Cemetery Description: |
Lúky Cemetery, Lúky , Solvakia, 331 burials total.
The Jewish cemetery in Luky is located on the northern edge of the village behind the railway viaduct on the way to Dubkova the local part of the village of Lazy pod Makytou. The cemetery was founded around the end of the 18th century, The oldest identified tombstone is from 1817. The peculiarity of this cemetery lies in the fact that not only the inhabitants of the surrounding villages but also people from across the border, from Moravia, were buried here. The documentation of the cemetery was made possible by its complete restoration thanks to a team of sponsors, which took place in the years 2019-2020. From 418 burials /tombstones or rest of them/ 331 was identified. Many thanks to Mrs. Madeleine Isenberg for her valuable helping to interpret some of the tombstone data. It is planned to continue maintaining the cemetery, help is welcome.
Cemetery entrance
Map of cemetery
Cemetery overview