the former

Dudley Jewish Community

Dudley, West Midlands




Some References to the Jews of Dudley
Appearing in Press Reports
Compiled by Harold Pollins

Birmingham Evening Post, 1 March 1861 page 5

Big gale on Wednesday and Thursday
‘…the most serious accident occurred at the home of Mr. Dudley, hosier, of High Street. At about nine o’clock, while the storm was at its height, a lofty brick chimney stack fell down and spread desolation around. The servant girl was sitting in the kitchen, but hearing a crash she got up ran into the brew house, and thereby saved her life, for a portion of the stack came through the roof, smashed chairs and tables, bent fenders, and tore down the gas pipes. The upper portion of the stack fell over on to the adjoining house (Mr Benjamin's), took the roof of the back portion completely off, went through the floor of the attic, and buried three persons who were sitting in a room upon the ground floor. Joists and rafters were broken into matchboard, the furniture of one room fell into the room below, everything was smashed and yet, strange to say, no lives were lost. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon and a Mr. Lewis were sitting by a round table, and although it was broken to pieces, they miraculously escaped with a few cuts and contusions of a not very serious nature..’

Birmingham Post, 8 March 1861 page 1

Accident to Mr Benjamin of Dudley. In a gale a chimney fell on his house. He is a native of London, resident in Dudley about 6 years. Family of five. [Note: In the 1861 Census, Mr Dudley was a neighbour of Mr Benjamin who was a neighbour of Mr Solomon]

Jewish Chronicle, 29 March 1861 page 8

Donations for Mr Solomon and family. 4 of 10s each

Jewish Chronicle,
5 April 1861 page 8
Further donations. Birmingham congregation £2.2.0; 10 other contributions from Birmingham £2.1.0; From Dudley, non-Jews, £1.10.0.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 December 1871 page5

‘In this small but flourishing town, on Sunday last the 26th of November, a movement was carried into effect, which, seemingly unimportant though it be now, will lead in the future, perhaps to very great results. Formerly the Jewish inhabitants of Dudley were comparatively numerous, and for some considerable they formed a community, possessing a synagogue, Scrolls of the Law, &c. For many years, however, the congregation has ceased to exist; and now there are in Dudley but two resident Jewish families and fifteen young men, who, making Dudley their headquarters, travel to work in the vicinity’.
Agreed to form a congregation.
Mr B. Benjamin elected President
Cohen Dight elected Treasurer
Mr Benjamin Jnr appointed Hon Sec.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 1871 page 6

Correction to report of 1 December. Should be Cohen Gight (sic)

Jewish Chronicle, 29 December 1871 page 1

Appeal for funds for a place of worship.
B. Benjamin, President High Street; C. Gicht(sic), Treasurer, Flood Street

Jewish Chronicle, 11 October 1895 page 18

Services were held in Dudley at Mr Louis Bugeisky’s house, 12 Himley Road. Mr S. Joseph of the Beth Hamedrash, Birmingham, was Hazan. This is the first time services were held in Dudley for 25 years.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 October 1897 page 28

Services were held at the residence of Mr Louis Bugeisky. Mr Wittenburg of Birmingham acted as Hazan.

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1900 page 26

Where Jews are scarce.- Mr. Henry N. Phillips writes:
Sir, - The following incident may prove of interest to your readers. Last week, while in Dudley (Staffs), I was stopped in the street and asked if I was a Jew? Replying that I was pleased to belong to that persuasion, the stranger then asked whether I would make one for Minyan. No one would credit that such a thing is possible in a town with a population standing at nearly 60,000, while the district Brierley Hill of 13,000 possesses only one Jewish family, and Stourbridge, with a like number of inhabitants, has no Jewish families’.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 January 1902

Dudley. Divine service will be held at the house of Mr I. Goldston, Market Place, President. Mr M. Fenton has been appointed shochet, teacher and mohel.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 May 1902 page 20

Sermon by Rev G.J. Emanuel, at Birmingham synagogue.
‘…where the Jewish inhabitants are too few to form an effective congregation, Wolverhampton, Coventry, and Dudley, e.g., in our own neighbourhood…’

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902 page 2

Mr and Mrs J. Marcuson of Dudley will be pleased to see relatives and friends for the bar mitzvah of their eldest son Leonard. A portion of the Law will be read at the Temperance Hall, Dudley. 62 Shaw Road, Dudley.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1902 page 31

Services were conducted by Mr Fenton of Dudley and Mr Miller of Birmingham, at the Temperance Hall.

Jewish Chronicle, 3 July 1903 page 24

Rev M. Fenton of Dudley has been elected minister of Chatham Memorial Synagogue.

Jewish Chronicle, 16 October 1903 page 25

Services were held during the festivals at the Temperance Hall, ‘which was fitted up as a temporary synagogue by the members’. Services were conducted by Rev. S. Kahn, assisted by Mr Miller of Birmingham.

Jewish Chronicle, 27 May 1904 page 27

Pentecost services.
Services were held at the house of the President, Mr H. Cohen. Rev S. Kahn officiated.

Jewish Chronicle, 29 July 1904 page 28

Mr E. Bloom, late of Tredegar, has been appointed Shohet and Teacher of the Dudley community.

