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Name index of the book Album of the Yiddish Theatre

Name index of the book Album of the Yiddish Theatre, by Zalme Zylberzweig.  Published by Zalme Zylberzweig, New York, 1937.

The Album of the Yiddish Theatre contains 114 pages of photographs of notables associated with the Yiddish Theater, covering the period from the late 19th century to the mid-1930's. International in scope, the pictures show actors (many in costume), playwrights, composers, and producers, as well as officers of some of the organizations associated with the Yiddish stage. These include the Hebrew Actors Union, Jewish Chorus Union of America, Yiddish Theatrical Alliance, Yiddish Art Theater Company, Genfer Company (Minsk), Azazel Company, Folksbihne Ensemble (1936) and the Vilna Troupe. Each photograph is captioned in both English and Yiddish. In many cases it contains additional references to the plays and their authors.

The Album of the Yiddish Theatre is available at the Library of Congress, New York Public Library, Yale University Library, and the Asher Library in Chicago's Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies, to name a few. The call numbers vary with the library.

This index was prepared by David W. Harris in support of the JewishGen Yiddish Theater and Vaudeville (VT&V) Research Group.  For more information about the group, see

Surname Given Names Pages
Abarbanel Judith 101, 103
Aberman Isaac 11
Abramowitz Bina 17, 20, 29, 38, 77, 78
Adler Abe 100, 113
Adler Amelia 60, 73, 95, 101
Adler Celia 27, 38, 50, 58, 73, 78, 113
Adler Charles 113
Adler Frances 113
Adler Irving 113
Adler Jacob 4, 9, 30, 55, 94, 100, 113
Adler Julia 102, 113
Adler Julius 23, 60, 63, 86, 95
Adler Luther 49, 102, 113
Adler M. 84
Adler Sam 29, 53
Adler Sarah 16, 35, 41, 55, 94, 113
Adler Stella 51, 113
Alma Lottie 19
Alomith Sonia 14, 49, 94
Appel Anna 17, 23, 76, 77, 78
Arko Isaac 99
Arko Mania 6, 109
Arnow Eli 84
Arnow Rubin 84
Auerbach Sam 48
Axelrod Abraham 18
Azro Alexander 94
Badin Max 24
Balsky Max 84
Bankoff 36
Baratov Paul 33, 94
Baratz David 91
Baratz Marty 91
Barzel Wolf 43
Barzily Israel 94
Basha Joe 59
Beck Louis 84
Becker A. 84
Belavsky Morris 51, 109
Ben-Ami Jacob 14, 38, 50, 51, 54, 57, 78, 90
Ben-Ari 72
Berdichewsky Ben-Zion 91, 111
Berdichewsky Suzane 111
Bergreen Jacob 101
Berman Herman 96, 100
Bernardi Berl 85, 96
Bernardi Boris 91
Bernstein Berl 52, 101
Bialis Rosetta 39, 42
Bialkowich Ch. 71
Bialkowich I. 71
Birman Sonia 84
Birnbaum Louis 27
Birnbaum Minnie 27
Biro Fela 59
Blank Benny 65
