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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: USA-00641
Synagogue/Society Name: B'nai Emunoh Congregation
Section: Chofetz Chaim Congregation
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: USA
City: Pittsburgh
Street: 4315 Murray Avenue
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 118
Number of Photographs: 118
Synagogue/Society Description: Chofetz Chaim Congregation was the second Jewish congregation in Squirrel Hill. It began meeting as early as 1923 and obtained a charter in 1925. The congregation remodeled a house at 5807 Beacon St. into a synagogue in 1930 and remained in the building until dissolving in the early 1970s. The memorial plaques of the congregation were later transferred to B'nai Emunoh Congregation in nearby Greenfield. Plaques were photographed by Rauh Jewish Archives director Eric Lidji and transcribed by Christine Dietrick (English) and Eric Lidji (Hebrew). For more information about Chofetz Chaim Congregation, visit
Data last updated: 12/30/2023

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