Cemetery Description: |
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Street "Min Hüsung", on the Pasewalker Allee, outside the city centre. It is located in the middle of a housing development, on the edge of an industrial area. The entrance is at the southwest corner of the complex, just off the Min Hüsung road. The complex is fenced off along the road "Min Hüsung" with a 1.3 m high ornamental wall made of concrete and field stones. To the south and east adjacent private land runs a 0.50 high field stone wall with a wall covering of a red clinker cladding layer. Before that, a hedge was replanted. There are no paths in the cemetery, the entire area is laid out as a meadow area. The trees in the southern area are chestnuts and in the northern maple and ash trees. Donated by Herbert Juling. Photographs of all the tombstones are available at http://grabsteine.genealogy.net/