Blank Leon 16, 20, 27, 62, 74, 90, 100
Bleich Judah 43, 46
Bley Helen 102
Blum Lillian 84
Blumenthal Jacob 93
Bodin Max 79
Braginska-Fishzohn Hiene & children Misha and Isak 6, 16, 47, 109
Breen Max 86
Brest Leon 91
Brody Joseph 15, 61
Brown Sonia 53
Budanov Bettu 51
Budkin Celia 10, 102, 104
Budkin Misha 10, 104
Bulman Gertrude 46, 70
Bulman Gertie 6, 70
Bulman Max 6, 86
Bulov Joseph 33, 54, 57, 74, 93
Burstein J 61
Burstein Paul 24
Burstein Peisache 79, 89, 96
Cahan Charles 79
Cantor Eddie 114
Casher Isidore 26, 40, 74, 77, 101, 102, 103, 112
Casher Jennie 77
Casman Nellie 21
Chalif A. 36
Chaplin Charlie 37
Cherniak Annie 107
Cogut Abe and Family 106
Cohan Charles 11
Coner Leopold 92
Coner Sarah 92
Dank David 39
Derwin Morris 84
Doller Rose 19
Dorfsohn S. I. 55
Dornblatt 53
Dranov Nathan 28, 63, 95, 101
Dranova Nadia 10, 47
Dubinsky Yudel 33, 54, 102
Dymow Ossip 7, 91
Edelstein Joseph 83, 100
Edelstein Paulina 41
Ehrenreich Chaim 40, 61
Eines A. 71
Einhorn Liza 80
Einstein Albert 114
Eliscu Fernanda 62
Elkin Mendel 78
Ellstein Abe 15, 56, 65
Epstein Mr. 100
Epstein Mary 90
Ettenson Jack 11
Fachler David 93
Feder Morris 54, 57, 94
Feinman Dinah 42, 73
Feinman Lillie 42, 73, 93
Feinman Zigmund 4, 41
Feinstein H. 88
Feivushov Bertha 53
Fievushov Mr. 53
Feld Harry 73
Feld Itsik 39, 85, 110
Feldbaum Mme. 55
Feldman Mme. 71
Finkel Anita 1
Finkel Bella 70
Finkel Emma 106
Fishbein Benjamin 110
Fishkind Abraham 6, 11, 16, 80
Fishman Jacob 53, 84
Fishman Sylvia 107
Fishzohn Abraham 47
Fishzohn Mischa 6, 28, 33, 55, 63, 83
Flagg Edmund 101
Flash Mania 53
Fogelnest Sam 47
Fox Rose 11
Frank Betty 76
Frankel Yisca 51
Freilich L. 59
Freiman Louis 109
Fried Lazar 34, 38, 53, 77, 78, 101, 103
Friedlander Max 3, 11, 66
Friedman Mr. 18, 59
Friedman M. 71
Friedsel Mr. 18
Fuchs Leo 107
Gabel Max 26, 35, 89
Galing Ben 48, 103
Gehrman Lucy 76, 102
Gehrman Mischa 78, 102
Genfer M. 77
George M. 95
Gerstin Bertha 17, 43, 58, 62, 66, 76, 77, 90, 97
Gertler Sam 39
Gertner Jacob 88
Gibson Michael 74, 101, 103
Giltman Isidor 8
Ginsberg Jonah 87
Godik Willie 83, 95
Gold Celia 67
Gold Clara 24
Gold Leon 39
Goldberg Dina 43, 53, 69
Goldberg Nathan 70, 105, 108
Goldberg Louis 87
Goldberg Rose 68, 108
Goldenburg Itsik 32, 93
Goldenburg Samuel 28, 35, 40, 57, 62, 63, 69, 72, 87, 91, 99, 104
Goldfaden Abraham 1
Goldfaden Paulina Werbel 1
Goldfaden Wolf 33, 77
Goldring Motel 18
Goldsmith Yechiel 51, 78, 88
Goldstein Charlotte 101, 103
Goldstein Gustav 79
Goldstein Jennie 27, 34, 46, 50, 68
Goldstein Zina 42, 74
Gordin Jacob 2
Gorin B. 77
Gottfried Abraham-Isaac 53
Gottfried Eidel 53
