Lodz-Names: A Record of the 240,000 Inhabitants of the
Abbreviations in Lodz Names | |
German or Polish | English |
ABG + date | Change of registration to new address |
AG or A.G. + date | Change of registration to new address,
or deportation (to Chełmno); AG may be used as an abbreviation of either "Abgang" or "Ausgang" |
AGE | (unknown) |
A.M. | (unknown) |
ANG | Change of registration to new address |
AUSG + date | Deportation (to Chełmno) |
AUSG TR + date | Deportation with transport number (to Chełmno) |
DO | Domicile |
DOM | Domicile |
GEST | Died |
OMYLK WPIS | Mistaken entry |
PRZ do M + No. | Moved to moved to app. no. in same house |
PRZ dom + No. | Moved to other house in same street |
S. | See, compare |
SIEHE | See, compare |
UBERMEL | Relocated |
UM | Relocated, moved |
UMG | Relocated, moved |
WYM + date | Change of registration to new address |
ZAM | Zameldowane = Registered in |
ZMARL | Died |
This database was created by Alexander Avraham at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel. Alex comments:
The original data contains two, some people say three, official censuses/registrations within the ghetto between 1941-1944 (there are even records where the year 1945 is stated). That is why some inmates appear two or three times within the 242,000 records. Sometimes one can say exactly when there is a double record for the same person, sometimes not, because mispellings/distortions or differences in (birth) dates. It seems that at the time of the data entry, an attempt was made to "de-duplicate" double registrations, but obviously it did not succeed entirely. We have decided to stick with the file as it is and state in a disclaimer that double entries might appear for the same person.
The big problem is that in the original file, the records consist not of separate fields, but of mere lines where the different pieces of information are separated by spaces (not tabs) with no mark for missing items, which causes inconsistence. Due to similarity in the type of items (i.e. last names and maiden names, three possible sets of addresses in similar format, dates for record modification, deportation and death), it was very difficult to structure the data in a column/field strandard pattern. That is why it took so long to compile this database: one has to know by heart the geography of the ghetto street by street, hospital by old age home, as well as other street names and cities, to decypher the abbreviations and their true meaning out of a lot of folk stories and contradicting expert advise. I had to ask a lot of people/survivors and to go many times to the microfilm of the original records in order to understand the logic of the actual registration on forms that changed from census to census. I had to go over tens of thousands of records manually because any subsets I would select would inevitably include hundreds of exceptions I had to handle manually.
The notations census were made in German and/or Polish, there are a lot of erasures, illegible items and wrong entries and all of this is reflected in the digital file. Notations pertinent to these issues appear in the Notes field, mostly without translation.
A few persons (15-20) appeared not as independent records but by mistake their data was superimposed on the last items of the previous record: I made a new entry for them and made a "remiza" in the Notes pointing to the source record; they appear also in the Notes of the original record itself as registered.
In the Deportation date field there are dates (1942-1944) for which there is no specification of Deportation Type or Transport No. in the file. Since the dates coincide with the waves of Akzionen/Deportations, and since there is no other information at all, one might suppose this was the date of deportation or the last date an inmate was last heard of. This is why I put them in the Deportation date field, but there is a question mark still lingering there.
I trust that I succeeded to do a fairly good job (now I can finally sleep well over night) but I am sure it is still not 100%. On the other hand, I don't know if somebody else, having dedicated so much time and effort over almost an year in and out, would have come with better results. Handling the data was the easy part, getting to the bottom of the reality behind every item and having it right was the really complicated thing. It had haunted me ever since I had to present to foreign VIPs, over and over and over again, the Łódź Ghetto exhibit we had for over two years in our museum.
I owe a tribute of recognition to my assistent Zvia Fried who, as a Łódź native and second generation to Lodz ghetto survivors, supported me all along, and not least to Joyce Field, Warren Blatt, Susan King and to Yaacov Lozewick, who nudged me continuously into getting this done. Thanks a lot.
Alexander Avraham
Below is a copy of sample entries from the book for the family “Rublach”.
Fourteen entries show up, but a comparison of the data fields show that some individuals may have multiple entries. The most likely explanation is that entries were made at each apartment for an individual and the data was not consolidated there are sometimes slight variations in information, so that it cannot be shown conclusively that two entries are definitely for the same individual.
The following examples illustrate possible interpretations for the entries with the RUBLACH surname:
“RUBLACH, Chaim” with a date of birth of 20/02/1882 is listed twice, with an identical Ghetto address of “Stochen Gasse 9 Flat 6”.
However, the entries are not identical — the first entry shows the additional entry of “Deutchland”, which could indicate that this individual was brought to the Ghetto from Germany, and also the entry of “AUSG 25.3.42 Tr 25”. The abbreviation AUSG+25.3.42 (found on the above table) indicates that he was transported to Chełmno on March 25, 1952. The notation “Tr 25” most likely means “Transport No. 25".
“RUBLACH, Chaja” has three entries — two with a date of birth of “ / / 1922”, and one with a date of birth of “26/ 2/1921". The address information is identical for the first and third entry, although the notes each have different dates, one indicating a date of “24.3.43, the other “AG 10.6.44” (either change of address or transport to Chełmno on that date). The second entry may or may not be related to the other two.
