Cemetery Description: |
Greenwood Cemetery, Beth Ezekiel Synagogue, 190 1st Street South West, Owen Sound, ON, Canada. 8 burials total.
The City of Owen Sound's Greenwood Cemetery is located on approximately 40 acres of land in the south-western section of the city. Surrounded by beautiful trees and hedges, a heavily wooded ravine runs diagonally through the centre of the cemetery. The Cemetery opened to the public in 1854. Until the end of the 20th century, Jews from Owen Sound were buried in Toronto. Families would make a pilgrimage to visit the graves of their loved ones, usually at least once a year. In 2006, at the request of Beth Ezekiel synagogue, the Cemetery established a Jewish interment section. It is located in the North West Extension and consists of four rows of 29 plots each, 116 gravesites in total. A simple, communal monument stands at the front of the Jewish interment section. The purpose of the monument is two-fold: it identifies the section as Jewish, and it also represents the graves of all those Owen Sound Jews who are buried elsewhere. This gives family members a focus for remembering their loved ones during the High Holidays or yahrzheits. It is a way of bringing the memory of absent community members back to Owen Sound.
Headstone photographs are current as of August 2024, courtesy of Beth Ezekiel Synagogue. Please contact cemetery@JGSToronto.ca to request a headstone photograph; please provide the decedent's name. Headstone photographs for more recent burials can also be requested at this address and will be fulfilled when possible.
Greenwood Cemetery is owned and operated by the City of Owen Sound; telephone 519-376-3203; website: https://www.owensound.ca/living-here/greenwood-cemetery/
Back of monument.
Cemetery section.