Gottlieb Helena 88, 93
Graff Peter 10, 28, 67, 68, 94
Green Oscar 61, 94
Greenberg Joseph 7, 81
Greenfield Jean 3, 11, 61, 92, 112
Grodner Israel 18
Groper Joseph 32
Groper Ida 13, 32, 52
Grossbard Hertz 88
Grossman I. 3, 37, 69, 97
Grossman Miriam 103
Grossman Samuel 105
Gudinska Bella 20
Gulkis Martin 84
Gurskaya Sonia 14, 78
Guskin Reuben 3, 61, 92, 112
Gutentag Bertha 24, 68, 97
Harris Al 26
Herman David 83
Herman Sara 83
Hershfeld Z. 111
Himelstein Freda 84
Himelstein Jacob 19
Hirshbein Peretz 78
Hochstein Harry 24
Hochstein Jacob 20
Hoffman Annie 104
Hoffman Pauline 107
Hollander Hannah 48, 76
Hollander Isidor 57,68
Holtz Tenen 49
Holz Aaron 84
Honigman Meyer 46
Hyman Louis 8, 52
Iris S. 91, 111
Iris Sonia 111
Isikow S. 59
Jacobs Betty 43, 92
Jacobs Jacob 43
Jacobs Moe 11
Jacobson Hymie 85, 90, 91, 112
Jacobson Irving 82
Jessel George 114
Juvelier Kalman 11, 22, 89
Kadison Anna 93, 94
Kadison Leib 32, 54, 81, 88, 93, 94, 98
Kadison Liuba 33, 34, 39, 81, 93
Kalich Bertha 4
Kalich Jacob 35, 56, 61, 72, 83, 112
Kamien Joseph 93
Kaminska Eda 5
Kaminska Esther 5, 31, 71
Kaminsky A. 101
Kammen I. 15
Kanapov Fishel 85
Karlos M. 36
Karp Sophie 16
Kasten Sam 67, 70, 98
Katz Ben-Zion 103
Katzman Jacob 28, 39
Kaufman Harry 11
Kenig Betty 48
Kenig Dina 95
Kessler David 4, 8, 13, 25, 27, 30, 52, 62, 81
Kessler Joseph 26
Kitsis 53
Kletter Max 97, 104
Klinger N. 111
Kobrin Leon 20
Kompaneyets Aba 45, 93
Kornfeld Leon 86
Kovalsky Mathiah 94
Kozel Mr. 29
Kozel Mrs. 29
Krastoshinsky Mr. 4
Krause-Miller 53
Kreitzberg Yasha 15
Kressin Miriam 91, 110
Kurts Abraham 71
Kustchinsky Hershl 47
Kustin Solomon 79
Lachman I 36
Lachman Sonia 36
Laks Abraham 108
Lakser Sabina 67, 83, 92
Lantsman F. 77
Lares Judith 81
Lash Rebecca 32
Lasky Max 99
Lavenda Pinchos 42
Lebedeff Aron 26, 27, 87, 89
Lebedev Vera 7
Lefkowitz Henry 15
Lerman Mr. 71
Lerman Bathe 71
Levin Sam 19
Libin Z. 61, 62
Lillith Ola 21, 62, 83, 85
Lipinsky Isaac 71, 99
Lipman Natalia 71
Lipowsky Esther and son Sascha and family 82, 101
Lipowsky Nahum 93, 101
Lipzin Kenny 4
Lobel Malvina 16, 25, 27, 85, 92
Loui David 71
Lubelchik I 71
Lubelska Pola 101, 107
Lubin Annie 24
Lubin Harry 15
Lubotsky Jacob 14
Lubritsky Dave 70
Lubritsky Fannie 13, 25, 46 52, 90
Lukatcher Ch. Sh. 18
Lumet Baruch 85
Malinovsky M. 84
Mann Louis 84
Margulis Edward 18
Mariasin 53
Marienovska Malvina 71
Maurer Joseph 91
Marx Rudolph 4
Meisel Bella 80
Meltzer Anna 54
Meltzer Isidor 97
Mench Aaron 46
Mestel Jacob 51, 54, 59, 67, 85, 112
Michalesko Michal 26, 74, 93, 100
Miller Isaac 11
Miller Joe 11
Milman 36
Mogulesko Julius 106