Jewish Chronicle, 23 September 1904 page 23

Huddersfield. Services were conducted  by Rev Mr Goldblatt of Leeds and Rev S. Kahn, late of Dudley.


Jewish Chronicle, 6 October 1905 New Year Greetings page 2

Mr & Mrs L. Bugeisky and family, 2 Nelson Road, Dudley.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1906 page 35

At an examination held at Worcester, in connection with the College of Violinists, on January 13, Master Bernard Ash aged 14, son of Mr & Mrs M. Ash, Dudley, late of Abertillery, passed with honours gaining 91 marks.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 February 1906 page 3

WANTED, SCHOCHET and Teacher; wages 5s weekly. Apply to I. Goldstone, President, 61, Snow-hill, Dudley’.

Jewish Chronicle, 2 March 1906 page 3

Fund re ‘Outrages on the Russian Jews’
Contribution from S. Bacharach (Dudley) £1.1.0

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1906 pages 20-1

Letter from W. Hirshowitz, Wellington Road, Dudley, on Zionism.

Jewish Chronicle, 5 October 1906 page 31

Services were held in the Public Hall and were again conducted by Mr Harris of Abertillery and Rev W. Hirshowitz (sic)

Jewish Chronicle, 21 December 1906 page 37

Mr H. Cohen gave an entertainment to the children attending the Hebrew and Religion Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 8 March 1907 page 32

Mrs J. Pappe gave an entertainment to the pupils of the Religion Classes in celebration of Purim.

Jewish Chronicle, 17 December 1909 page 17

At the instance of Rev A. Brody the local Education Committee has exempted Jewish children from school attendance on Friday after ‘the entry’ of the Sabbath.

Jewish Chronicle, 1 January 1915 page 9

Fund for Belgian Jewish Refugees. Collected by Masters Harry Cohen and Alex Coleman of Dudley 21s [from named children]

Jewish Chronicle, 23 July 1920 page 34

Last Sunday an illuminated address and silver cup to H.J. Dainow of Birmingham. For valuable services rendered ‘to this congregation’ during 1915-1920 in the absence of a minister at Dudley.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 January 1921 page 10

At a meeting at the residence of Mr D. Comar at Dudley £21 was raised for Ukrainian refugees

Jewish Chronicle, 11 May 1923 page 4

Formation of a Class for Hebrew and religious instruction under the auspices of the Jewish War Memorial, by Mr Alexander, Brierley Hill and Mr L.J. Libgott of Birmingham. Mr D. Moss appointed Headmaster.

Jewish Chronicle, 6 June 1924 page 1

Central Committee for Jewish Education. Grant of £15 to the Dudley Classes.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 February 1925 page 30

At Dudley Police Court, Philip Cohen of 55 Wellington Road, Dudley, was summoned by wife Elsie for a maintenance order on grounds of desertion. Married 7 years ago. She Christian and they married in a church according to Church of England ritual. But they were also married in a synagogue.
He left her on 2 January.
Application refused.

Jewish Chronicle, 7 November 1941 page 22

Northern Universities Higher Schools Certificate exams. G. Kreisel, Dudley 

Jewish Chronicle, 10 October 1947 page 13

Mark Cohen, Mathematics and Science Master at Dudley has been appointed Science Lecturer at Bournemouth Municipal Technical College

Jewish Chronicle, 22 April 1948 page 12

‘Rally of Midland Habonim’
At Birmingham, members attended from Leeds, Wolverhampton, Liverpool, Oxford, Birmingham, Derby, Northampton, Coventry, and Dudley.

Jewish Chronicle, 9 October 1953 page 21

Reference to a ’Jewish’ firm, Dudley Furnishing Co., at Birmingham Mail Ideal Home Exhibition

Jewish Chronicle, 1 July 1955 page 18

Obituary of Rev Abraham Brody
Born Poland 78 years ago. Came to England 1907 and the then Chief Rabbi appointed him shochet and religious leader of the Jewish community of Dudley. 3 years later went to Buenos Aires, then back to UK.

Jewish Chronicle, 20 November 1959 page 35

Man remanded on charge of murder of Louis Cassell, 87-year old money lender, on October 2. He was the ‘grand old man of Birmingham Jewry but murdered in his Dudley office.
Man found not guilty. (Jewish Chronicle, 5 February 1960 page 21)

Jewish Chronicle, 25 January 1963 page vi

Profile of E. Alec Colman. Born in Tipton, the only Jewish family. His father used to conduct services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur at Dudley, and Alec did the layening.

Jewish Chronicle, 10 May 1968 page 9

Plaque unveiled to ex-president Cyril Joseph at the Dudley Golf Club.

Jewish Chronicle, 30 June 2000 page 20

Alzabeta Zelena, from Czechoslovakia, arrived in UK 1939. Became art mistress of Dudley High School. Married Czech man in RAF and returned to Czechoslovakia. (First British art exhibition).

Jewish Chronicle, 8 July 2005 page 31

Profile of Jack Cohen, inter alia, Professor of Mathematics at Warwick University.
‘His grandfather had been a rabbi in Dudley’.

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List of JCR-UK Articles and Press Extracts by Harold Pollins

Page created: 18 November 2008
Page most recently amended: 5 April 2012



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