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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: COL-09420
Cemetery Name: Cementerio Ashkenazi - Calancala
Cemetery Location
Country: Colombia
City: Barranquilla
Street: Calle 52 - Carrera 31
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 466
Number of Photographs: 462
Cemetery Description: This cemetery has been active since 1931. The Jews buried here were in their majority Polish, German and Romanian immigrants. The headstones of the German Jews are easy to spot since their writing is in German. The cemetery has 482 burials. There are 9 graves without any headstone or marking on them. Among those 9, there are 2 individuals that are listed to be buried there but no headstone was found for them. The reason for these missing headstones is unknown, however, it’s believed of them being stolen or removed by their relatives who assimilated to Catholicism and didn’t want there to be any proof of them having Jewish ancestors. On the children section, there are also 9 graves without headstone of marking on them due to them being stillborn children without names. There are also 2 recent graves with no headstone yet, which will be only placed in 2021 after 11 months have passed since the burial (according to the local tradition) The headstones of the cemetery used to be standing and on 2003 they were all laid down in order to prevent thieves from hiding behind the headstones and thus having a panoramic view of the entire cemetery. Many of the headstones are currently in bad conditions and are hard to read due to the country’s five-month lockdown (April to September 2020) due to COVID-19 in which the cemetery had no maintenance. The two only records of the people buried in this cemetery were done in 1994 and 2000 by Jose Watnik Baron and published in the first and second edition of his book “NUESTRAS GENTES – Primera Generacion”. All the additional information added to these records that is not registered in the headstones themselves, was provided by the local Jewish researcher David Lukowiecki.
Data last updated: 01/21/2021

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