the former

North Shields Synagogue

North Shields, North Tyneside, Tyne & Wear





Press Reports relating to the North Shields Jewish Community
Compiled by Harold Pollins

Jewish Chronicle,
1 February 1856, page 466

Report of Board of Deputies.
Statistical Returns

The secretary announced that he had received the statistical returns of the year  from the respective congregations, which, with the exception of North Shields, called for no remark. He then read a correspondence which he had with the president of the congregation, Mr. Jackson, and Mr. Lotinga, the secretary of the congregation, from which it appeared that the president and secretary were at variance, and in which the former accused the latter of being kept in the dark concerning statistical details in the congregation, whilst the latter charged the former with refusing to sign the return.

… Mr. Cohen said, that since it appeared, from Mr. Lotinga’s letter, that he declined to be any longer, secretary, and, from that of Mr. Jackson, that Mr. Bernstein had been appointed secretary, he would move that notice thereof should be given to the Registrar General, and that the congregation should be informed thereof.

Mr. Levitt, as deputy of the congregation, knew nothing of these differences, and could, therefore, not interfere.’

Jewish Chronicle,
29 February 1856, page 501

Rev. Mr. Bernstein is referred to as Shochet at North Shields

Jewish Chronicle,
11 April 1856, page 547

Board of Deputies.  -  ‘A correspondence was then read having reference to the secretaryship of the North Shields synagogue, it appearing that the president did not consider that the information hitherto imparted to the board justified him in authenticating to the Registrar General the appointment of a secretary to such a synagogue.’

Jewish Chronicle,
18 July 1856, page 658

Board of Deputies.  -  Letter from North Shields in which writer regrets inability of the congregation to pay its share (not quite £3.10s) towards the expenses of the board.

Jewish Chronicle,
4 December 1857, page 1237

Elected.  President: Henry Jackson 8 Mill Dam, South Shields.  Treasurer: Henry Isaacs.

Jewish Chronicle,
10 July 1857



This Congregation being compelled to purchase a space of ground for a Beth Chaim [in Hebrew] [sc cemetery], and being unable to accomplish this without aid, appeal to their brethren for assistance.’

Donations received - from Chief Rabbi, the Duke of Northumberland,- Lindsay MP, Hugh Taiken, Capt. Linskil, - Liddell MP, W.B. Beaumont.

Jewish Chronicle,
11 December 1857, page 1241

Death. On 7th Isaac Jacob of South Shields aged 63, the oldest member of the South Shields congregation. He also founded the North Shields synagogue. He lodged, fed, clothed and educated orphans in his own house and established them in life

Jewish Chronicle,
4 November 1859, page 5

North Shields Volunteer Rifle Corps. Includes Moses Lotinga, shipbroker, and Myer Cohen, clerk.

Jewish Chronicle,
20 March 1861, page 1


Wanted by Jewish Congregation of North Shields a Shochet and Chazan. Apply to S.M. Lotinga, president, 5 Toll Square.

Jewish Chronicle,
12 July 1861, page 1


‘WANTED, a person competent to officiate as CHAZAN and SHOUCHET, and to teach children. A single person preferred, and none need apply who are not perfectly acquainted with the English language. Salary £65 per annum, with usual perquisites.

Apply to Mr. Abraham Jackson, North Shields.’

Jewish Chronicle,
12 July 1861, page 4

Retirement from office of Rev Isaac Bernstein who has for 7 years been ‘reader, &c’ of North Shields.

Jewish Chronicle,
14 August 1861, page 1

Advertisement (repeated) Includes Salary £52 p.a. Apply president, H. Jackson. 77 West Holborn, South Shields.

Jewish Chronicle,
23 May 1862, page 5

Visit of Chief Rabbi and his son to North Shields.

‘Among the many good things he has done for the congregation is the establishment of a school, and the promise given of an annual donation of £30 from Baron L. de Rothschild.’

Jewish Chronicle,
4 April 1862, page 8

‘An Appeal to the Benevolent’

Destitute and distressed condition of a poor family, members of the congregation. On 27 February MARKS MOSES, while on his way to Percy Main, crossing over a wagon way, 42 coal wagons passed ove his body instantly killing him. Had left wife and family of small children, destitute and widow confined to bed with sickness.

Signed by Selig Hyman, president

                   Izak M. Cohen treasurer

Jewish Chronicle,
29 May 1863, page 6

North Shields school established last year. Impulse from Chief Rabbi who procured £30 from Baron Rothschild. School committee formed from Mr M. Wolfe, S. Asher, S. Aaronson & D. Michael from Sunderland and local inspectors J. Bernstein and M. Moses.

