Cemetery Description: |
Kaliningrad is the post World War Two name for the former German city of Koenigsberg. Burials up until 1900 can be found in the book: Die Graeber unserer Lieben in: Festschrift zum 200 jaehrigen Bestehen des israelitischen Vereins f. Krankenpflege und Beerdigung Chevra Kaddisha zu Koenigsbert I. Pr.: Teil II (The graves of those we loved...), by E. Birnbaum. Kaliningrad, 1904, LVII, 39 pages. German & Hebrew inscriptions. S35V942. Notes: 779 tombstones, 1806-1863, 2 separate lists for men & women, list of identification of old & new names, list of the Burial Society leading personalities, list of cemetery reserved places, statistics, general index of family names.