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Czechoslovak Population Census – 1930

The database will ultimately contain information about all Jews living in Slovakia, recorded in the 1930 Census of Czechoslovakia.

The second Czechoslovak population census was conducted on 1 December 1930. (The first Czech census was in 1921). The statistical results of the 1930 Census were published in eight volumes, with a separate volume for housing data. This Census enumerated 136,737 Jews in Slovakia, out of a total Jewish population of 356,830 in all of Czechoslovakia. Slovakia’s Jewish population represented 4.11 percent of the total population of Slovakia.

This database will NOT cover the Czech lands (Czechia, Moravia, Silesia), nor the Subcarpathia (Podkarpatska Rus) area.

Database Fields

The fields displayed in this database are:

  • Box/Sheet #: The archive storage unit at Slovak National Archive in Bratislava
  • Town: Place where census was taken
  • District: The administrative district or region where the census was taken
  • Land: Slovakia
  • House # / Family #: House number from cadastral map + a number assigned by the census taker to the household.
  • Surname: Surname of the individual. Female surnames are recorded in male form, i.e. without "-OVA" suffix
  • Birth Surname: Maiden name or surname at birth (if recorded)
  • Given Name: Given Name(s), spelled as listed in record.
  • Birthdate: As listed in the record, converted to DD-Mmm-YYYY format
  • Town Born: Town or village of birth, as listed in record.
  • Comment: Further details, e.g. date of marriage, date of divorce, when widowed


Transcription Progress

The up-to-date visualisation of the processed data can be seen on this map:




This set of records was provided to the JewishGen Hungarian RD by a team of volunteers, coordinated by Peter Absolon: Michal Beseda, Peter Holy, Juraj Turcan, Vivian Kahn, Joel Meisels, Julie Adam, Todd Edelmann, Mattan Segev-Frank, Kathy Glatter, Peter Bakos, Miki Liptak, Adriana Amir, and many others.

The original records are in the Slovak National Archive [Slovenský národný archív] in Bratislava, Slovakia.

10 January 2022
Prepared by Peter Absolon


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