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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: USA-00570
Synagogue/Society Name: Poale Zedeck Congregation (Formerly Adath Israel Congregation)
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: USA
City: Pittsburgh
Street: 6318 Phillips Ave.
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 168
Number of Photographs: 168
Synagogue/Society Description: Adath Israel Congregation (also known as the Ward Street Shul) was a small Orthodox congregation created by Jewish families living in the South Oakland neighborhood of Pittsburgh. It emerged as Jewish families began migrating away from the Hill District after World War II into eastern neighborhoods of the city, including Oakland. The congregation began meeting in 1921 and was chartered in 1925. Its membership peaked at 40 to 50 families in the 1940s and began dwindling after World War II as Jewish families migrated out of Oakland. Adath Israel continued to conduct services until 1993. For more information, visit Plaques photographed by Rauh Jewish Archives Director Eric Lidji. English transcribed by volunteer Jon Halpern. Hebrew transcribed by volunteer Carol Hoffman. Editing by Eric Lidji.
Data last updated: 07/11/2023

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