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Survivors Returning to Sighet and Maramures

Introduction by Sandy Malek
Coordinator of the Maramures Records Indexing Project of the Hungarian Research Division


There are two record books in this set:

  • Book I, Survivors Returning to Sighet, Maramures, Romania, and
  • Book II, Survivors Returning to Other Towns in Maramures, Romania.

These books have been kept in the Jewish Community Center in Sighet, Maramures, Romania. They are not in the Romanian National Archives, as far as we know. We do not know who worked to compile the books, although the books were also used to keep track of monetary and goods disbursements.


There are a grand total of 7,281 records in this dataset: 2,133 records for those returning to Sighet, and 5,148 records of those returning to various towns in Maramures. The fields of information indexed in this set, for both books, are as follows:

  • Book, Page and Row number
  • Surname
  • Given Name
  • Town of residence, with street address where available (primarily in Sighet). It is not clear if this address is where the person lived before deportation, or where they were living at the time of their registration.
  • Occupation, translated from Romanian as possible
  • Birthplace
  • Date of birth
  • Mother’s surname
  • Mother’s given name
  • Place from which the person was deported
  • Place where the person was interned
  • Record number. It is unclear what this number represents. In many cases it appears to be the ID given inmates in the camps, but there is no explanation in the record.

Not included as a field in the index were the records kept on money provided to the returning persons, or records of food, bedding and clothing distributed to the persons.


The original source of the material are the two registers described in the Background section of this introduction.

We thank the following individuals who have devoted much time and effort to indexing these materials:

Daniel Horowitz, who located the records, arranged permission from the Jewish Community Center in Sighet, Romania, to photograph the pages, made the images, and then stitched them together beautifully! And Peninah Zilberman, who alerted Daniel Horowitz as to the existence of the records.

We also want to thank JewishGen volunteer indexers Ronald Wagmann, Ida Gold, Suzanne Geroe, and Sandy Malek for the Sighet book, and Sandy Malek for the Maramures book.

Finally, we would like to thank Nolan Altman, Director of Special Projects and Coordinator of the Holocaust Database, for his continued devotion and dedication to JewishGen's important work.

January 2022

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