Mogulesko Zigmund 4, 16, 29, 30, 41, 72, 92, 106
Morevsky Abraham 60
Morrison Morris 87
Moskowitz Yosele 96
Moskowitz Maurice 30, 49, 87
Myerson Mark 32, 86, 95
Nachamkus Mr. 18
Nachbush Noah 42, 88, 94
Nadel Mrs. 46
Nadir Moishe 61
Nadolsky Mr. 18
Nadolsky Sonia 8, 52, 62, 102
Nagushiner S. 59
Naomi Lea 57, 62, 94
Nasatir Morris 3, 24
Nathan Simkeh 93
Nathanson Charles 38
Nathanson Julius 34
Neiditsh Morris 84
Neroslovska Nadia 28, 29, 44, 53, 80
Nieroslavska Liuba 53
Novikoff Morris 98
Oberberg A. 36
Oisher Moishe 65
Olivenbaum S. 11
Olshanetsky Alexander 12, 15
Osherowitch M. 40, 112
Ostroff Oscar 110
Parness Nathan 83
Pasternak Willie 83
Pecker Victor 51, 60, 72, 81
Perkoff Adolph 98
Perlmutter Sholom 15, 58, 61, 87, 91, 112
Picon Helen 50
Picon Mollie 21, 44, 50, 56, 70, 97, 114
Podlias Hyman 71
Polack Morris 84
Poliakewitch Moishe 71
Popper David 88
Potoska Lydia 51
Prager Regina 10
Predmest Michael 84
Prenowitz I.S. 112
Prizant Hyman 107
Rabinowitz Mr. 55
Rabinowitz Abraham 96
Rabinowitz Elsa 55
Rabinowitz Rose 96
Rabinowitz Tillie 46, 96, 107
Rappaport Jacob 67
Rapel Esther 95
Rappel Leizer 86
Rasumni Michael 84
Rechtzeit Seymour 65
Reichlin Aron 99
Reizin Abraham 61
Relkin Edwin 100, 103
Richter Moishe 58, 87
Robbins Leo 84
Roich Yetta 22
Rosen Sam 84
Rosen Simche 71
Rosenberg Joseph and Sarah 32
Rosenberg Michel 70
Rosenblatt Max 90, 105
Rosenbloom Jacob 84
Rosenblum Aron 18, 32
Rosenblum Betty 18
Rosenstein Leizer 103
Rosenstein Samuel 20, 87
Rosenthal Boris 48
Rosenthal Max 27, 46, 49, 51, 103, 105, 108, 109
Rosenthal Sabina 51, 103, 108
Rosenzweig Ida 71
Rothenstreich Frank 11
Rozanko Vera 48
Rubin Gershon 38, 51, 78
Rubin Harry 51
Rubin Menachem 89
Rubinstein Mr. & Mrs. 37
Rumshinsky Joseph 15, 35, 61, 65, 67, 83, 112, 114
Sager Max 83
Saks Michael 61, 87
Samberg A. 93
Samoilov M.B. 33, 46, 88
Sandberg Isaac 86
Sandler Perez 29, 53, 63, 87
Satz Ludwig 27, 29, 35, 42, 87, 93, 98, 114
Schacht Gustav 106
Schechter Leon 90, 98
Scheinberg S. 11
Scheingold Joseph 46, 91
Schildkraut Rudolph 7, 50, 87, 88
Schmuckler Peter and Mrs. 100
Schneider Beno 59 (no Photo)
Schneier Chaim 93
Schneier Ray 52
Schneier Sam 13, 52, 67
Schnitzer Henrietta 33, 81
Schorr Anshel 24, 67, 91, 112
Schorr M. 61
Schneyer Chaim 14
Schoenfeld Ben-Zion 22, 105
Schoenfeld May 82
Schultz Isaac 11
Schulweiss Moishe 71
Schwartz Martin 103
Schwartz Maurice 8, 10, 12, 16, 23, 27, 35, 37, 44, 49, 75, 77, 87, 101, 112, 114
Schwartz William 24, 46
Scooler Zwi 43, 102
Secunda Sholom 15, 24, 65
Secunda Willie 19
Seidenberg Leon 48, 54, 77
Seidman Bennie 105
Seratzky Herman 93
Serebroff Muni 70