 Examination of school on 17th, conducted by the teacher Mr Rosenberg. Generally satisfactory.

Jewish Chronicle,
14 August 1863, page 1

Advert. North Shields congregation. Wanted - Shochet and Chazan for the N Shields Congregation. Apply to H. Jackson, President, 77 West Holborn, S Shields

Jewish Chronicle,
1 November 1864, page 1

Notice (unsigned)  from North Shields saying that they praise and recommend Rev Mr Lewis - ‘recommendable to a larger Congregation with a better salary than we can afford’.

Jewish Chronicle,
1 November 1864, page 1

Appeal for funds to build synagogue in North Shields for the use of both North and South Shields.

‘The Brethren, although not at present numerous in these two towns, are daily increasing, but are, for the most part, in poor circumstances …’

Estimated cost of building £700-£800. They have a site promised by the Duke of Northumberland. Have received from N.M. Rothschild & Sons £20 and Sir Moses Montefiore £5. Also list of names of other contributors

Donations to the president Henry Jackson, West Holborn, South Shields. Treasurer M. Barczynski  13 Clive St, North Shields and to the Jewish Chronicle office.

Jewish Chronicle,
2 November 1866, page 8

Notice. Two poor coreligionists (Selig Hyman and Joseph Joel) married to two sisters, living in same house in North Shields. Both wives died of cholera within  a few days. Wife of Hyman left 8 children, wife of Joel left 3. Subscription to be raised.

Jewish Chronicle,
11 April 1873, page 28

Congregation of North and South Shields have obtained a site for a synagogue and school

Jewish Chronicle,
22 May 1874, page 124

Article states that two important towns. N and S Shields are without religious instruction though there are many Jewish residents. Some boys of 13 are unable to read Hebrew. Thinks that Newcastle-upon-Tyne should give immediate attention to this. A short while ago an effort was made to establish a synagogue and found a congregation for the two boroughs. What happened?

Jewish Chronicle, 18th September 1874
North and South Shields (link to an article as an image)

Jewish Chronicle,
16 July 1875, page 253

The united congregation of N and S Shields have at last succeeded in purchasing site at 29 Linskill St, North Shields

Jewish Chronicle,
13 August 1875, page 314

The united congregations of N and S Shields appeal for funds to complete their new place of worship and school.  - List of names of contributors

Jewish Chronicle,
24 March 1876, page 835

‘Consecration of a synagogue at North Shields’ [on Wednesday 22 March]

It is small, holds 70 people, two small rooms knocked into one. There is no gallery but a small portion at the rear is for ladies.  On the ground floor is a school, for 12 children at present. There are 12 or 14 families.

Jewish Chronicle,
19 May 1876, page 102

On Sunday last a meeting of members of the N and S Shields United Congregation. A testimonial (silver salver) was presented to Rev S. Harris of  Newcastle for his efforts in assistance in erecting synagogue and school

Jewish Chronicle,
26 May 1876, page 122

Remarkable transformation in N and S Shields. They now have a synagogue, a schoolroom, a teacher, a united congregation, and an efficient executive.

Jewish Chronicle,
3 November 1876, page 490

‘Association for the Diffusion of Religious Knowledge’. Letters from (inter alia) North Shields acknowledging grants made by the committee.

Jewish Chronicle,
25 January 1878, page 10

Rev H. Lowy visited N. Shields where Mr Barczynsky(sic) undertook to obtain members for the Anglo-Jewish Association from amongst the Jewish residents. In S. Shields Mr M.S. Harris of Westoe will hold office of Hon Treasurer. ‘Nearly all the residents of the two towns have expressed their willingness to become members of the Association’.

Jewish Chronicle,
4 November 1881, page 11

Report by the Chief Rabbi on the North Shields Hebrew Congregation.

The school of which Mr Barczynski is president has been under tuition of Mr Misrachi since 15.11.1880. 126 attendants [attendances?], meeting 4 times a week. Exam results encouraging.

Jewish Chronicle,
17 August 1888, page 3

'Jewish Provincial Ministers’ Fund'  -  'By means of subventions from the Fund the services of the Rev. Mr. Friedeberg, of the Newcastle congregation, have been made available to the West Hartlepool and North and South Shields Congregation ….for the purpose of preaching occasionally and giving school instruction'.

