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Occupation Translation Guide from Polish and French into English

This translation guide is based on occupations listed in Polish and French in the Nowogrodskie woj. (Nowogrodek province) portion of the 1929 Polish business directory Ksiega Adresowa Polski (Wraz z w.m. Gdanskiem) dla Handlu, Przemyslu, Rzemiosl i Rolnictwa [Directory of Poland (including Gdansk) for Trade, Industry, Handicraft and Agriculture].

Ellen Sadove Renck created this infofile data. Several individuals in Belarus, Poland, and France kindly supplied assistance for translation of obscure terms. December 1999.

Adwokaci avocatsLawyers
Agentury commissionnaires en marchandisesmerchandise agent
Akuszerki sages-femmesMidwives
Apreczne sklady droguerieshardware shop
Apteki pharmaciesPharmacies
artykuly spotywczealimentaire (produts a…)food products
Asemozacyjne [rzedsoebassainissementcleaner
Banshchik assistant de bain bath attendant
Bednarze tonneliersbarrel makers/cooper
Betonwe wyroby fabriki produits en beton concrete products
Blacharze ferblantierstinware/tinsmith
Blawaty tissusfabrics/fabric merchants
bliniane garnkipoterie de terreearthenware
Browary brasseriesbreweries
Browi i amunicjaarmes et munitionsarms and ammunition
Brukarskie przedsieb.entrepr. de pavagepaving contractor
budowiani majstrzyentrepr en batimentbuilding contractor
Budowlane materjaly matériauxconstruction material
Budowlane przedsiebiorstwoentrepr. de constructions construction contractor (construction organizations)
Bydlo-handlemarch. de bestiauxcattle trade
Cegielnie briqueteriesbrickworks
cementowe wyroby produits en cimentcement products
Cementowe wyroby fabrykifabr de produits en ciment cement products factories
cerownie sztucnestoppeurs-repreiseursinvisible mending and repair
Cukier-hurtsucres en grosbulk sugar store
cukierki-wyrob.fabr. de bonboncandy factory
Cukiernieconfisieursconfectioner store
Cukternicze wyrobyconfiseriecandy/confectioner
Czcionkicaracteres d'imprimerieblock capitals / printing type
czysczenielaveur de laineswool washer/dry cleaner
Dachówski wyrób tuilierstile maker
deskiplanchesboards (planks)
dewocjonaljaarticles de pietereligious articles
Domy handlowemaisons de commercetrade house [a very big store]
dorozkarski przedsiebiorstwavoitures de placecabman, taxi driver
dozorcagardienkeeper, caretaker/infirmier (nurse)
dozorca szpitala hospital nurse
Drozdze levures yeasts
drut I gwoezdsie-fabrykifabr de fil de fer et clous wire and nail maker
Drzewo boiswood
dzasopismapublications periodiquesperiodicals/magazines
ekonoma regisseurmanager
ekonoma szpitalahospital manager
Ekspedycyjne expediteurs expediter (office that send loads to somewhere and escorts it; forwarders of cargo by train)
Ekspedycyjne biuraexpediteurstravel agency or freight forwarding
elektrotechniczne artukulyappareillage electrique electrical equipment
elektrotechniczne biurabureau electrotechniques electrical power office
Elektrownieusines d'électricité electric power station
emaljowane naczyniaarticles de cuisine emaillesenamel kitchenware
fabryka dyktfabr. de contreplaquagesplywood factory
fakulyetoupes?bacteriums=oakum or tow?
