Lambton Hills Cemetery, Shaarei Tefillah (Ostrovtzer Synagogue) [Section 5], 1293 Royal York Road (South of Eglinton Ave. West), Toronto (Etobicoke), Ontario, Canada. 528 burials total.
Lambton Hills Cemetery was established in 1910 by Congregation Knesseth Israel. Individual parcels of land were subsequently sold to other congregations and organizations, such that it is today comprised of individual sections serving 13 synagogues/organizations. Each section is independently owned and operated. The cemetery lands are accessed via an unpaved roadway on the east side of Royal York Road, immediately north of Bell Royal Court.
This section is located along the cemetery roadway, through the Anshei Ostrovtzer entrance gate. Rows are lettered alphabetically A through Z, followed by AA through AJ, starting at the rear (east end) of the section; row AJ backs onto the front brick wall. Graves are numbered sequentially from south to north, skipping over the paved central walkway.
Headstone photographs are current as of June 2021. Please contact to request copies of headstone photographs (which may include older and/or higher-resolution versions); please provide the decedent's name, section, and grave number. Headstone photographs for more recent burials can also be requested at this address and will be fulfilled when possible.
Roselawn-Lambton Cemetery Association serves as an administrative organization for *some* of the sections; telephone: 416-398-0563; e-mail: More information about the cemetery's history can be found at
Cemetery gate
Section map