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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: USA-00427
Synagogue/Society Name: Congregation B'nai David (Formerly Beth David / Rusisher Shul)
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: USA
City: Detroit
Street: 9535 Van Dyke
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 584
Number of Photographs: 584
Synagogue/Society Description:

Congregation B'nai David (Formerly Beth David / Rusisher Shul), 9535 Van Dyke, Detroit, MI, USA, 584 plaques total.

Congregation B'Nai David originally called Beth David or the Rusisher Shul dates back to the 1880's. Originally in the City of Detroit, the congregation moved to Southfield MI in the early 60's. By the early to mid 2000's the congregation had all but disappeared. What remains is the cemetery that congregants began in 1898 and 585 Yahrzeit plaques that were found in an obscure self storage facility in Oak Park Michigan. If you have a family member listed among these plaques, please contact David Goldman at Also please "like" our Facebook page at Friends of B'nai David Cemetery. A list of burials along with photos of headstones is available here: Headstone photos are also posted on Find A Grave and Billion Graves. The cemetery exists on the generosity of people like you. We do no benefit from a perpetual care fund or subsidies from The Jewish Federation of Metro Detroit area synagogues or large foundations that support Jewish entities. Donations are greatly appreciated and can be sent to Friends of B'nai David Cemetery 4540 Cherokee Lane Bloomfield Hills Michigan 48301


Data last updated: 12/20/2021

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