Cemetery Description: |
Baden-Württemberg. The documentation about the Jewish cemeteries in Karlsruhe comes from the burial lists in the archives of Baden Wuerttemburg: Bestand EL 228 b I: Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg: Dokumentation der jüdischen Grabsteine in Baden-Württemberg. Their website is https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de. The plot locations for the first 1328 burials in the Liberaler Friedhof are numbered according to the survey of the archives of Baden-Wuerttemburg. After World War Two, the former LIberaler Friedhof was the only cemetery used by the Jewish community of Karlsruhe. Since that time the Jewish cemetery there has been renamed the Allgemeiner Friedhof or General Cemetery as it now receives the burials of the entire congregation and no longer solely of the Liberal or Reformed Congregation. The information about the burials in the Allgemeiner Friedhof were donated by the Chairman of the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde Karlsruhe, David Seldner. The website of the Jüdische Kultusgemeinde Karlsruhe is http://www.jg-karlsruhe.de. Another note about the plot locations. The plot locations of the Allgemeiner Friedhof burials appear in this format FD/2Reihe 2 Grab-Nr. 2, while those burials appearing on the list of both the Liberaler Friedhof and the Allgemeiner Friedhof appear as in this example: FD/2Reihe 3 Grab-Nr. 1 / 1027b