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· Background · Database · Acknowledgements · Searching the Database |
Kozienice, a small town in the Radom district in central Poland, had approximately 5,000 Jews before the World War II. In September 1939, the Germans forced 2,000 Jews into a small local church, where many of them died of suffocation.
Kozienice had 15 streets. The Germans established a ghetto in the Fall of 1940 in an area of only three streets. A Jewish council was established by the Germans, but most prominent Jews refused to serve. Hershel Perl became the chairman of the Judenrat and Moshe Bronsztajn was the head of the labor department, meaning that he selected who worked and who was to be "deported." On September 27, 1942, 8,000 Jews from Kozienice and nearby towns were sent to the Treblinka death camp, where they were murdered on arrival. Only 70 - 120 Jews were then left in the Kozienice ghetto, but they were deported in late December 1942 to the Pionki slave labor camp and to Skarzysko Kamienno camp. Some Jews, however, were able to hide near Kozienice.
On January 28, 2003 Mr. Vitto, of the USHMM's Registry of Holocaust Survivors, received an e-mail from Mr. Wiktor Bogusz of Kozienice informing USHMM that his family had purchased a house in Kozienice in the former ghetto area. During renovations of the house they came across 672 documents hidden in the attic. All the documents came from the Jewish Council of Kozienice and cover the years of September 1939 through September 1942. These documents include a full list of the inhabitants of the Kozienice ghetto, lists of Jews registered as able bodied, lists of Jewish children born in the ghetto in the years 1939 - 1941, and other reports written by the employees of the Judenrat to the German authorities.
USHMM has made the ghetto list available to JewishGen to computerize. The collection has been photographed and jpeg files were sent to JewishGen. Two pages from the list appear below:
The database includes the names of 4,023 inhabitants from the census of Jews in the Kozienice, Poland ghetto between 1939 and 1942. In the records received from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), the census report was referred to as the "Lista".
The "Lista" contains a cover page and 139 pages of census listings. Unfortunately, the following pages are either missing or only partially legible:
Pages 3 - 4 | Partially torn | |
Page 78 | Page missing | |
Pages 109 - 112 | Pages missing | |
Pages 119 - 120 | Partially torn | |
Pages 126 - 127 | Pages missing |
The fields in the database are as follows:
Age note:
Unless otherwise stated, ages are in years. The term "miesiecy" means months.
Gender notes:
The 2 gender designations are:
Polish Occupations:
The following table provides English translations of the Polish occupations that appear in the list:
Polish | English |
Akuszerka | Midwife |
Bez Zajęcia | Jobless |
Bez Zawodu | No Profession |
Bezrobotny | Unemployed, Jobless |
Bieliźniarka | Linen/Underwear Maker (Woman) |
Biuralista | Clerk, Office Worker |
Blacharz | Tinsmith |
Buchalterka | Accountant (Woman) |
Cholewkarz | Upper Shoemaker |
Cukiernik | Confectioner |
Czapniczka | Hatmaker (Woman) |
Czapnik | Hatmaker (Man) |
Doktor Med. | Doctor |
Drogista | Road Worker |
Drukarz | Printer |
Emerytka | Pensioner (Woman) |
Fotograf | Photographer |
Fryzjer | Barber, Hairdresser |
Fryzjerka | Hairdresser (Woman) |
Furman | Carter |
Gazeciarz | Newsboy |
Go ńciarz | Office Boy ? |
Gorseciarka | Corset Maker (Woman) |
Hafciarka | Embroidery, Dantelier (Woman) |
Handlarka | Dealer, Street Pedlar ? (Woman) |
Handlarz | Dealer/Trader |
Introligator | Bookbinder |
Inwalida | Invalid |
Kamasznik | Shoemaker, Cobbler |
Kantor | Cantor (Also Money Changer) |
