the former

South Shields Jewish Community

& Synagogue

South Tyneside, Tyne & Wear





Press Reports relating to Jewish Community in South Shields
1857 - 1910

Provided by Harold Pollins


Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1857, page 1241

On 7th Isaac Jacob of South Shields aged 63, the oldest member of the South Shields congregation. He also founded the North Shields synagogue. He lodged, fed, clothed and educated orphans in his own house and established them in life when grown up age.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 December 1857, page 1244

Subscriptions to JC. Henry Isaacs of S Shields to 3.3.1858

Jewish Chronicle, 13 January 1860, page 8

Appeal by Sunderland. Donations included from H. Isaacs and H. Jackson, S Shields

Jewish Chronicle, 14 August 1863, page 1

Advert. North Shields congregation. Wanted - Shochet and Chazan for the N Shields Congregation. Apply to H. Jackson, President, 77 West Holborn, S Shields

Jewish Chronicle, 7 July 1865, page 2

Appeal for N Shields building fund. President Henry Jackson, West Holborn, S Shields.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 February 1866, page 1

Repeat of 7.7.1865

Jewish Chronicle, 14 February 1868

A PIECE OF INTOLERANCE (from a Correspondent)
It was never thought possible that in our enlightened century, and particularly in boasted liberal England, there could be committed such an act of intolerance as recently took place in a court of justice in South Shields. The unjust act to which I allude was the compelling of a Jew, against his conscience, and in spite of all his remonstrances, to break his Sabbath by signing his name. The case is reported in the "Newcastle Chronicle," and I beg you kindly to to give publicity to this intolerant proceeding in your valuable paper, in order to show the world that the time is past when a Jew may be persecuted for the sake of his faith. The English colonies have acted in a more becoming manner in similar cases than the mother country, it having been decided some time ago in an Australian court, to postpone the hearing of a trial in which a Jew was concerned from Saturday to the following Monday, so as to do no violence to his conscience.

Subjoined is the extract from the local paper:

CURIOUS "SCENE" IN A POLICE COURT. - On Saturday morning, an amusing "scene" was presented at the South Shields Police Court, arising out of the strong Sabbatarian views of a member of the Jewish persuasion. Mr. Thomas Jackson, pawnbroker, East Holborn, being summoned to give evidence in the case of the seaman Froude, having sold a watch to him, and on the case being completed he was requested to sign his name to the depositions. - Mr Jackson: But I cannot do that to-day. It is our Sabbath - the clerk: Oh, but you must Mr. Jackson: But I cannot to-day. I will to-morrow. It will make no difference. - The Clerk: No, that won't do. You have given your evidence. What difference is there in signing your name and coming here. - Mr. Jackson: I was forced to come here. - Ald. Glover: Mr. Jackson, you must sign the depositions before you leave the court. - Mr. Jackson: Then, I'll stay until our Sabbath is over. Councillor Anderson: A Christian respects his Sabbath as much as you (Mr. Jackson) respect yours, and he wouldn't refuse to sign a paper. - Mr. Jackson: It's breaking our law. You know I have been brought up to it. - Mr. Jackson sat down, and the business of the court proceeded. During the hearing of the other cases against Froude, Jackson left the court and fortified himself with a "drink", and on his return was remonstrated with in such terms that he consented to make his mark, but this would not do, and a threat of seven or fourteen days being held over him, he at last signed his name.

Jewish Chronicle,  1 November 1872

"CONSCIENTIOUS SCRUPLES. - At the South Shields Police Court, Henry Vandyke, a hawker, was charged on remand with obtaining a watch and albert, value £16. from Henry Summerfield, outfitter.   Mr Purvis asked prosecutor, who is a Jew, if he would sign his name to the depositions, and he firmly refused, it being a Jewish Holyday. - Alderman Glover explained that the prisoner would be discharged, unless legally proved guilty, but prosecutor persisted in his refusal. - On the application of Mr. Richardson, prisoner was thereupon discharged.  Some time after Mr. Summerfield applied for a warrant, explaining that he was now ready to sign his name, not having liked to do so on the previous occasion, when Mr. Aaron Simon, one of the witnesses in the case, had also refused to sign. - The Bench, on the advice of Mr. Purvis, refused to grant a warrant.  In addition to the loss of the watch, Mr. Summerfield has had to pay the expenses of a detective's journey to Liverpool, and the costs of the court."

Jewish Chronicle, 11 April 1873 page 28

Congregation of N and S Shields have obtained a site for a synagogue and school.

Jewish Chronicle, 18th September 1878
North and South Shields (link to an article as an image)

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1884, page 6

‘The Recent Festivals’.
‘At South Shields the hall which was hired for religious festivals during the holydays has been secured as a permanent place for Divine Service’.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 August 1888, page 3

'Jewish Provincial Ministers' Fund'  -  'By means of subventions from the Fund the services of the Rev. Mr. Friedeberg, of the Newcastle congregation, have been made available to the West Hartlepool and North and South Shields Congregation ….for the purpose of preaching occasionally and giving school instruction'.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 July 1891, page 3

Jewish Provincial Ministers Fund  - Rev S. Friedeberg who formerly visited N & S Shields and W Hartlepool has been appointed to Liverpool. His successor, Rev L. Mendelsohn, appointed to visit N & S Shields.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 July 1894, page 22

‘The Jewish community at South Shields at present hold their services in temporary premises and they intend to erect a synagogue for which they seek the support of coreligionists in the South and elsewhere’.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 November 1894, page 16

A number of members of the South Shields congregation have seceded from the N & S Shields Chovevie Zion and have formed themselves into a separate branch. Has a membership of 21. Elected: Sol Levy Commander, J. Gompertz, treasurer, Rev Mr Lipkin Secretary.

