Cementerio De Lanus, 3302, Aguilar St., Lanus Este, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2661 burial total.
Office:Av. Meeks 356,Lomas de Zamora, Prov. of Buenos Aires ;phone:(5411) 4243-0814;mail: secretaria@kehiladrherzl.org.ar; Coord of the cemetery Lat 34º 43' 26,68" South and Long 58º 25' 23,42"
The cemetery was inaugurated in 1915. This Ashkenazi cemetery is next to the Cemetery of the city and the Sefarad Cemetery. Additional assistance from: Comunidad Hebrea (Adat Israel) de Protección Recíproca Dr. Herzl
Data collected and organized by Paul Armony Z"L and AGJA's (consultas.agja@gmail.com) volunteers.
Entrance to cemetery.
Cemetery map.