Kasiarz | Cashier |
Kowal | Smith, Blasksmith |
Krawcowa | Dressmaker (Woman) |
Krawiec | Tailor , Dressmaker |
Księgowy | Accountant |
Kupcowa | Merchant/Tradesman/Dealer (Woman) |
Kupiec | Merchant/Tradesman/Dealer |
Kuśnierz | Furrier |
Lekarz Wet. | Physician (Veterinary Doctor) |
Maglarka | Linen Press Worker (Woman) |
Malarz | Painter |
Mechanik | Mechanic |
Mełamet | Teacher In "Cheder" |
Młynarz | Miller |
Modystka | Haimaker (Woman) |
Monter | Fitter |
Monter Row. | Bicycle Fitter |
Murarz | Bricklayer/Mason |
Muzykant | Musician |
Na Utrzymaniu Dzieci | Supported By Children |
Nauczyciel | Teacher |
Nauczycielka | Teacher (Woman) |
Olejarz | Oil Worker |
Piekarka | Baker (Woman) |
Piekarz | Baker |
Pielęgniarka | Nurse |
Podrabin | Assistant Rabbi |
Posługaczka | Servant, Maid |
Powroźnik | Rope Man |
Pracownica | (Woman) Worker |
Pracownik | Worker |
Przy Babce | Supported By Grandmother |
Przy Bracie | Supported By Brother |
Przy Ciotce | Supported By Aunt |
Przy Córce | Supported By Daughter |
Przy Dziadku | Supported By Grandfather |
Przy Dzieciach | Supported By Children |
Przy Krewnych | Supported By Relative |
Przy Matce | Supported By Mother |
Przy Mężu | Supported By Husband |
Przy Ojcu | Supported By Father |
Przy Rodz. | Supported By Family / Parents |
Przy Rodz. Bursztyn | Supported By Family Bursztyn |
Przy Rodzicach | Supported By Parents |
Przy Rodzinie | Supported By Family |
Przy Siostrze | Supported By Sister |
Przy Synie | Supported By Son |
Przy Szwagrze | Supported By Brother-In-Law |
Przy Tesciu | Supported By Father-In-Law |
Przy Wnuku | Supported Byh Grandson |
Przy Zięciu | Supported By Son-In-Law |
Pudełkarka | Box Maker (Woman) |
Pudełkarz | Box Maker (Man) |
Restaurator | Restaurant Owner |
Rob. Piekarski | Baker Worker |
Robotnica | Worker (Woman) |
Robotnik | Worker (Man) |
Rymarz | Leatheworker |
Rzezak | Slaughterer |
Rzeźnik | Butcher |
Sekretarz Gminy Żydowskiej | The Jewish Council Secretary |
Ślusarz | Locksmith |
Slużąca | Servant, Maid |
Stolarz | Carpenter |
Student Med. | Medicine Student |
Subjekt | Salesclerk |
Szczotkarz | Brushmaker |
Szewc | Shoemaker, Cobbler |
Szklarz | Glazier |
Szofer | Driver |
Szwaczka | Dressmaker (Woman) |
Szwec | Shoemaker, Cobbler |
Tapicer | Upholsterer |
Terminator | Apprentice |
Tragarz | Porter |
U Babci | Supported By Grandhmother |
Uczen | Pupil, Student |
Urzędnik Prywatny | Private Clerk |
Wł. Cegielni | Brickyard Owner |
Wł. Domu | House Owner |
Wlascicielka Domu | House Owner (Woman) |
Wyrób Koszy | Basketmaker |
Wyrobnica | Worker (Woman) |
Wyrobnik | Worker |
Z Jalmużny | Supported By Charity |
Żebraczka | Beggar (Woman) |
Żebrak | Beggar |
Zegarmistrz | Watchmaker |
The information contained in this database was indexed from the files of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. The collection has not yet been cataloged.
This information is accessible to you today thanks to the effort of the following JewishGen volunteers who are responsible for the transcription of this file: Nolan Altman (coordinator), Rami Weiler (validater), Eva Bednarska, Jacob Gorfinkel and Joana Winter. Additional thanks go to Rami Weiler for assistance with the translation of occupations, family relationships and miscellaneous comments.
In addition, thanks to JewishGen Inc. for providing the website and database expertise to make this database accessible. Special thanks to Susan King, Warren Blatt and Michael Tobias for their continued contributions to Jewish genealogy. Particular thanks to the Research Division headed by Joyce Field and to Nolan Altman, coordinator of Holocaust files.
Nolan Altman and Stephen Vitto
May 2005
This database is searchable via JewishGen's Holocaust Database.
Copyright ©2005 JewishGen, Inc.
Last Update: 15 Sep 2005 by WSB.