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Revision Lists — Bessarabia

LDS Microfilms
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The Reviskie Skazki (Revision Lists) — were conducted in territories ruled by the Russian Czar in the 18th and 19th centuries.  The Revision Lists enumerated individuals/families subject to taxation and identified men to draft into the army.

There were ten known major Reviskie Skazki taken in Russian Empire.  For the Bessarabia district and later Bessarabia Gubernia, the following Revisions may apply:

  • the seventh revision in 1815-1825,
  • the eighth revision in 1833-1835,
  • the ninth revision in 1848-1854,
  • the tenth revision in 1856-1859.

By the Treaty of Bucharest of May 28, 1812, the Ottoman Empire ceded the Bessarabia region to the Russian Empire — the land between the Dniester River on the east, the Prut River on the west, and the Danube on the south.  It is not clear if the seventh revision (1815-1825) was held in Bessarabia, because of the special status of the region.  No records for Bessarabia have yet been found from the seventh revision.  Although there are some records dated as early as 1824 from Kishinev, Ismail and Hotin, it is not yet known if there are Jewish records among them.  No records from the eighth revision (1833-1835) have yet been found, but in the ninth revision (1848-1854) there are former registration numbers for the families listed as being in the prior (8th) revision.

The Russian military authorities of occupation during the war with the Turks in 1774 recorded 1,300 Jewish families in Moldavia.  At that time Moldavia, included not only the Bessarabia region, but also a section of current Romania, named Moldova/Moldavia, including the major city of Iaşi (Jassy).  The records from 1774 have not been found.  In this database, we have records from the ninth and tenth revisions.  There are also some additional records added to these Revisions in different years.

This project of translating/transcribing Bessarabia Revision Lists began in August of 2009, using records microfilmed by the LDS Family History Library.  As of July 2021, there are 243,735 records records in the database.

LDS Microfilms

The Mormons (LDS) microfilmed Revision Lists for all districts of Bessarabia (now in Moldova Republic and Ukraine) in 2003, at the Moldova State Archives in Chişinău (Kishinev) (MoldSA).  There are a total of 292 microfilms for Bessarabia, which can be ordered and viewed at any of the LDS Family History Centers, as well as at the Family History Library (FHL) in Salt Lake City.  Some microfilms contain all Jewish records; others may have only several images dedicated to Jews.  Of the 292 microfilms of the Bessarabia Revision Lists, 30 definitely have Jewish records in them, and possible more.  All of the lists are in the Russian language (Cyrillic alphabet).

Below is a list of the microfilms which contain Jewish records.  There are also some small shtetls listed under the district town, such as the shtetl of Kaushany (Căuşeni), listed in LDS under Bendery, in microfilm #2,373,291, which is already complete.  Only the records from Bendery were listed as Jewish records in the Family History Library Catalog (FHLC); Akkerman, Kishinev and Alexandreny records did not have that designation.  That is why we could possibly find more Jewish records among the Revision Lists microfilms, once we look into all 292 microfilms.

A list of microfilms (continually updated) can be accessed by clicking here.

Revision Lists — Database Fields

The Revision Lists may contain following information:

  • Page # — Usually there is a page number of an image, which contains two pages (left side for men, right side for women).
    The page # is in the right upper corner of the image.
  • Registration # — an assigned family number for a particular town's registry.
  • Surname — Last name.
  • Given Name — First name(s).
  • Father — Father's given name (derived from the patronymic).
  • Relationship to Head of Household
  • Sex — “M” for male, “F” for female.
  • Age
  • Age at Last Revision — only present for men.
  • Reason Left
  • Year Left
  • Comments — includes the status of a family: Merchant, Middle class, Farmer, from military, etc.
    It also may specify when the family registered for the town, and occasionally information where they came from.
  • Former Registration # — Registration Number in the previous Revision.
    In some cases, there are two former registration numbers, presented as “1835 - #100, 1848 - #120”.
  • Day, month, and year of registration — according to the Julian calendar.
    (The Julian calendar was used throughout the Russian Empire until 1918.  For the Gregorian (modern) calendar date, add 12 days for dates between March 1800 to February 1900).
  • Uyezd — district; one of the eight districts of Bessarabia: Akkerman, Beltsy, Bendery, Izmail, Khotin, Kishinev, Orgeev, or Soroki.
  • Gubernia — “Bessarabia”.
  • Type of Record — “Revision List” or “Additional Revision List”.
    There are different types of records we have put into this “Revision List Database”: Revision Lists, Additional Revision Lists, Alphabetical Lists, Special Lists, Common Lists.  In some cases, the lists include only men, or only Heads of Households.
  • Archive / Fond / Inventory / File — the archival source citation, at the Moldova State Archives in Chişinău = "MoldSA".
  • LDS Microfilm # — Microfilm number at the LDS Family History Library.