“RUBLACH, Ita” has two entries, with the same date of birth, and same address of “Storchen 9” and notation for a “Hamburg” address, so it might be inferred that they represent two moves for the same individual, the first from the Storchen to the Hamburg address on April 7, 1944, the second for a deportation on April 13, 1944.
“RUBLACH, Mordka Icek” and “RUBLACH, Mordka Idel” seem to refer to the same individual; the dates of birth are identical, as is some of the address information and the date of death.
A comparison of addresses (and dates of movement) seems to indicate a familial relationship between these individuals — Storchen 9 was an address for all entries but four, although two different Flat numbers, Flat 4 and Flat 6 are indicated. Dates of transition are also identical. For example, Chaja (approximately age 20), Ita (approximately age 18), Liba Ides (approximately age 3), and Mortka Icek (Idel) (approximately age 40) all lived in Flat 4, Storchen 9.
Below is the results screen from this database that would appear corresponding to the book entries as displayed above. The data was generated by a Daitch-Mokotoff search on the surname “RUBLACH”.
Searching for Surname RUBLACH | ||||||||
Name | Maiden/Other Surnames Marital Status | Born/Age Gender | Residence Address | Ghetto Street House Next Address | Date Reg Type | Deported/ Type Transport/ Destination | Died Place | Notes Occupation |
RUBLACH, Chaim | | 20/02/1882 M | Lodz, Poland Deutschland | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 6 | | 25/03/1942 / AUSG TR 25 | | Kaufman |
RUBLACH, Chaim | | 20/02/1882 M | Lodz, Poland | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 6 | | | | |
RUBLACH, Chaja | | 1922 F | Lodz, Poland Tal Weg 14 | Buchbinder Strasse 40 Flat 20 | | 24/03/1943 | | Schneider |
RUBLACH, Chaja | | 26/02/1921 Age: 23 F | Lodz, Poland Altmarkt | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 4 | | | Died 16/04/1944 Lodz Ghetto | Arbeiterin |
RUBLACH, Chaja | | 1922 F | Lodz, Poland Tal Weg 14 | Buchbinder Strasse 40 Flat 20 | | 10/06/1944 / AG | | Schneiderin |
RUBLACH, Dyna | | 20/12/1905 F | Lodz, Poland Muhl Gasse 2 | Cranach Strasse 13 Flat 24 | | | | Schneider |
RUBLACH, Hinda Jochwet | | 20/04/1925 F | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 9 | Hamburger Strasse 5 Flat | 13/04/1944 ANG | | | Arbeiter |
RUBLACH, Ita | | 07/01/1924 F | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 9 | Hamburger Strasse 5 Flat | 13/04/1944 ANG | | | Strumpfarb |
RUBLACH, Ita | | 07/01/1924 F | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 9 | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 4 Hamburger Strasse 5 | 07/04/1944 ABG | | | Arbeiter |
RUBLACH, Josef Natan | Child | 11/02/1939 M | Lodz, Poland Muhl Gasse 2 | Cranach Strasse 13 Flat 24 | | | | |
RUBLACH, Liba Ides | Child | 03/02/1939 F | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 7 | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 4 | | 19/09/1942 / AUSG | | |
RUBLACH, Luba | | 28/10/1899 F | Lodz, Poland Deutschland | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 6 | | 25/03/1942 / AUSG TR 25 | | Hausfrau |
RUBLACH, Mordka Icek | | 14/11/1884 Age: 59 M | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 7 | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 4 | | | Died 08/10/1943 Lodz Ghetto | Arbeiter |
RUBLACH, Mordka Idel | | 14/11/1884 Age: 59 M | Lodz, Poland Storchen Gasse 9 | Storchen Gasse 9 Flat 4 | | | Died 08/10/1943 Lodz Ghetto | Arbeiter |
Because of the search capacities of this database, in addition to the 14 entries as shown above in the book entry, three additional entries would also be retrieved for an individual whose maiden name was “RUBLACH”.
Another example of how to use this database to recreate family units may be seen in the table of the Talman family below. At first glance, it may be difficult to determine who is related to whom. However, by excerpting surnames from the database and reorganizing the data back to its original format, by ghetto address, family units might emerge. For example:
By further grouping all eleven individuals with the surname TALMAN by ghetto address one may reasonably assume there were three distinct families with this surname in the ghetto.
A copy of the original ghetto list is maintained in the office of the co-publisher of the book: Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel (OFRLI), 158 Dizengoff Street, Tel Aviv 63461, Israel. The published five volumes of "Lodz-Names: List of the Ghetto Inhabitants, 1940-1944" are available in additional libraries or in the possession of organizations unknown at the present time, including:
Shirley Rotbein Flaum, Roni Seibel Liebowitz, Michael J. Meshenberg, Alex Avraham, Warren Blatt and Debra Kay compiled this introductory text.
We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the Organization of Former Residents of Lodz in Israel (Tel Aviv); and Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs and Heroes Remembrance Authority (Jerusalem) for making this remarkable database available to JewishGen.
And finally, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Susan King, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy.
December 2016
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