Farbiarnie teinturiersdyer
Farbiarnie skorteinturiers en cuirsleather/skin dyer
Farby couleurscolors/tints
Felczerzy barbiers-chirurgiens Barber-Surgeon. Physician's assistant
Fotograficzne zaklady photographesphotographer's studio
Fryzjersy coiffeursHairdressers
Galaterja merceriesdry goods/notions/fancy goods
Garbarnie tanneriestanner or leather worker
Garncarze potierspotter
Geometry geometressurveyors
Gilzy do papierosów abrykicigarette holder factory
Gonchar potierspotter
Gonty bardeauxshingles
Gonty wyrób fabr de bardeaushingles
Graficzne zakladyestablissements graphiquesgraphics
Grawerzy graveursengravers
gremylarniecardeurs de laineswool cards
Gumowe wyr.caoutchoc manuf.rubber manufacturer
Guziki niciane wyrób fabr de _____ buttons and thread: notions
handel pakulamicommerce d'etoupesoakum trade
handlarzpeddler (shopkeeper)
Herbaciarnie débits de thé tea dealer/tea shop/tea-room
Hotele hótelsHotels
Instalacje elektryczneinstallations electriques installation of electricity
instalacyjne przedsiebiorstwamecaniciens-ajusteursmechanic-fitter
Introligatorzy relieursBook binders
kafle-fabrykifabr. de carreauxtile factory
kafle-wyrobfabr. de carreauxtile products
Kaloszesocques en coutchoucrubbers or galoshes, overshoes
Kamasznicy tiges pour chaussures shoe trees or producer of rubber for making galoshes or leather-stitcher
Kamieniarsko-rzezbiarskie zakladysculpteurs-statuaries sculpture-statuary
kamientarskie zakladytailleur de pierrescutter (stone?)
kamientolomycarrieres de pierresstone quarry
kanotry wymianyagent de change money exchange office/stockbroker
Kapelusze damskie modeswomen's hats
kapielowe zakladyetablissements de vains basketworks or baths
Kasa Chorychzcaisses des Malades. ? "illness office": Health Insurance
Kasy pozyczk-oszczedn caisses d'empr et d'épargne: Savings and Loan Banks
kasy pozyczk-oszczen.denrees coloniales en gros wholesale products such as oil, flour, sugar, soap (no dairy or bakery)
Kaszarnie fabr de gruaux Animal Feed Makers (wheat flour)
kawa slodowa-fabrfabr de café de mali chocolate factory or coffee factory
klej stolarski-fabrykifabr. de colle forte strong glue maker; carpenters' glue factory
kiszki zwierzeceboyaudiers inner tube from animal intestines or catgut maker
Kinematografy cinémasCinemas
kolejki waskotorowa-eksploatacja exploitations des chemins de fer a voie troite narrow-guage railroad operation
Kolektury loterjibureau de loterielottery office
Kolodzieje charronsWheelwrights
Kolonjalne artykuly epicier grocer of staple items (excluding bakery and dairy)
kominiarskie przedsiebiorstwaentrepr. de ramonage chimney sweep
komisowe domyagences commerciales second-hand shop or sales representative
Komornicy huissiers bailiffs
Konfekcjaconfectionsready-made clothes, not candy
Konie handel march. de chevauxHorse trader
Kooperatywy coopérativescooperatives
kooperatywy kredytowesocietes de creditcredit union
Koszykarskie wyroby vanniersbasket maker supplies
kotlarzechaudronnierscauldrons (boilermaker)
Koval Kowale forgeronsblacksmith
Kravets Krawcy tailleurstailor
Krawiectwo damskie couturièresdressmaker/lady's tailor
krochmalniefabr d'amidonstarch factory
Ksiegarnie librairiesbook stores
ksiegi adresowannuairesaddress/phone book
Kuchenne naczynia art de cuisinekitchenware
Kuznetz forgeronsblacksmith
Lasy -- eksploatacjaexploit. forestieresforestry operation
lazniebains de vapeursteam baths
lecznicemaison de santehealth center/clinic/nursing home
Lekarze médecinsphysicians
Lekarze dentysci medecin de dentistesDentists
linja kol waskotorligne a voie etroite line of narrow-guage small railroad
manufakturausinefabric manufacture
maslo-wyrobfabrication de beurrebuttery