Jewish Chronicle,
19 June 1891, page 18

On Sunday 14th a branch of Chovevei Zion was established at Shields ‘under circumstances of communal activity unusual in this town’. Rev Mr Mendelsohn, visiting minister to Shields, presided. Many prominent members of N & S Shields congregation attended, with members of the Sunderland branch [of Chovevei Zion] and Rev A.A. Green. Resolution to form a branch proposed by H. Alperovich seconded by Barczynski, supported by Pearlman. Rev Green referred to ’so much bitterness [in] congregational squabbles in the provinces’.

Elected: President Mr Finer, vice-president J.M. Fisher, treasurer J. Pearlman, hon sec H. Alperovich.

Jewish Chronicle,
6 July 1891, page 3

Jewish Provincial Ministers Fund.  - Rev S. Friedeberg who formerly visited N & S Shields and W Hartlepool has been appointed to Liverpool. His successor, Rev L. Mendelsohn, appointed to visit N & S Shields.

Jewish Chronicle,
18 December 1891, page 15

Early death of Gabriel Levi Abrahams of Hartlepool. Born in Shields but boyhood in Sunderland, business in Hartlepool.

‘He was a man who went to synagogue and spoke neither Hebrew nor Jargon [sc Yiddish] but the pure Tees dialect. However, he would win the Tyneside with his own speech, and the Weardale man in his language. “Abrahams the Jew” proved himself adamantine in the honesty and the honour of his transactions’.

Jewish Chronicle,
1 July 1892, page 8

Levin Bequest - £100 to N Shields.

[Note: Miss Maria Levin had been left £20,000 by her brother for her use during her lifetime. She died in December 1891 aged 105 and that sum was now available for distribution. It was distributed among synagogues and philanthropic institutions.]

Jewish Chronicle,
31 March 1893, page 20

Rev N. Blaser of N Shields elected as chazan, shochet and teacher at Southport.

Jewish Chronicle,
31 July 1896, page 17

Meeting of members of the ’Shields Congregation’.  Mr Barczynski who has held office of president for more that 20 years tendered his resignation because of ill-health. Mr H. Alperovich of S Shields elected president.

[Barczynski died in 1899: Notice of death in Jewish Chronicle 3.3.1899 p. 30]

Jewish Chronicle,
26 August 1898, page 9

Death of Joseph Moses Fisher. Had been for many years treasurer of the congregation and lately also secretary for marriages.

Jewish Chronicle,
28 July 1899, page 17

Meeting of Board of Deputies. M.J. Fisher appointed secretary for marriage registration purposes at N Shields in place of his late father J.M. Fisher.

Jewish Chronicle, January 1900, page 1

Bar mitzvah. Reuben, 4th son of Mr & Mrs D. Josephs, 49 Charlotte St., S Shields, will read portion of the law at the synagogue, Linskill St, N Shields.

Jewish Chronicle,
3 August 1900, page 1

Wanted for N. Shields congregation. A Reader, Shochet and Teacher. Salary £65 p.a. Single man preferred. Travelling expenses of successful candidate will be paid.

Apply C.D. Merkel, Clive St., N Shields.

Jewish Chronicle,
31 August 1900, page 20

Rev H. Rev H Ehrenberg of London has been appointed Reader, Shochet and Teacher of the North Shields Hebrew Congregation.

Jewish Chronicle,
2 November 1900, page 25

Annual meeting of N Shields Hebrew Congregation. Re-elected: C.D. Merkel president; Myer Cohen treasurer; Committee - T. Weinberg, J. Forster, M. Kossick, D. Joseph, N. Dresner. Secretary Asher Cohen.

Jewish Chronicle,
8 February 1901, page 1

Death of Rev Abraham Isaac Scheff, late of Nottingham and N Shields congregations.

Jewish Chronicle,
5 June 1903, page 25

By kind permission of the executive of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne congregation the Rev H. Ehrenberg conducted services at N Shields synagogue. [Presumably he had left the N Shields post.]

Jewish Chronicle,
29 March 1907, page 16

Board of Deputies.

Letter read from Rev B.N. Michelson of Newcastle. His attention has been drawn to a disused Jewish cemetery near N Shields which had a most forlorn look - the wall broken in many places. He asked if the Board could make arrangements for repairs. Mr Joseph Davis said that the congregation that he represented had no funds. Matter left to chairman and another to get details and estimate.

Press Reports for this Community 1907 to 1988

North Shields Synagogue

North Tyneside Community

List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 19 June 2006
Pagw most recently amended: 4 August 2016

Formatting by David Shulman



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