this week, and had the honour of submitting for his inspection several fine specimens of the goldsmith's craft, from which His Majesty made some purchases'.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 February 1910, page 2

'Young Israel'
New member, Jacob Levinson of Bangor

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page XXIX

New Year Greetings
Rev & Mrs B. Paletz, Bristol. Greetings to their congregation and 'their last congregation(Bangor)'

Jewish Chronicle, 30 September 1910, page XXX

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs P. Pollecoff, Morningtin House, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 October 1910, page 2

New Year Greetings
Mr & Mrs Lewis Mendelssohn of Sackville St, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 December 1910, page 12

Bangor. Meeting of the Hebrew Literary Society was held on Sunday. I. Wartski in chair. Mr E. Snowman of Llandudno read a paper on 'Zionism'. Several members took part in discussion - Messrs Barnet, Western, Reuben, E. Reuben, and J. Carmel. Decided to join the Union of Jewish Literary Societies.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1911, page 15

Rev A. Levinson of Bangor has been elected 2nd Chazan to the Hebrew Congregation, Graham St, Edinburgh.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 January 1911, page 14

Meeting of Bangor Hebrew Literary Society, I Wartski in chair. Professor T. Witton Davies read a paper on 'Hebrew Poetry' on Biblical poetry and compared Hebrew and Welsh poetry.  After the meeting the chairman, as President of the congregation, bade farewell to Rev Levinson.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 February 1911, page 2

'BANGOR HEBREW CONGREGATION WANTED, a Teacher, Reader and Shochet. Applications from superior gentlemen, able to obtain the grant from the Provincial Ministers' Fund, will alone be considered. Full particulars and copies of testimonials to be forwarded, in first instance, to R. Levy, Hon. Secretary, 30 Farrar-road, Bangor, North Wales'.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 February 1911, page 13

Meeting of Hebrew Literary Society. Paper read by Mr W. Hew Rowland, Town Paper on 'Some Points on the Criminal snd Civil Law of the Pentateuch'. Mr Rowland and Professor T. Witton Davies elected honorary members.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 March 1911, page 14

Meeting of Hebrew Literary Society. Rev H.B. Lewis of Manchester read a paper on 'Maimonides'.

Jewish Chronicle, 31 March 1911, page 21

Meeting of Hebrew Literary Society. Mr M.E. Lange, Treasurer of the Union of Literary Societies delivered a lecture on 'Palestine'.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 April 1911, page 2

'BANGOR. - Wanted, a Teacher, Shochet and Reader; applications will only be considered from gentlemen able to obtain the grant from the Provincial Ministers Fund. Bangor offers exceptional opportunities to a really capable man; salary, exclusive of perquisites, £130, which includes a grant of £52. Supply with full particulars and copies of testimonials to
Gwynfoya [sic], Bangor, N.W.'

Jewish Chronicle, 12 May 1911, page 13

Rev D.I. Devons of Blackburn has been elected Minister of Bangor congregation. He received his early education at the Yeshivot of Wilna and Eishishok (Russia). Came to England in 1902 and in same year elected minister at York. In 1901 called to Blackburn where as well as at York he did good ministerial work especially in the Hebrew Classes. He is aged 30 and 'contemplates taking advantage of the University at Bangor'. He is a nephew of Rabbi Salis Daiches of Leeds.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 1911, page 17

Meeting of the Jewish Dispersion Committee. Mr J. E. Blank, Secretary, 'reported that he had several applications for Jewish artisans from the Provinces, which he had been unable to fill. An opening for a ladies' tailor at Bangor had been lost for this reason'.

Jewish Chronicle, 13 October 1911, page 20

Mr & Mrs M. Rosen have presented to the synagogue a handsome mantle for the Sepher Torah.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 October 1911, page 31

Meeting of the Council of the Union of Jewish Literary Societies.. It was reported that a new Study Circle has been formed at Bangor to which the Union has supplied books.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1912, page 24

Letter from Isidore Wartski. Says that while registering the first Jewish wedding held at Carnarvon the other day he came across a Charter given to the borough on the creation of the first Prince of Wales, Edward 1, in 1284. 'Jews shall not at any time dwell in the said borough'. Charter was confirmed by subsequent sovereigns down to Elizabeth 1559.
There are some four or five families numbering a dozen or so Jews in Carnarvon today.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 Januay 1912, page 32

Marriage at Carnarvon, W. Crystall and Miss P. Goldman  [Marriage. Pauline Goldman March 1912 Bangor 11b 143 and William Crystal]

Jewish Chronicle, 19 January 1912, page 1

Death on 12 January at Rhyl of Edward youngest son of late Joseph Harris of Liverpool, brother of (inter alia) Mrs I. Wartski of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1912, page 31

Meeting of Study Circle. Rev D. I. Devons, the leader, gave outlines of these subjects: 'Little St Hugh of Lincoln', 'The attitude of Henry III towards the Jews', and 'De Montfort's Rebellion and its Effects upon the Jews'.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1912, page 23

Concluding meeting of Study Circle. R. Levy read paper on 'The Removal of the Jewish Disabilities in England and some of its Heroes'.