Maszyny fabryki fabr de mafactory machines
Maszyny do szycia machines a coudresewing machines
Matarze peinitres painters
Meble meublesFurniture
mechanicymecaniciensauto mechanics
Melnik meuniermiller
mieczarnieceremeriescreamery, dairy
mincerskie zakladyproducer of commemorative medals
miscerskie zakladylaiteriedairy
miodosytniemead brewery
Mlodosylnie fabr d'hydromels hydromel makers/honey drink (mead) makers/beekeepers/
mlynskie kamieniemeules a moulinsmillstone/grindstones
Mlyny moulinsmills
Molochnik laitiermilkman
mosieznicydinandiersbrass wares/foundry/copper
Muchnik minotierflour meal maker
Murarze maconsmasons/bricklayers
mydlarniemarchands de savons(perfumed) soap products factory
Mydlo savonssoaps
Nafta pétrolgasoline-oil
naftowe produkiyproduits petrolifieresoil products
Nasiona grainesseeds
niedziane wyrobycuiveriesbrass objects (copper?>)
Nierogacizna --handel march. decattle trade
Notarjusze notairesnotaries
obrecze-wyrobfabrication de cercles en boismaker of hoops
obrzedowa przyboryobjets de religionreligious objects
Obuwie chaussuresshoes
Ocet fabryki fabr de vinaigresvinegar Factories
ogloszeniowe buiraagences de publiciteadvertising agency
ogrodnicze zakladyestablissements horticoles horticultural organizations
Olejarnie huileriesoil factories-combustible
Owocarnie fruitiersfruit shop
papierpapetierspaper manufacturer or commercial stationer
papier pergaminowy--wyrobpapier parchmineparchment paper
parcelacyjne przedsiebiorstwaentrepr. de parcellement organization that divides land among people-probably surveyor
pasta do obuwiapates pour chaussurespaste polish for shoes
pergamin-wyrobfabr de parcheminparchment maker
pestki-suszarniesechage de pepinsseed drying factory
pieczecie kauczukowetimbres en caoutchouc rubber stamps; rubber seals
Pieczywo boulangerieBakery
pierzeplumes et duvetsfeathers and featherbed covers
Piora plumassiersfeather/mattress makers or pen
pismienne materjalyfourniture de bureauxoffice or writing supplies
Pivavoz brasseriebeer deliverer
Piwiarnie brasseries-débitretail brewery + bar = pub
Piwo bièrebeer
Plotnik/Plotnitskycharpentier carpenter or producer of canvas
podrozne przyboryarticles de voyagetravel articles (accessories)
pomnikimonuments funerairestombstones
Ponczochyfabr fabr de basstocking maker
pondzochy-pracowniebonnetiershosiery production
porady prawneconsultations juridiqueslegal consultations
posrednictwo pracybureaux de placementemployment office
Powroznicy cordiers/corderieRope Makers
pralnieblanchisseries de finfine laundry
Prosb & tlumaczen biura petitions et traductions petitions and translations
przedzalniafilaturesspinning mills
pszczelnictwoapiculteursbee keeper
radjosprzetaccessoires pour la T.S.Fradio equipment
reparacyjne warszlalyateliers de reparationsrepair shop
Restauracje restaurantsRestaurants
Reznik boucher kosherkosher butcher
Rozne towaryarticles diversvariety store/sundries
rymarskie wyrobybourrelleriebells for horses; saddler's articles
Rymarze bourreliersmaster of making bells for horses; saddler
Rzeznicy bouchersButchers
samochodowa komunikacjatransports automobile auto transportation
Samochodowe przedsiebiorstwaautomobile dealer
Sapozhnik cordonniershoemaker
Sery--wyrobfabr de fromagescheese factory
Shklyar glazierglass craftsman
Shkolnik bedeausynagogue sexton
Shvets tailleur tailor
Siodlarze sellierssaddle-makers; saddlers
Sitarze tamisierssifters/sieve maker
sklep spozywczy grocer
Skóry cuirsleather/hides
skory baraniepeaux de moutonssheepskin
skory surowopeaux brutesraw hides
skory-wyprawianiecorroyeursleather manufacturing
skorzane wyrobymaroquineriefine leather goods
sledzie-wedzarniefumage des harengssmoked herring; smoke house
