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The Genealogical Research Division of

Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor & Vicinity Research Group

(BDSandV, Ukraine)

General Information

Borislav, 49°17'/23°25'; Drogobych, 49°21'/23°30'; and Sambor, 49°31'/23°12' were variously part of Austria (the eastern section of the province of Galicia) before WWI, then Poland (between the two world wars), and now in western Ukraine.

The goals of the Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor & Vicinity (BDSandV) Research Group are to:

  • Acquire, and when necessary translate, material relating to the Jewish residents of Borislav, Drogobych, Sambor & Vicinity (referred to as "BDS&V") such as histories, yizkor books, memoirs, cemetery listings, business directories, telephone directories, etc., for posting on a future web site.
  • Create scanned images of acquired material in order to post them on a future web site.
  • Create databases of acquired material in order to post them on appropriate JewishGen databases.
  • Create a list of towns within our scope of interest.

Initially, we have set up a mailing list so that researchers can easily exchange ideas.

Fundraising will be addressed at a later date, as we determine what projects we need to sponsor.

We hope that many persons with ties to this area will join our group and help provide information such as memorabilia, records, photos, for these larger towns and smaller villages as well.


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Please abide by these key rules:

  • Provide a meaningful "Subject:" line
  • Don't ramble off the topic.
  • Sign your article (full name; please include city, state/province, country)

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