Shapiro Moishe 93
Shayewich Dinah 71
Shayewich I. 77
Sheftel Mr. 93
Sheingold Joseph 113
Sheingold Sadie 76
Shenfeld Niusa 36
Sheratsky Herman 63
Shnitzer Henrietta 74
Shoengold Yetta 73
Shoshana R. 60
Shrage Adolph, Mathilda and Benjamin 106
Shtokfeder Moishe 71
Shuchat Isidor 19
Shumsky W. 77
Shwartz Meyer 51
Shwartz Mr. & Mrs. 1
Shweid Mark 102
Silberkasten M. 3
Silbert Liza 32, 51, 92
Sincoff Abe 11, 12, 35, 82, 89, 112
Sincoff Laurence 11, 82
Singer Fishel 104
Skulnick Menashe 12, 24, 34, 44, 57, 63, 99, 102
Skulnick Sara 24, 28, 108
Sniegoff Leonid 42, 51
Sokolow Leonid 60, 86
Solomonesko Oscar 92, 97
Somberg A. 88
Spivakovsky Jacob 53
Spivakovsky Mme. 53
Sprinberg Mr. & Mrs. Pedro 64
Stabin Sarah 84
Staz Ludwig 79
Stein A. and Mrs. 93
Strahl Max 84
Strassberg Moishe-Morris 77, 79, 101
Strassfogel Leib 31
Strammer Clara 55, 111
Strammer Solomon 55, 111
Strelskaya S. 77
Swartz Abraham 64, 91
Tanin Sholom 94
Tanzman Bertha 80
Tarlo 88
Tehman Moishe 71
Teitelbaum Abraham 3, 46, 53, 77, 88, 110
Teitelbaum Anna 49
Tenenholz Alexander 77
Thomashefsky Bessie 6, 20, 21, 35, 37, 41, 44, 77, 83
Thomashefsky Boris 6, 20, 37, 38, 41, 43, 83, 100
Toback Annie 24
Tobias Nettie 25
Traub Anna 84
Trilling Dora 36
Trilling Ilia 36, 61, 100
Trilling Miriam 10, 28, 80, 95, 96
Valier Jennie 21
Varadi Julia 105
Vardi David 81
Wachtel Mr. 18
Wallerstein Rose 62, 72, 104
Walter Pola 94
Weider Miriam 88, 94
Weinblatt Charles 58
Weiner Lazar 61
Weintraub Milton 11
Weintraub Rebecca 20, 38, 46
Weintraub Zigmund 20, 38
Weisberg Louis 72, 74
Weiss J. 3
Weisenfreund Muni 66
Weisser S. 15
Weissman Bessie 8
Weissman Dora 17, 24, 34, 50, 67, 73
Weissman Reuben 35, 58
Weissman Rose 50
Wendorf R. 3, 34, 51, 94
Werbel Elijah 1
Wexler J 3, 46, 67
Wilensky Mary 8, 25
Wilner Max 46, 51
Winkler 36
Winogradoff Anatol 10, 51
Wohl Helena 71
Wolf Simon 99
Wolkenstein 36
Wolkenstein M. 36
Yablokoff Chaim 68, 90, 110
Yassinoffsky Pinchos 15
Yanover David 46
Yedvab Hershel 60, 86
Yevreinov N. 51
Yoalit Eva 81
Young Clara 25, 36, 58
Yuvelier Kalmen 112
Zanger Jacob 43
Zaslavska Vera 33, 80, 83
Zaslavsky Rudolph 86, 94, 95
Zeidner Sidney 84
Zeiner Hyman 84
Zeldes Joshua 84
Zelinska Helen 51, 76
Zhelezniak 53
Zheliaza Rose 48
Zilberkasten Moishe 101
Zilberman Moishe 65
Zilbert Jacob 22, 63, 68, 79
Zilbert Lisa 22
Zilbert Rose 39
Zucker Malvina 77
Zucker N. 64
Zucker Sholom 55, 77, 80
Zucker Sonia 36
Zuckerberg Regina 106
Zuckerman Leizer 41
Zwerling Yetta 72
Zwiback Misha 19
Zylberzweig Miriam 98
Zylberzweig Zalman 35, 64, 112


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