JewishGen education

Individualized Private Mentoring (3 Weeks)

Are you looking for a coach to help you start a research project - to walk you through the first steps?

Have you saturated your tree with Names, Dates and Places, and want to move into a more dynamic way to look at these genealogical facts?

Are you stuck at a dead end or brick wall?

Do you want to become more sophisticated in searching for information, working with computer software, or finding resources?

Course Outline

Set up your own project, set up your own private schedule, set up your goal and objectives, and we will assign an expert to meet with you by the week.

Skills you will learn

When you set your own project you will learn to use tailored research questions to attain new levels of success.


Individualized Instruction by the week with an expert - up to four weeks. Weekly Zoom session with planning session, setting objectives to work on each session, assignments, review and evaluation of findings.


Application Required


$150 for 3 weeks

Contact Information

For any questions, email the instructor at

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