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This Happy Land, by James William Hagy

Name Index Project Introduction by Margie Pomerantz, Project Lead
Other volunteers: Eli Savada, Tracie McFadden Burns, Susan Lauscher, Ethan Parmet

The purpose of this project was to create a searchable name index for the 138-page appendix in the book, This Happy Land, The Jews of Colonial and Antebellum Charleston, published in 1993 by University of Alabama Press. The result is a listing of over 3,000 individual names and their associated biographical information.

In the introduction, the author describes the book as, "a full study of Judaism and Jewish life in Charleston before the Civil War." The appendix provides basic biographical information on all individuals named in the book and the sources from where this information was drawn. Abbreviations for all sources are below.

The book contains photos, graphics, charts, tables and extensive narrative on the Charleston Jewish population of the time including chapters titled, Origins, Acceptance, Community, Birth of Reform Judaism, Family, Occupations of Men, Women and Work, Reform in Beth Elohim, and moving onward. This book can be purchased on Amazon or borrowed through inter-library loan.

All information included in the appendix has been indexed and is searchable in this database. Fields of data include individual, parental, and spouse names. Other data found in the search results include year of birth, death, first year found in South Carolina, marriage(s), and reference sources (abbreviations in the list below). Data was entered exactly as it appears in the appendix with no editing by volunteers on the project.

We are appreciative to University of Alabama Press for providing us with a Word version of the appendix and granting permission to include this data on JewishGen.

Abbreviations of Sources:

Abbreviation *Description
AFHenry Aaron Alexander, Notes on the Alexander Family of South Carolina and Georgia and Connections. Atlanta, 1954. AF21 refers to page 21 of this work.
AJAAmerican Jewish Archives, a periodical.
BS-BIBirth Shalom Beth Israel: 130th Anniversary, 30th Anniversary Merger, January 12, 1985, 20th Tevet, 5745, Charleston, 1985.
CFederal Census. Thus, 1830C is the 1830 Census.
CBCash Book of Beth Elohim, followed by year.
*COColonial Office, Public Records Office, London.
CourierThe Courier, a Charleston newspaper.
DCharleston city directory. Thus D1794 is the directory of 1794. See the City Directories section of the Bibliography for a complete listing.
DRDeath records of Charleston.
EBarnett A Elzas, The Jews of South Carolina. Philadelphia, 1905.
EBSBarnett A Elzas, The Jewish Cemeteries of Congregation Berith Shalom at Charleston, SC. Charleston, 1910.
ECBarnett A Elzas, Old Jewish Cemeteries of Charleston, SC. Charleston, 1903. EC23 refers to page 23 of this work.
EGBarnett A Elzas, The Jewish Cemeteries at Georgetown, SC. Charleston, 1910.
EJCCBarnett A Elzas, Jewish Cemeteries at Columbia, SC, Charleston, 1910.
EJCOBarnett A Elzas, The Jewish Cemeteries of Orangeburg, SC. Charleston, 1910.
ELBarnett A Elzas, Leaves from My Historical Scrapbook, Charleston, 1907.
EMBarnett A Elzas, Jewish Marriage Notices from the Newspaper Press of Charleston SC (1775-1906). New York, 1917.
ENJCBarnett A Elzas, New Jewish Cemeteries of K.K. Beth Elohim at Charleston SC. Charleston, 1910.
EPBarnett A Elzas, "Death, Funeral and Obituary Notices in the Newspapers of Charleston SC". Manuscript in NY Historical Society; copy in American Jewish Archives, Cincinnati, OH.
FSSCAgnes Leland Baldwin, First Settlers of South Carolina, 1670-1700. Easley, SC, 1985.
House Journal 1783-1784"House Journal" in Journals of the Privy Council, 1783-1789, ed. Adele Stanton Edwards, Columbia SC. 1971.
JFJacobi Genealogy by Svend Jacobi, American Jewish Archives.
*JRJudgement Roll, Court of Common Pleas, South Carolina Archives. JR, 1707, 43a would cite Judgement Roll 1707, item 43a. Judgement Rolls from 1703-1790 are from the South Carolina Court of Common Pleas. From 1791-1839 they are from the Charleston District, Court of Common Pleas.
LFGenealogical Records of the Descendants of David Lopez and Priscilla Moses. American Jewish Archives.
MFHarold Moise, The Moise Family of South Carolina, Columbia SC, 1961.
Min.Minute Book of Beth Elohim.
MJSCHarold Moise, The Jewish Cemetery at Sumter, SC: A Transcription of the Names and Dates on the Tombstones 1874-1912. Sumter, SC, 1942.
Mort.Mortgage Books in SC Archives.
*MRMiscellaneous Records in the State Archives. MR2V.248 would site vol. 2V, p248.
*MSMarriage Settlements, South Carolina Archives. MS13.148 would site vol 13, p 148.
OJCSB.Y. Levy, Savannah's Old Jewish Community Cemeteries, Macon, GA, 1983.
*PROPublic Records Office, London.
RBJoseph R. Rosenbloom, A Biographical Dictionary of Early American Jews: Colonial Times through 1800. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 1960. I cite this only when he has information that differs from my data.
RogersRegister Mesne Conveyance Office, Charleston County.
SCARecords in SC Archives. SCA-1709-44 means that there are records on this person for these dates. These records may be located by the indexes of the Miscellaneous Records or the Combined Index.
SCHMSouth Carolina Historical Magazine. SCHM8-18 would cite vol 8, p18.
SFFMalcolm Stern, The First Jewish Families of America, 600 Genealogies. Cincinnati, OH, 1979.
SPSouthern Patriot, a Charleston newspaper.
*TThomas J Tobias, The Hebrew Orphan Society of Charleston SC. Founded 1801: An Historical Sketch. Charleston, 1957.
TBSThomas J. Tobias, The Hebrew Benevolent Society of Charleston, SC. Founded 1784. The Oldest Charitable Society in the US. Charleston 1965.
*WCharleston County Will Book. Those used were the typed copies found in the Register Mesne Conveyance Office, Charleston County and the Charleston County Library. W45.234 would cite Will Book vol.45, p234.
*WIMWills, Inventories and Miscellaneous Records, South Carolina Archives. WIM (1716-21), 35 would cite the bound volume covering the years 1716-21, p35.
WolfLucien Wolf, The History and Genealogy of the Jewish Families of Yates and Samuel of Liverpool, London, 1901.
Yates, Samuel and LazarusYates, Samuel and Lazarus Family Manuscript, American Jewish Archives.

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