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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: USA-07528
Cemetery Name: Oak Woods Cemetery
Section: Ohave Sholom Mariampol Cemetery
Cemetery Location
Country: USA
City: Chicago
Street: 1035 East 67th Street
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 1233
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description: Oak Woods Cemetery was established in 1854 at 1035 E. 67th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, 773-288-3800. In 1874 Ohave Sholom Mariampol Congregation purchased a half acre section at the south end along 71st Street. Oak Woods had no records of the burials and the synagogue records were in disarray, so in 1991 Mr. Norman D. Schwartz, Past President of Chicago Jewish Historical Society, compiled an inventory of the graves. The area is divided into two sections, east and west with the rows for each section numbered from east to west and the plots numbered from south to north. The plots are oriented in an east-west direction. The congregation, through several mergers and other changes, is now known as Anshe Sholom B'nai Israel, 540 W. Melrose St., Chicago, IL, 773-248-9200. (This database was compiled from Mr. Swartz's original file cards by Roy M. Warshawsky)(Ohave Sholom Mariampol was the name of the synagogue in the Maxell Street neighborhood in Chicago that was the namesake of the cemetery. Like most landsmanschaft sections, It does not necessarily mean that all those buried in this cemetery were from Marijampole, Lithuania.)
Data last updated: 12/05/2017
Landsmanshaft Info
Town & Country of origin: Marijampole, Lithuania  

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