Current Database Contents

A complete inventory can be accessed by clicking here.

Only Bendery was listed in the LDS' Family History Library Catalog (FHLC) as that microfilm as having Jewish records, but not three other towns.  That gives us hope that we will find Jewish records in the 1830s and even the 1820s.

"Kehila" records: For the update of 2014, several sets of records are named "Kehila records".  They were recorded in 1824.  Such records were found only in Khotin uezd, and there were four different kehilot in Khotin uezd: Khotin, Lipkani, Brichani and Ataki (Ataki was part of Khotin uezd in 1824, and later moved to Soroki uezd).  For example each person in the Lipkani kehila record set was registered in Lipkani Kehila, but lived in many small and medium-sized places around the town of Lipkani.  For Lipkani Kehila, Jews lived in 48 localities.  For all four Kehilot, Jews lived in about 200 localities in the Khotin uezd.  In some villages there were only 2-3 Jewish families.  Many of these localities were found on the maps of 1840-1860, and many exist now.

Sample Illustrations

Here are some sample illustrations of Revision Lists from 1848 and 1854.  Click on each image for a larger view.

1854: Akkerman, Akkerman uezd
Very clear handwriting.  It seems that for these families, this is their third revision — it has numbers from the revisions of 1848 and 1835.
1854: Alexandreny colony, Yassy uezd
Very hard to read and transcribe.  One such page could include 100 records or more.
1848: Kaushany, Bendery uezd
Very good handwriting.
1848: Kaushany, Bendery uezd
The last page.  After all the records, it includes signatures of four Jewish people from the community, signed in Russian and Yiddish.


This project was made possible by hard work and dedication of many people who translated, transcribed and validated the records.

Translators, Transcribers and Validators:
Galina Antonova, Patrice Bensimon, Sasha Berkovich, Yackov Berkun, Mark Chulsky, Yuriy Daylis, Milla Donet, Victoria Farahan, Sheli Fain, Banai Lynn Feldstein, Lara Friedzon, Leonid Fruman, Janet Furba, Bianca Gamarnik, Svetlana Ganik, Eti Ganin, Genny Imas, Gary Khusidman, Mike Glazer, Svetlana Kononov, Igor Gory, Genny Imas, Talia Kogan, Martha Koster, Yoni Kupchik, Terry Lasky, Michael Levin, Alan Levine, Julia Lombardo, Leonard Meleger, Misha Massov, Marina Medvedovsky, Vladimir Oksman, Nick Perper, Anna Pevsner, Olga Potap, David Price, Michael Richman, Anna Royzner, Ella Romm, Tamara Rushansky, Mitja & Sasha Sherman, Elena Shturman, Maya Smundak, Polina Spector, Claire Stuart, Alan Shuchat, Felix Tsedulko, Ira Tulchinsky, Inna Vayner, Evgeniy Veretennikov, Ada Voskoboynik, Ilana Voloshin, Eugene Weinstein, Liliya, and Yefim Kogan.

Claire Stuart: I would like to dedicate my work to my grandparents, Jacob (Yankel) and Anna (Chana) Trachtenberg, and to their family members who died in the Holocaust.

Mark Chulsky dedicates his work to the blessed memory of the WWII veterans, MIA, and Holocaust martyrs Shaya, Josef, David, Yuda, Leib, Kalman, Gedaly, Boruch and Lev Chulsky, haKohanim.

Yefim Kogan: I dedicate my work to the blessed memory of my father Abram Kogan who inspired my interest in family genealogy.

Sasha Berkovich dedicates his work to the blessed memory of maternal grandparents Simkha ben Nota Polonsky and Khana bat Leib Leikin.

Inna Veiner: I dedicate my work to the blessed memory of my grandfathers, Boris Dekhtyar and Gersh Vayner, who died in combat during World War II.

Please contact Yefim Kogan, the Project Coordinator, if you would like to volunteer for this Project.  In order to contribute, you need to read handwritten Russian (Cyrillic), and be able to enter information into an Excel spreadsheet.  If you have any questions about the database, please contact Yefim Kogan (Director of Bessarabian Research) at:

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