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List of Jewish Yugoslavian War Victims 1941-1945
By Marko Jakić


The following description was taken from the Jewish Digital Library website ( which explains the creation of this data set by Marko Jakić.

“This tragic list of Jews killed during the Second World War in Yugoslavia was united in "one place" by Marko Jakić, the organizer of the general list of Yugoslav civilian victims from the period of the Second World War.“

“He began his research in his hometown Odžak in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where there was a problem with determining the total number of victims because different sources presented different data. He managed to collect 601 names of compatriots from his place, victims who did not cause their tragic fate in any way. None of them had weapons or belonged to any military formations. That event and the memory of the innocent victims motivated him to invest his time, energy and money for the monument in the local cemetery, where the names of the victims are inscribed. The text engraved on the monument testifies to a tragic event - the massacre committed by the Ustashas on December 6 and 7, 1944 in the village of Trnjak. At that time, out of a total of 693 locals, 601 of them were brutally killed, of which 143 were children. Only 92 locals who did not find themselves in the village that day survived. The order for the massacre was issued personally by Mile Budak, who was in Posavina in those days.”

“While searching for the names of the victims from his place, Marko Jakić noticed that for many researchers, the lists of victims were known in detail, but that they were not published in appropriate formats that were easily searchable. With courtesy of the management of the Jasenovac Memorial Museum and the Museum of Genocide Victims from Belgrade, Marko Jakić received the original data. He compared and combined all that data. From that unique list of victims, Marko Jakić singled out special lists or tables that refer to Jews.”

The table "List of victims of the war 1941-1945, Jews" provides data on the name, father's name and surname of the victim, gender, year, place and municipality of birth, year, circumstances and place of death and sources from which the data were taken. Also, three more summary tables were made - according to the place and republic of origin, according to the gender and age and according to the surnames of the victims. The final number of this tragic list of Jews killed in Yugoslavia "stopped" at a frightening number of 63,224 victims.”


This database consists of 63,224 names of Yugoslavian Jewish victims.

The fields in the database are:

  • Surname
  • Given name
  • Year of birth
  • Police municipality, settlement and republic of birth
  • Year of death
  • Place of death
  • Cause of death
  • Circumstances of death
  • Father’s name
  • Nationality
  • Gender
  • Data downloaded from (MZBG - Matica Židova Beograd or JUSP – Jasenovac)
  • Source of data and other comments (Numbers in this column may represent the identifying number from the data source (MŽBG).

 Note: The entry “Nepoznato” and variations across various fields was used to indicate unknown data.


The information contained in this database was submitted by Ozren Čulić, from the list created by Marko Jakić.  The sources of information for the list were from the book Cendo ( and 2) Jewish Digital Library (

We’d also like to thank Nolan Altman, Director of Special Projects and Coordinator of the Holocaust Database, for his continued devotion and dedication to JewishGen’s important work.

November, 2023


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