Romanian Jews Killed and Missing in Action, World War I
BackgroundThis collection is a list of 881 Romanian Jewish soldiers who were killed or missing in action during World War I. The list was published in two issues of Rom-SIG News, first in Volume 6, No. 2 (Winter 1997-1998), and second in Volume 6, No. 3 (Spring 1998). This list was taken from "Evreii Din Romania in Razboiul de reintregire a tarii 1916-1919" [Jews in Romania during the war of the integration of the country 1916-1919], Dumitru Hincu and Lya Benjamin, eds., Bucuresti, Editura Hasefer, 1996, and was re-printed by permission of the publisher. The collection was discovered and photographed in Romania by Rick Bercuvitz, and was transcribed for this index by Carolyn Halbert. Searching the DatabaseThis database is searchable via the JewishGen Unified Search and the JewishGen Romania Collection
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