Slusarze/Stusarzeserurriers locksmiths (in French), ironworker (in Polish)
smolarniefabr. de poixpitch factory
solsel salt
solarskie sakladyentrepr de menuiseriejoinery
Soshnik laboureur ploughman
Spirytualja spiritueuxLiquor
spirytus-rektyfkacjarectification d'alcool alcohol adjustment; alcohol rectification
sprzedawca w sklepie spozywczymgrocery clerk
Spozywcze artykuly comestiblesfood stuff/products
Starzyna handel fripiers secondhand clothes dealers (in French), junk dealer (in Polish)
Stolarze menuisiersjoiner/carpenter
Studnie-budowaforages/foreurs de puitswell driller
sukno-wyrobfabr. de draperie(broadcloth) clothing manufacturer
sukno-wyrobdrapiersclothing manufacturer
swiece-fabrykifabr. de bougiescandle factory
Szczecinasoies de porchog bristles
szczotkarzebrossierscleaner/sweeper or brush-maker
Szewckie formy wyrob fabr. de vetements confectionnes ready-made clothes
Szewckie przybory fournit pour chaussuresshoemakers' supplies
Szewcy cordonniercobbler/shoe repairer
Szklane huty verreriesglass-smelting workshop
Szklo i porcelana verrerie et porcelaineglass and porcelain-making
szklo okienneverres a vitres window glass
szkoly krofuecole de coupeglass cutting school or fashion school
Szmaty chiffonsRags
szpital epidemhopital epidemcontagious disease hospital
szyldy-pracowniefabr d'enseignessign maker
tapetypapiers peintswallpaper
Tartaki scieriessawmills
technicy dentyslycznimecaniciens dentistesdental technician
techniczne artykularticles techniquestechnical articles
techniczne biurabureaux techniquestechnical office
telegraficzne slupypoteaux telegraphiquestelegraph pole
Teslyar charpentiercarpenter, wood craftsman
tokarzetourneurslathe operator/turner
Trumny cercueilsCoffins
trykolalearticles en tricotarticles for knitting
ubesplexczenlowe agenturyassurancesinsurance
ubezoueczebuiwe agenturyagent d'assurancesinsurance agent
Ubrania gotowe vêtements confectionnesready-made clothes
waosy-wyrobchariotscarriage maker/handcart or carriage
Wapiennikifours a chauxbrick oven builder
Wapno chauxLime
wapno-wypalaniechaufournierslime burning
wataouatecotton wool (Br.)/quilt batting (Am.)
Wedliny charcutierspork butcher
Wegiel charbonsCoal
welna lainewool
welna-czesalniepeignage de laineswool combs
wewn. internal medicine or domestic
Wiatraki moulins a ventwindmills
wieczka-wyrobpaille hacheestraw factory or lid production
wlasciciel owner
wlasciciel domu home owner, landlord (lessor), building owner, house owner
Wlasciciele ziemscyProprietaires foncierslandowner
wlasciciel sklepu spozywczegogrocery owner
wlasnosc privately owned something
wlasny private
Wody gazowe fabryki fabr eaux de gazeuses seltzer factories / lemonade factory
wojlokifeutre vegetalfelt factory
Worki reparacja réparation desack/bag repair shoe
wosk-wyzloczniefonderies de cirewax or polish factory
wozy-wyrobconstructeur de chariotscarriage maker/handcart maker
Zboze grainesgrains, cereals
Zduni fumistesheating engineer or tile-stove setter
Zegarmistrze horlogersclock/watchmakers
zelaso-odlewniefondeurs en feriron foundery
zelazne wyrobyquincailliersironmonger/hardware
Zelazo fersiron products/cast iron/hardware
zelazo starevieux fersscrap metal
ziola teczniczeherboristeries medicinniemedical herbalist shop
art. de construction construction materials
boutons pour lingerie buttons for lingerie
caisses de tresorpublic revenue dept
direction de la voirie dept of transportation (also means sanitation)
en grosswholesale
fabr. de formes p chaussures shoe form factories
fabr de tubes à cigarettes Cigarette Paper Factories
porcs pork
taxi-automobiles Taxis
infirmier (nurse)
sacsBag Repairs
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