Jewish Chronicle, 4 October 1912, page 29

Presentation made to Mr Reuben Levy on leaving for Oxford [University]. Presentation was token of esteem for his work as secretary of the congregation and of the Literary Society.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 November 1912, page 20

Last Sunday Dr Salis Daiches of Sunderland delivered inaugural address of the literary session of the Hebrew Literary Society on 'Judaism as a Philosophy of Life'

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1913, page 28

Dr Asher Cohen of Edinburgh has been appointed House Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 July 1913, page 27

Reference to P. Pollecoff being Bangor's representative at Board of Deputies.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 January 1914, page 25

Meeting of Study Circle. Devons gave talk on 'The Sopheric Age'

Jewish Chronicle, 13 March 1914, page 24

Study Circle. Devons read paper of 'The Last Hasmonean Kings and the Three Parties in Judah'.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 May 1914, page 32

Death of Charles, son of Morris Wartski after 'long suffering extending over eighteen years'. Died aged 34. Had accident as youth and ill since then. But took interest in communal affairs of Bangor and Llandudno. Buried at Green Lane Cemetery, Liverpool.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 May 1914, page 24

At a public meeting under auspices of the local branch of the RSPCA to consider the question of the establishment of a public abattoir in Bangor a local butcher who purveys kosher meat to the congregation 'expressed himself in unkindly terms against Shechita'. But the main speaker was not antagonistic towards Shechita. Rev Devons took up challenge with a strong letter to the local Press. 'The Congregation has since dispensed with the services of the butcher referred to above'.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 August 1914, page 13

Isidore Wartski has offered the extensive resources of his workroom and machines - wit the services of the fitters, workers, etc to the number of 50 -to the Bangor Women's Patriotic Guild, free of cost.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 January 1915, page 2

Silver wedding. On 9 February 1890 at the New Synagogue, Cheetham, Manchester, Hyman Reuben to Rebecca Maritzki. Address: 12 Darrar-road, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 March 1915, page 21

Purim social held in aid of the Relief Fund for the Jews in Poland. £13 13s raised.  [Many subsequent contributions to relief funds]

Jewish Chronicle, 28 May 1915, page 2

Death on 12 May of Beatrice wife of Lewis Mendelssohn, 26 Sackville Street, Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 15 October 1915, page 20

Annual meeting of congregation. H. Reuben and Z. Levitas elected President and Treasurer respectively.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 November 1916, page 37

Inaugural meeting of the Study Circle. Rev Devons lectured on 'Judea at the Rise of Christianity'.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 2

Death on 30 December at Llandudno of Leah, wife of L. H. Aronson, formerly of Bangor.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 January 1917, page 17

'A successful concert was held recently at a Bangor picturedrome in aid of the Fund for the Relief of the Jewish Victims of the War in Russia. The concert was organised by Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyers and realised £20 5s 7d'.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 January 1917, page 19

At a meeting of the Study Circle Rev Devons read a paper on 'Rabbi Jochanan ben Zakkai'.

Jewish Chronicle, 22 January 1917, page 23

At a meeting of the Study Circle Rev Devons read a paper on 'The Last Struggle with Rome'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1917, page 24

At a meeting of the Study Circle Rev Devons read a paper on 'Rabbi Meir'.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 Janaury 1918, page 13

Services for soldiers stationed at Carnarvon held at Bangor synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 August 1918, page 19

Advert. Vacancy for gentleman to act as Reader, Shochet and Teacher. Salary 65s.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 September 1918, page 31

Rev D.I. Devons, newly-appointed at Coventry, was installed on Sabbath last.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 2

Death of Zorach Levitas.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 November 1918, page 22

‘Death has at last laid its hand on the small Community at Bangor. From the time of its inception, some thirty years, it now suffers the loss for the first time of one of its members'. Mr. Z. Levitas, a diligent supporter of all that is best in the life of a miniature congregation – at one time one of its officials – will be more than missed. His genial spirit and intellectual understanding made his companionship a pleasant one. A short sermon was delivered in the house by the Rev. Mr. Grayewsky. – From J.W.’
[Note: In fact there were at least 3 earlier deaths in Bangor:
Rose Lilian Aronson September 1884 aged 0 Bangor 11b 318
Flora Wartski December 1903 aged 56 Bangor 11b 312
Chao [sic] Lea Yanpolski December 1905 aged 81 Bangor 11b 320]

Jewish Chronicle, 17 January 1919, page 23

'Political Post for Bangor Jews'
Mr Reuben Levi [sic] appointed to a poliitical post in Bagdad at £800 p.a. Son of a Bangor Jew in humble circumstances. Is only 27 years old.  Introduced to Hebrew and Semitics by Rev Rosenzweig.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 February 1920, page 2

Death of Harris Levy on 20 February at 30 Farra Road, Bangor. [Father of Reuben Levy].

Jewish Chronicle, 23 April 1920, page 3

Advert for Shochet, Teacher, Reader and Mohel. Salary £5 per week.  [Repeated 16 July 1920, page 2]

Jewish Chronicle, 22 October 1920, page 24

Reference to difficulty of provincial communities in obtaining ministers. New one at Bangor is Mr Ticktin.

Notes from JC on its last years

Jewish Chronicle, 4 January 1952, page 14

At a tea following Chanucah service at Llandudno, regret expressed at closing of the Bangor synagogue

Jewish Chronicle, 18 June 1954, page 30

Death of Elie Reuben ‘a member of one of the few remaining Jewish families in Bangor, North Wales’.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 February 1956, page 13

Death in Belfast of John Ross ne Jacob Rosenzweig, sometime minister of Bangor and then Belfast where he was minister until Great War then went into commerce]

Jewish Chronicle, 2 January 1959, page 14

‘Now Bangor, like so many other small communities, has no official, no regular services, and no religion classes. The synagogue still exists and is being used for an occasional kaddish’.
Letter from Isidore Wartski, Derwen Deg, Bangor.

(1) Isidore Wartski was Mayor of Bangor in 1939
(2) From 1950s onwards most entries in JC re Bangor are notices of deaths


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