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The Germans occupied the city of Lublin almost immediately upon entering it on September 18, 1939. At the time it was a city of approximately 122,000 people, and over 42,900 of them (35%) were Jewish. During the initial takeover of the city, many young and politically active men left Lublin, and by the time the Nazis compiled their first registration of the Lublin Jews on October 25, 1939, there were 37,054 Jewish inhabitants recorded.
Eyewitnesses recount that the order to report for registration was broadcast through bullhorns in the street. All Lublin men, Jews and non-Jews, between the ages of 14 and 60 had to report for registration. German court documents relate that boys as young as 12 were recorded. Non-Jewish Poles were released after two or three hours, but the Jewish men were kept sitting on the streets, unable to talk or move about for three days. They were not given food or water. They were shot if they tried to assist each other, and many died from apparent heart attacks and were left where they fell.
After the second night in the streets, the survivors were registered and sent home with the instructions that they were to await the call for forced labor and would be shot if they failed to appear when summoned.
A second registration was ordered in January 1940 which is known to have included occupational information.
An alphabetical listing of the male heads of households appears to have survived in the Lublin Judenrat files. It is a typed, alphabetized list bound into a register book. This is apparently the second of two books, as only surnames beginning with the letters "M through Z" appear in the register. We believe that it is from the first registration in October 1939, but it is undated. The names appear in two columns along with only a reference number indicated beside each name. We do not yet know the significance of the reference number, but we have checked and they do not match the eventual work permit (j-ausweiss) numbers.
An image of the cover page and of a listing page can be viewed.
Anyone with information concerning the significance of the reference number or the whereabouts of first register containing surnames beginning with the letters "A thorugh L" is strongly encouraged to contact Robinn Magid at RobinnM@aol.com, who represents Jewish Records Indexing - Poland (www.jri-poland.org) or Nolan Altman who represents JewishGen (www.jewishgen.org). At the time of this writing, neither Yad Vashem nor the US Holocaust Memorial Museum has access to the first volume, and both institutions would greatly appreciate its discovery. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
This database includes 6,535 records from the registrations. The fields for this database are as follows:
The Lublin Initial Registration List - Surnames beginning with the Letters M-Z can be found in the Lublin Judenrat files which are housed at the Lublin branch of the Polish State Archives (AP). The file is labeled "Sygnatura 163"; appears on microfilm # 118906 of the Lublin AP. The US Holocaust Memorial Museum has a copy of all this material in Washington, D.C. Edward Mitelsbach, a JewishGen volunteer, performed the data entry portion for this project.
Special thanks to Peter Landé, Robinn Magid, Stanley Diamond, and Jewish Records Indexing - Poland for organizing the acquisition of this material for typing. Thanks are due to Esther Mandalay for initially identifying this list, and to Robert Kuwalek and Tadeusz Przystojecki for their help interpreting the lists. In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to Nolan Altman, Vice President of Data Acquisition and Coordinator of JewishGen's Holocaust Database files.
Nolan Altman
June 2009
This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database and the JewishGen Poland Database.
Copyright ©2002-2009, JewishGen, Inc.
Last Update: 02 August 2009 by MFK