Jewish Chronicle, 24 May 1895, page 11

Pastoral visit of Chief Rabbi. Met at Ferry by President S. Weinberg and Treasurer J. Pearlman. Examined children. Mert Burial board and at cemetery inspected piece of ground which has been granted to the S Shields congregation..

Jewish Chronicle, 30 August 1895, page 14

After having been in temporary premises for five years members of congregation have purchased a building at 38 Charlotte St for purpose of a permanent synagogue which will be ready for High Festivals.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1896, page 2

Advert. Appeal for funds for S. Shields congregation. Seven years since congregation established. About 50 families, mostly working people. Want a more suitable place for services. Premises have been found for new synagogue and school . Cost £400. Levin Bequest = £100 therefore need £300.The burial authorities have set aside a place for Jewish burials but cost of railings to be borne by congregation..

Jewish Chronicle, 5 November 1897, page 1

On 30 October 1897 at 6 Wharf St, Stockton on Tees, Izak Meyer Cohen in his 91st year father of Mrs J.M. Fisher and Mrs B. Levy

Jewish Chronicle, 4 November 1898, page 27

Meeting of Jewish ladies of N & S Shields held last week at synagogue chambers [N Shields?] to inaugurate a Hebrew Ladies’ Benevolent Society. Over 30 ladies present gave in their names as members and others are expected to join. Elected: President Mrs H. Alprovich; Treasurer, Mrs Isaac Pearlman; Hon Sec, Mrs M. Kossick. Committee: Mrs J. Jacobs, Mrs Weinberg, Mrs Asher Cohen, Mrs Wolfe, Mrs D. Josephs, Mrs Fisher, Mrs J. Levy. Master Jacob Pearlman volunteered to act as hon collector.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 March 1899 page 30

On Sunday last a burial ground for the Jewish community was consecrated at Harton Cemetery. Up to now S Shields dead taken to N Shields cemetery.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1901, page 24

Presentation to Mr Sol Levy, retiring president of congregation. Has been president for two and a half years during which community has increased from 15 to 60. Levy has lent money. Financial position better - balance in hands of treasurer £40.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 May 1901, page 29

Enthusiastic meeting last Sunday for purpose of furthering a scheme for a new synagogue. President L. Josephs in chair. Some 9 months ago a ball held in aid of the scheme. ‘It was unanimously resolved that the project should be started forthwith’. Building committee elected.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 August 1901, page 22

70 children in Hebrew school

Jewish Chronicle, 22 November 1901, page 35

AGM of S Shields Hebrew Board of Guardians held at 38 Charlotte St. Ref to election of J. Gompertz as Hon Sec for 3rd year.

Jewish Chronicle, 21 February 1902, page 28

Ref to Rev Mr Rosenberg, minister of congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 28 February 1902, page 28

Sunday last meeting held to form a society to be affiliated to the English Zionist Federation.

Jewish Chronicle, 18 July 1902, page 2

Advert. South Shields Hebrew Congregation wants Reader, Shochet and Mohel. £2 a week. Apply M. Levy 4 Aberdare Terrace.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 August 1902, page 2

Advert repeated [of 18 July 1902]

Jewish Chronicle, 14 November 1902, page 2

Meeting held to consider appointment of an assistant teacher ‘as the community is largely increasing’. Resolved, to appoint ‘an English minister .. Who should also act as head teacher’.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 January 1903, page 23

Ref to general meeting of the New Synagogue Building Fund in connection with the Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 August 1903, page 24

First annual meeting of the New Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 May 1904, page 26

Chief Rabbi’s pastoral visit. Rev S. Adler, son of Chief Rabbi, examined the children. ‘After the examination a conference took place between the congregation and a number of dissentients in South Shields. After some discussion, a suggestion made by the Chief Rabbi was adopted, which will most likely prove a uniting link between the two bodies’ Later he ‘exhorted them all to unite in building a new synagogue’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 June 1904, page 32

At meeting of members of S Shields Hebrew Congregation and a dissentient Jewish body it was decided to settle differences between them and agreed to amalgamate.

Jewish Chronicle, 26 April 1907, page 2

Nearly 100 families in S Shields. Present place of worship utterly inadequate (‘merely an ordinary dwelling house’) so is schoolroom. Ground was bought 5 years ago and partly paid for but no funds to build. Need £2,000. Chief Rabbi has assigned £100 from the bequest of the late F.D. Mocatta.

Jewish Chronicle, 12 March 1909, page 4

‘South Shields Synagogue and School-Room Building Fund’ 2nd list of donations, many from Sunderland and Liverpool. Still need £750.

Jewish Chronicle, 19 August 1910, page 10

General meeting to bid farewell to Rev I. Litovich who has served for 8 years as Chazan, Shochet, Mohel and Teacher. Going to USA.

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