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Synagogue/Society Information

Synagogue/Society Identification
Synagogue/Society ID: ISR-00671
Synagogue/Society Name: Haifa Oil Refinery Massacre (1947)
Synagogue/Society Location
Country: Israel
City: Nesher
Synagogue/Society Details
Number of Memorials: 40
Number of Photographs: 40
Synagogue/Society Description: "The refinery massacre occurred on December 30, 1947. 39 Jewish workers were killed in the massacre. The massacre took place after the Etzal attack on the Arab workers of the refineries, in which 6 Arab workers were killed. The massacre led to a retaliatory operation by the Palmach and the IDF in Balad al-Sheikh and Hawasa in which Hanan Zelinger, Haim Ben Dor and Amos Galili were killed. 39 victims of the massacre were commemorated in a monument to the fallen of the IDF in the city of Nesher, located in Givat Nesher. For more information about the massacre, please see Additional information about fallen soldiers or security services of the State of Israel is courtesy of the Ministry of Defense of the State of Israel's Izkor Project (( For photo credits, please see The monument also commemorates the name of Fleishman Shraga, a refinery worker who was murdered that day in Neve Shanan and not in the massacre inside the refineries"
Data last updated: 12/30/2023

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