Sacel Cemetery. 30 burials total.
This cemetery is located in Sacel, Romania. There were at one time at least 90 known tombstones here, almost all of them with an identifying number painted in blue paint in the top corner of each tombstone. Several tombstones have been damaged or broken and there are now only about 37 upright tombstones remaining, with about 30 of them still legible. The cemetery is enclosed by a concrete wall, which was built in 2005-2006, and is well-cared for. These photos were taken in November 2009 by Kobi Kagan while he was visiting Romania on a business trip. Brooke Schreier Ganz received copies of the photos and arranged for their translations into Hebrew by Bracha Rappoport. Brooke completed the data entry into this template and resized the photos to 800x600 in preparation for the information's submission to the JOWBR.
Cemetery overview
Another cemetary overview
Another cemetery Overview