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Cemetery Information

Cemetery Identification
Cemetery ID: BULG-09946
Cemetery Name:
Cemetery Location
Country: Bulgaria
City: Shumanska  
Cemetery Details
Number of Burials: 627
Number of Photographs: 0
Cemetery Description:

Shumanska Cemetery, Shumanska, BULGARIA. 627 burials total.

Burials in Shuman, Bulgaria

Cemetery Description

Shumen - or Shumla her Turkish name- is situated in the North-East of Bulgaria. At the end of the 19th century the local Alliance Israélite Universelle School played an important role in Shumen. The community of Shumen was also known for its early and strong commitment to Zionism. The community almost disappeared with the mass immigration to Israel that occurred from October 1948 to June 1948 and the only Jewish remnant is the Jewish cemetery.

This data set is from Joseph Covo, who obtained a copy of the burials from a local Jew. The set includes the names of 621 deceased who died in Shumen between 1844 and 1966. Most of the death/burial dates are from the 1940s. There are dates of death for only 16.5% of the deceased. The number column contains the order number on the original list.

The index was compiled by Mathilde A. Tagger.


We acknowledge the tremendous contributions and lifelong dedication of Mathilde Tagger, z"l, who made this index available. For many years, and right until her untimely death, Mathilde Tagger was a very close friend and collaborator with Jeff Malka. Together they worked to promote Sephardic genealogy research and educate the public about its enormous potential.

In addition, we express our grateful appreciation to Dr. Jeff Malka for his monumental ongoing effort to collect and make accessible Sephardic genealogical information, and for his generosity in contributing his extraordinarily valuable collection to JewishGen.

Data last updated: 08/03/2021

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